Oct 25, 2017

This is discussion for everything Rocket League, and will be updated as it grows.
(courtesy of Robottiimu2000)


  • Introduce yourself
  • How long have you been playing?
  • What are you ranked?
  • Whats your most played mode?
  • Favorite car? (or hitbox type)
  • Discuss settings
  • Discuss tips
  • Share your desired platform username

ResetEra players looking for a team: (will check thread periodically and add names)

Scrote Van Slothsman M.D.

EC Ballistik
Fine Wine Vine


Nintendo Switch:
(any day now, friendos)



*if anyone wants to help with graphics for the OT just PM. It would be very much appreciated.
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Oct 26, 2017
I'm thoroughly addicted to Rockets now, this game is the first game in a decade that makes me want to throw my controller. I'm a high silver right now, been at silver III for months, just started playing again on the PS4 about 6 months ago after not playing the PC version for a year.

Every time I spent an hour or so on various custom training I seem to get worse, my stress levels while playing this are way too high for a video game. I usually play in party with the same group of 5 other people. So... that's where I'm at now. This game has taken the little time I have for gaming from all other games. Curse you Rocket League.

Anybody else on PS4 want to play, message me.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
My ps+ subscription just expired and Rocket League is the only reason to renew, however I'll be picking up the Switch version in 2 weeks so I'm gonna be Rocket Leagueless for the next 2 weeks. Hope I can eek Odyssey out for another 2 weeks.


Oct 31, 2017
I have been playing Rocket League since it came out but I'm not really doing ranked matches, I used to play it a lot but I'm doing a match or two if I have to wait for something since I don't really have friends that play Rocket League.


Oct 27, 2017
Been playing this game since it was free on PSN plus. Not in a competitive kind of way, just 2 matches a month or so. But I do keep coming back to it!

Thinking of double dipping for it on switch, just to have it on the go. But afraid of big N's online, still on the fence. Will probably wait till the paid online comes and see what it comes out as.


Oct 25, 2017

  • Introduce yourself
  • How long have you been playing?
  • What are you ranked?
  • Whats your most played mode?
  • Favorite car? (or hitbox type)
  • Discuss settings
  • Discuss tips
  • Share your desired platform username
  • Hello all, names Ghrellin..I love RL!
  • Been playing since twenty-15
  • 3v3-standard Gold Tier 1, 3v3-solo (fluctuates) bronze Tier 3/silver Tier 1-Tier 3 ,2v2-doubles silver Tier 2/Tier 3
  • I randomly play between 3v3-standard, 3v3-solo.. & 2v2-doubles... I'll play 1v1 when I feel I'm becoming impatient, just to humble myself - come back to reality..lol!
  • Favorite car - currently playing with Breakout ( no topper no antenna green/orange Distortion paint, with Sanchez DC-137rims and Netherwod rocket boost for Halloween. My secondary is the batmobile
  • Settings: Camera Shake off/ Cam fov max/ cam distance max/ cam height max/ cam angle -8.00/ cam stiffness 0.05/ cam swiv speed 8.80/ cam trans speed 1.00
  • I always WATCH THE WHITE CIRCLE! I like to watch other players (including team8s, and position myself accordingly). Rotating the goal is must, and depending on ball/team8 positioning I like to spread the pitch whenever possible.. I'm mostly a defensive player so I'll tend to hang back if I see my team8s get beaten (i.e., the opposing team hits hit over my team8), which leads me to assessing ball distance; if I see the ball is closer to my opponent I'll play defensively and allow them to take the shot instead of racing to the ball and wasting boost only to miss.
  • I'm Ghrellin and I play on PS4 ^~^


Oct 27, 2017
Hello friends! So happy to see this community back in action.

This is discussion for everything Rocket League, and will be updated as it grows. (courtesy of Robottiimu2000)


  • Introduce yourself
  • How long have you been playing?
  • What are you ranked?
  • Whats your most played mode?
  • Favorite car? (or hitbox type)
  • Discuss settings
  • Discuss tips
  • Share your desired platform username
  • My name is dred and I struggle with Rocket League addiction. That's why we're here, right?
  • I've been playing since the game launched. Played on PS4 for a year or so then switched to PC.
  • I tend to hang in the Diamond 3 - Champ 1 range.
  • 90% of my playtime is in 2s so that's my favorite mode, but I've come to appreciate 1s and 3s more in recent times.
  • Currently a Takumi player and don't plan on switching anytime soon.
  • I use weird controls but I think they are ideal. L1 for drift/air roll and R1 for boost are the main changes.
  • My tips? Play a lot. Practice a lot. That's what it takes most of the time.
I'm always up for talking anything and everything RL. This game has become a staple for me since it released, to the point where I struggle to finish a lot of single player games like I used to.
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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
If anyone wants to play competitive add me
PSN: XxAmazigh007xX

I'm stuck in gold 2/3 i'd love to play with people who comunicate.


Oct 26, 2017
Nice!! A Rocket League OT!

  • I have been playing since RL came out on Xbox
  • In standard, I hover in Platinum III/Diamond I. Other playlists I am a low Platinum..
  • Standard is what I mostly play, but anything is cool with me, especially Rumble
  • Octane is my go to car
  • I am a ball chaser unfortunately, but little by little I am learning to rotate
  • Xbox GT: EC Ballistik
Oh another thing, I'm not into the whole trading scene and collecting rare/new items, I just like playing. Having said that, if you are into trading and would like some crates, send some black or green painted items my way and I'll give you a crate or two!


Oct 25, 2017
I kept looking for a CountAntonius OT, haha. Glad we have a new home though.
It was being covered by other people and I suck at making fancy graphics so I didn't want to undertake it. Glad to see someone made it though. Feels like home finally.

I am Count I make threads whenever there is new Rocket league news and don't get beat to it. I trade more than I play and I am a huge devotee to Fashion League.
I have been playing since day one and still play daily.
I am a Platinum/Gold player.
Most played modes is 3s.
Dominus is my favorite car.
I play on steam.
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Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
It was being covered by other people and I suck at making fancy graphics so I didn't want to undertake it. Glad to see someone made it though. Feels like home finally.

I am Count I make threads whenever there is new Rocket league news and don't get beat to it. I trade more than I play and I am a huge devotee oto Fashion League.
I have been playing since day one and still play daily.
I am a Platinum/Gold player.
Most played modes is 3s.
Dominus if my favorite car.
I play on steam.
I could never figure out trading so I gave up on it. Mid tier gold player, didn't post much on the other place will likely be more active here with the Switch version.


Oct 27, 2017
i still have a white octane i got from trading up random items.

I wish i wasnt so lazy to sell this thing. Apparently its worth a lot but i just cant be assed to make an account and trade someone. i dont use octane but the keys would be cool.

can someone repost what site is good for trading this thing. maybe i'll get to it.

is the white octane price going up or down do you think? i remember people saying like 50 keys.


Oct 27, 2017
i still have a white octane i got from trading up random items.

I wish i wasnt so lazy to sell this thing. Apparently its worth a lot but i just cant be assed to make an account and trade someone. i dont use octane but the keys would be cool.

can someone repost what site is good for trading this thing. maybe i'll get to it.

is the white octane price going up or down do you think? i remember people saying like 50 keys.
Go here: https://rocket-league.com/trading

Enter in your painted white octane and your platform of choice and you'll see what people are offering. I don't know what they're worth these days but I'd guess 50+ keys.


Oct 25, 2017
i still have a white octane i got from trading up random items.

I wish i wasnt so lazy to sell this thing. Apparently its worth a lot but i just cant be assed to make an account and trade someone. i dont use octane but the keys would be cool.

can someone repost what site is good for trading this thing. maybe i'll get to it.

is the white octane price going up or down do you think? i remember people saying like 50 keys.
On PC it's about 80+ now. Best way to go about it so you don't get scammed is asking for 50 keys(max tradable) and two BM decals like heatwave and slipstream or Bubble/20xx and heatwave if you want to try and get a bit more. That way it can all be done in one trade without need for a middleman. This is probably where you'd want to list it.


and here is a place where you can track what people are offering from various sites and discords.


This is all assuming you are on PC. On PS4 they a re worth a bit less and on Xbox they don't allow key trading so the market is completely different.


Oct 27, 2017
ah yeah im on PC.

thanks again for the links. Hopefully i'll post it soon because its just been sitting in my inventory for like a couple months now unused.


Oct 30, 2017
Just lost a 3v2, I'm ashamed that I still get matched with people in plat 2 where this can happen. I mean how can you make it to plat 2 in solo standard when there are only 3 seconds remaining at 2:2 and you are in goal, yet you decide to come out even though 2 people are already there and you get lobbed.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
An with that my journey to ResetEra is complete!


Feels good to be home.



Testing how gfycat works on this site too with some of my fav recent shots. Quality on the second one is...questionable at best but is fine in the direct links. Anyone know a better way to get higher quality from either of these?


I don't really know why the second gif is such a lower quality since I uploaded them both together. Gfycat being strange I guess but if anyone knows a solution would be great.

Who are all these people.....


IKR! We get an OT with more than 8 active posters at ERA hey? Well that's an upgrade I'll not complain about for sure
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Oct 26, 2017
Go here: https://rocket-league.com/trading

Enter in your painted white octane and your platform of choice and you'll see what people are offering. I don't know what they're worth these days but I'd guess 50+ keys.
Go here: https://rocket-league.com/trading

Enter in your painted white octane and your platform of choice and you'll see what people are offering. I don't know what they're worth these days but I'd guess 50+ keys.
A white Octane is worth $50-80? What the hell?
Also, is fashion league what I think it is?

I don't understand spending money on Rocket League trinkets, I'm glad it makes money for the game and we keep getting updates though.

I've played so many hours and still gold eludes me... Is it better to play with random people?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really buy keys or trade, but my buddy recently got that skyline, and I want it. The R34 is in my top 3 favorite cars of all time, along with the Ferrari 250 GTO and the Zonda.
Skyline is just doc. 1.99 no keys or crates needed.

Also double drop rate this weekend.


Halloween is now in the rear-view, but it doesn't mean that we can't end our Haunted Hallows event with another Double Drop-Rate Weekend!

And so we will! Starting today, November 2 at 5pm PDT (8pm EDT/12am GMT) through Monday, November 6 at 10am PST (1pm EST/6pm GMT), all free customization items (Uncommon or higher) and active Crates (including the Haunted Hallows Crate) will drop more frequently after Online matches of any game type. Your chances of earning a Painted version of an item, as a drop or from a Crate, are doubled as well. Candy Corn event currency will not have the double drop-rate, and Private Matches are excluded as well.

We hope to see you online this weekend!
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I am bob the Alien ^_^
Hmmm let's see from July 2015 and haven't really stopped since. Steam puts me at about 1.8k hours(Although I would say 100hrs or so is idle time :D
Ranks atm:
1v1 - Plat II
2v2 - Unranked haven't played since season 4 or 5 can't remember
3v3 - Diamond 1
Solo standard - Plat II
Hmmm not sure but likely Snow day followed by Hoops I would guess. Mainly play "fun" game modes(Snow, Hoops, Dropshot) and during season try and early grind until my reward level and stop. So atm not playing ranked as I finally got my diamond level this season.
Octane every day!


My setting iirc are based on Bluey(RL pro player for PSG esports) and tweaked to me liking after testing. I used to use the square deadzone trickbut with the left stick sens update I don't need to anymore. My deadzone is set low enough I don't lose control enough and allow for more control.
If you are interested in pro camera settings for a baseline check here
Tips... Hmmm try not to take things too seriously even when it's becomes frustrating(Basically try let it not turn to anger) games shouldn't be getting you "angry".
It was being covered by other people and I suck at making fancy graphics so I didn't want to undertake it. Glad to see someone made it though. Feels like home finally.

I am Count I make threads whenever there is new Rocket league news and don't get beat to it. I trade more than I play and I am a huge devotee to Fashion League.
I have been playing since day one and still play daily.
I am a Platinum/Gold player.
Most played modes is 3s.
Dominus is my favorite car.
I play on steam.
Hey now I was the first to post RL news and beat you againtoday;)

Karma!!! <3


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Community spotlight is a great idea. This game has a really large following and we even have devs and pro players who post here, or likely will if they haven't already. We already had lots of people at the old site who played and posted in the update threads but never really came to the OT. For a game that's so mechanic heavy it's surprising we never got many people posting when there's a lot of people can give real great advice on how to improve your game. I don't think I'd have ever reached diamond without the advice from SoulFlarz, Pepiope etc.

If we had more of the people who play posting in the OT we might finally be able to organise that tournament.


Oct 26, 2017
So me and my two friends were playing 3v3 ranked tonight, we shut another team out 5-0 and could not matchmake afterwards, as we had been banned from matchmaking for 8 min for "being reported". Is this a thing? Can teams just report other teams and get them banned?

I really hate some of the sportsmanship I see in RL sometimes. The "FF already" shit after being up 2-0 or the "that was ez" bullshit from players ranked the same as you. I ignore it, but damn.


Oct 26, 2017
  • Hello everyone :)
  • I started playing on PS4 when it came out on PS+ pretty casually with friends, but then I started playing more and switched to PC because it feels so much better. I have around 1200h
  • Season 5 I was Grand Champion. Right now I'm Champion 3 in 2s. almost don't play any other modes but I think I'm Champ 2 in Standard. I hate 1s so I don't play it.
  • My favorite car is the Octane simply because it's taller and better for 50-50s and easier to dribble. But I do like to use Batmobile and the new Skyline.
  • My settings are pretty standard. I just switched a couple of bindings such as air-roll to L1, ballcam to L3 and boost to square.
  • My tips are just play the game. Ignore the rank, try to focus on getting better, rotate properly, and I think the most important thing of all is to be aware of where other players are.
So me and my two friends were playing 3v3 ranked tonight, we shut another team out 5-0 and could not matchmake afterwards, as we had been banned from matchmaking for 8 min for "being reported". Is this a thing? Can teams just report other teams and get them banned?

I really hate some of the sportsmanship I see in RL sometimes. The "FF already" shit after being up 2-0 or the "that was ez" bullshit from players ranked the same as you. I ignore it, but damn.

It happened to me once maybe it was because of reports. We were just having fun and spamming quick-chat, nothing offfensive.

Oh and since we are posting goals, here's one I scored today https://streamable.com/zylx8
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Oct 25, 2017
Hey Psyonix, I just came up with a genius idea that is 100% completely original. Make a new game mode where you can toss your topper onto the ball to possess it and then play through the match as the ball.


Oct 30, 2017
Ever scored a goal that wasn't captured in the replay because it exceeded the replay length? :D
Yep, was hustling back on d and suddenly I scored, other team just choked for 10s bringing the ball out of their half :D


Oct 31, 2017
  • Hi, I'm Perona.
  • Been playing on and off for 2 years now.
  • Right now I'm ranked Diamond in 2s (highest I've been in Diamond 2)
  • 2s is definitely my favorite mode bc to me it's the best mix of your personal skill mattering and your teamwork.
  • Favorite car is the breakout.
  • Don't really have any fancy settings, just heeded the general tips.
  • If you wanna get better play ranked but don't care (as much as possible) about your rank. Just play.
  • Perona on steam.
And now some show-offy gfycats
(These are from months ago and ftr I suck at 1v1s lmao.)


Oct 25, 2017
Since I didn't see nobody else making one figured I'd give it a shot and create a Discord for RocketERA. Not much has been set up yet but I'll work on it when I wake up.

Invite Link

A few suggestion for the game.
1. Window tints. I need the option to black out my BM decal windows. I have always hated the reflective windows they have. Make them a crate item with a ton of colors etc.
2. Choose Training Car. The white training car messes up my bm decals something fierce. I'd like to be able to use my blue or orange team car instead.
Jiminy Cricket
Oct 25, 2017
Since I didn't see nobody else making one figured I'd give it a shot and create a Discord for RocketERA. Not much has been set up yet but I'll work on it when I wake up.

Invite Link

A few suggestion for the game.
1. Window tints. I need the option to black out my BM decal windows. I have always hated the reflective windows they have. Make them a crate item with a ton of colors etc.
2. Choose Training Car. The white training car messes up my bm decals something fierce. I'd like to be able to use my blue or orange team car instead.

Thank you very much, sir! I'll add to the OP.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It happened to me once maybe it was because of reports. We were just having fun and spamming quick-chat, nothing offfensive.

Think you just answered why. Spamming is still spamming and if it's ranked and people literally flood the chat I'll report, if it's player I'll just find another match. At the end of the day spamming is nothing more than attempt to get a rise by trolling except with zero creativity involved either. Like, do I really have to turn quick chat off in the options and back on again after the match just because you want to flood the chat box?

There's a reason you're getting reported for it. I don't mean to sound rude either, but you have to know that you're going out of your way to piss people off.


Oct 26, 2017
Think you just answered why. Spamming is still spamming and if it's ranked and people literally flood the chat I'll report, if it's player I'll just find another match. At the end of the day spamming is nothing more than attempt to get a rise by trolling except with zero creativity involved either. Like, do I really have to turn quick chat off in the options and back on again after the match just because you want to flood the chat box?

There's a reason you're getting reported for it. I don't mean to sound rude either, but you have to know that you're going out of your way to piss people off.

We don't spam "What a save!" when we score. We actually do it when they score. And we play in coms. If people report other people because of that well that's pretty sad. There's a mute button. Most of the people also play along and it gets pretty funny.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
We don't spam "What a save!" when we score. We actually do it when they score. And we play in coms. If people report other people because of that well that's pretty sad. There's a mute button. Most of the people also play along and it gets pretty funny.

Spam is spam. If we can't even see who said "take the shot" or not at kick-off it's adversely affecting the game, negative or positive. People who spam nice shot every time the other team scores also generally come of as being sarcastic.


Oct 27, 2017
We don't spam "What a save!" when we score. We actually do it when they score. And we play in coms. If people report other people because of that well that's pretty sad. There's a mute button. Most of the people also play along and it gets pretty funny.
Absolutely not ban worthy, in my opinion. Minor annoyance at worst.