
Oct 27, 2017
I do not know the others, but if having fewer games every year means that at least the people who are making them can have a decent life, I accept it without problem.

Of course then we see threads like those of Retro Studios.
Oct 30, 2017
Bring back the fun of making and playing games. Not chasing a hollywood movie cinematic shit fest. So many games go for a cinematic experience with all the bells and whistles to chase a pipe dream of exposure and record profit sales.
The days of the John Carmacks making Quake in their dorm rooms on home brew software are long dead.

Your perspective completely disregards things like publishing contracts and responsibility to shareholders.


Oct 27, 2017
At a certain point you have to be so beaten down that you just become inefficient and it stops being valuable, right? How worthwhile for the company was that extra time?

Yeah it's horrible you become like a zombie, I was on contract from an agency so we got overtime pay but the was still poor.

Also no one at the company is going to talk about it because you have strict ndas that last a decade beyond you le employment.

Normal devs are salaried so I doubt they get anything extra other than keeping their job, ad others have said people are falling over themselves to work in the industry and even more so for a place as well known as rockstar.


Oct 27, 2017
Been working 14 hour days for the last week in response to Hurricane Michael. Doing it because me and my crew can see the greater good. What's the problem? They want to make an amazing, immersive experience. That doesn't happen working part time.
What kind of work are you doing? Because there's a difference in working 14 hours a day for a week, and doing it for a year or longer. Especially for a video game.

Deleted member 300

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The hell is this?
This isn't because of chasing "hollywood pipe dreams".

Read the content of the post i replied too. They said about to remove crunch etc a dev cycle would need to go to 8 years etc and it wouldnt be cost efficient on studio for thst length.

So i said and the implications of it are. Stop doing cinematic games that try to chase movie industry with huge budgets and pushing graphics to extreme etc dial things back a bit so. So your studio isnt riding on this game being a big blockbuster. Less cost developing a game less expenses on studio. Less time making engine or time making game thus in somewhat will make games development shorter and crunch not as needed.

Ive already posted before in this thread how crunch is bad and shit needs to stop


Oct 25, 2017
That's a fucked up thing to brag about. Fuck them inhumane crunch conditions man.


Oct 25, 2017
Been working 14 hour days for the last week in response to Hurricane Michael. Doing it because me and my crew can see the greater good. What's the problem? They want to make an amazing, immersive experience. That doesn't happen working part time.
Uhh youre doing something for humanity and good for you for doing it. They're making a video game and are basically slaves. It's just not really comparable. I'm sure they do want to make an amazing and immersive experience and they probably did. How many of them do you think want to do it in this manner though?


Oct 25, 2017
I see Rockstar Games haven't changed at all since the RDR1 controversy...
Awful stance and methods.
Over 7 days that's 14 hours per day, which isn't too insane.

How much are their salaries? Do they get overtime during crunch? A nice bonus when the game inevitably gets 99 on MC? Good holidays during normal workload times?

You can't really judge what this means without any of that info.

I've worked 16-18 hours for days at a time sometimes to hit deadlines.

It's not nice but the pay is fucking good and that makes up for it at the end of the day.

That's why I'm saying without knowing what their pay is, and the working conditions usually, 100 hours doesn't mean much.

Working like that bought me my house.
You're one of the reasons working conditions get worse for everyone, congrats.
How the hell can you apologise this kind of crunch...?


Oct 26, 2017
100 hours per week. As if you have any kind of productivity on that shit after the first week.

Way to brag about having a shitty management, Rockstar.


Editor/Writer at
Oct 26, 2017
So, why don't they go to work for a generic software company and get paid 5 times more (which surely it must be an exaggeration)?. Because you have the solution right there, if people move to better jobs the videogame industry would be forced to improve work conditions and salaries in order to get the specialized workforce they need. As I said before, this is not a case of quasi-slaves forced to work in some seedy vietnamese factory so they don't starve. We are talking about high specialized and trained professionals with no shortage of job options.

you are on Resetera.. a place where MANY dream of working in the games industry. For many it is a childhood dream, and when an opportunity at one of the most renown companies knocks on your door, sure you will answer the door and follow your childhood dream.
By that time you have no idea how the work environment is.. and once you have started a job, you just don't stop it from one day to another.

Crunch is bullshit, it is a company abusing their power to get some work done that was badly managed in the first place.

Tart Toter 9K

Oct 25, 2017
So, why don't they go to work for a generic software company and get paid 5 times more (which surely it must be an exaggeration)?. Because you have the solution right there, if people move to better jobs the videogame industry would be forced to improve work conditions and salaries in order to get the specialized workforce they need. As I said before, this is not a case of quasi-slaves forced to work in some seedy vietnamese factory so they don't starve. We are talking about high specialized and trained professionals with no shortage of job options.

No one works in the game industry unless they love what they do. No one on that team is interested in producing an inferior product. My heart bleeds for this team precisely BECAUSE they are brilliant, talented individuals out to create something great. They are and were more than willing to work hard for the success of the title. But that good will has only been met with abuse.

Quote from this old story (2004) that made EA change their stance on crunch. Incidentally EA is now one of the best places to work in the video game industry.
These passionate people are being deliberatly abused because rockstar knows they can get away with it.

We need a rockstar_spouse if rockstar truly has terrible working conditions.


Oct 25, 2017
Unfortunately, there are still too many warm bodies that want to work on these games. So, that means everyone is replaceable, and if everyone is replaceable then everyone is expendable. I think the industry may require some kind of governmental intervention. I hate that the media I love relies so heavily on exploitation.


Oct 25, 2017
Video Games
Over 7 days that's 14 hours per day, which isn't too insane.

How much are their salaries? Do they get overtime during crunch? A nice bonus when the game inevitably gets 99 on MC? Good holidays during normal workload times?

You can't really judge what this means without any of that info.
You can because working 14h on average per day is not healthy. It's messed up and not okay.


Oct 31, 2017
Been working 14 hour days for the last week in response to Hurricane Michael. Doing it because me and my crew can see the greater good. What's the problem? They want to make an amazing, immersive experience. That doesn't happen working part time.

Are you being serious?

Cos contrary to belief on the internet (inc. here) video games are not serious business.... Clean up after Hurricanes are serious business...

Your analogy is really bad.

Grinding Devs into the ground to ship a dumb video game isn't the same as people pushing themselves to make a difference after a natural disaster


Oct 31, 2017
I was nearing a burnout around 45 hours a week, and that's without communte time that took me 2+ hours from and back on a good day, if it rained or the bus didn't drive it was more. There was not much room nor energy to do anything else when finally home at the end of the day, I was lucky I still lived at home. I can't imagine working so much, getting home and having to care for a family or other social obligations.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Uhh youre doing something for humanity and good for you for doing it. They're making a video game and are basically slaves. It's just not really comparable. I'm sure they do want to make an amazing and immersive experience and they probably did. How many of them do you think want to do it in this manner though?

They are not slaves. These are highly specialized individuals choosing to work for Rockstar Games. Crunch is shit but let's not go overboard here.

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, I'm sick of these threads.

Not because of the subject matter - it's just crazy working that amount of hours.

I'm sick of the gaming community claiming to be horrified by these kind of working conditions and pressures and then not voting with their wallet.

If you're horrified by this kind of thing, if you don't want to be party to it, if you want to help actually change things for these developers and those like them, do the right thing: don't buy the game.
Consumers aren't responsible for businesses acting ethically.


Oct 26, 2017
Nah, that's disgusting and companies like should be held accountable for the damage they inflict on their employees.

Absolutely disgusting.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, that's a lot of hours making wrinkly horse balls.

I know you're joking, but this really does nail it for me. It's not enough that crunch is standard - Rockstar has to exacerbate the issue by running the most excessive production possible. This - these working conditions - are what I'm thinking of when they start talking about horse testicles or mud staying on your clothes.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I was working 70hr weeks on a project at work for about 2 months and it definitely took a toll, I can't even imagine what 100hr weeks what do to me.


Oct 28, 2017
Shameful, considering the amount of money made you'd think that R* can plan to avoid such shitty working conditions.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll be voting with my wallet on this one. I have a huge backlog anyway. Will get it only when its dirt cheap.

Deleted member 8408

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I know you're joking, but this really does nail it for me. It's not enough that crunch is standard - Rockstar has to exacerbate the issue by running the most excessive production possible. This - these working conditions - are what I'm thinking of when they start talking about horse testicles or mud staying on your clothes.

The devil is in the detail.

Quite literally in this case.

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
One question, do you get paid for crunch and overtime in the US?

100 hours/week is too much, i can be ok with 1-2 hours of crunch every day, but 100 hours is too much

Depending on the state, nobody has to pay you anything extra if you're "salaried." At that point, companies believe they own you and your skills and mind, so they're not paying for your time.

Deleted member 11986

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I guess you have more to lose working under 100 hour week than earning your paycheck. Getting overtime or not.

Depending on the state, nobody has to pay you anything extra if you're "salaried." At that point, companies believe they own you and your skills and mind, so they're not paying for your time.
It's like property law being applied to people , right? There's another name for that.


Oct 30, 2017
Having worked in the games industry for about 20 years in the UK, in QA, crunch is nothing new. I did 100+ hour weeks back in the 90s, including some 24 hour shifts. I did get paid overtime though then.

I've also worked for some dev studios though that didn't pay OT as QA was considered part of Dev there, so did 80+ weeks for about 6 months on several projects and didn't get any paid overtime for them which is crushing. I did a 27 hour shift one time which was brutal, and only got paid for 8 hours. I left that place quickly.


Oct 25, 2017
They are not slaves. These are highly specialized individuals choosing to work for Rockstar Games. Crunch is shit but let's not go overboard here.
Sorry, you're right they are not literal slaves at all. I wish I knew a better word to call it. It just sucks that they can get up and walk away, but at what cost to them/their families?

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
If you care about this issue, you should consider not purchasing it or at least purchasing secondhand. Sales matter more than anything else, and good sales act to implicitly condone this behavior.


Oct 25, 2017
Airborne Aquarium
I know it takes immense man power and work hours to create Rockstar type games.
Considering video games are fucking difficult to make in the first place, the extremely detailed worlds Rockstar tend to create must be a nightmare to design, test and polish.

A better happy medium needs to be arrived at where we can get these awesome worlds but perhaps not at the cost of 100 hour work weeks.
The only way out of this imo is unionization.

Consumers aren't responsible for businesses acting ethically.

But in this case we have consumers on Era who know the fucked up work hours and act horrified, only to be day one on RDR2.
It's just a bit weird.

As for me I make no bones about it, I know blood, sweat and tears went into the game and I'm happy playing it without depriving myself a potential generation defining title.

Selfish perhaps but true.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
Boston, MA
Stop doing cinematic games that try to chase movie industry with huge budgets and pushing graphics to extreme etc dial things back a bit so. So your studio isnt riding on this game being a big blockbuster. Less cost developing a game less expenses on studio. Less time making engine or time making game thus in somewhat will make games development shorter and crunch not as needed.

I was thinking this perception has to do with the demand and pursuit of hi-def graphics the consumer base expects in the video gaming industry.


Oct 25, 2017
And it's going to sell billions anyway...

I would never accept working in those conditions unless I was in serious need of money and that was my only option. And I'm glad I'm not buying this game.
Oct 27, 2017
you are on Resetera.. a place where MANY dream of working in the games industry. For many it is a childhood dream, and when an opportunity at one of the most renown companies knocks on your door, sure you will answer the door and follow your childhood dream.
By that time you have no idea how the work environment is.. and once you have started a job, you just don't stop it from one day to another.

Crunch is bullshit, it is a company abusing their power to get some work done that was badly managed in the first place.

Well, you and me are here, on Resetera, and we do have a general idea of the work conditions on the videogame industry, right?. But ok, let's take the case of the naive guy who goes into the industry without knowing. You don't quit a job the first day unless something really awful happens, I accept that. But what about after the first month?, second month?, third month?. Once you are inside you talk with your coworkers and you learn that's how things are. If you accept the conditions and continue to work there it's because you think it's worth it. It's a choice. You may not agree with it but not everybody has the same life priorities.

I'm going to be honest. If I had the opportunity and the necessary skills (which I don't) to have an important job at Nintendo, Rockstar, Naughty dog or any of the other great devs, I would take it. Of course, I would complain to my friends about the long hours and earning less that I do now but it would be worth it. Just to be able to say that you took a part on making something like RDR 2, BOTW or TLOU 2. Something that is enjoyed and brings a smile to millions of people around the world. That matters. And I wouldn't like you or others to get angry on my behalf, because it would be my choice.

Really guys, shouldn't we be focused on improving work conditions for people who work awful, terrible paid jobs out of necessity instead of out of choice?.