
Oct 26, 2017
Thanks guys. :)

I am just so dang curious why Vita version is so much smaller than the others. It's got me thinkin' it must be inferior somehow. Like ultra compressed audio or low-res sprites or somethin'.

Quick google search tells me a lot of Vita + PS4 games tend to be much bigger on the latter with no actual differences from what I can tell. I don't think you have anything to be concerned about. I guess PS4 games just have more overhead.

Deleted member 18857

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
RE: Enemy symbols
First, RS1 was a terrible game, and RS2 learned all the lessons about how NOT to be like that game. Don't get scared by the RS1 gif, RS2 is nothing like that.
Then, you shouldn't be running everywhere, but you also shouldn't be walking everywhere. If you're attacked while running, you break formation, but remember running away from battle has a 100% success rate, so if you're stuck, simply run away, initiate combat, and fight. It also works if you're facing a particularly bad opponent (the green hydra comes to mind) to re-roll the enemy.
The game DOES become harder the more fights you do, but it never becomes insanely hard like RS1, and you won't fail quests like in Minstrel Song. Even the worst mob enemies remain manageable if you balance your party well, AND you can run away as long as you didn't get yourself cornered. Don't be too scared to initiate fights, there is no harsh penalty for grinding.

You need to play the game like if you were playing Resident Evil 1. Do not initiate all the fights except if you are grinding XP, money or development in your castle. Spend the first hours of the game understanding enemy movements.
Each symbol moves in different ways: blobs are slow and only target you when you get too close, snakes move towards you for a set distance then stop, goblins walk at random until they see you and the jog towards you, mammals run fast until they see you then sprint, birds fly super fast in all direction...
You need to understand their patterns, walk and stop until you see an opening, and then move around the enemies, run for a short distance (even though you won't see the enemies, if you have studied the composition of the room you should be able to predict where they go as you run) and reach the next door. The player skill you need to develop (and you'll get increasingly better as you play the game) is really the ability to navigate a map. The run is a very useful tool, but it needs to be used sparingly.
The game is built in that optic, as it introduce some other types of enemies (soldiers, ghosts, octopi) gradually during the first part of the game. The maps are also built to incite you to play that way (the Ludon plain allowing you to run around that big rock, or the desert being specifically made to screw you over). You can also gauge the difficulty of an area by looking at the lay-out or enemy concentration. The Jungle, for example, is a very difficult area not because of enemy concentration, but because the layout is made specifically to make it difficult to avoid the fast birds and very slow snakes/plants.

Imagine everything is a room in the Spencer mansion and you'll be fine.
(Note: this is also how you're supposed to play Minstrel Song)

ultra bawl

User requested ban
Nov 6, 2017
The spark system really is one of the most strangely satisfying things in JRPGs for me. I just love seeing that lightbulb.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol that might confuse people. I had good success running around most enemies. Even when it feels like there are a lot on the map.


Instead of buying the PC version right now, I might just continue my playthrough on Android with you all. That way I can work on my laptop and pull up the game very now and then and sink in a few minutes. I guess that's one benefit to handheld gaming, lol.

Deleted member 6137

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Several Steam reviews are reporting a bad port. No options in the game, no full screen and some people are experiencing crashes. Now I don't want to buy it, but I do want to show Square that I want more SaGa games. Maybe I should just grab the PS4 version...


Oct 27, 2017
It's only 20 for you? Lucky, it's ¥3200 in Japan. That is a hell of a button tax.
Isn't it on sale in Japan as well? I say a discount on it when I was browsing the Japanese eShop yesterday.
I dunno man, I'm def planning to go in as blind as possible. It sounds fucking weird and I'm excited to die all the time and screw up royally.
Same. Feels like a Yoko Taro game in some ways lol


Oct 25, 2017
Several Steam reviews are reporting a bad port. No options in the game, no full screen and some people are experiencing crashes. Now I don't want to buy it, but I do want to show Square that I want more SaGa games. Maybe I should just grab the PS4 version...
Some of those reviews were made without understanding the game mechanics. Apparently you can press "Alt + Enter" for fullscreen. Some people are saying no controller support but you can use Steam Big Picture for that.

I mean, not saying SE shouldn't have done something better, but I wouldn't expect it. It's really that they are charging too much for the port. Still, I would still say get it, simply because the game itself is interesting. At least there is a range of options, as you can go mobile, console, handheld, or steam.


Oct 25, 2017
That's after the 20% discount. It's the same price for us ($25 USD).
Isn't it on sale in Japan as well? I say a discount on it when I was browsing the Japanese eShop yesterday.
Same. Feels like a Yoko Taro game in some ways lol

It is on sale, I guess a 2-3 dollar difference isn't so bad. But still, for a game I bought over a year ago on my phone at ¥2200, it doesn't feel good being asked to pay an nearly 33% more just to use buttons. I'd like to show support and buy the game, but I think I will have to hold off on a better sale unfortunately.

Edit: I might buy it sooner if there are some changes besides buttons between mobile and console. Does anyone know of any?


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
It is on sale, I guess a 2-3 dollar difference isn't so bad. But still, for a game I bought over a year ago on my phone at ¥2200, it doesn't feel good being asked to pay an nearly 33% more just to use buttons. I'd like to show support and buy the game, but I think I will have to hold off on a better sale unfortunately.

Edit: I might buy it sooner if there are some changes besides buttons between mobile and console. Does anyone know of any?

I hear ya, especially after reading some comments on how it's a lackluster port.
Nov 8, 2017
My baby is tube-fed through the night. During the hours from when it starts to when I go to bed, I'll sit with the iPad and play the mobile iterations of the FF series. I've completed them all. So I see Romancing Saga 2 in the store. I have fond memories of Romancing Saga 3 and Saga Frontier (warts and all), and this game had a generation system. I decided to give it a shot.

When I first started, it's felt like Phantasy Star III and the SaGa series had Rosemary's Baby. I had no goddamn idea about the mechanics of this game.
When I got to the first slime boss, I realized I needed a mage. Okay, so back to the castle. Can't change the party - the hell? I have to kill off a party member to add somebody else? Ain't nobody got time for that.

After trial and error -- and a brief FAQ perusal -- I had some idea of the game's systems. Didn't have a clue how techs spark or what the hell global levels were, but I was plowing through battles with ease. My party of a Holy something-or-other, the 3rd generation Emperor, a wind/water mage, a spear user, and a monk were laying waste to even the toughest dungeons.

Then I hit Dantarg. This series is known for wild-ass difficulty spikes, but this is something else. And he's in a one-way dungeon to boot.

I finally bit the bullet and let another emperor ascend to avenge my foul and most unnatural murder. Turns out, this is what the game wants you to do. The best formations and techs in the game come from emperor experimentation. All global levels (after I figured them out) and items carry over, so there really isn't too much of a penalty, though you will need to re-spark skills.

The next emperor was a monk, and he came with a battle formation that tied everyone's speed to his. The random encounter difficulty went down considerably, even as the enemies scaled upwards. Good thing too - most enemies can one-shot all characters, and LP is at a premium in this game.
But this party fell when Rocbouquet trapped me against an unwinnable fight against a stone guardian boss. On a subsequent play-through I was better prepared.

I was able to build the Magic Lab and the Academy. And magic is INSANELY useful in this game. The Academy unlocks the best mage class in the game.

The next emperor was a pirate, and she taught the most abusive formation in the game. Everyone, regardless of class, goes before the enemies. Of course, if this formation is broken, by surprise attack or a character dying, it will royally suck.

Other observations:
  • In yet another Saga tradition, physical defense is damn near useless. Magic resistance and status immunity is far more useful.
  • When a character says that "I'm good with X", that means "only use X".
  • Bows, clubs, epees, and martial arts were, at best, situational usages. Swords, axes, and spears were my weapons of choice, but mostly I casted everything to death.
  • There's a bonus dungeon that unlocks early in the game. It's not very difficult. The blue path gets the parts for the Seven Sword (FFLII vets remember this one) AND skill/item drop enhancers. The red path nets the Ninja job class, which is very overpowered.
  • All magic is useful up to level 15-ish, so you can unlock fusion spells. But above that, I found only Light and Water were worth going above that. I tried Fire, Wind, and Earth fusions, and I'm sure they're useful, but they didn't fit how I built the party. The ultimate Light spell is a massive AoE attack. The last water spell is Hasten Time. It costs 36 MP to cast(!), but it cancels enemy actions after its casted. Of course, if you have a formation that ensures you go before any enemies act...
    I had no qualms about abusing Rapid Stream/Hasten Time, especially against Dantarg. And Wagnas. That guy sucked.
  • The bard side quest is nostalgic for those of us who grew up with the FFL Game Boy games. And it ultimately unlocks a hidden village that reveals more of the lore of the game.
  • The final boss - whew. That thing requires mastery of all the systems of the game. I tried to fight it straight up, but it gets progressively more powerful. Finally, I settled on a "strategy" of two water magic users and surviving until form 4, then Hasten Time-ing it to death.
It's a charming and very surprisingly deep game. Plus I can't be too mad at a game that let me be a lizard Emperor for 3 straight generations.
Oct 25, 2017
Ok so PC reviews are really, really mixed on Steam.

If I want this do I risk PC, go PS4, or wait until Xmas when I pick up a Switch? Halp!


Oct 27, 2017
I can't decide if I want this on Switch or Vita.


Does anyone with the Vita version feel like there is an input lag like the above posters say they perceive on Switch?


Oct 25, 2017
Hunching over the small screen of my phone to play is an awful experience personally. This is tempting me to get the Steam version, though it's too pricey...ahhh, what to do. I might just cave. Love me some SaGa.


Oct 25, 2017
If you touch an enemy you get into a fight. If you touch an enemy, no matter what direction you or they are facing, while running, then you break formation (essentially a back attack). So basically you need to walk everywhere to prevent that.

(Assuming that's what Aeana is referring to)
What the fuck

Deleted member 18857

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Played on Vita, felt it was a bit more laggy/slow than SFC/Virtual Console (which I know to the frame so maybe not a big deal if you don't).
Haven't played the other ports yet, so can't say if better or worse.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn. Caved and bought it. I want to see those nice enemy sprites and backgrounds in full screen. Maybe someone will also modify it down the road for some cool extra options.

I want to be mad at them for charging a premium price for a lackluster port, but at the same time, I want this game on my computer.

Deleted member 9584

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
So should I worry about how I'm building my characters or can I always grind to improve skills at any point in time?

Deleted member 18857

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
So should I worry about how I'm building my characters or can I always grind to improve skills at any point in time?
You cannot make terrible mistakes that screw you over unless you delay some things until the last generation.
I'd almost say the game rewards failure, since it allows you to try around with different emperors, raise some skill levels, and learn new formations.
Is this a brutal rpg that needs hrs of grind?
Brutal if you're not careful yes, hours of grind no.
It's a game that requires you to be careful in what you do.
However, past the tutorial, there is no game over until the end, so you can try your luck over and over.


Oct 25, 2017
So for those who want controller support to work on Steam, this is how to do it (found this in a discussion on Steam):

View > Settings > Controller > [GENERAL CONTROLLER SETTINGS] button

Make sure these are checked:

Guide Button Focuses Steam
PS4 Configuration Support
Xbox Configuration Support
Generic Gamepad Configuration Support

Perhaps the OP creator can put this in the OP, that way people can find it.


Some general first impressions on Steam: The backgrounds look really nice on a full screen. They scale well. The character sprites, however, are quite pixelated. I don't mind though, because it looks like an SNES rpg in that vein. Some might find this disappointing though.

There's no input lag on Steam (on my computer, anyway). However, the game does not scroll gracefully. Not too bad though. Controller works well with the above settings on.

One thing is I wish I could close out the HUD overlay, which is left over from mobile. Haven't found an option for that.

Alt + Enter works, and it stays in full screen every time now. Also, Alt + F4 works to close the game without having to go into menus. Just remember to save first, lol.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
After adjusting those things, I'm personally satisfied with the Steam port. It could be better, yes, but it works and scaled well to my screen. Maybe someone can mod in a fix to remove the HUD overlay though, as it's not necessary on PC.

The primary issue I think, is the price of the port. If they had priced it reasonably, like, say $9, it would be just fine. But when they price it so high, people expect more effort in the port. But either way, you are going to have to pay at least $18 to play this game one way or another (barring some sale). Better to play on a reasonably sized screen, and with buttons, IMO.

Deleted member 30151

User requested account closure
Nov 2, 2017
Was hoping to see the thread here because in a few minutes, I will buy an eShop card. Glad the port receives positive reception. Decide to buy the game for Switch. Mainly because the -20% off. Don't have PlayStation Plus so the PlayStation 4 and Vita version are out (this is most likely again only in Europe the case). I can buy the game for my Laptop too (also 20% off without any subscription service benefit), but I think the Switch wins again here because of portability.

Deleted member 9584

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I just bought this for the Vita, doesn't feel like there's an input lag.
I think it's more that I'm not used to the old style of 2d jrpg movement and it took a bit to adjust. I don't notice any lag at all in the menus or battles, but the movement has a slight momentum like delay behind it. I'm sure if I went back and played FF6 on the snes classic it will feel the same.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's more that I'm not used to the old style of 2d jrpg movement and it took a bit to adjust. I don't notice any lag at all in the menus or battles, but the movement has a slight momentum like delay behind it. I'm sure if I went back and played FF6 on the snes classic it will feel the same.
Yes, mainly because the characters move one tile at a time instead of by some smaller measurement.


Oct 26, 2017
I just got the PC version for review.

Started the game up, and I'm greeted with a black screen.
The music is playing, and apparently the game still works. I can use the mouse to click what I assume are in-game options. Unfortunately, I can't see anything.

Deleted member 2102

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
(edit: beaten) Playing a bit of it on Switch. Undocked, the input lag seems nonexistent - it's just that movement is tile based, so your inputs are going to feel different than a game where your movement is unrestricted. You're triggering an animation, and releasing the button too late might have triggered the next movement. Same applies for run - it doesn't activate immediately, it activates in combination with your next tile movement. It's a limitation of the movement system, though the implementation's arguably flawed compared to other titles (but also, I'm lenient towards anything that isn't as bad as the first Last Bible game's. eugh).

Going to echo the disappointments about Square's shitty mobile port UI and 30FPS cap making scrolling a bit jittery, but the game seems great so far. Really excited to dig into its systems. It also looks very nice, even with some discrepancies in resolution. 100% dig the sprites generally being ripped from the original and transplanted onto HD maps and backgrounds, little iffy on how the HD maps and backgrounds vary in how HD they are.


Oct 30, 2017
Purchased on the Switch. I like Xenoblade 2 but I'm not very good at it. My prime JRPG Playing happeneded during the SNES and PSX era and that's kind of where im comfortable. So I'm all in for this one.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm very excited for this but likely will have no time to play it in any meaningful way. Still, picking it up tonight or tomorrow.

I'm struggling with the Switch vs PS4/Vita choice, primarily because of the cross buy on the PlayStation side. Did anyone go one way and regret not going the other?