
Oct 27, 2017
What's the anti-cheat going to look like?

Don't think they can go back to Punkbuster. Did BFV even have a dedicated one?


Nov 9, 2018
Because then you have to completely remake all the maps from the ground up to fit BF6 visual standards. A remaster would just be taking the existing game and giving it a fresh coat of paint.

Yeah, good point. Well if it's going to happen than it's great for people that loved BF3 and want to play it again and with an renewed player base.


Oct 30, 2017
Been watching some of his videos just now and he's been right regarding BF's direction for years. He was also right about the WW2 game, so I guess Bad Company 3 should follow soon.

Forget the game. I want more info on the drama in the last sentence.

Very interesting indeed. In this video from 2017 he already called them out for the same thing. Basically some youtubers are posting speculation videos on Battlefield's direction while knowing full well where the next game is going to be set. They're supposedly being informed by EA themselves to promote/gauge interest beforehand. Alongside this, they're also being used to gauge interest in certain settings or remakes. I don't know the ins and outs but what he said checks out. And no one really seems to acknowledge it. His videos don't get a lot of views.
Oct 25, 2017
I'd love a video explaining how b3 is better than b4.

Because to me, it feels like b4 is just b3, but better.

Having said that, I only played b3 on a ps3, so i'd be ok getting a proper Ps5 version.


Jan 20, 2018
They did say next years bf is gonna be only on ps5/xsx so what if the bf3 remaster is there
to serve the ps4/xbone crowd.

Also didnt levelcap have a falling out with ea over his critism of BFV I think.
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Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
The last modern BF is BF4 which was over 5 years ago, I'd love all the improvements of the BF series in an actually good setting with an actual update cycle again.
I'm on board with going back to a modern setting. Am less so with going back to an old game that already exists. It's just so very boring.
I suppose DICE typically go through the maps and change them up some to prevent things from being just completely stagnant.
And for people who don't have a PC capable of running BF3 there's some value to this.
But yeah, hard for me to get excited about the rerelease of an old game I played to death, and that I could still play if I wanted.

I am somewhat excited by the other project though. What could that be? Would make sense for it to be their Warzone.
Firestorm separated, updated, F2P'd. That's what I'll expect. I'm less excited now.

Kal Shintar

Dec 11, 2018
Been watching some of his videos just now and he's been right regarding BF's direction for years. He was also right about the WW2 game, so I guess Bad Company 3 should follow soon.
Except according to him Bad Company 3 was supposed to come out in 2018 and when it didn't he said that he got the order wrong between V and Bad Company 3. Then Bad Company 3 was supposed to come out in 2019, which it didn't.

Whilst he got a lot right about BF1, he was lot worse with V and has constantly been spruiking Bad Company 3 to non-reveals.

Would they really announce anything a 16-17 months out? Usually it's a teaser in late May and a reveal in June of the year it's released.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Can't wait to deal with flashlights in HDR XD

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Seems a bit pointless if BF6 is out next year, shouldn't that be the priority.

If it's a launch title for next gen, that's a nice treat but any other time, why bother.


Oct 28, 2017
I'd love a video explaining how b3 is better than b4.

Because to me, it feels like b4 is just b3, but better.

Having said that, I only played b3 on a ps3, so i'd be ok getting a proper Ps5 version.

For me it was always:

- Better gunplay. Weapons just have more pleasing "kick" in BF3.
- Better maps. I really don't remember maps from BF4 and BF3? To this day I remember the Paris map, the one with mountain where you jumped down in Rush mode, Firestorm, Bazaar and amazing maps from Back to Karkand DLC. BF4 base maps were just... I don't know. They haven't helped the flow of the game.

Carian Knight

Oct 27, 2017
This doesn't make any sense, they released MWR with IW because they're not the same thing, why pack BF3R with another modern BF one of them will cannibalize the other and late 2020 is a perfect window for BF3R because EA doesn't have anything to compete with the new CoD as of today.


Oct 27, 2017
This doesn't make any sense, they released MWR with IW because they're not the same thing, why pack BF3R with another modern BF one of them will cannibalize the other and late 2020 is a perfect window for BF3R because EA doesn't have anything to compete with the new CoD as of today.
And they can release it on current gen also. Alot of people missed the full BF3 experience on 360 and PS3


The Enlightened Wise Ones
Jun 17, 2018
Next gen BF3 remaster + modern day title??

Man that sounds delicious


Oct 27, 2017
Yesss. This at launch for the new consoles would be great.

I still roll my eyes at this trailer every time they see it. They hyped this map up for the PC crowd as being all like "look! 64 player battles! Big maps! We're truly a numbered BF sequel!" and then we all played the map and it was 90% fields with nothing in and a big road toward the center of the map which had 5 flags within about 10 meters of each other. And it was among one of BF3's better maps despite being rubbish.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh HELL yeah. This gauges my nextgen interest by 998979%
BF 3 was AMAZING,unfortunately I could only experience it on PS3... so this will be mindblowing. Can't wait. BF1 and V have been so un-entertaining, thank goodness we're going back to modern combat!

Day 0!


Oct 25, 2017
A BF3 remaster would truly be amazing. So many people didn't get to play the later DLC's, which were really good.

Just please get rid of the overdone color filters, lens flare and bloom effects. Thanks.




Oct 28, 2017
Would be very weird to release a new game and immidiately divide the community like this. I don't see it happening.


Oct 27, 2017
WHILE we're on this subject of BF3 and the new one... PLEASE retain the old way of getting into vehicles, they must be placed around the map. NOT spawning in them only. BF3 must remain true to what we remember...with better graphics.


Oct 25, 2017
Been watching some of his videos just now and he's been right regarding BF's direction for years. He was also right about the WW2 game, so I guess Bad Company 3 should follow soon.

Very interesting indeed. In this video from 2017 he already called them out for the same thing. Basically some youtubers are posting speculation videos on Battlefield's direction while knowing full well where the next game is going to be set. They're supposedly being informed by EA themselves to promote/gauge interest beforehand. Alongside this, they're also being used to gauge interest in certain settings or remakes. I don't know the ins and outs but what he said checks out. And no one really seems to acknowledge it. His videos don't get a lot of views.
It's been known for years, at least since bf4 iirc, that jackfrags is on EA's payroll. Somehow, EA keeps getting away with this Astro turfing bullshit and jack keeps getting clicks like nothing happened.


Nov 15, 2017
They should do BF3 and BF4 remastered as one game since they're basically different maps for the same game anyway


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
I just tried running Battlefield 3 on my PC and lol it is completely busted.

I think the biggest question on everyone's mind is: will we surely get the karkland?


Oct 25, 2017
I still roll my eyes at this trailer every time they see it. They hyped this map up for the PC crowd as being all like "look! 64 player battles! Big maps! We're truly a numbered BF sequel!" and then we all played the map and it was 90% fields with nothing in and a big road toward the center of the map which had 5 flags within about 10 meters of each other. And it was among one of BF3's better maps despite being rubbish.
It's probably one of my favourite maps in the series. Absolutely loved it.

It's been known for years, at least since bf4 iirc, that jackfrags is on EA's payroll. Somehow, EA keeps getting away with this Astro turfing bullshit and jack keeps getting clicks like nothing happened.
I'm positive there was a thread on that on here a while ago. IT does seem pretty blatant if you're watched a lot of his videos.


Oct 27, 2017
That's some pretty assholish stuff to say about Jackfrags. That's a decent guy afaik, with a genuine love for past Battlefield games.


Jan 20, 2018
This doesn't make any sense, they released MWR with IW because they're not the same thing, why pack BF3R with another modern BF one of them will cannibalize the other and late 2020 is a perfect window for BF3R because EA doesn't have anything to compete with the new CoD as of today.

BF6 on XSX and ps5 and BF3R for xbone and ps4 so cover both bases or they do BF3 remaster this year as a cross gen title and do BF6 next year.


Oct 27, 2017
It's completely reasonable to see BF3 again with the current tensions between Iran and US! lol


Apr 23, 2018
Hmm, if this is true for me seems like a weird strategy.
Launch two games with the same theme at the same time?
It would be one massive modern day Battlefield package, but like some have said one title will probably offuscate the other.
I think it would be better if they launched separately, like bf3 remaster this year and new title next year, to give time for the community to savour both title.
But what do I know. Let's wait and see.