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Oct 25, 2017
Capcom already has a ton of announcements that just happened. We don't even have release dates for anything other than RE4.
Oct 26, 2017
Capcom: we've moved away from numbers and are using subtitles to convey the direction of each game
Internot: obviously it'll be called World 2 then


May 17, 2018
Yes, exactly. Every mainline has had a different, new name. Dos, Tri, Four, World. No reason to think they would just do "World 2" next.
Well yeah, because "Tri 2" would've been stupid when Tri just means three. My point is they didn't call World some variant of Five so trying to invoke a pattern when they literally just broke one is silly.


Jul 31, 2020
Well yeah, because "Tri 2" would've been stupid when Tri just means three. My point is they didn't call World some variant of Five so trying to invoke a pattern when they literally just broke one is silly.
They also publicly stated "we are not numbering titles anymore because we have found it turns away potential new customers" soā€¦

There's the pattern? I'm not sure why anyone would read that and go "They only meant that for World, Iceborne, Rise, and Sunbreak of course".

They're not going to make MH6 & MH6U the titles despite there being no MH5 named title, that would be very foolish of them. They'll do as we expect, call it something else like World, Rise, maybe even Paradise.


Jul 12, 2022
I'm not going to lie, that sounds like a cool name. Even cooler if it is the name of a sequel to world.


ā–² Legend ā–²
The Fallen
Dec 3, 2018
If this is the next mainline iteration following World, I'm wondering how they are going to blow it out and really take advantage of the hardware they have. In my head, my dream game is kind of bringing components of a destiny-like shared hub/semi-open world where it almost feels MMOish and you see hunters everywhere running around and killing Monsters. Then you would still have proper hunts where you split off in your usual parties of four to go get monster parts. One of the coolest things in World sorely missing from Rise was the Gathering Hub where I could see 15 other players running around with dope looking armor and go "WOAH HOW DID YOU GET THAT". I want that experience magnified and doing bigger raids where you get 16 players together to take down a massive monster would be rad. (World kind of had this, but groups of four each played their own instance).

Truly would be a... Monster Hunter: Paradise.


Oct 25, 2017
If this is the next mainline iteration following World, I'm wondering how they are going to blow it out and really take advantage of the hardware they have. In my head, my dream game is kind of bringing components of a destiny-like shared hub/semi-open world where it almost feels MMOish and you see hunters everywhere running around and killing Monsters. Then you would still have proper hunts where you split off in your usual parties of four to go get monster parts. One of the coolest things in World sorely missing from Rise was the Gathering Hub where I could see 15 other players running around with dope looking armor and go "WOAH HOW DID YOU GET THAT". I want that experience magnified and doing bigger raids where you get 16 players together to take down a massive monster would be rad. (World kind of had this, but groups of four each played their own instance).

Truly would be a... Monster Hunter: Paradise.
That sounds like hell. These games shine as single player experiences and multiplayer has always been vastly inferior.


ā–² Legend ā–²
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I could swear there was an 8-4 Play podcast bet for a steak dinner over if the sequel to World would be called World 2 or something else...


Oct 25, 2017
If this is the next mainline iteration following World, I'm wondering how they are going to blow it out and really take advantage of the hardware they have. In my head, my dream game is kind of bringing components of a destiny-like shared hub/semi-open world where it almost feels MMOish and you see hunters everywhere running around and killing Monsters. Then you would still have proper hunts where you split off in your usual parties of four to go get monster parts. One of the coolest things in World sorely missing from Rise was the Gathering Hub where I could see 15 other players running around with dope looking armor and go "WOAH HOW DID YOU GET THAT". I want that experience magnified and doing bigger raids where you get 16 players together to take down a massive monster would be rad. (World kind of had this, but groups of four each played their own instance).

Truly would be a... Monster Hunter: Paradise.
I love shared world stuff, but I wouldn't want the structure of MonHun to change to that except for particular areas. Like gathering hub or the village? Definitely make shared world. But for hunts? I'd rather it stay as is (except making it easier for friends or randos to join). Now if they made something like the Exploration missions shared world or created something around that as another aspect of the game, that could be cool. Like have a larger open map populated by larger monsters that are meant to be fought by more than 4 players. I'd much rather they do something like that rather than focusing on things like the Rampage mode or Zora Magdaros sieges. I'd be cool with that as long as the majority of the game was focused on the classic hunt structure.


Nov 15, 2018
Hopefully fucking not. Keep that shit far away from MH.
It's gonna be Open World, Guiding Lands felt like a prototype for a proper Open World design.

That and of course the fact that they've been including mounts in the past few games, everything points to OW. I'd be surprised if it isn't OW at this point.


ā–² Legend ā–²
Oct 25, 2017
If it is a sequel to workd no switch is expected but it almost makes sure Rise 2 will immediately be made for switch successor after sunbreak is done next year


Nov 15, 2018
The reason why these games are so popular is precisely because of the MP, and the MP is good fun it's not inferior to SP.

Deleted member 93062

Account closed at user request
Mar 4, 2021
I feel like an open seamless world is likely the next step for Monster Hunter.

While I'm not the biggest fan of the typical Ubisoftā„¢ļø open world game, I think a MH one could work really well. Having the massive monsters roaming a big open world in their natural habitats and getting into fights with each other as well, would be sick.


Jul 31, 2020
The multiplayer consists of 4 players whaling on a creature unequipped to handle that many targets. It's enjoyable in a turn your brain off kinda way. On the other hand the monsters can actually be a threat in single player.
That's a possibility, but it's not the only way multiplayer works. I've been playing with the same group basically for almost a decade now (or a decade?) and it's never been like that. I agree that solo is a very different experience particularly for monster fight design.

There's also varying degrees, 2 players is a large difference from both 1 and 4 players for example.

I do understand the love for solo, but pretending that MH wasn't originally and continually successful because of its multiplayer is pretty silly. I promise that most people play co-op as much as possible compared to soloing.

Saito Hikari

Jul 3, 2021
I'm imagining a spinoff story-based game revolving around exploration and base management of sorts.

Imagine you're part of a group exploring a new region, being the first people to set foot there in recorded history. Your priority would be establishing a new base and then getting your bearings by gathering resources and cataloguing all of the nearby wildlife, and then figuring out how to travel to nearby regions. Stuff like wirebugs and clutch claw would have to be researched rather than something available from the start of the game.

By the end of the game, it becomes obvious that it's actually a prequel to the next mainline MH. Like imagine if you were part of the 1st Fleet in World instead of the 5th Fleet.


Prophet of Regret - Lizard Daddy
Oct 25, 2017
If this is the next mainline iteration following World, I'm wondering how they are going to blow it out and really take advantage of the hardware they have. In my head, my dream game is kind of bringing components of a destiny-like shared hub/semi-open world where it almost feels MMOish and you see hunters everywhere running around and killing Monsters. Then you would still have proper hunts where you split off in your usual parties of four to go get monster parts. One of the coolest things in World sorely missing from Rise was the Gathering Hub where I could see 15 other players running around with dope looking armor and go "WOAH HOW DID YOU GET THAT". I want that experience magnified and doing bigger raids where you get 16 players together to take down a massive monster would be rad. (World kind of had this, but groups of four each played their own instance).

Truly would be a... Monster Hunter: Paradise.

I would hate this immensely

The game's structure with dedicated lobbies is perfect, I don't want pseudo-MMO bullshit spoiling things like weapons and armor.

Just a terrible idea imo

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
I feel like an open seamless world is likely the next step for Monster Hunter.

While I'm not the biggest fan of the typical Ubisoftā„¢ļø open world game, I think a MH one could work really well. Having the massive monsters roaming a big open world in their natural habitats and getting into fights with each other as well, would be sick.

I really hope not. The game does not need more running between zones, filled with items you never collect because the argosy/farm and mid mission camp access makes it all irrelevant. There will inevitably be some sort of fast travel mechanic that will make all those in-between zones even more ignored. Palamutes and wirebugs make all the empty alleys in Rise tolerable.

I want detailed environments with plenty of unique landmarks, not more space between where monsters are actually programed to fight. What I hope the focus is on destructability and terrain deformation that hopefully next gen can power rather than just a stalagmite falling down like before. Something like the tree dam breaking in the ancient forest and opening a part of the map on top of being an attack by baiting it, was so damn cool. I also don't want them to try to justify why a desert is steps from a lush jungle swamp, like the wildspire waste in world laughably did with a single border wall.

I wouldn't be surprised if they did combine at least 2 areas into a sort of zone to increase that sense of scale, but not truly open world. Something like the deserted isle from Tri, combining water and mountain zones could easily lead directly into a huge and cavernous fire zone.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I've been waiting on a current gen Monster Hunter, excited for what this ends up being. The Paradise naming is... interesting


May 3, 2022
Paradise? Maybe it's a Viva Pinata-style game where you're creating little habitats to take care of your cute MH creatures.


Oct 25, 2017
I like it when MH goes into exotic lands and monsters, loved Tri and World, to a lesser extent, for that.
MH4 and the Portable games, on the other hand, go too hard into first/second generation pandering resorting too much to old rosters, it sort of feels like the Kanto (PokƩmon) of Monster Hunter.

We see it with some returning monster that, well, return too much.
I'd be fine with Teostra and friends taking a long break, or even Diablos to leave its spot, for once, to Monoblos or a new monster all together.
Even so we see how hard it is for some non-gen 1-2 monsters to come back; we never saw Qurupeco again despite being quite the meme back in the days, same for Gigginox which is never picked over Khezu and so on.

I really hope we get a solid, exotic roster sprinkled with returning monsters that haven't seen the light in years.


Aug 14, 2018
Can't wait for a 3rd person cover-shooter where the player will take control of a four person team hunting a serial killer called Jack Rathalos.


Oct 26, 2017
Delayed PC release is a delayed purchase for me this time. Tired of that shit.

Probably not for me because I'm weak :/

i'll buy a console for this or FFXVI.

The multiplayer consists of 4 players whaling on a creature unequipped to handle that many targets. It's enjoyable in a turn your brain off kinda way. On the other hand the monsters can actually be a threat in single player.

I do these with random players most of the time ever since World. I've seen countless wipes. I think monsters handle multiple players just fine and DLC monsters will wreck groups.


Oct 27, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Honestly my best scenario for a new MH is a game that is updated constantly for several years and goes crazy with the escalation, kinda like Frontier but lasting for this whole gen.


Nov 22, 2019
If this is the next mainline iteration following World, I'm wondering how they are going to blow it out and really take advantage of the hardware they have. In my head, my dream game is kind of bringing components of a destiny-like shared hub/semi-open world where it almost feels MMOish and you see hunters everywhere running around and killing Monsters. Then you would still have proper hunts where you split off in your usual parties of four to go get monster parts. One of the coolest things in World sorely missing from Rise was the Gathering Hub where I could see 15 other players running around with dope looking armor and go "WOAH HOW DID YOU GET THAT". I want that experience magnified and doing bigger raids where you get 16 players together to take down a massive monster would be rad. (World kind of had this, but groups of four each played their own instance).

Truly would be a... Monster Hunter: Paradise.
That sounds awful to me. I don't much care about seeing 16 other players, I much prefer not seeing others in hubs at all and just dropping into their quests or having them drop into mine. I've spent so much time waiting for teams to sort their life out in lobbies in MH games over the years that I'll never use one again unless playing with specific friends. 'MMO-ish' with big raids doesn't sound like what I want from MH either, it's hard enough to read what's going on with 4 hunters and 4 buddies, let alone a total of 32 allied units.

I've been way more interested in the follower quests/support surveys in MHR, rounding out the NPC cast a bit.


I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
Maybe a F2P GAAS or something? Iunno, weird we didn't know about this one from the hack leaks.

EDIT: Actually, I think this lines up with something else we know. FromSoftware has a game in the final stages of development. FromSoftware also developed:

Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village



Hence, this is a follow-up to that game. 100%.


Nov 22, 2019
I like it when MH goes into exotic lands and monsters, loved Tri and World, to a lesser extent, for that.
MH4 and the Portable games, on the other hand, go too hard into first/second generation pandering resorting too much to old rosters, it sort of feels like the Kanto (PokƩmon) of Monster Hunter.

We see it with some returning monster that, well, return too much.
I'd be fine with Teostra and friends taking a long break, or even Diablos to leave its spot, for once, to Monoblos or a new monster all together.
Even so we see how hard it is for some non-gen 1-2 monsters to come back; we never saw Qurupeco again despite being quite the meme back in the days, same for Gigginox which is never picked over Khezu and so on.

I really hope we get a solid, exotic roster sprinkled with returning monsters that haven't seen the light in years.
I was reading your post and thought 'I'm sure I've seen Peco since Tri/3U', but then I realised it's that Peco is super common in MH Stories and MH Stories 2, so at least it isn't forgotten! Agree on Peco and Gigginox- I get why Gobul was left behind, but Peco is great and Gigginox wipes the floor with Khezu as far as 'creepy leech lizard' goes.


Oct 25, 2017
Way sooner than expected - is this is in fact the successor to World. But I'll take it. Probably a release for next year then?


Oct 27, 2017
Way sooner than expected - is this is in fact the successor to World. But I'll take it. Probably a release for next year then?
I'm expecting it to be announced sometime around E3 season next year.

Keep the MH hype train going after final Rise update.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
People own multiple platforms. It's also not a good idea to be supporting and marketing a relatively recent game and then announce the next game in the series while doing so (outside of annual releases).

To play devils advocate here, Capcom's done this before specifically with this franchise. MHGU for 3DS was out for only three months in Japan before World got announced. If you're counting the Switch version of MHGU, this released after the announcement of World in every territory. Capcom released MHGU and World within an eight month span of one another internationally. They've had instances of concurrent, overlapping releases in this way.

Why couldn't they do this again considering it didn't burn them last time? It's the same potential instances of affairs: an expansion by their "Portable" team is released, and there's a completely new game being made by a different team. We've been here before.
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