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The Last One

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The hype/marketing cycle for this game have the most negative reactions from the franchise fans yet so I can't say I'm surprised..


Oct 27, 2017
I think pinning this on any one specific recent thing is short-sighted.

Not long ago a post went semi-viral about how an easter egg in one of the 3DS (I believe?) games turned out to be a reference to a rented apartment (or perhaps it was a hotel room, I forget the specifics) that employees could relax in briefly during intense game development. It was presented like a cute wacky joke, but it sure felt like a tiny window into a probably pretty unhealthy workflow, and one that has been that way for a while. Game Freak has been making pokemon games at a steady clip for over 20 years and has even shipped a few side projects. I can't imagine how thin they must be stretched, especially on a new platform.

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

I'm pretty sure they are devastated with the millions that the game will sell. Poor them.


Feb 19, 2018
It's probably because they have one of the most spiteful "fanbases" in the industry. It probably fucking sucks to be called lazy online all day every day, especially for some inconsequential design decision that the majority of the workers probably had no say in choosing.

I'm not sure its spiteful to want features that we thought would be standard back in games. I mean everyone has been asking for pokemon to walk behind us since had that shit is heartgold soulsilver and we haven't had it back at all. Its basic shit like that pisses off the fanbase, well than and not bringing back hardmode are like the two biggest contentions the fanbase had with gamefreak for a long time until it all boiled over with SwSh


Traded his Bone Marrow for Pizza
Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure it's because a review copy leaked out two weeks ahead of release and not that.

Why would this be the reason? I don't really understand it. The reactions were going to happen whether in a leak or when the game came out. Better for us that the information got out there before people spent $60.


Oct 25, 2017
There are certainly people who have gone too far, but it's pretty shitty to argue that fans aren't allowed to voice their criticisms or distaste for the direction the series is going because it'd make the devolopers feel bad.


Oct 25, 2017
doesn't Pokémon always leak? why would they be so much more upset this time than any other time.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It's probably because they have one of the most spiteful "fanbases" in the industry. It probably fucking sucks to be called lazy online all day every day, especially for some inconsequential design decision that the majority of the workers probably had no say in choosing.

Lmao at "inconsequential".


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
The whole "I can't wait until we get a console Pokémon game" was going to blow at some point and the switch being a hybrid is the cause of that.

You've had decades of people imagining this grand Pokémon game when the series finally would be on a home console. So for Sword and Shield to not meet those expectations in numerous ways to them was always going to bring vitriol.

All of that plus leaks so early out taking away the surprise of some Pokémon, I can see why morale is low over there.

Game will still sell fine though.


Oct 25, 2017
Why would this be the reason? I don't really understand it. The reactions were going to happen whether in a leak or when the game came out. Better for us that the information got out there before people spent $60.
People don't have to purchase the game at launch, all that information was eventually going to come out even without the leaks.


Oct 25, 2017
as someone who stopped playing pkmn during diamond and pearl i cant say im surprised that people are mad at gamefreak. peoples feelings toward gamefreak have been getting worse and worse with each game because gf makes all kinds of odd decisions with the pkmn games while ignoring what fans would like.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Funny because my morale in them is at an all time low as well.



Nov 18, 2018
Considering how consistently GameFreak releases the games, and the hard deadlines they have to reach, I wouldn't be surprised that the work culture at GF is horrendous.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Not surprising. People went way too far even with good reason for being disappointed in these games. And no it's obviously not just one or two bad eggs, otherwise we wouldn't have this thread at all. They deserve just as much, if not more, scorn than anyone who made this game IMO.

Deleted member 58846

User requested account closure
Jul 28, 2019
I seriously hope these end up being the highest rated and highest selling games in the series since Gen 2. A final finger to the "fans".

Any empathy I had for the "national dex" controversy is long gone.


Oct 26, 2017
The only time I care about the morale of a studio is when it involves workers being exploited by their bosses or their companies via crunch or other toxic workplace conditions. I'm not going to feel sorry for people who feel bad because they made unpopular design decisions and don't like the criticism. The game is going to sell millions regardless of what people think about it, and I've never seen any evidence that those in charge of the Pokemon brand care about anything other than that anyway. AND if they can continue to sell millions without requiring months of crunch, then all the power to them.


Jun 20, 2018
It could also be the reception of Town, Should we blame GameXplain for hating it? it's hard to say what the reason is. . You could frame this story any way you want. If it's even true at all
Jun 2, 2019
Honestly, if it's true, maybe the SwSh fiasco will finally be the kick in the pants they need to decide to start listening to the fanbase instead of ignoring them.
There's no fiasco and they're constantly listening at the fanbase, wich reflects in the games. You're just being toxic, and part of the problem

Also, saying this without giving details is just being sensationalist


Traded his Bone Marrow for Pizza
Oct 25, 2017
People don't have to purchase the game at launch, all that information was eventually going to come out even without the leaks.

Sure, I'm just saying the act of the leak doesn't make sense to me as being the reason for morale issues (if true), the reasons would be the REACTION to the information, at the very least.


Oct 30, 2017
If that's what is necessary for the franchise to stop releasing games annually and actually take the time to become a game worth of 60$, then so be it.


Jan 5, 2019
TPC, GF and Nintendo need to fuck off and stop with the yearly releases. Give me a GREAT new mainline game every 3 years and a new gen every 6 and people will be happy.
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