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The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I never said there wasn't a difference, that's not even the point. The point is the response to all deals and acquisitions and the hypocrisy on display.

As long as this shit is team sports, fueled in no small manner by underlying currents of "fuck the other guys" spite in both camps, that hypocrisy isn't going anywhere. And it isn't exclusive to or specific to fans of either platform.


Aug 11, 2018
Because people are talking about the Bethesda vs. Bluepoint acquisitions and calling out other members for hypocrisy. We're not comparing the acquisition of Bethesda to that of Psygnosis 25 years ago.

It's obvious there's a vast ocean of difference between buying a mid-sized independent developer and a multi-platform publisher worth over $7 billion with half a dozen studios under its belt.

I honestly don't know what point you are trying to get at.

You seem to be conflating the business reality of the situation for Microsoft and Sony with what people have a problem with.

From a customer perspective it would be better of any exclusives are timed because it means they will eventually have access to them on their platform of choice.

From a business perspective, Microsoft are having a hard time compared to Sony in securing timed exclusives because they have weaker bargaining power because of the gulf in market share with Sony.

From the users perspective, the second point doesn't matter to them because they simply want access to the games.

As for your last point, who the hell has said Microsoft fans want to miss out?

Seriously, your entire argument seems nonsensical and driven by personal bias.

Hypocrisy abounds. Remember when Microsoft got timed exclusivity to Rise of the Tomb Raider? Was this ever replicated elsewhere? Of course not, but this is because that anger is basically slave to market share dominance.

As I told someone yesterday, we now have a Microsoft CEO that actually gives a shit about gaming, one who is looking to take their vast financial strength to make moves that ensures that the Xbox outfit has a chance of competing, and in a lot of ways, this is something that makes some rather uncomfortable.

It is basically no different to what Sony dud when they came into the market. They bought a publisher, they paid for exclusivity, and then established themselves as the king of console gaming. All of these moves that are made by these companies are essentially moves to perpetuate dominance, or win back market share; and this is what I always see them as.

I personally do not care who Microsoft or Sony buy. It is their money and there are people being paid money to make sure that they bring as many people as possible to their respective ecosystems. What matters to me as an individual consumer is whether or not they are doing enough to make me invest in their ecosystem, and whether or not increased investment is needed. So I always try and look at these from an individual point of view while taking into consideration the realities of business.

Today, PlayStation is what holds it down for Sony, the camera sensor tech and Financial being other good operations. They no longer dominate TV sales as they did back in the day with the Triniton, they no longer dominate as they did with transistor radios and Walkman, and over time, Sony mobile is a much smaller player today too. So they go all in, and they do what has worked for them before.

I personally tend to think that as a consumer, timed exclusives are a waste of time as opposed to actually getting games that differentiate one system from another. I also tend to think that people that champion that it is better think that to be the case because they are mainly the beneficiaries of that practice, and we have an entire topic, this topic as great reference point.

We also know that people are de facto not against to acquisition either. We have this as an exhibit, but it is not the only one, we also have this, and these predate the agreement to acquire Bethesda. This was followed by a myriad of reaction threads, this one being one of the few that actually lasted.

Personally, I like this new Microsoft and what they are doing to bring more games day and date into Game Pass. I was sick and tired of them wandering the gaming market half arsed, lacking in vision and conviction. This is something I have always admired about Sony being cutthroat and doing what it takes to remain at the top when it comes to gaming, if anything, they leveraged the money they made off their kingpin electronics era to fuel their entry into games.
They have been a positive pushing generation defining games and really pushing tech. Microsoft is doing the same i.e. leveraging their assets to now push gaming and you now have these comparisons, some that do not make sense.

Let these companies spend funds as they see fit. If some consumers miss out on games, so be it. It is not the first time this happened in gaming, and it sure wont be the last.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I knew eventually people would come into this thread to talk about Microsoft's acquisitions.

Sony acquiring BluePoint would not give them exclusivity over pre-existing IPs. It wouldn't be blocking other platforms from access to IPs they used to have up until now.

Because BluePoint has no IPs. Trying to equate them to Zenimax or any other high profile studios Microsoft acquired is false equivalence.
People really deaf out here, but you spittin'.

Imagine comparing DOOM, Wolfenstein, and freaking Skyrim becoming exclusive to remasters that have already been exclusive remaining exclusive.


Oct 25, 2017
Hypocrisy would be if someone said "man it would be awful if someone acquired Rockstar" but then started cheering when their secret pub of choice ended up acquiring Rockstar. Because that would be them talking out both sides of their mouth regard the exact same studio.
Plenty of people did that with Bethesda, though, both pro and against.

As long as this shit is team sports, fueled in no small manner by underlying currents of "fuck the other guys" spite in both camps, that hypocrisy isn't going anywhere. And it isn't exclusive to or specific to fans of either platform.
Yes. Though it does get tiring seeing the same people being giddy about one acquisition come into threads about another and saying "oh so now acquisitions are ok?"


Mar 5, 2018
Excellent move if true! Makes sense to me - would be cool to see them tackle some of the other game genres Sony doesn't already have on lock. Stuff like WRPG's or FPS would be cool. They've certainly made a diverse portfolio of remakes/remasters, so whatever they do next I have high hopes!


Oct 25, 2017
I knew eventually people would come into this thread to talk about Microsoft's acquisitions.

Sony acquiring BluePoint would not give them exclusivity over pre-existing IPs. It wouldn't be blocking other platforms from access to IPs they used to have up until now.

Because BluePoint has no IPs. Trying to equate them to Zenimax or any other high profile studios Microsoft acquired is false equivalence.
Its just the same people as always trying to go "see sony too, gotcha!"


Jul 12, 2019
Has Bluepoint made any original games or do they just do remakes? I would love to see their take on their own IP. Clearly this is a very capable and talented studio.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
If Bluepoint wants to branch out to making their own IPs, this acquisition is an absolute no-brainer for them. They would be able to secure their funding off two remakes, with existing fanbases, while Housemarque, Pre-Facebook Ready at Dawn, and the like, had /have to prove themselves critically (and sales-wise) with new IPs.

Talented studio, great output, plenty of potential, fairly small, no IPs to balloon their pricepoint, comes with their own engine, Sony would be dumb to pass them up.


Oct 31, 2017
There is a massive difference between one company securing a timed exclusive that will come to other platforms in 6/12 months and another company purchasing an entire publisher with multiple development studios with dozens of cross platform IPs that will most likely now become console exclusive and prevent an entire console audience from ever playing those games again unless they purchase another console/device.

To even try and compare them or say they are the same thing is ridiculous.
What game are you referring to?


Oct 25, 2017
Well, it happened. And I actually gave you threads on that.
Did you show that it's the same people with contradictory statements about both types of situation?

You also didn't bother to respond to the point I made that from the consumers perspective there is a difference and instead looked at it purely from a business one.

We can all do that but it doesn't change things. I personally wouldn't want Sony to buy up a big publisher because it would remove games from other people but from a business perspective it would make a lot of sense to do so since Microsoft has been so aggressive recently.
So you meant the Deathloop and Ghostqire Tokyo games? Got it. 😂
I wasn't referencing any particular games and the person I was responding to didn't mention any either.

My issue was conflating the two situations as being the same when there is a massive difference to the consumer.


May 29, 2019
Please do a quick bloodborne remaster before anything. Sony can probably ask From to let them port the game to the latest version of the Engine with TAA and HDR and Bluepoint can just use A. I upscale to upscale all texture to higher and make sure things things runs at and nice and crisp 4k @ locked 60fps.

It's all I want so much.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll be surprised if their next game isn't either Demon's Souls 2 or Bloodborne 2. Seems like the DS remake was their final test before being acquired and turned loose to make an original game.
Dec 12, 2017

Jim Ryan stated they were open to mergers and acquisitions but their primary focus is in building on their own studios organically which is exactly what they have been doing. They have expanded a lot of their 1st party studios so that they are bigger than they were previously and as such fan work on more than one project at a time.
Thanks for clarifying lol.
Oct 28, 2017
Does OP not realize that the deal could be finalized but take months for an announcement?

Seems risky to bet your account on too. Bluepoint wants to make their own IP. They're completely unproven in terms of developing a game from the ground up and would need to hire a considerable number of developers. Is Sony going to see eye to eye on that regarding budget and scope? Seems like an issue that could easily break the deal.

(Not to imply Bluepoint couldn't make a game, only to say that investing heavily in an untested developer is a risk that could put the deal in jeopardy)


Nov 16, 2017
And I thought that this thread would be 16 pages of people talking about what they wanted from Bluepoint next project lol
Oct 27, 2017
Hypocrisy abounds. Remember when Microsoft got timed exclusivity to Rise of the Tomb Raider? Was this ever replicated elsewhere? Of course not, but this is because that anger is basically slave to market share dominance.

As I told someone yesterday, we now have a Microsoft CEO that actually gives a shit about gaming, one who is looking to take their vast financial strength to make moves that ensures that the Xbox outfit has a chance of competing, and in a lot of ways, this is something that makes some rather uncomfortable.

It is basically no different to what Sony dud when they came into the market. They bought a publisher, they paid for exclusivity, and then established themselves as the king of console gaming. All of these moves that are made by these companies are essentially moves to perpetuate dominance, or win back market share; and this is what I always see them as.

I personally do not care who Microsoft or Sony buy. It is their money and there are people being paid money to make sure that they bring as many people as possible to their respective ecosystems. What matters to me as an individual consumer is whether or not they are doing enough to make me invest in their ecosystem, and whether or not increased investment is needed. So I always try and look at these from an individual point of view while taking into consideration the realities of business.

Today, PlayStation is what holds it down for Sony, the camera sensor tech and Financial being other good operations. They no longer dominate TV sales as they did back in the day with the Triniton, they no longer dominate as they did with transistor radios and Walkman, and over time, Sony mobile is a much smaller player today too. So they go all in, and they do what has worked for them before.

I personally tend to think that as a consumer, timed exclusives are a waste of time as opposed to actually getting games that differentiate one system from another. I also tend to think that people that champion that it is better think that to be the case because they are mainly the beneficiaries of that practice, and we have an entire topic, this topic as great reference point.

We also know that people are de facto not against to acquisition either. We have this as an exhibit, but it is not the only one, we also have this, and these predate the agreement to acquire Bethesda. This was followed by a myriad of reaction threads, this one being one of the few that actually lasted.

Personally, I like this new Microsoft and what they are doing to bring more games day and date into Game Pass. I was sick and tired of them wandering the gaming market half arsed, lacking in vision and conviction. This is something I have always admired about Sony being cutthroat and doing what it takes to remain at the top when it comes to gaming, if anything, they leveraged the money they made off their kingpin electronics era to fuel their entry into games.
They have been a positive pushing generation defining games and really pushing tech. Microsoft is doing the same i.e. leveraging their assets to now push gaming and you now have these comparisons, some that do not make sense.

Let these companies spend funds as they see fit. If some consumers miss out on games, so be it. It is not the first time this happened in gaming, and it sure wont be the last.

1) For someone uninterested in acquisitions you definitely have a lot to say about it
2) Buying Bluepoint and buying Bethesda are not comparable, so approving of one and disliking the other is not hypocrisy
3) I'm sure there are fanboys who dislike MS buying studios and like Sony buying studios (the opposite will also be true), but unless you can point out someone who specifically did these things I don't know who your unspecific hypocrite comments are aimed at?

Yup, completely agree. I feel a PS racer with Sony and third party reps that is similar to Racing Transformed would be a good game in general.

Yeah, I would like Sumo to have another go at a Transformed-style arcade/karting game, and if Sega aren't going to commission it then Sony should step up and try. They actually seem to be leaning into their PS history a bit more now, so maybe the time is right for more cross-brand games a la PS All-Stars Battle Royale. I still think they should make Daxter & Clank Karting, and given that their line-up of characters is much bigger and more diverse now than it was ~8 years ago, they should maybe think about making a sequel to that.

Era is against the acquisition of giant publishers and instantly locking a huge chunk of the industry (which was previously multiplat) onto a single platform.

A pub buying a single small studio that has only made exclusive games for them anyways really isn't a big deal. Stop trying to equate the two

Well said. This reminds me of someone trying to argue that Spider-Man being a PS4 Avengers exclusive was more anti-consumer than Microsoft buying Bethesda.

They're primarily a PS dev though. They've only recently branched out to the Switch within the last few years.

Aug 12, 2019
The only two things that Bluepoint have ever produced not on a Sony console were the Xbox 360 version of Metal Gear Solid HD Collection and the 360 version of Titanfall. So the idea of an acquisition doesn't surprise me as Sony has been more and more willing to trust them with larger projects and have increasingly worked to incorporate them into their existing ecosystem. There's no IP that Sony would be taking away from anyone else as Bluepoint doesn't have their own, so I think that's a relatively minor acquisition, much smaller than Insomniac from a couple years ago.

I'm generally against acquisitions, but if this is want Bluepoint genuinely wants, I think this is one of the better ways to go about an acquisition.


Oct 8, 2019
Why are people talking about Psygnosis as a gotcha to Microsoft acquiring Bethesda? That shit happened 27 years ago when the industry wasn't nearly as mature. Not to mention are we really comparing a company that owns Elder Scrolls and Fallout currently to bloody Lemmings? Psygnosis acquisition if anything is more similar to Rare, as both companies were trying to get a foot into the industry when those acquisitions happened. Bethesda's acquisition is an alarm sign towards industry consolidation.

Insomniac and Bluepoint have made games for Sony for well over a decade now, and in both cases, IP's that are owned by SIE. Microsoft swooped in and acquired a whole big publisher and all of their IP's. As well as several development studios who never worked on an exclusive game for them previously, (Double Fine, Ninja Theory, Mojang, etc).

I'm not saying "fuck Microsoft", and that it's wrong, but its clearly two different types of businesses that are being done here. These fanboy wars are a clear display of a lack of foresight. If Sony goes and acquires Capcom or Square Enix, then yes, that would be a "see, Sony too!".

This is pathetic. Also OP, if you do lose your account due to this acquisition happening a few days or weeks after your deadline, my deepest condolences to you.


Nov 15, 2017
Bluepoint should remake inFAMOUS 1 and 2. That is all.

I'd love to see Empire City and New Marais realized in their incredible engine. Considering how well received the first 2 inFAMOUS games were on the PS3, I find it curious that it never got the HD Remaster treatment, and was instead released on PS Now.

Oh man that'd be great!


Aug 11, 2018
I was responding to a post saying that Sony fans were laughing it up when they were announcing timed exclusives earlier in the year but when the Bethesda announcement came through they were suddenly crying foul.
Did you show that it's the same people with contradictory statements about both types of situation?[

You also didn't bother to respond to the point I made that from the consumers perspective there is a difference and instead looked at it purely from a business one.

We can all do that but it doesn't change things. I personally wouldn't want Sony to buy up a big publisher because it would remove games from other people but from a business perspective it would make a lot of sense to do so since Microsoft has been so aggressive recently.
Why would anyone think that these businesses bother about the consumer perspective? They care about what can make them money. Sony says 'take this money, and make sure that this game that was supposed to come out on all systems launches later on Xbox'. Microsoft says to developers and publishers 'here is the money, come and make games for out ecosystem'.

In each, some gamers are screwed, but such is the nature of every competitive business, and as much as some complain, it has its benefits elsewhere.

In any case, this was you.

It's been happening since Kinect released I would say since that was when their internally developed games basically dropped off the map and we were left with only halo, gears and forza but I suppose it has become worse since Phil took over. People just see him as some saviour.

The problem with Xbox is that it has become the last choice for games out of all three systems. Sony have a tonne of big budget/indie/Japanese exclusive games, Nintendo have always had a big amount of first party games but now seems to be attractive a tonne of indie/3rs party games which helps take away their 'Nintendo games only' stigma but Microsoft have become the console you only get for first party games (or your friends own one too).

Honestly I have no idea what MS can do to turn themselves around. They make money but nowhere near as much as they would consider worthwhile I would imagine, especially since lionhead made three times as much as it cost to purchase them yet they were closed for not making enough money.

They really need a few new exclusive ips that capture lighting in a bottle to attract attention to their brand and keep people there because their current ones are slowly dropping off and won't be enough to convince people to move to the next Xbox console I'm sure, not in the numbers they need.

I just wonder when Microsoft will look at their returns for the years of work they put into a consol generation and start to think 'why are we even bothering when we could put these resources into something with a better ROI?'.

I would say that Final fantasy fans are pretty faithful to the series for the most part.

That's important because let's say roughly 80% of fans would usually buy on playstation (not exact numbers of course), it would be a relatively cheap exclusive to get because you would only have to cover the 20% of total sales and as mentioned earlier, fans are likely to follow to get the next mainline entry.

One exclusive isnt going to win the gen for a company but pick a bunch that are targeted at different groups and you could make a big difference overall.

That's why Sony are so successful, they cover all of their basis: great first party exclusives, smart partnerships and well placed exclusive deals.

"Why does Sony bother to pay for third party exclusives? It's a waste of money"

This opinion that I have seen countless times in this thread, shows how many people have absolutely no idea of what makes a console successful and shouldn't be listened to at all when it comes to 'what works and what doesn't'.

Let us move on post Bethesda.

Not exactly sure why people keep acting like this is somehow Sony's fault, as if they were the only company paying for timed exclusives or that this hasn't been happening for generations from every single company.

It's not even that, it's usually: Sony buys timed exclusive rights to a single game and it will come out on other platforms down the line.

That some people would try to compare the two scenarios is ridiculous.

There is a difference between Sony paying for the odd timed exclusives and Microsoft buying an entire publishing company that features tonnes of developes and big IPs.

Microsoft were doing the exact same thing from the Xbox inception, this isn't a Sony exclusive problem.

You are Also being extremely reductive by equating them to being the same. One goes for timed exclusives unless they are explicitly helping with development and funding, so those games will come to other platforms eventually, the other just walled off an entire range of developers and their IPs forever.

As a business move this is great for Microsoft, a massive acquisition that will add a lot of value to the Microsoft brand.

As a consumer and primarily PlayStation user, this is shitty but ultimately won't affect me too much since I am not really interested in fallout that much and the only games of theirs I loved are the last 2 Doom games so it will be a real shame to not be able to play them anymore.

On a side note, I wonder how many people who criticised Sony for securing Spiderman as exclusive dlc and calling them anti consumer will bring that same energy to this topic since it's an industry shaking development in comparison.
We really ought to pay attention to our post histories.

1) For someone uninterested in acquisitions you definitely have a lot to say about it
2) Buying Bluepoint and buying Bethesda are not comparable, so approving of one and disliking the other is not hypocrisy
3) I'm sure there are fanboys who dislike MS buying studios and like Sony buying studios (the opposite will also be true), but unless you can point out someone who specifically did these things I don't know who your unspecific hypocrite comments are aimed at?
1. I am not bothered by who is purchased. I look at it as business as usual. I stated this here and here. I have echoed these sentiments elsewhere too on this very forum.

2. A purchase is a purchase. The only people that make this distinction are people on this forum. Every purchase is geared towards getting talent and/or IP. Or in some cases, the IP alone. Every publisher acquires these be it Nintendo with Monolith and the Xeno series, or Sony getting Insomniac alongside the Sunset Overdrive IP, and sometimes, it is just straight up talent acquisition.

3. We do not need to prove this.


Oct 25, 2017
I was responding to a post saying that Sony fans were laughing it up when they were announcing timed exclusives earlier in the year but when the Bethesda announcement came through they were suddenly crying foul.
Well, it did happen...
And the Xbox fanboys did the same, too. Hell, a lot of them were saying exclusives in principle were anti-consumer, too.
Bethesda acquisition happened, and bam, they changed their tune.

That's the point of what I was saying. Fanboys are hypocrites, regardless of their preference.


Sep 1, 2018
How much you guys think it would cost? U$40~60 million? Just for comparison, Insomniac cost was U$230 million, but they have two studios, somes IPs and almost 300 employes.
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