Oct 28, 2017
Taking into account Aquaria gives off some serious spoiled brat vibes it doesn't matter how talented she is, she's going to eventually stir some shit with Cracker, that's for sure. I can see them lip synching against each other because they both fucked up a main challenge due to drama.

Kalorie won't last long either, imho she seems like a one-trick-pony and she already burned her signature move like a couple of times.

I agree with all this. I rewatched the first wasepisode and I noticed right before Aquaria says she copied her brows, Monet is talking about how Cracker does the sad brows all the time at shows.


Oct 27, 2017
She actually wasn't even allowed to leave her state when she left for filming. I lowkey hope the producers picked up on it and do something dramatic with it.
I don't remember where, but I'm pretty sure I saw her say the producers were aware of it.

Actually judging by how vocal she's been about it outside the show I wouldn't be surprised if she talks about it on the show too
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Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
first 10 minutes are up on vh1.com

cracker/aquaria drama continues
i like andy cohen, wish he was a guest judge instead of just being randomly there for a mini challenge. i don't really get the point of people tagging along with ru in the workroom, and it seems like it's becoming a thing with marc jacobs, nancy pelosi, etc.

there's also a makeup tutorial by miss vanjie. man, i wish she didn't have to go home so soon, it would have been fun to have her for a couple more episodes.
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Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
first 10 minutes are up on vh1.com

cracker/aquaria drama continues
i like andy cohen, wish he was a guest judge instead of just being randomly there for a mini challenge. i don't really get the point of people tagging along with ru in the workroom, and it seems like it's becoming a thing with marc jacobs, nancy pelosi, etc.

I haven't watched the preview yet but really?? I was over the Aquaria Ceacker fued the moment I heard it existed. I hope Cracker just slays the competition and pays no mind to petty bs. And I hope Aquaria pulls out the lewks without paying too much attention to what Cracker is doing.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I haven't watched the preview yet but really?? I was over the Aquaria Ceacker fued the moment I heard it existed. I hope Cracker just slays the competition and pays no mind to petty bs. And I hope Aquaria pulls out the lewks without paying too much attention to what Cracker is doing.
cracker kind of admits that she has learned some makeup from aquaria since they did a photoshoot and aquaria did her face, but the drama is just boring. also vixen is not having it with aquaria saying she's bothered by cracker copying her in untucked, but saying she's unbothered when cracker is there.


Oct 27, 2017
Regarding the preview:

As I suspected, the Aquaria/Cracker stuff is just a movie that Aquaria has fabricated in her head about Cracker copying her looks, while in reality they have very similar facial features and body complexion so the same type of makeup and outfits become both, and Cracker is just merely amused at that fact.

Edit: I'm happy for Vixen to call Aquaria out and not having her shit. At least Cracker now knows what's up and can concentrate on what's important.
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User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
God bless the Vixen. It's much better for people to voice their petty grievances than to talk behind peoples backs.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't particularly like The Vixen, but I am absolutely here for the drama she's bringing. This episode alone was better than all of S9


Jan 3, 2018
I told y'all don't sleep on Chitown! Vixen has the smarts and the personality, now all he needs is the looks!


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
My friend did a dragged up review of the first episode

Red Liquorice

Oct 27, 2017
Philth? Yes please.

Unrelated, about DR Thailand:
I gagged at the double elimination, although afterwards I kind of thought it might be scripted due to the amount of episodes and them already have a double non-elimation earlier in the series?


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Ok, until further notice The Vixen is my favorite.

That was some Seasons 1 - 4 not-giving-a-shit-about-social-media catty and I was HERE FOR IT!


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Alyssa Edwards....condragulations you are the winner of this challenge.


Oct 25, 2017
What was the exact runway theme? Missed it, and it's like 3/4 sequins.. but not all.

edit: Dusty looks really basic and exposed w/o the dots.


Oct 25, 2017
Dusty's makeup definitely looked better in the close-up shots. It's the same core problem as before though- it doesn't read at a distance. The big spots looked like a skin disease from far away and the small ones today doesn't look like anything to me.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I was expecting Eureka to go with cheap stunts for one of my favorite songs ever. But she SERVED a Latrice style lip sync and DID. THAT.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I am SO glad Untucked is back on TV. This one episode is already better than two whole seasons of that YouTube mess.
Oct 27, 2017
God damn, I can never get enough of Alyssa Edwards. I love her! And putting her on an episode that features a silly ass country mini-challenge was kind of poetic. lol

My fav runways this ep were Miz Cracker, Kameron, Asia, and Dusty (lookin' like a rule 63 Beetle Juice, YES).
Kameron in particular looks like she should be a fairy in the next Zelda game, I love it.
And, good lord, I am living for Miz Cracker's beautiful sci-fi Metropolis-inspired look.

And yeah as much as I love Monet X Change Asia was right in untucked, that sponge meets cave woman look was messy as hell. Bottom 2 material if I've ever seen it lol


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I'm excited for the Vixen. Now people can't say she's only there to start drama.


Oct 27, 2017
Ok, the season started with me not liking any of the white queens except Blair, but Dusty and Cracker are growing on me. In the other hand, Asia and Mayhem are starting to rub me the wrong way.

Edit: can't believe Monet still brought pieces of scourer to the backstage. Completely lost it.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
- decent episode, i liked eureka's lip sync and i'm happy she stayed, if she wasn't wearing that stupid body suit and was wearing like a pageant gown or something that would have been a legendary lip sync.
- i loved dusty on the runway, thought she looked the best. asia also looked good, i think she's dead ass serious about the competition and didn't come to play one bit.
- i really like blair but she's just so quite, i feel like she's gonna go soon if she stays that way. she just fades into the background in workroom scenes and doesn't have a lot of talking heads.
- monet not only looks like bob and has a similar voice, but talks like her and says what you would expect to come out of bob's mouth. it's hard not to just think that's bob sitting there in untucked.
- monique's story in untucked was very sad.

That was some Seasons 1 - 4 not-giving-a-shit-about-social-media catty and I was HERE FOR IT!
i agree, it's very refreshing seeing someone who doesn't care about what people will think, and ironically that will get her a lot of fans

Whoah, whoah.... Let's not get crazy here!
what's the matter? are you not ready for her cucu
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Oct 27, 2017
Ok, confession time: I ended up liking Cynthia. I know a lot of people find her really annoying because she's so fucking extra all the time but somehow her shtick works if you're a native Spanish speaker.

Also, forgot to say in the previous post: Blair is going down for me. If she wasn't in the winning team she would have had tickets for the bottom two, or at the very least a scare and wake up call like Monique had. She was doing the "pineapple", some of her lines were out of sync and she was lost in the crowd. I didn't even notice she was there until she popped out with the wings and wand.