
Oct 26, 2017
So, say, a black business owner who denies service to a person who comes into their establishment in full KKK regalia is the despicable one in that interaction? Is this your stance? Or are you just going to ignore this question because your shitty stance is about as flimsy as a house of cards?

I'd really like one of the defenders of Sanders to answer this. I know you've posted it a couple of times and they keep breezing right by. I wonder why.


Mar 1, 2018
The only thing I can tell you is that I try to be the better person in my real life and sometimes it's really fucking hard. I've talked with a few other posters and I feel like I have a better understanding of the whole situation, at least enough to understand some important nuances.
It's great to try to be a good person, but you should not have to try to be better than Sarah Sanders. The owner of that restaurant could light the building on fire with Sarah Sanders in it and by most metrics would still be a better person than Sarah Sanders (hypothetical example, not condoning it, etc). Refusing service to her and her family could not possibly put anyone at risk for being as bad as Sarah Sanders if they're even a half decent person otherwise. If you have to actually try then you must be doing something wrong.

There's nothing wrong with supporting Sarah Sanders or anything Republican.
I mean, I can think of a few things if you'll grant me that Mexicans are human beings for instance.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Oh and just an FYI. This happened to joe Biden in 2012.

Fuck Sarah Sanders and anyone crying about this. She doesn't deserve to be served when she isn't serving the public with the truth.
Oct 27, 2017
Sanders deserves to be charged with a crime. She is supposed to uphold the constitution, and just violated this person's first amendment right.


Oct 25, 2017
So we support a restaurant owners right to deny service to someone based on their beliefs?

I can't agree with this.

Sarah Sanders is a liar and has a belief system I am staunchly opposed to, but public institutions should have no right to discriminate.

Bigots are not a protected class of people.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm waiting for the inevitable take where a salty Republican tried to compare this to segregation.

Aaaaaaany minute now


Oct 28, 2017
One of my buddies pointed out she violated some govt ethics rule that she cant use her personal twitter account to complain about anything publicly. She should techniclaly be fired Monday, but probably wont be

Also, to the people complaining about her being treated unfairly, shes a public figure entering a restaurant, not a random citizen buying a cake. A restaurant owner can refuse anyone service they decide for any reason not related to sex or religion, especially someone in the public eye who could cause a scene.

A baker wasnt(but can now because of Republicans) allowed to turn away a couple for asking for a personalized cake.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
To the people calling this "discrimination", if Trump wanted to drop by a restaurant or appear on a show (like Obama did with Anthony Bourdain or on SNL and other president before him have done), and that establishment said "sorry, we aren't interested in hosting you", would that be considered discrimination too? Because that situation is no different than this one.
This is really a semantic issue about how people are defining the term "discrimination."

If you're using it to mean something like "unlawfully choosing not to serve somebody," then obviously your hypothetical and the Sarah Sanders thing wouldn't qualify since both of these are perfectly legal.

If you're using the term to mean "choosing not to serve somebody," then yes the restaurant discriminated against Sanders, but who cares? There's nothing inherently illegal or wrong about that type of discrimination if you use the word that way.

I think what's happening here is a motte and bailey argument where people are really using the term the second way while hoping to sneak in the "unlawful" or "unjustified" connotation of the first definition.


Oct 26, 2017
One of my buddies pointed out she violated some govt ethics rule that she cant use her personal twitter account to complain about anything publicly. She should techniclaly be fired Monday, but probably wont be

The business can and should sue. But yeah nothing is going to happen to Sarah especially when you remember who her boss is and what he does with his twitter account.


Mar 1, 2018
I said I try to be the better person, not a better person. As in, I try to stay true to morals regardless of how other people treat me, although I wouldn't begrudge anyone for choosing a different path.
If your morals tell you that everyone deserves to be treated equally no matter their character, then they're not very robust morals and they don't equip you for all the gray areas in life.


Nov 13, 2017
I would much rather support people on patreon who are providing social goods like this than give yet another person a platform to blog about retro video games or host a podcast.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't see why she is whining. I mean she and the White House advocate the right to deny service for being Gay based on Religious Beliefs. So why not deny service to shitheads on my own religious beliefs


Nov 13, 2017
One of my buddies pointed out she violated some govt ethics rule that she cant use her personal twitter account to complain about anything publicly. She should techniclaly be fired Monday, but probably wont be

Also, to the people complaining about her being treated unfairly, shes a public figure entering a restaurant, not a random citizen buying a cake. A restaurant owner can refuse anyone service they decide for any reason not related to sex or religion, especially someone in the public eye who could cause a scene.

A baker wasnt(but can now because of Republicans) allowed to turn away a couple for asking for a personalized cake.
The irony is lost on people.
Nov 1, 2017
There comes a time even if you want to be a good person that you take a stand against the horrible treatment some bestow upon a society, these people made their bed, people don't have to take it.

Makes me rather proud of the United States to see folks taking a stand instead of taking it like normal.
Oct 27, 2017
This is really a semantic issue about how people are defining the term "discrimination."

If you're using it to mean something like "unlawfully choosing not to serve somebody," then obviously your hypothetical and the Sarah Sanders thing wouldn't qualify since both of these are perfectly legal.

If you're using the term to mean "choosing not to serve somebody," then yes the restaurant discriminated against Sanders, but who cares? There's nothing inherently illegal or wrong about that type of discrimination if you use the word that way.

I think what's happening here is a motte and bailey argument where people are really using the term the second way while hoping to sneak in the "unlawful" or "unjustified" connotation of the first definition.
Aren't all disingenuous far right arguments posed in that manner? They think they're smart, but they're just furthering the depths at which they look like inhuman assholes. I simply don't play word games with them anymore. I know and understand they would absolutely put people like me up against a wall if they got complete power. Fuck them. I know what they want.

Chie Satonaka

Oct 25, 2017
In a perfect world, she would be denied service everywhere she went.

She should live her entire life in shame, as should every member of this administration who doesn't end up in jail.

Yes, I know both of those are essentially fantasies.

Deleted member 12352

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
You know what they say... you lie down with dogs, you get rightly kicked out of a restaurant so decent human beings don't have to look at your bigoted face while they're trying to eat.

Good on these guys for taking a stand against pieces of shit who have seemingly made it their mission in life to make the world a worse place for everyone.

This shit is like the first amendment in how misunderstood the civil rights/discrimination laws are. Some people are dense as fuck. If someone comes in wearing a shirt that says "I HATE BLACK PEOPLE" should you have to serve them? If someone comes in in full KKK or nazi uniform should you have to serve them?

I mean... what if Jeremy Irons was forcing them to do it?

... sorry.


Oct 28, 2017
In a perfect world, she would be denied service everywhere she went.

She should live her entire life in shame, as should every member of this administration who doesn't end up in jail.

Yes, I know both of those are essentially fantasies.
Shes a public figure, she can legally be refused service for the rest of her life because of the scene she could potentially cause. Its the same as a famou srock band being told they cant come to a bar after a show.


Oct 25, 2017
As someone who is not american the partyism is very frigthening.
Nah fuck this.
The crippling fear you feel right now about how people are being uncivil and partisan isn't 1/100th of the existential dread felt by immigrants, minorities, LGBT people and anybody else in the crosshairs for the ongoing, nationwide campaign to dehumanize them led primarily by the current president and the people who blindly follow him to 'make america great again.' Sarah Sanders is the full-time mouthpiece for such policies. Congratulations, you now possess the absolute minimum amount of knowledge required to participate in this discussion, and your deep, heart-felt """""concerns""""" are still a huge stinking pile of concern-trolling horse shit.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
For what it's worth people, it's still up in the air whether a baker can deny service based on sexual orientation. The SCOTUS decision didn't address that.


Oct 27, 2017
Aren't all disingenuous far right arguments posed in that manner? They think they're smart, but they're just furthering the depths at which they look like inhuman assholes. I simply don't play word games with them anymore. I know and understand they would absolutely put people like me up against a wall if they got complete power. Fuck them. I know what they want.
It's because they aren't there for a discussion of why it's important, but why they're right.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
It should be adamantly illegal for public servants to use social media to attack private businesses or individuals. The responsibility that they have with such a pulpit should make it that doing such a thing is a felony. Using that standing to attack individuals is essentially the government attacking them. I think she should be charged with something. We can't have our leaders and their assistants using official communication channels in this manner.
Oh, on this administration you can do that and more, have you seen the potus Twitter?
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Oct 26, 2017

Chome Chome

Oct 29, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Misrepresenting information + denying the experiences of oppressed and marginalized people.
The crippling fear you feel right now about how people are being uncivil and partisan isn't 1/100th of the existential dread felt by immigrants, minorities, LGBT people and anybody else in the crosshairs for the ongoing, nationwide campaign to dehumanize them led primarily by the current president and the people who blindly follow him to 'make america great again.'
This isn't even close to being factual. No matter how many times it's repeated, it doesn't reflect reality, but it may get people to believe it more and more. This form of thinking just furthers the divide between the left and the right.


Oct 25, 2017
So let's see if we (me and the people who quoted me) can come to some sort of a consensus here. In principle, discrimination for any reason is wrong. In reality, because of the current political situation in Nazi Germany and the actions of Hitler's government, fighting against that government, racism and fascism, and preserving the normal way of life means that certain principles have to be temporarily suspended so that more important values can be protected. Yes? No?

What in the what? Are you guys getting this text from somewhere else? All the same words as another poster in this thread. Beginning to think that LukeOP is on to something with Era being astroturfed.

Edit: LOL, I think I missed the joke.

Edit: Wait you were serious?

*tinfoil hat on*

Mods got some sleuthing to do.
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Oct 25, 2017
This isn't even close to being factual. No matter how many times it's repeated, it doesn't reflect reality, but it may get people to believe it more and more. This form of thinking just furthers the divide between the left and the right.
This isn't even close to being a coherent contribution to the discussion, instead just more tone policing.
I want your life where my big fucking problem is how something 'furthers the divide between left and right' instead of what my family has to go through thanks to the normalization of hateful rhetoric. Have fun caping for the next Unite The Right rally.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
This isn't even close to being factual. No matter how many times it's repeated, it doesn't reflect reality, but it may get people to believe it more and more. This form of thinking just furthers the divide between the left and the right.

Maybe if the Right weren't literally putting children in camps we'd be more civil.



Oct 26, 2017
What in the what? Are you guys getting this text from somewhere else? All the same words as another poster in this thread. Beginning to think that LukeOP is on to something with Era being astroturfed.
Reworded, but yeah:
So let's see if we (me and the people who quoted me) can come to some sort of a consensus here. In principle, discrimination for any reason is wrong. In reality, because of the current political situation in the US and the actions of Trump's government, fighting against that government, racism and the alt-right and preserving the normal way of life means that certain principles have to be temporarily suspended so that more important values can be protected. Yes? No?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Isn't this what Republicans fight for? Shouldn't they be praising the choice we have to deny service? /s