
Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
In my opinion they wasted too many slots

making us fight Kodama twice and then one more time with her twin, these random crazy women we know absolutely nothing about and we have no emotional investment with. Meanwhile Yuito gets to fight sweet girl Naomi suddenly turned into an other and our best friend Nagi gone mad, twice with like one of the best themes in the game

In terms of bond episodes quality I say

Kasane gets better episodes with Kyoka, Shiden, Kagero, Hanabi
Yuito gets better episodes with Tsumugi, Luka, Arashi,
Gemma's bond episodes are fantastic with both

Heh. Sure sure. We definitely don't get enough time with crazy girl to appreciate her and her whole.. deal.. much at all. Agreed. And yea, the Yuito ones are very good (and one of the few real challenges).

Mm yea, I agree with those lists. I think I liked Luka's episode with Kasane because it felt like they had more rapport. But, yea, I can go either way on that.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
Playing this on Gamepass now and very pleasantly surprised at how good it is. Reminds me of Naruto and Bleach if they had a baby (Naruto with the squadmates, missions, and powers, and Bleach with the horror-themed enemies and otherworldly invasion stuff). The characters and their abilities are all really cool.

I just got to
where Naomi is turned into an other, and uh, that seemed to happen really fast. Now the OSF is against me and Karen is fighting me? It feels like it skipped a bunch of scenes in between. I heard complaints of pacing issues, and they just now seem to be cropping up. I am glad the characters are just as confused as me, though.

I have the little spinny power icons - the ones for each character, like electrokinesis and inviso and whatever - and realized the air ability is not there. So, I guess Nagi never becomes a party member. Once Naomi was out I suspected as much, as Nagi is the best friend archetype for Yuito's route and they wouldn't make the teams lopsided like that.

I like Nagi, and air powers are cool. Oh well.


Nov 11, 2017
Playing this on Gamepass now and very pleasantly surprised at how good it is. Reminds me of Naruto and Bleach if they had a baby (Naruto with the squadmates, missions, and powers, and Bleach with the horror-themed enemies and otherworldly invasion stuff). The characters and their abilities are all really cool.

I just got to
where Naomi is turned into an other, and uh, that seemed to happen really fast. Now the OSF is against me and Karen is fighting me? It feels like it skipped a bunch of scenes in between. I heard complaints of pacing issues, and they just now seem to be cropping up. I am glad the characters are just as confused as me, though.

I have the little spinny power icons - the ones for each character, like electrokinesis and inviso and whatever - and realized the air ability is not there. So, I guess Nagi never becomes a party member. Once Naomi was out I suspected as much, as Nagi is the best friend archetype for Yuito's route and they wouldn't make the teams lopsided like that.

I like Nagi, and air powers are cool. Oh well.
You're in for a ride!
Oct 27, 2017
I copped this over BF. Is any any of the DLC necessary or recommended before I start?
Now that they added a Weapon Skin feature, the free weapon bundle isn't as useless as it was (you can't upgrade those weapons):

SCARLET NEXUS EP!C WEAPONS BUNDLE [PC Download] DLC | Bandai Namco Epic Store

Which weapon will you choose to face the Others? Grab one of the five weapons in our exclusive set and join the battle! This Set includes 5 new weapons variations :Weapon Set "Star"Weapon Set "Shine"Weapon Set "Thorns"Weapon Set "Light"Weapon Set "Saw"NOT FOR SALE Scarlet Nexus on the Bandai...


Oct 25, 2017
Does this have PS button prompts on PC? I swear I saw them for maybe a minute randomly before they showed up as Xbox again.


Jul 25, 2021
Hopped back into this to see if I was enjoying it uncritically before or if it was a honeymoon period kinda thing.

Kasane is probably one of the most interesting feeling to play character action characters I've come across in a while. The focus on ranged attacks, laying down AOEs, and greater aerial mobility and staying aloft with throws makes her feel super distinct from the usual melee character in these sorts of games. Love the feeling of swapping multiple powers on and off in interesting ways, and how upgrades encourage you keep doing finishers to refill your meters.

Probably the biggest missed opportunity in the game was to give the powers more use in levels. Imagining levels a bit more like zelda dungeons, with some light puzzle solving in between combat, and some reason to backtrack with new team members could have really helped add a bit more variety. Could have been a way to find optional bosses and gifts, maybe some lore.

The game does flirt with these ideas later towards the end, but it should have been more consistent throughout.

Aside from that, a little more flexibility around dodges and some better telegraphed enemy attacks, maybe a little bit of an endgame structural rework and some postgame content or epilogue and it could be something really great. As it is I'm still surprised how much I enjoyed it for a new IP with not a ton of hype.

Hard to work up the desire to finish Yuito's route though as Kasane is just the far more enjoyable character to be around lol. Day 1 for any kind of sequel, will probably get the season pass but waiting for a sale and also for all the content to come out.

Does this have PS button prompts on PC? I swear I saw them for maybe a minute randomly before they showed up as Xbox again.

I only get xbox prompts with steaminput. Dunno if they were different before.


Oct 30, 2019

Hard to work up the desire to finish Yuito's route though as Kasane is just the far more enjoyable character to be around lol. Day 1 for any kind of sequel, will probably get the season pass but waiting for a sale and also for all the content to come out.

Yuito get's better bosses, exclusive access to the best dungeon in the game and slightly more enemy variety.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm having a weird issue with this game on PC.

I am using a wireless controller and whenever the game starts, from the title screen up to the tutorial section, everything is fine. The controller works perfectly.

But whenever the tutorial starts, the controller starts freaking out. It seems to think that I keep pressing down on the stick, because it keeps going down (either in menu or as my character walking towards my screen). I tried DS4windows, that didnt help. I tried Steam overlay, that didn't help. The controller works perfectly fine with every other game. It's only this one. And only when the gameplay start for some reason???
Oct 27, 2017
New update added free Arena mode and new challenges:

With new outfits, weapons and plugins to unlock:

You can unlock hooded versions of most of the costumes.


Oct 27, 2017
How far into the game do you have to be to do the new bond events from the DLC packs?


Jul 25, 2021
I have to go through the whole hospital AGAIN?!


Game is starting to run out it's welcome.

I think the last maybe quarter of the game is a lot of reusing the old environments, if not in story as parts of the bonding episodes.

Fortunately imo I think the final ramp up and confrontation is some really great anime af stuff and the visuals in the final area are pretty darn spectacular and I think on the whole is a pretty neat conclusion.

Still, it could have done with a few new environments (in particular, more areas unique to the characters) or at least cut back on repeats.
Oct 25, 2017
I think the last maybe quarter of the game is a lot of reusing the old environments, if not in story as parts of the bonding episodes.

Fortunately imo I think the final ramp up and confrontation is some really great anime af stuff and the visuals in the final area are pretty darn spectacular and I think on the whole is a pretty neat conclusion.

Still, it could have done with a few new environments (in particular, more areas unique to the characters) or at least cut back on repeats.

I'm 15 hours in as yuito, and I do enjoy the game.
But I have no idea why this whole second hospital is in here other than padding. It's literally the same dungeon and I have to go through it again. Except now I get some extra chat pickups.

Nothing of any actual value is being gained here.

Gonna keep going,but yeah, this hospital dungeon round 2 is really dumb.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm stuck at the second Nagi fight.

Can someone explain to me how the fuck I'm supposed to dodge those ranged attacks of his? Do I need a special dodge ability or something? Because normal dodging is impossible with how often and how large the area of attack is.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 8, 2020
The SAS powers are so cool
I was doing the fight against kasane's squad and I was using Luka's power to keep up with Arashi and we were just zipping around the battlefield on some DBZ shit it was the closest that a game has ever gotten to making me feel like I was playing a shonen anime


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I'm in Chapter 10 of Yuito's route right now in this and I'm enjoying the game, but I do feel like the standby phases kill the pacing in a big way. I get what they were going for but it feels like it completely saps out the urgency of the story when we have to go back to the hideout after every single phase. I don't mind the bond episodes and gifting party members, but I just feel like they should've found a better way to slot that in without doing a mission -> standby -> mission -> standby over and over again. Also Shiden has to be in the running for one of the most insufferable characters in gaming history. I hate when characters like this exist just to be an obnoxious brat to the protagonist at all times.

Fun game so far though, primarily because of the combat. I like all the other party members besides Shiden too. I think I will play through Kasane's route afterwards too so it'll be interesting to see how I feel after both are done. It's like a solid 7.5/10 for me right now. There's a lot of potential here for a great sequel if they're given the chance to make one.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm in Chapter 10 of Yuito's route right now in this and I'm enjoying the game, but I do feel like the standby phases kill the pacing in a big way. I get what they were going for but it feels like it completely saps out the urgency of the story when we have to go back to the hideout after every single phase. I don't mind the bond episodes and gifting party members, but I just feel like they should've found a better way to slot that in without doing a mission -> standby -> mission -> standby over and over again. Also Shiden has to be in the running for one of the most insufferable characters in gaming history. I hate when characters like this exist just to be an obnoxious brat to the protagonist at all times.

Fun game so far though, primarily because of the combat. I like all the other party members besides Shiden too. I think I will play through Kasane's route afterwards too so it'll be interesting to see how I feel after both are done. It's like a solid 7.5/10 for me right now. There's a lot of potential here for a great sequel if they're given the chance to make one.
I felt that way too, especially later in the game when you merge parties. At that point I ended up just rushing through the end of Yuito's story. I did start Kasane's story after, but even with NG+ making things quicker, the thought of having to do more standby missions and run through a lot of the same areas again killed my motivation to play through it (especially when I wasn't that into the story to begin with). Fun combat though!


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I felt that way too, especially later in the game when you merge parties. At that point I ended up just rushing through the end of Yuito's story. I did start Kasane's story after, but even with NG+ making things quicker, the thought of having to do more standby missions and run through a lot of the same areas again killed my motivation to play through it (especially when I wasn't that into the story to begin with). Fun combat though!
Yeah, not going to lie I'm in phase 3 on Kasane's story right now and feeling the same way already haha. I think I'll just skip cutscenes for now and blast through it then look up her story online to see the differences. The idea of playing through both protagonists' stories in separate playthroughs to get their perspectives is kinda neat, but it's a pretty long campaign so it's a somewhat daunting even with NG+ like you said.


Mar 7, 2019
Recently cleared Kasane's route to the ending and yeah... the story p much dropped the ball hard in the final levels. Then I lost total motivation for Yuito's route and I realized definite parts of SN are p good like character design, gameplay, and VA casting but entirely let down by ...everything else like writing.

Also, I kept thinking that everyone was actually in their 30-50 y.o. due to the anti-aging plot except for the MC and it was a wild ride to imagine it with adults following suspiciously mature teens to fight aliens. Also, I felt that a lot of scenes lost impact due to the manga-like moments where it did have some animation but it was so limited to the game.

Female character armor was fine but I kept wondering if Kyoka was wearing a miniskirt and tights?

Also, Shiden has to be one of the worst party members in along time 👀


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Recently cleared Kasane's route to the ending and yeah... the story p much dropped the ball hard in the final levels. Then I lost total motivation for Yuito's route and I realized definite parts of SN are p good like character design, gameplay, and VA casting but entirely let down by ...everything else like writing.

Also, I kept thinking that everyone was actually in their 30-50 y.o. due to the anti-aging plot except for the MC and it was a wild ride to imagine it with adults following suspiciously mature teens to fight aliens. Also, I felt that a lot of scenes lost impact due to the manga-like moments where it did have some animation but it was so limited to the game.

Female character armor was fine but I kept wondering if Kyoka was wearing a miniskirt and tights?

Also, Shiden has to be one of the worst party members in along time 👀

Shiden was so frustrating lol. I kept waiting to see if they'd give him some meaningful character development but it never really happens. He sort of softens up a bit at times in the later bond episodes, but it's short-lived and he goes right back to being angry and rude about everything. He was legitimately the only party member I didn't care about whatsoever and that never changed throughout both Yuito and Kasane's playthroughs. Just a thoroughly unlikeable character.


Mar 7, 2019
Shiden was so frustrating lol. I kept waiting to see if they'd give him some meaningful character development but it never really happens. He sort of softens up a bit at times in the later bond episodes, but it's short-lived and he goes right back to being angry and rude about everything. He was legitimately the only party member I didn't care about whatsoever and that never changed throughout both Yuito and Kasane's playthroughs. Just a thoroughly unlikeable character.

Agreed how he kept showing up after the intro and main cutscenes I was completely baffled since I figured it was just a rude person who would leave after <10 min but he stayed for the entire time? I'm fine with not all party members being our fans but it's awkward when it's like I can't leave them behind and yet they just remain rude to MC 24/7. It just got too real.

Spook & Spell

Aug 3, 2021
So apparently a new "story" demo dropped. Photo mode is included, and it allows players to explore the city a bit and interact with NPCs after the initial tutorial. Progress is also carried over into the main game.

I was pretty hyped for the game before release, but the next gen versions at 60 fps soured the idea of a PS4 playthrough, so I added it to an Amazon wishlist for when I eventually move to newer hardware.

It was fun to revisit the game through the new demo. Performance and visual fidelity seems noticeably… worse than in the previous demo? I don't remember it being so sluggish or the image quality being so jagged. Photo mode is neat, though it's bare bones in the demo; barely a step up from a HUD hide. I'm going to fire up the old demo later and see how different it was performance and visual wise.
Last edited:


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
I picked this up in one of the sales recently and I'm really quite liking it.

I did play the demo a while back and thought it was pretty good at the time. Combat seems fun and in-depth enough to carry a game of its type, and the story is interesting enough to drive me forward.


Oct 25, 2017
I started playing it recently. I'm at phase 8 of Kasane's story.

I have mixed feelings on it. The battle system is great and there's some really unique stuff in terms of the type of attacks you have. However, the storyline is way too convoluted and tonally all over the place. Why is it important for the main character to have a drink with a character who I just tried to kill a scene before. Major twists are also just thrown at the player every few chapters that it just feels like theyre just cramming in sci-fi ideas. The characters are all also so emotionless that nothing really develops between them and the twists then just don't land as a result.

Another major annoyance is the side quests in the game. They are hands down some of the worst I've seen in a game. They're so particular about using specific moves to kill specific enemies in a game where combos and chain attacks are the norm. It's frustrating thinking you killed a quest monster with the quest move only for the game to have seen the final attack as coming from a party member.

But I'm still playing. Don't know if I'll have enough steam to play both stories.


Oct 25, 2017
Another major annoyance is the side quests in the game. They are hands down some of the worst I've seen in a game. They're so particular about using specific moves to kill specific enemies in a game where combos and chain attacks are the norm. It's frustrating thinking you killed a quest monster with the quest move only for the game to have seen the final attack as coming from a party member.

You can tell them not to attack from the behaviour menu. But yeah some of the side quests were infuriating. I remember hating the ones that had you deal with the ones that explode themselves.


Apr 28, 2020
Started this this week because of gamepass, even if after tales of arise, I promised myself to not play some types of JRPGs and yet I have super mixed feelings.
Combat is fun and story had some interesting characters so, I decided to keep playing but damn!!!
so many dialogues and the pacing is so slow…
specially for a game that dialogues are made with static screens…
damn!! I really don't like this type of storytelling in games…
It feels like a slog .
honestly don't know if I will keep playing.
Playing in normal, can I just do the main missions without problem or I will have level or difficulty problems only rushing through main story?


Oct 26, 2017
I finally bought this game on sale, plus the season pass.

I'm on phase 6 of Kasane's route. The boss I just fought
the control Other in the lab
was pretty damn hard / wild. Is it just me? I'm on Normal and I've been using the exp doubling accessory the entire game, so I'm at least a few levels ahead of the curve, yet that boss was kind of crazy with the environmental hazards, constant adds, and small window to do damage. Is this how boss fights will be going forward?


Jul 25, 2021
I finally bought this game on sale, plus the season pass.

I'm on phase 6 of Kasane's route. The boss I just fought
the control Other in the lab
was pretty damn hard / wild. Is it just me? I'm on Normal and I've been using the exp doubling accessory the entire game, so I'm at least a few levels ahead of the curve, yet that boss was kind of crazy with the environmental hazards, constant adds, and small window to do damage. Is this how boss fights will be going forward?

Iirc that is a crazy difficulty spike, super out of place. Rest of the game more smoothly ramps up. I died a bunch there for sure.


Oct 26, 2017
wow, so the (phase 9 Kasane route spoilers)
twins just teleport out of the story? What was their deal lmao

And I read they were adapted out of the anime 😂