
Oct 27, 2017
I love the notion in this thread that wearing a MAGA hat in a public place now officially constitutes provocation of any minority group in the vicinity, and any confrontation that ensues is on the hat-wearer.

People are just getting nutty now.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I love the notion in this thread that wearing a MAGA hat in a public place now officially constitutes provocation of any minority group in the vicinity, and any confrontation that ensues is on the hat-wearer.

People are just getting nutty now.

I love that there is where you draw the line.... and by love I mean it speaks a lot about you.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I love the notion in this thread that wearing a MAGA hat in a public place now officially constitutes provocation of any minority group in the vicinity, and any confrontation that ensues is on the hat-wearer.

People are just getting nutty now.
Supporting Trump means that you are either racist and xenophobic, or you are tacitly okay with racism and xenophobia. I don't blame people for giving MAGA-wearers the side-eye.


Oct 27, 2017
I love the notion in this thread that wearing a MAGA hat in a public place now officially constitutes provocation of any minority group in the vicinity, and any confrontation that ensues is on the hat-wearer.

People are just getting nutty now.
Is this fool seriously trying to argue wearing a MAGA hat in public is NOT a racist provocation?


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Supporting Trump means that you are either racist and xenophobic, or you are tacitly okay with racism and xenophobia. I don't blame people for giving MAGA-wearers the side-eye.

And let's be real there's voting for him, which says everything you said and then there's gleefully wearing that fucking hat. That's a whole different level.


Oct 25, 2017
I love the notion in this thread that wearing a MAGA hat in a public place now officially constitutes provocation of any minority group in the vicinity, and any confrontation that ensues is on the hat-wearer.

People are just getting nutty now.

Why yes actually. That hat is a symbol, it says something, and that something is "if you aren't straight/white/rich I don't care about you."


Oct 25, 2017
I love the notion in this thread that wearing a MAGA hat in a public place now officially constitutes provocation of any minority group in the vicinity, and any confrontation that ensues is on the hat-wearer.

People are just getting nutty now.

It is provocative to say America used to be great but no longer is. Because you go back to any time prior and there were less Civil Rights for minorities. White privilege is thinking that anytime in the past was better for your people. PoC know society, a tolerant society they helped (largely) to bring forward, could be way less accepting of them. So if you go around wearing a hat that says let's go back to when America was great, it doesn't include them.


Nov 11, 2017
These kids are clearly racist. You and I don't disagree on that point. What I'm saying is that they're probably not completely aware of their own racism. That was the argument I was referring to earlier.

I'm not sure why you felt the need to bring Robert E. Lee's birthday into it, when you and I are probably about 95% in agreement here.

I know what you're saying, and its simply not true, nor is it the rule when discussing Trump and his literal white supremacist base.

If you're wearing a MAGA hat, and trolling native Americans, you know what you are doing. You know what your goal is. You know what the Hat means, you know what it represents. These aren't preschoolers. You also have the post from the parents. None of this is a tough call. They're racist, and know what they are doing. What you're talking about only applies to the repercussions. They might not be aware of what the repercussions are. But that is life. Rosanne and others are learning that lesson as well, so its not a age specific issue.

The confederate flag is not an apt comparison, as there was a time when people sort of shrugged at it. Some minorities loved dukes of Hazard, and even in fashion the flag was sported. Southern Rappers did as well. You still see cars with the bumper stickers in Los Angeles. No one is getting dragged out of their car and beaten for it. I mean the confederacy is one of those weird American things. Like how people must downplay the definition of racism, always have to leave the back door open for redemption.. always.

A kid isn't going to wear a jacket with a swastika in your town and get the same whatever reaction. Hell, people would likely engage him to find out where they can get one, but that is because its a clear sign of racism. I dont understand some of my own black people defending the Confederate flag to this day, as it represents southern heritage/lifestyle. (like when your dumbass was hung @ a picnic?) Anyway...

You genuinely believe the kid just doesn't know what hes doing, what his actions mean, what the hat means, what MAGA means, what his parents mean, etc. That stretches the fabric of reality. Thats all i've got on this topic. We're not going to agree that based on you teaching COLLEGE students and an anecdote about the confederate flag -- that some how means the most likely scenario is these teenagers are oblivious to their actions.

The robert e lee thing was just a joke. The nation hasn't matured much in its discussion of racism.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I love the notion in this thread that wearing a MAGA hat in a public place now officially constitutes provocation of any minority group in the vicinity, and any confrontation that ensues is on the hat-wearer.

People are just getting nutty now.

I care more about the minorities and women who have been actively intimidated and tormented by MAGA-hat wearers than the feelings of someone who chooses to wear a MAGA hat on any other day but April Fool's.

It's not a nutty notion, at all.

Also - congrats for having your post be on the top of this page, hope you're ready to defend it.
Oct 25, 2017
I love the notion in this thread that wearing a MAGA hat in a public place now officially constitutes provocation of any minority group in the vicinity, and any confrontation that ensues is on the hat-wearer.

People are just getting nutty now.

Wearing that hat in public and you know exactly what you're doing. I can't recall any other President during my time alive that has had a slogan continue to be branded and wielded the way mAGA has.

You're a racist shit head if you wear that in public.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Surely they will be punished


Checks out.


Garbage, racist parents produce garbage, racist kids.


Jan 15, 2019
So why are we talking about some dumb offhand comment from the black Israelites then. They had nothing to do with how the #MAGA kids treated the native Americans.

Those were not off hand comments tho. They are effectively the hate preachers you see on college campuses. They were there for the express purpose of harassing the native americans there.

Obviously nothing they said dimenishes the terrible behavior displayed by the kids from cov cath. Simply that they were not the only ones there being shit heads


Oct 25, 2017
Those were not off hand comments tho. They are effectively the hate preachers you see on college campuses. They were there for the express purpose of harassing the native americans there.

Obviously nothing they said dimenishes the terrible behavior displayed by the kids from cov cath. Simply that they were not the only ones there being shit heads
Yes, you're right, in regard to the bolded. They were not offhanded comments, that was wrong.

However, they had nothing to fucking do with MAGA kids being racist assholes and intimidating native Americans. They did that all on their own, so bringing BIs into the conversation (of MAGA kids harassing and being racist to native Americans) is literally pointless and throws these kids a lifeline.

Trafalgar Law

Nov 6, 2017
I vehemently disagree with his take.

Kids are making decisions that affect the rest of their lives from the moment they hit their sophomore year, e.g. class choices, study habits, etc. Moreover, similar considerations are not given to minority youth. So what if these kids have their lives ruined for acting like a racist intimidation mob? A black kid can walk down the wrong street and get shot.

My biggest beef, however, is the deflection of responsibility. I find his notion that "if the school had more diverse teachers, racism would not be condoned" to be utterly tone-deaf, as if the problem would be solved if the school simply hired some minorities as some sort of defense against racism. Seriously, if your environment is a toxic racist wasteland, no minorities with any vested interest in their own mental health will come to you in the first place. And even if the minorities come, it's not their goddamn job to police against racism on top of their other responsibilities. White people are able to and should keep other white people accountable.
Ah more "he is just a kid" bullshit white males always get when they do bad shit. Fuck that.

Now imagine if those kids weren't white.
I rolled my fucking eyes reading this thread. I agree the kids shouldn't be doxxed publicly. However, the rest is another instance of giving the kids a pass and then going "when they go low we go high!!!". Diverse teaching staff wont mean shit if the parents themselves are shit heads. Give me a fucking break.

Lmao at his favorite rapper being Logic.

sorry i also meant to add, i disagree with some of his points , but i think the larger point of the racism being a larger and insitutional problem than the focusing on one shitty kid is the problem, the kid has become the focus , focusing on what led him there is even more important imo


Oct 25, 2017
sorry i also meant to add, i disagree with some of his points , but i think the larger point of the racism being a larger and insitutional problem than the focusing on one shitty kid is the problem, the kid has become the focus , focusing on what led him there is even more important imo
Why not both. Kid acted like a shithead and so did his friends.


Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (5 Days): Downplaying Racism
Racist behavior is racist behavior, downplaying racist behavior is what's nutty here.

Wearing a hat with a slogan embodying rhetoric of "put America's interests ahead of those of 'global partners and allies'" and "bring back jobs" and "cut back regulations", however wrong-headed, short-sighted, or ill-informed, is not "racist behavior".


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Wearing a hat with a slogan embodying rhetoric of "put America's interests ahead of those of 'global partners and allies'" and "bring back jobs" and "cut back regulations", however wrong-headed, short-sighted, or ill-informed, is not "racist behavior".

Also, the Confederate Flag is just a symbol of Southern pride and heritage - its extensive brandishing during the Civil Rights Movement was a coincidence!


Oct 25, 2017
If they did, I believe they still couldn't just give it to NIS America to use it without permission.
Wearing a hat with a slogan embodying rhetoric of "put America's interests ahead of those of 'global partners and allies'" and "bring back jobs" and "cut back regulations", however wrong-headed, short-sighted, or ill-informed, is not "racist behavior".

The emblem of MAGA, Trump, is literally a racist, misogynist, homophobic and compulsive liar. Wearing his hat in public means that you agree with his policies and or admire him so yeah it means you are like him.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Wearing a hat with a slogan embodying rhetoric of "put America's interests ahead of those of 'global partners and allies'" and "bring back jobs" and "cut back regulations", however wrong-headed, short-sighted, or ill-informed, is not "racist behavior".

This is some "it's about ethics in games journalism" shit.

Tethered Penguin

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
What can be discredited about the condemnation of students and faculty who are wearing MAGA apparel? They are on video wearing symbols of hate and uttering racist taunts towards a Native American. The Black Israelites are not as bad these kids, by any stretch, when you acknowledge the context in which their corner store sermons fall well short of what's implied when an entire class of teenagers and their adult chaperones wear the equivalent of the modern swatstika in the nation's capitol, home to a sitting US President who openly trafficks in white supremacy and is now holding the nation hostage for ransom so he can construct a monument to white supremacy along the southern border. Anyone attempting to draw an equivalency between the Black Israelites and these teenagers deserves to be suspected of defending racism.

You're absolutely right, I framed my statement rather poorly.

Will edit it for clarity!


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Wearing a hat with a slogan embodying rhetoric of "put America's interests ahead of those of 'global partners and allies'" and "bring back jobs" and "cut back regulations", however wrong-headed, short-sighted, or ill-informed, is not "racist behavior".
You're really giving teens who are shown mocking and taunting a native American man quite the benefit of the doubt.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Wearing a hat with a slogan embodying rhetoric of "put America's interests ahead of those of 'global partners and allies'" and "bring back jobs" and "cut back regulations", however wrong-headed, short-sighted, or ill-informed, is not "racist behavior".

Fuck this shit. 'Make America Great Again' is a dog whistle for 'Make America like it was when white straight men ruled everything'. That's what it means.

You include these supposed things MAGA stands for without including the core pillars of pussy-grabbing, calling Mexicans rapists, and denying trans people their rights, as some prominent examples. Those are Trump's values, and so they are the MAGA values.


Oct 28, 2017
Wearing a hat with a slogan embodying rhetoric of "put America's interests ahead of those of 'global partners and allies'" and "bring back jobs" and "cut back regulations", however wrong-headed, short-sighted, or ill-informed, is not "racist behavior".
How convenient you left out what else the rhetoric of that hat embodies.


Oct 25, 2017
Wearing a hat with a slogan embodying rhetoric of "put America's interests ahead of those of 'global partners and allies'" and "bring back jobs" and "cut back regulations", however wrong-headed, short-sighted, or ill-informed, is not "racist behavior".
If that's all you think it stands for you are hopelessly ignorant.

What the fuck do yo think Make America Great Again means to minorities? Try watching a Trump rally to find out.

Or better yet, watch the video and how they treat a native American elder.. and these are the kids.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I love the notion in this thread that wearing a MAGA hat in a public place now officially constitutes provocation of any minority group in the vicinity, and any confrontation that ensues is on the hat-wearer.

People are just getting nutty now.
A maga hat is a racist symbol. People that where it in public know what the fuck they're doing, they want the attention.


Aug 22, 2018
Wearing a hat with a slogan embodying rhetoric of "put America's interests ahead of those of 'global partners and allies'" and "bring back jobs" and "cut back regulations", however wrong-headed, short-sighted, or ill-informed, is not "racist behavior".

Trump is openly racist and campaigned on a platform of racism. Wearing Trump campaign merchandise is championing that racism.


Jan 15, 2019
Yes, you're right, in regard to the bolded. They were not offhanded comments, that was wrong.

However, they had nothing to fucking do with MAGA kids being racist assholes and intimidating native Americans. They did that all on their own, so bringing BIs into the conversation (of MAGA kids harassing and being racist to native Americans) is literally pointless and throws these kids a lifeline.

Oh I agree completely. I just think, since the BI were also involved in the confrontation and the only video that includes the entirety of the incident (that I've personally seen, please correct me if I'm wrong.) seems to have been uploaded by them they do come up when explaining the context of what happened.

Of course the little shits acted like little shits because they are undeniably little shits and thats on them. The BI activists just become part of the conversation when explainig the entirety of what went down. I never meant to suggest it as a "both sides" or "these guys were doing it so its ok they did too" type of argument at all.

Deleted member 42758

User Requested Account Closure
Apr 29, 2018
I went to Covington Catholic High School from freshman to junior year 15 years ago. There was certainly a healthy amount of ignorance and racism among the predominantly white and overprivileged student body. Cov Cath is an all male private school in a comfy suburb of Cincinnati and its about what you might expect when you take 300 to 400 teenage males and pack them into one building 5 days a week. However, blindly condemning the entire institution and community surrounding it for the actions of a group of teenage boys is equally offensive and ignorant. I am in no way defending these boys, their actions, or the response from the current Cov Cath administration—I am here just to say that some of the sweeping generalizations in this thread are just as alarming as the issue at hand.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh I agree completely. I just think, since the BI were also involved in the confrontation and the only video that includes the entirety of the incident (that I've personally seen, please correct me if I'm wrong.) seems to have been uploaded by them they do come up when explaining the context of what happened.

Of course the little shits acted like little shits because they are undeniably little shits and thats on them. The BI activists just become part of the conversation when explainig the entirety of what went down. I never meant to suggest it as a "both sides" or "these guys were doing it so its ok they did too" type of argument at all.
They should absolutely be included in the story, but some people in this thread have tried to use their literal inclusion as a way of excusing the original reporting -- that this MAGA fucks harassed and disrespected native Americans. Some were trying to argue that the inclusion of the BIs "led to" their racism which is horseshit, therefore the MAGA kids didn't start what happened between them and the native Americans.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017

I'm get the humor in this and I'm letting it go, but I do want to reiterate that you and I are mostly in agreement on this particular incident. These are kids who live in a particularly racist part of the country, have racist parents, and live in a little racist bubble. They're racists. I see this as a "learning opportunity" for kids in a way that I wouldn't necessarily extend to adults, and I get that we disagree on that point.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I love the notion in this thread that wearing a MAGA hat in a public place now officially constitutes provocation of any minority group in the vicinity, and any confrontation that ensues is on the hat-wearer.

People are just getting nutty now.

It is. You know full well what you're doing putting on that hat and as long as people don't inflict physical harm upon you, deserve whatever else gets thrown your way.


Nov 11, 2017
I went to Covington Catholic High School from freshman to junior year 15 years ago. There was certainly a healthy amount of ignorance and racism among the predominantly white and overprivileged student body. Cov Cath is an all male private school in a comfy suburb of Cincinnati and its about what you might expect when you take 300 to 400 teenage males and pack them into one building 5 days a week. However, blindly condemning the entire institution and community surrounding it for the actions of a group of teenage boys is equally offensive and ignorant. I am in no way defending these boys, their actions, or the response from the current Cov Cath administration—I am here just to say that some of the sweeping generalizations in this thread are just as alarming as the issue at hand.

yep. Generalizations are just as alarming as white supremacists who want a white only ethnostate, and have so far been responsible for running a woman over, mass shootings, and dead kids at the border. Folks have to be careful, while no ill will come to white people in America, ever... due to generalizing... uhm.... Someone might get a bee in their bonnet due to it. Which is just as bad as that ethnostate i was talking about earlier. I think... This will some how cause a paradigm shift where a crying white person can't have the minority in question executed by police on demand...

Is this how it works? Help me out.

I have to be close.