Oct 27, 2017
The final boss is really pissing me off. I've been on it for 3 hours and...

I can not get past his dumb fucking second phase. Like, one kind of assholes design a moveset where FOUR of the moves involve opening with six gunshots? It's just an unreadable mess of bullshit made worse by the fact I have to do the first two phases over and over and fucking over. One of the few things in any game where I feel like I may NEVER beat this.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
Just beat Mr. 7 Spears after dying about 5 million times to him

Funny enough the winning run I didn't get hit once. Isn't that funny? A boss can seem so crazy tough than you crack the puzzle and it's like they weren't shit.
Nov 15, 2017
My brother finished the game tonight - I haven't begun yet.

He wasn't overly impressed by the game. Most boss encounters he could win by adapting previous soulsborne strategies of circling around and wait for an opening (given the lack of a stamina meter - most of the bosses could be "cheesed" this way).

From afar, that seems like a relatively large design flaw (circling/baiting animations to get a hit). Adding to that; regular encounters (and mid-bosses) could also be made easier by manipulating the stealth system rather than engaging in the combat system.

It seemed to me like there was an exploit that could used throughout the game without penalty...


Jan 14, 2019
The final boss legit makes me want to just quit. It's too much, after so many hours of getting my ass kicked. Whether or not I beat it, the game is just too fucking hard. It's nothing like their other titles and I personally really hope they don't continue down this path in terms of design philosophy.

See now reading that really kills my temptation to buy this!


Oct 25, 2017
I'm getting my ass kicked by the first couple of serious bosses and realizing how rusty I've gotten at these types of games. I was able to make my way through DMC5 but this one seems a lot less cheesable at least in terms of the bosses. The normal enemies are pretty susceptible to the stealth aspect though to the point it makes that seem rather easy.

Kevin Shields

Oct 27, 2017
Holy crap that freaking
snake thing is going to give me nightmares for weeks. Seriously the scariest most tense thing I have ever played. And I keep dying to it to. Should I keep on going through Hirata Estate or try to tussle with the snake first?

Deleted member 984

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
My brother finished the game tonight - I haven't begun yet.

He wasn't overly impressed by the game. Most boss encounters he could win by adapting previous soulsborne strategies of circling around and wait for an opening (given the lack of a stamina meter - most of the bosses could be "cheesed" this way).

From afar, that seems like a relatively large design flaw (circling/baiting animations to get a hit). Adding to that; regular encounters (and mid-bosses) could also be made easier by manipulating the stealth system rather than engaging in the combat system.

It seemed to me like there was an exploit that could used throughout the game without penalty...

I guess you could do that. You could probably do that in every game going but fuck that's a boring way to play a game. Especially one that is fantastic when you go toe to toe.

The stealth stuff is clearly intentional and up to the player on what they want to do.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy crap that freaking
snake thing is going to give me nightmares for weeks. Seriously the scariest most tense thing I have ever played. And I keep dying to it to. Should I keep on going through Hirata Estate or try to tussle with the snake first?

You're not meant to fight him.

Run through that area.


Oct 27, 2017
See now reading that really kills my temptation to buy this!

I'm perhaps being a bit dramatic since I'm in the thick of trying this stupid fucking final boss, but as a long time fan I feel the slightest tinge of sort of.... exclusion? I don't know. There's a level of reflex-driven perfection here that I just enjoy a lot less than the more methodical style of their other games. I'm not getting younger and the game is just too fucking demanding and punishing at times, to a fault. There's a lot I like about it but this is not a style of difficulty I want to see more of in the future, honestly.


Oct 27, 2017
I made some decent progress today and I'm quite close from the end I think. I beat the hard version of the owl, which took a bit more than an hour. It's not an easy fight, but once you learn all the moves it's definitely feasible. I think what really enabled me to beat him was understanding that the best thing to do during his sword combo is to just dodge back and bail out when he does the shoulder charge halfway through. Trying to deflect the whole thing is too risky because of the firecrackers at the end and almost always backfired on me.

I then beat the Corrupted Monk really easily, the first two phases are pretty much free, it's just the last phase you need to look out for.

I also started getting rid of those shichimen warriors and headlesses. They are such pains in the ass lol. I killed one of each today. The shichimen that appears in the double ape boss room is a real asshole, sometimes he spams the laser beam up to four time in a row.

The area after the Corrupted Monk is a massive pain as well. Strong enemies absolutely everywhere, miniboss galore, double headless at the bottom of the lake... I'm calling it a day, I need to send in a job application this afternoon haha.


Dec 12, 2017
Anyone know where I can buy or farm divine confetti and soothing powder?
You can buy an unlimited amount of Divine Confetti from merchants after a certain point.
The final boss is really pissing me off. I've been on it for 3 hours and...

I can not get past his dumb fucking second phase. Like, one kind of assholes design a moveset where FOUR of the moves involve opening with six gunshots? It's just an unreadable mess of bullshit made worse by the fact I have to do the first two phases over and over and fucking over. One of the few things in any game where I feel like I may NEVER beat this.
Probably an unpopular opinion, but I didn't like the boss fight. For me it was hard to see because the silvergrass and they were very distracting with their swaying. I even tried to find an option to turn off foliage sway, which doesn't exist afaik. The second phase was even worse with the rain.

You got this far though. You can do it!

Woo! Just beat
both version of owl. 2 tries and about 6 tries respectively. Very fun fight!

Onto the last area of the game!


Most people say Genichiro is their favorite boss. For me it's the Owl fights. 1st is better than 2nd imo, both are still awesome. His use of ninja tools and shinobi arts really make for a great fight.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Parts Unknown
Here's a tip for anyone struggling with
the Snake Eye bosses. They seem to be particularly vulnerable to the Sabimaru.
Nov 15, 2017
I guess you could do that. You could probably do that in every game going but fuck that's a boring way to play a game. Especially one that is fantastic when you go toe to toe.

The stealth stuff is clearly intentional and up to the player on what they want to do.

I argued along the same terms - "it's not supposed to be played that way". But, by being a viable strategy (learned by prior Fromsoftware games none the less); it felt like it was design miss.

I guess I find out momentarily.


Nov 8, 2017
I'm having a hard time farming Sen in a decent timeframe, the lack of Spirit Emblems I have legit feels like Bloodborne vial farming. Really sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone with meme powers thought about doing an "avenge the fallen" meme for a certain armoured boss.


Feb 23, 2018
Any tips for
The Guarding Ape
I feel I'm not TOO far from getting a read on him but then I die.
For the first phase, I kept mobile waited for an opening after he does a combo / grab attempt, then I get reckless and go in with Ninjar slash 3-4 times. the jump has a tendency to avoid the grab attempts, but it is not 100%.
For 2nd phase, I try to stay mid-ish range to bait out his big overhead swing, parrying that will eave him open for attacks. I used the flaming spear to deal huge health and posture damage to him.

This vid was my 2nd attempt at for 2nd phase and 5th overall.

Also after watching my game clips, I dont think multiple sugars can stack.


Jan 14, 2019
I'm perhaps being a bit dramatic since I'm in the thick of trying this stupid fucking final boss, but as a long time fan I feel the slightest tinge of sort of.... exclusion? I don't know. There's a level of reflex-driven perfection here that I just enjoy a lot less than the more methodical style of their other games. I'm not getting younger and the game is just too fucking demanding and punishing at times, to a fault. There's a lot I like about it but this is not a style of difficulty I want to see more of in the future, honestly.
Hearing that reminds me of a DLC boss I couldn't beat in DSR - I think called Knight Artorias. I tried and tried, but eventually was like "welp, this is clearly where I hit a wall on what I can beat in this game".


Feb 23, 2018
I'm having a hard time farming Sen in a decent timeframe, the lack of Spirit Emblems I have legit feels like Bloodborne vial farming. Really sucks.
How far are you into the game? there are a few places in the game after the 1st major boss that you can farm for about 150-200 sen every 1-2 mins.


Oct 28, 2017
Lord Isshin is such a bad ass no matter what age lol

I'm perhaps being a bit dramatic since I'm in the thick of trying this stupid fucking final boss, but as a long time fan I feel the slightest tinge of sort of.... exclusion? I don't know. There's a level of reflex-driven perfection here that I just enjoy a lot less than the more methodical style of their other games. I'm not getting younger and the game is just too fucking demanding and punishing at times, to a fault. There's a lot I like about it but this is not a style of difficulty I want to see more of in the future, honestly.
Getting a final boss like this is absolutely something I hope we get more of from From. Its probably my favorite boss fight of all time. A game like this absolutely deserves to have a crescendo on par with the final boss fight in this game, its only fitting with what came before it.


May 17, 2018
I really liked the last boss, and I don't feel like the enviornment had any impact of my performance or chances at killing the boss. Going from a sword to a spear is a fairly radical change, but between the first real phase and the last, this boss actually has very little in terms of changes and different moves. There really are only 3 phases even if there are acutally 5. The first phase of the mini-bosses should essentially be perfected at this point so you can apply it to a boss. Ishhin needs everything this game asks of you in a single boss. It is literally the Sekiro Final Exam.


Oct 27, 2017
man this game is fun on ng+/no-charm. I got to G-man and realized that I hadn't actually rested at the antechamber idol, I'd just 'discovered'—so I had to fight G-man with no-charm for the first time without gourds. i had to use some rice, but i got him

still a little iffy on the no-charm—I miss being able to use block more strategically, I feel like this kinda strips some of the game out of the game—but I love that I have to work for the win on content I've already done

Papa Roberto got a kill off me, though. something about his swing timing is very bizarre to me


use of an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Angola / Zaire border region.
Weird that in my game the firecracker item was originally called "Robato's Firecrackers" in English, but after a patch it is now "Robert's Firecrackers".

RIP Robert's dad. The fight and setting was really cool, its just a shame that halfway through the fight they gave away the solution by having the character shout "I really do hope you're not trying to push me off the bridge!!!"


Oct 27, 2017
OMG, I've fighting some regular-ass monkey and it's like I'm in the middle of a boss fight. He blocks everything and does like 50% or more on hit. Ugh, this game gets more absurd the further you get

Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017
Seven Spears is no push over, and he is in a very Souls like arena. Having to clear at least a few trash mobs every attempt tempts routine, which leads to screwing up, which leads to getting beaten.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
so i cleared senpou temple and I was wondering..

do we ever find out who "robert" is?


Feb 23, 2018
Collecting three macguffins and am at the
guardian ape

Is the
Mibu Village
lone swordsman my best bet?
one of safest farming routes is right after the Gyoubu bossfight idol.
Simply kill the gunner > grapple and head right > sneak kill the 1st hat boy behind the tree > run up and try to sneak kill one of the other hat boys. > finish off the last one with an axe blow and execution > jump over the wall and reset at the idol.
This nets you about 150ish sen and plenty of pellets, sneak sugars, and sometimes iron per run. (200 sen per run if using a mibu baloon which last about 3-4 runs.)
I know using the axe spends some emblems but each of the 4 enemies has a fairly good chance of dropping some.

Also if you already beat Mibu Village, from the last idol you can run back to the cheif's hut and deathblow the bell boy and clear out all of the villagers in 1-2 hits each, then reset at the idol
Alternatively just farming the villagers near the beginning / middile of the village is pretty good since they respawn really fast and are very easy pickings, especially if you can heal on deathblow.


Nov 1, 2017
It is hard to say. You are definitly less than 65% thru the game at this point tho.

thanks it seemed like the story was wrapping up so I'm glad there's still a lot more left...I still haven't encountered
Corrupted Monk
boss from the early Sekiro preview events and trailers...I'm hoping I didn't miss a lot of bosses as I'm taking my time and exploring everything


May 17, 2018
There seems to be a few spots that are intentionally farm spots. The last (bonus)zone in the game has 5 enemies you can kill in stealth from the Bonfire.


May 17, 2018
thanks it seemed like the story was wrapping up so I'm glad there's still a lot more left...I still haven't encountered
Corrupted Monk
boss from the early Sekiro preview events and trailers...I'm hoping I didn't miss a lot of bosses as I'm taking my time and exploring everything
There are, I think, 4 bosses that can only be seen if you do the right sorta ending.


Oct 28, 2017
My brother finished the game tonight - I haven't begun yet.

He wasn't overly impressed by the game. Most boss encounters he could win by adapting previous soulsborne strategies of circling around and wait for an opening (given the lack of a stamina meter - most of the bosses could be "cheesed" this way).

From afar, that seems like a relatively large design flaw (circling/baiting animations to get a hit). Adding to that; regular encounters (and mid-bosses) could also be made easier by manipulating the stealth system rather than engaging in the combat system.

It seemed to me like there was an exploit that could used throughout the game without penalty...
If you want to cheese an entire game and then complain about it thats your brother's prerogative but choosing to not engage with the game's incredible combat which is the entire draw of the game in the first place, seems like a monumentally stupid waste of time and money.


Oct 30, 2017
, I blazed through the rest of the game, not taking more than 2-3 tries per boss until this asshole right here
. Any tips? Right now he seems barely touchable and hits harder than anything else I've faced.