
Oct 27, 2017
My 980Ti couldn't even run Rise on max settings at 1080p without drops.

Is the Xbox One X more powerful than the 980Ti?

980ti is 5.5tflops, right?

Either way, nobody said anything about it being flatout Ultra settings. Only crazy people use Ultra settings as a first base metric of performance.


Jan 11, 2018
lol, this thread. so many turning 4k w/60 fps into 4k or 60fps....

who knows, maybe thats what it will be but 4 pages of doubt is kinda indicative, heh.
all full of it'll look bad, or it'll be checkerboard or blah blah blah.
Jeez, its like you guys forget how much more powerful the X is and think that only Sony studios are competent in using hardware...


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I would assume this is the case. There are 4k/60fps games on the Xbox One X (Overwatch is I think?) but none that look like SoTTR.
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 uses dynamic resolution but spent like 90% of the time at 60 FPS, 4K and it's one of the best looking games ever made. It's definitley possible with enough optimization and technical wizardry and if the fine folks at Nixxes are helping out, I'd be willing to take them at their word here.


Oct 28, 2017
So maybe the demo build was running on XOX after all. It was definitely more than 30, but also definitely NOT 60 FPS.


Nov 12, 2017
lol, this thread. so many turning 4k w/60 fps into 4k or 60fps....

who knows, maybe thats what it will be but 4 pages of doubt is kinda indicative, heh.
all full of it'll look bad, or it'll be checkerboard or blah blah blah.
Jeez, its like you guys forget how much more powerful the X is and think that only Sony studios are competent in using hardware...
Whatever happens. The x is the definitive console version anyways. Shrugs


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Amazing if true. Have they mentioned anything for PS4 Pro? Could there at least be 1080p 60FPS mode like ROTTR?


Oct 27, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah you can't compare racing game to game like Tomb Raider...

Battlefront 2 is 1800p-2160p and it often drops to 1800p to keep it 60fps and there is still some marginal 1-2 FPS drops.

Games still look ridiculously good on One X. Frostbite engine is also pretty dam awesome. Dunno what engine they are using on tomb raider
Its an in-house engine called Foundation


Nov 1, 2017
My 980Ti couldn't even run Rise on max settings at 1080p without drops.

Is the Xbox One X more powerful than the 980Ti?
Just because the game runs at 4k 60 FPS on Xbox One X doesn't mean it is using ultra settings. It will probably be 4K textures, but with some other graphical features turned down. I know in Rise the biggest hit to FPS for me was shadows and anti-aliasing.


Nov 9, 2017
It'd be neat if they put the extra RAM on 1X to use and gave it 4k textures at least. But cuz file size they probably won't.

My biggest disappointment technically with a lot of new games is they don't take advantage of the extra RAM on the Xbox One X or high-end GPUs. Better textures make a huge difference when used.
Oct 26, 2017


Nov 27, 2017
Probably dynamic/CB and targeting 60fps. No way this does native 4K and locked 60fps.

Its Dead Jim

Jan 11, 2018
Ceti Alpha V
Loving the responses from the armchair AAA developers..."its simply not possible", "defys the laws of physics"....

Look at Far Cry 5, pretty much runs at 4K locked 30, now we dont know what the actual framerate would be if it was unlocked. It could fluctuate between 40-50, 40-60, who knows.

I dont think its beyond the realms of possibility that a game like Tomb Raider could achieve 4K60 at all.

Also, you cant compare games that were patched for the OneX to those developed from the outset with it in mind. Again look at Far Cry 5, imagine the reaction on here if someone had suggested, prior to the launch of the OneX, that it would run as it does at 4K30.


Nov 9, 2017
I mean, I doubt this as well, but as games have a much longer amount of time to optimize.... maybe it can happen.

Yep. The Xbox One X versions of games just seem to be getting better and better. Nobody blinks an eye when a game on X has 100% more pixels than the PS4 Pro version these days. The X1X dev kits have been out over a year now and the final SDK has been available since October 2017. Developers are just starting to really wring out the X1X hardware.

I'd be *very* impressed and surprised if Tomb Raider hits 4K/60 and retains it's good looks. But I wouldn't be incredulous considering the above facts.


Nov 2, 2017
Loving the responses from the armchair AAA developers..."its simply not possible", "defys the laws of physics"....

Look at Far Cry 5, pretty much runs at 4K locked 30, now we dont know what the actual framerate would be if it was unlocked. It could fluctuate between 40-50, 40-60, who knows.

I dont think its beyond the realms of possibility that a game like Tomb Raider could achieve 4K60 at all.

Also, you cant compare games that were patched for the OneX to those developed from the outset with it in mind. Again look at Far Cry 5, imagine the reaction on here if someone had suggested, prior to the launch of the OneX, that it would run as it does at 4K30.

This is a good point. Prior to the X launch, internet experts proudly proclaimed that very few games would run at native 4K. Also that there would be no tangible difference in performance between it and the Pro........until we know more about the game it would be silly to say it is impossible. And also when devs say 60 they don't often mean "locked 60".


Oct 27, 2017
Loving the responses from the armchair AAA developers..."its simply not possible", "defys the laws of physics"....

Look at Far Cry 5, pretty much runs at 4K locked 30, now we dont know what the actual framerate would be if it was unlocked. It could fluctuate between 40-50, 40-60, who knows.

I dont think its beyond the realms of possibility that a game like Tomb Raider could achieve 4K60 at all.

So look at Far Cry 5, put it in third person, and double the locked frame rate from 30 to 60.
Oct 25, 2017
If the SotTR uses the same engine as RotTR, I don't think 4k 60 FPS would be possible on the X even with a big downgrade, let alone in a sequel that promisses bigger environments and more populated areas.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
If the scaling is left open it will on the next gen Xbox :D


Oct 27, 2017
some people here will tell you it was not cross gen. that it was later ported to 360 but that was never the plan.

I guess I don't see how/why that makes a difference? The 360 version was announced a year before release, and came out the same day as the One version. Regardless of who handled the 360 version, the design and roadmap of the game was decided by CD when developing the One version with the 360 version in mind.

That will not be the case this time.


Dec 13, 2017
Is this like Halo 5 where the animations from a distance are 30fps? Otherwise I have no idea what this means at all, lol.
I've never seen a game use such technique, but to me it sounds like motion interpolation, but without all the artifacts since the GPU will be rendering all the frames. So I dont really understand how it would work to be honest.

DF talks about frame rate upscaling in these articles, but really its never been used in games, just an idea up to this point


Nov 2, 2017
Wolfenstein 2 and Battlefront 2 both run dynamic resolution that often sits at native 4K and are both 60 FPS titles. So no.

I'd have to revisit DF's analysis, but I'm pretty sure Wolf 2's two modes that scale definitely do not often sit at full 4K. They're noticeably softer, and some reduction in rendering load is needed to maintain something near 60 fps, which both scaling modes don't fully achieve.


Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully steady.

It's funny... I was pretty firm playing God of War in resolution mode on my Pro for the more steady 30fps, but now that I'm a decent way into it, I've been knocking it down to performance mode when I feel like it, or if I'm remote playing it, so I'm not only getting that unlocked nonsense, but I get all the compression/stream artifacting as well with RP. And you know what? I'm still having a great time. I'm guessing I'll feel the same about Shadow... and I'll likely pick it up on 1X since I played the last one on my original XB1.


Oct 27, 2017
Is Nixxes working on the xbox version this time around?

I'd believe it if so. Tentatively, at least.