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Self-requested ban.
Jan 28, 2018
The battles are along the lines of Virtua Fighter, with different tiers for each move that build up as you use them more (or practice with them). Exploration is what you'd expect from normal gameplay. The more intricate action/chase sequences tend to be done with QTEs. They sort of stitch things together. In the both games, there's at least one example I can think of where they subvert the QTE prompt in a clever way. A lot of the gameplay is getting a clue or direction from one conversation to find the next point for information. A lot of people will come away feeling like it's pretty dry overall, and it actually has a lot in common with classic point-and-click adventure puzzle structure. The logic for clues is more intuitive/logical though. Like at one point, you find an old object that you want to understand better, and there's an antique shop in town you can bring it to. Or you need to read a note in Chinese, so you can ask a handful of people in town who grew up in China.

Interesting, thanks.
Oct 30, 2017
They're challenging because the game only gives you a second or two to enter the prompt, whereas something like Yakuza seems to give you 10-15 seconds (that's what it feels like).

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Is this game a QTE fest or there's a proper gameplay and combat system?
There isn't a lot of QTEs or fighting in the first one. The game tries to create a simulation of a Japanese town, trying to slowly investigate the underworld, following the routes of NPCs and collecting mysterious objects. It's slow, but there's also some charming distractions, like the arcade, collecting toys or forklift racing.

The second one has a lot more action, especially in the second third, loads of combat and QTEs (and they're really awesomely cinematic)


Oct 25, 2017
I like the QTEs in Shenmue. It's not like these new action games that throw them in. Shenmue, at least the first, is more subdued, and you are exploring. When the QTEs come, they actually feel like more exciting events. I dunno, they fit this game pretty well.
Oct 30, 2017
I don't see Sega dumping lots & lots of money into Shenmue unless these games do the impossible and sell millions. I think it's possible because people have been hyping these games so much. Anyway, support the remasters and maybe your dream will come true somewhere down the line. I don't think it'll ever happen, though. There was always going to be a contingent of Shenmue purists who'd balk at any significant changes, so I'm kind of glad they're not messing too much with the formula.


Feb 27, 2018

It does seem rather bare bones, assuming it's final.

No achievement for duck racing? What a glaring oversight.
Pretty sure that this is not a final list. Most of the things on here will be complete by just playing the game to completion. I'm with you though, I would achievements that take a long time to get like Duck Racing, Collect all the capsule toys, the Fangmei story etc.
I'm sure we will get them, it's just early/WIP at the moment.


Feb 7, 2018
Pretty sure that this is not a final list. Most of the things on here will be complete by just playing the game to completion. I'm with you though, I would achievements that take a long time to get like Duck Racing, Collect all the capsule toys, the Fangmei story etc.
I'm sure we will get them, it's just early/WIP at the moment.
Oh for the love of god please let there NOT be an achievement for collecting things... it's all RNG based and it would be a nightmare. Wish they could fix a way to get those last two moves scrolls in kowloon as well without playing RNG HIT boards...
Oct 30, 2017

Sorry if someone else posted about this before me.
Oct 30, 2017
That's the sort of thing where I wouldn't expect an 'honest' response, considering it's Sega's news to announce.

If that kind of thing is going to be integrated, then it would reveal a lot about the game that has not been revealed yet.


Dec 2, 2017
Is Oscar a real person?
Probably. Whoever they are, they answer 99% of the Kickstarter mail for Shenmue III, which is why you usually just get stock answers from them. Poor bastard, must be a tough job considering the level of crazy that happens in the KS comments section.

Sometimes you'll get Joel, who'll write a more personal response and sometimes let you know if an update is imminent.


Oct 25, 2017


Dec 2, 2017
Haha, that's why I'm asking. I know who Joel is, but I feel like Oscar is some kind of pseudonym.
Maybe, although I don't see why they'd do that. More likely he's the one who drew the short straw at Awesome Japan to have to sift through all that mail.

A choice which will really bite them I think.... I can't imagine many will be happy with the long waiting that the first game brings.
It may not be a choice. A time skip function is in the original Shenmue's debug tools but it's very unstable and liable to crash, so something might not be workable on an engine level, let alone effectively altering the game's scripting to implement it.


Oct 25, 2017


Feb 7, 2018
They just increased the number of people that will give up halfway through Shenmue 1 and will never play 2 by like 80%
While you are 100% right about this, I can't help but feel it's for the best. Shenmue just isn't a mass appeal type game, and the first game didn't let you skip time for a game design reason. If you can't love Shenmue at disk 1, you don't deserve to love it at Shenmue 2...

Harris Katz

Apr 9, 2018
Question: I don't think this is the case, but does this indicate in any way that Shenmue 3 could end up on XB1? Or does Sony have locked down exclusive on it? (Yes, I know that they are helping to fund it on some level, but not sure of the structure of that deal.)
Oct 30, 2017
I got myself a complete in box Dreamcast and Shenmue 1 about a year and a half ago to revisit the game. I still remember me and my best friend playing the game on his Dreamcast about 18 years ago, it was mindblowing at the time. We ended up playing Shenmue 2 on the Xbox when it released too; ah good times.

I was going to go pick up Shenmue 2 for the OG Xbox recently, but I guess I just get this one.

It's a pretty acquired taste of a game, I can only imagine how some people will react to the game for the first time, many I can imagine quite negatively.


Dec 2, 2017
Question: I don't think this is the case, but does this indicate in any way that Shenmue 3 could end up on XB1? Or does Sony have locked down exclusive on it? (Yes, I know that they are helping to fund it on some level, but not sure of the structure of that deal.)
Sony has the marketing deal for III, but they're not funding development in any appreciable way. Shibuya Productions has more skin in the game than Sony does when it comes to funding III's development.

Never say never though. The door to Shenmue III on platforms other than PS4 and PC was never closed, but I doubt it'll hit anything other than those two for at least a year after release.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe, although I don't see why they'd do that. More likely he's the one who drew the short straw at Awesome Japan to have to sift through all that mail.

It may not be a choice. A time skip function is in the original Shenmue's debug tools but it's very unstable and liable to crash, so something might not be workable on an engine level, let alone effectively altering the game's scripting to implement it.
I mean they got it functioning for Shenmue 2...?

I think the more likely story is SEGA (probably rightly) thinks this is kind of niche, and so didn't allocate the time or funding for those kind of improvements. That's generally the story when things like these aren't done, it's not because they're impossible, it's just because it's not a priority. Shame really, but what can you do.


Oct 30, 2017
I think we'll see a huge "last guardian effect" though even more amplified: a long sought after release of a what was always going to be a relatively niche product, combined with some very high profile PR (E3 2015) and the massive evolution in open world games since this released = big backlash. Mark my words, there will be a lot of threads here in the neighbourhood of "First time shenmue player here: what the hell were you guys all smoking in 1999" and multiple insufferable youtubers loling about all of its flaws (of which there are many, even if i love the game to death), particularly with the English VA being in there.

I'm overjoyed it's being released, but I'm not looking forward to all of that.
you put stock in what dudebros, youtubers, and Facebookers think about particular games?


Dec 2, 2017
I mean they got it functioning for Shenmue 2...?

I think the more likely story is SEGA (probably rightly) thinks this is kind of niche, and so didn't allocate the time or funding for those kind of improvements. That's generally the story when things like these aren't done, it's not because they're impossible, it's just because it's not a priority. Shame really, but what can you do.
The engine properly supported the function for Shenmue II. None of us would know the specifics of this exactly, but Yu Suzuki has commented in the past about the game engine evolving from the original to the sequel, so it's likely not as easy just transplanting code either.

If D3T had infinite time and money they probably could work something out, but they have neither, and as it is they're already digging into the 20 year old code of possibly the most complex video game that came out in that era. Then there's the question of what documentation they have to work with too.

It is what it is, and probably not for a lack of trying either.


Oct 25, 2017
While you are 100% right about this, I can't help but feel it's for the best. Shenmue just isn't a mass appeal type game, and the first game didn't let you skip time for a game design reason. If you can't love Shenmue at disk 1, you don't deserve to love it at Shenmue 2...

Agreed. I actually can't imagine shenmue 1 with time skip. While it can be a little irritating if you just miss something, you fairly quickly get used to the timing of the world and that's fundamental to the game IMO. The world is too small and would be damaged with something like time skipping
Oct 30, 2017
I honestly don't remember having an issue with waiting for things to happen. I know it became a meme after the awful Funhaus vids, but is waiting 30-45 minutes to do something that painful?


Oct 27, 2017
Agreed. I actually can't imagine shenmue 1 with time skip. While it can be a little irritating if you just miss something, you fairly quickly get used to the timing of the world and that's fundamental to the game IMO. The world is too small and would be damaged with something like time skipping
I would not time skip shenmue I.


Dec 2, 2017
I honestly don't remember having an issue with waiting for things to happen. I know it became a meme after the awful Funhaus vids, but is waiting 30-45 minutes to do something that painful?
It definitely separates the patient from the impatient, but I'd like to believe the majority of people playing for the first time will have ample opportunities to explore to fill that time. I mean, that's kind of the point of the downtime.

I know there have been a few times on replays I wished the original had the timeskip, but I never had a problem waiting on my first few playthroughs, because it was all "new" with parts unexplored. It's only after 15+ years of replays that I find myself tapping my foot waiting to get to the next story event, but it's nothing that can't be solved with a game of darts or Hang-On.


Oct 31, 2017
Jesus Christ, no time skip in Shenmue 1 means the vast majority of young players will put the game away and never get to the meaty part(Shenmue 2).

What the fuck like, that was literally one of the 3 things they had to get right to make it more accessible.

Edit: and it's not just young players. People that have a full time job can't afford to waste 30 mins to wait for the event to happen. It's so stupid.


Oct 26, 2017
Alhambra, CA
Well, I mean that downtime is crucial for leveling up your favorite moves, especially on faster replays. This could be spoiler town but you really get the biggest experience boost for individual moves in actual fights, but you need to get familiar with the buttons sequences and timing to make the most of your battles, and finding a nice quiet place to practice between objectives or appointments is super useful.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
I've noticed SimplyGames have got the release date as 28th September 2018, I'm guessing it's just a placeholder date, though.


Dec 2, 2017
Jesus Christ, no time skip in Shenmue 1 means the vast majority of young players will put the game away and never get to the meaty part(Shenmue 2).
I wouldn't automatically assume this will be the case. Since 2015 there have been notable instances of YouTubers and streamers picking up the game and managing with a little bit of waiting just fine.
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