
Oct 25, 2017
No it isn't. Don't generalise please. I bought a Dreamcast because of Shenmue - the promise of that game was bound to its technological and design advances - it looked and played like nothing before it. I would put the VHS promo that SEGA had issued (don't remember from where) again and again just to admire the way the towns and people were presented.

This game looks like Shenmue... from years ago. I know it's not realistic to expect it to compete with blockbusters, but that's what Shenmue was all about back then, and this looks awful compared to today's games. I will still going to buy it but reality leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

So you like shenmue cause of the graphics? I get it, it was a technological marvel, groundbreaking. But going in WE KNEW this was just a classic rebirth, we knew it was not going to be cutting edge graphics. It was just going to be an update to shenmue. What matters is that it feels like the 3rd game we never got, even if it looks like it's from that era. That's what I understood going in, it's exactly what I expected. It's shenmue 3, warts and all.
Oct 30, 2017
Until we see more, we don't really know what Shenmue 3 is trying to do. Right now they've shown some cinematic experiences in fairly empty looking parts of town. So far, these aren't cities/towns teeming with life and hundreds of NPCs. I'm ready to give the team credit when I see examples of these 'bold choices' that affected their ability to make a modern looking game. I really don't like giving credit to game developers, even Yu Suzuki, based on words in magazines and promises in interviews. It's time to show your cards, Ys Net, especially to get out of this awful PR cycle. This game has endured four years of laughter and abuse and they still haven't provided much to shut the critics up.