
Oct 25, 2017
She's not because she's a fictional character and has no agency, but whatever.

I've never gotten the agency argument. It makes sense when someone doesn't have agency when they can technically have it. But when it's impossible to have agency in the first place, how can you say anything definite about the character at all?


Nov 27, 2017
I honestly think Capcom should do a redesign for all of the classic characters, updating them for a modern context, and hopefully reducing the racial caricature-aspect along the way. There's no reason SFVI should be beholden to designs from nearly 30 years ago.

make cammy look like the badass MI6 operative she's meant to be club

100% on Cammy. She need a damn redesign. She looks ridiculous on her default costume. There is so much they could pull from in other media.

I hope they push Ryu to be even more a hobo as well.


Self-requested ban
Jun 1, 2018
I've never gotten the agency argument. It makes sense when someone doesn't have agency when they can technically have it. But when it's impossible to have agency in the first place, how can you say anything definite about the character at all?
I mean, mainly because w/e reasoning is being given such as ladies like to show off their workout bods for a fictional character comes down to usually a man giving some bs reason why they made a horny ass design.

Deleted member 1190

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The ol' loin cloth, is this DLC or computer fuckery. Either way, bravo. Lmao.
I believe its the easter egg for Ryu's "Jin outfit" from Cyberbots, which I think is a reference to his super? I only played Cyberbots once and I don't even know if I'm getting the name right. He basically sheds it off like Urien's suit.


Modal Soul

Oct 27, 2017
It doesn't even have to be pants. Just get rid of the damn thong. She could still wear athletic shorts.

Like, a rash guard with some compression shorts would've been an awesome design choice. Give her stuff a neat design on her outfit, bam, done. It shows she's a fighter, and it makes her look cool.


Nov 27, 2017
This might be a real point if sexualization wasn't such a prevalent issue in games. Also, every female character in SFV has plenty of skimpy extra costumes on top of this default.
Lol I know, I was partially being silly with my comment, but I also was partially serious.

And yes I know sexism is a big problem in games and all media (well in everything actually).


A Big Deal
Nov 2, 2017
Friend is clearing out house for a garage sale and pulled out a ton of Street Fighter merch he gave me. One of which was a Cammy statue.... I'm embarrassed to own it but damn that ass can not be denied. For reals though yes bare minium her default costume should be changed. The asstastic leotard being so iconic to the character ( for better or worse) that it will never be completely removed.
Oct 26, 2017
Should she get a new default costume? Sure.

That leotard costume isn't going anywhere, though. If it's not her default, it'll be DLC, along with a bunch of other sexy costumes, as evidenced by the SF5 DLC.

Deleted member 68874

Account closed at user request
May 10, 2020
Honestly some of the character designs in SFV are just fucking embarrassing. Things SHOULD change but they wont.

We're talking about pervasive and enduring sexism in an industry well known for it. I know you're trying to be funny, but if the entirety of last month, listing a bunch of pro players and industry professionals as serious sexual harassers doesn't tell you anything, then you are part of the problem. Not caring a god damn about how women are depicted in games has funny ways of making these ideas apparent in real life in people's general attitudes about the subject.
You just dont understand that this fictional character's ass is a huge part of who she is as a person. /s


Oct 25, 2017
They should do away with it, and I'm somewhat expecting it to happen for eSports reasons (I'm just thinking back to this match when a Mika player had to go with a less sexualized costume; they could avoid this problem by having the default designs be "eSports / stream friendly")

It won't stop a nostalgia costume from being a thing, and all her other costumes will probably be super sexualized too (bc SFV has shown Capcom they can make bank off DLC costumes) but this is what I'm expecting to happen with Cammy in SF6

I guess I just don't understand why everything remotely sexual nowadays needs to be toned down.

Like is Cammy's character design genuinely offending anyone? Maybe I'm just too much of a meat-headed red blooded male idiot to understand but this kind of thing has been standard in fighting games for years and I admittedly have always enjoyed her design. Same kind of thing goes for Mai Shiranui in KoF... I don't understand why it would need changed, I guess. Sex appeal isn't inherently bad, no? Help me understand.

If you really want an answer, I'd recommend you direct your question to this thread


Oct 25, 2017
I think it is OK to have sexy characters as long as it is for both male and female characters and as long as it doesn't veer straight into porn.

So it is obviously always going to be pretty subjective whether the line has been crossed.
Oct 26, 2017
To me the concept of characters designs being iconic and sacred completely goes out the window when the company makes tons of wacky alternative costumes available. How often do you see a SFV match with both players using the default costume?
If Cammy's default look in SFVI was like this.

There'd be an uproar and the "justification" would be that her look is iconic and they shouldn't change it.

But I guarantee that if they instead changed her default costume to be more like this.

Those same people would suddenly care a lot less about tradition.

Deleted member 32679

User requested account closure
Nov 12, 2017
To me the concept of characters designs being iconic and sacred completely goes out the window when the company makes tons of wacky alternative costumes available. How often do you see a SFV match with both players using the default costume?
If Cammy's default look in SFVI was like this.

There'd be an uproar and the "justification" would be that her look is iconic and they shouldn't change it.

But I guarantee that if they instead changed her default costume to be more like this.

Those same people would suddenly care a lot less about tradition.
Well yeah. Those same people are defending for horny reasons and Capcom would probably add her og suit later.


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017

If they did then they would lose a sale.


Nov 15, 2017
Only if enough complaints are made really
Its been decades and the only main figure character to get a "drastic" design change was Ken


Oct 25, 2017
1) I find it no more egregious then what marvel comic have with its skin-tight outfits. Mileage may vary there, but the look is even somewhat the same. Furthermore, the pose isn't at all gratuitous. Chun li, more than a random "sex icon" is about her muscle, showing it off isn't a problem.
2) The major point of this thread is giving Cammy pants and "going against" some iconic and long lasting designs. The Chun Li design proves that she's got in more than just her standard puffy sleeve outfit and boots. Which reminds me...
3) I actually love the fashion for this Chun Li too, I'm not immune to a cool wardrobe and I like the look and her running shoes!

Even Marvel have worked on toning it down, though. See Spider-Woman and Captain (formerly Ms.) Marvel.


Oct 30, 2017
Her design never really made since other than being a relic fro the 80s and early 90s.

I much prefer her Fiona costume

Feb 13, 2018
Just because not every character needs their ass or tits hanging out doesn't mean none of them can have their ass or tits hanging out.
I have spoken.

Deleted member 5853

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
ResetERA: We're the most liberal gaming forum on the Web.

Also ResetERA: Cammy's ass is her most defining feature. Also, women enjoy showing their ass, ever thought of that?

Y'all fucking suck. No wonder anyone not straight, white, and male is driven away.

Deleted member 22405

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
ResetERA: We're the most liberal gaming forum on the Web.

Also ResetERA: Cammy's ass is her most defining feature. Also, women enjoy showing their ass, ever thought of that?

Y'all fucking suck. No wonder anyone not straight, white, and male is driven away.

What the fuck does being liberal have to do with wanting Cammy's design to stay the same? Like brah.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
As long as you have (free) alternated costumes with pants, I have no problem in leaving her default look as it is.

With or without butt, though, I'd love everyone getting new designs in every new entry (even Ryu). Leave the classic look as an extra outfit.


Nov 23, 2017
Lol they already are sexualized

Not really. "Showing skin" in a traditional fighting garb is far different from actually being sexualized, most of men sexy features are either grossly exhagerated or not really evidenced or exposed in Street Fighter. The closest SF got to sexualizing a guy is the Cody Haggar outfit, and even though it's tacky, the Ed red costume. Meanwhile most of women outfits are actually sexualized and meant to display very particular parts of their bodies, including ass, thighs and breasts.

It's just not the same, it could be from the point of view of someone that isn't attracted to men, but call me when their thighs are exposed, or when you can partially see their ass, or when the camera zooms on their... features. Then we can resume the discussion of either they are or not sexualized to the same extent as female characters.