Deleted member 61909

User requested account closure
Dec 5, 2019
I wish we'd stop telling this lie. "More progressive than most" is just as misleading. Era is straight centrist. Era will talk about progressive things, but when it comes time to take action, they immediately favor not making any changes, especially when it comes to their hobbies.

See every thread involving Harry Potter, Trans issues, accessibility and disability issues, etc.

Actions speak louder than words, and whole the words sure sounds progressive, this is just another thread that shows the actions (and intents) of most... And it's status quo.
couldn't have said it better myself


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Yes I know that GAMERS use "censorship" as a negative term thrown mainly at de-sexualizing female characters with more clothes and different body types, as well as other things like modifying/restricting language or even just entertaining progressive ideas. GAMERS are goddamn idiots. Forgive me for wanting to use words as they actually mean, since GAMERS are such a fickle bunch.

But sure, yes, in this syntax wanting Cammy to actually have some damn pants is not censorship.
I don't see the point in forcing the use of words as they are in a vacuum when they're not in that vacuum and the discourse around them has been poisoned. If someone inside Capcom wants to revise character designs or aspects to be less perverted or scraping of the barrel for titillation then it isn't of any benefit to call it a censored design. The suggestion that characters cannot be designed in future iterations to be less lewd or simply to wear pants without it being 'censorship' does little to support progress and plenty to hinder it.

In essence you're forcing the issue onto the wrong side. If you legitimately want to see people use the word rigidly and as defined with no thought to context of its actual use (which, yknow, is a little weird when it comes to language) then go at those "GAMERS" and not the ones avoiding its use for obvious reasons.


Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017

Why did the conversation even go past here (I mean, I know). This is a fantastic costume that's hot, works with the character story, and doesn't just treat the woman like a piece of meat.

Fun fact: OG Cammy outfit is to sexy what Mass Effect sex scenes are to actual sex and what gamer tshirts are to actual fashion.

Deleted member 4532

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I wish we'd stop telling this lie. "More progressive than most" is just as misleading. Era is straight centrist. Era will talk about progressive things, but when it comes time to take action, they immediately favor not making any changes, especially when it comes to their hobbies.

See every thread involving Harry Potter, Trans issues, accessibility and disability issues, etc.

Actions speak louder than words, and whole the words sure sounds progressive, this is just another thread that shows the actions (and intents) of most... And it's status quo.
It's mostly something they say to themselves as a way to pat themselves on the back. They're not like those savages on 4chan but they're "realistic" and know they can't make actual changes to the world.


Oct 25, 2017


An aspect of Cody's design used to be that he was an escaped prisoner in chains. Now he's a mayor in a suit, and people loved it.

You can update and change any aspect of designs as much as you want. In fact, plenty of other series do it with every iteration.

Plus you can always have the "nostalgic" costume option as an alt.

Fucking yes. Love him even more.

Also, honestly, designs get a lot more interesting when you can actually make characters play dress up. ♫
You dress a character in something as flimsy as a bikini, it's just always gonna be a bikini.
You dress them up in a real outfit? There's suddenly a story told in their outfits.

Somehow saw bitching about FF7R's Shiva update for being less skimpy, but whatever. PS1 Shiva looks like Madonna at the beach; but the Remake actually made her look like a fantasy character with added jewelry, glistening skin patterning, and elegant ornamental armor. Yeah it's still pretty skimpy, but I appreciate it on a sorta 'fantasy fashion' level for a magical entity. 💙

Sheena's MK11 redesign makes it feel like she's from some an faroff place with art and culture; and she finally uses some armor because she's not fucking stupid exposing her chest in a world where people can rip your heart out of your chest.

...The previous design was SPIKE BRACERS; SLING STRAP; BIG TITS; GRR FACE (owtheedge.jpg)
Link FINALLY got permission to ditch the dorky hat and shun the colour green and he's never look better. Don't get me wrong, I love classic Link (esp. pink hair'd), but it's been the same for DECADES 😭 😂 It'sfinally different and feels new.


A number of posts here have covered Cammy as someone with a big backstory and how the leotard-thong literally adds nothing to her character. But her in more military gear literally makes more sense. But her ass apparently has a "character" of its own worth defending it... Because tradition...?

Posting for Posterity:

And yeah
CODY GOES FROM STREETS TO MAYORAL FEATS⚡ xD Who wouldn't want that biopic? (There are all pretty great alts too, TBH)

Most games with alt. costumes options have been pretty great with Nostalgia costumes anyways.
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Deleted member 22405

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
It's mostly something they say to themselves as a way to pat themselves on the back. They're not like those savages on 4chan but they're "realistic" and know they can't make actual changes to the world.

Can't believe this thread was secretly Capcom testing us all along. Mission failed, everybody.

Come the fuck on.


Oct 25, 2017
don't want to take away from this discussion, but i actually find her (front?) crotch situation to be more of a priority


it could be that cheeks are more visible in general, so i find it less of a problem. but i feel like i'm seeing too much of her crotch here.

not that i find the human crotch and butt to be censorable things. but it's just different when a fictional character is designed to be this, as opposed to a sentient human decided to show off their body.

lol Cammy's tits literally look like green balloons

And yeah... A lot of sexy character design trends, if they can't go low they'll go inward. What is armor?
Sep 3, 2018
what's the story on this one?
There was a thread pointing out Naughty Dog's terrible handling of Nadine by hiring a white woman to voice her and whether or not they should rectify this if the character appeared again. The poll included overwhelmingly swung in the direction of "It's fine if black characters are portrayed by white people" which is demoralizing for a number of reasons, but it was in that thread that the mods decided polls were not to be used to basically thumb your nose at concerns regarding representation, which is likely why this poll was removed.
Oct 25, 2017
I think capcom think her ass is some great icon because of that winpose from SF2. I don't think so much.

If I was gonna redesign cammy, I'd have her wear something like this


You can preserve the silhouette/idea of the old costume,but actually have it look like something a real person might wear. This style of jumpsuit gives you an opportunity to give it some slight military stylings at the top end and would look good with some combat boots, you can also keep the legs that are there to emphasize her special moves as it's shorts.

I think something like this is a lot better than the super corny early 2000s music video final fight street wise cargo parts and front zip crop look

Deleted member 61909

User requested account closure
Dec 5, 2019
There was a thread pointing out Naughty Dog's terrible handling of Nadine by hiring a white woman to voice her and whether or not they should rectify this if the character appeared again. The poll included overwhelmingly swung in the direction of "It's fine if black characters are portrayed by white people" which is demoralizing for a number of reasons, but it was in that thread that the mods decided polls were not to be used to basically thumb your nose at concerns regarding representation, which is likely why this poll was removed.
I try to forget about that thread...


Nov 20, 2017
don't want to take away from this discussion, but i actually find her (front?) crotch situation to be more of a priority


it could be that cheeks are more visible in general, so i find it less of a problem. but i feel like i'm seeing too much of her crotch here.

not that i find the human crotch and butt to be censorable things. but it's just different when a fictional character is designed to be this, as opposed to a sentient human decided to show off their body.

Ugggghhh, why is Street Fighter V so bad. Why does her leotard suck into her belly button like it was a vortex? Why'd they lose the green camo on her legs that helped tie the look of the leotard together? Where's her Red Delta pin? What is the point of the harness when there's literally nothing on her back to warrant it? Why does she have a holster on her thigh that looks like it can maybe hold a fucking beeper at most?

Fucking yes. Love him even more.

CODY GOES FROM STREETS TO MAYORAL FEATS⚡ xD Who wouldn't want that biopic? (There are all pretty great alts too, TBH)

Most games with alt. costumes options have been pretty great with Nostalgia costumes anyways.

Clean-shaven suit Cody is great, but Haggar Cody should have been the default. I love that shit so much.

Honestly, every character should just get a three-piece suit. Put Cammy in one.


Oct 25, 2017
Alternative take: the forum is sweeping under the rug a poll showing more people on this forum were willing to tell said women to go fuck themselves for a booty shot than not.

Cammy's butt shot is an important of her.

The yes's have it.

There was a thread pointing out Naughty Dog's terrible handling of Nadine by hiring a white woman to voice her and whether or not they should rectify this if the character appeared again. The poll included overwhelmingly swung in the direction of "It's fine if black characters are portrayed by white people" which is demoralizing for a number of reasons, but it was in that thread that the mods decided polls were not to be used to basically thumb your nose at concerns regarding representation, which is likely why this poll was removed.

Oh yeah... now I remember that thread.

Dice I just wanted to step back into this thread and apologise to you. if i added to the tiring bullshit that you've had to deal with in this thread today. Then i genuinely sorry.

Naw, don't worry about it. I'm the one gettin' myself involved, so... xD
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Even if they wanted to keep her classic design, I see no reason for her leotard-type uniform to not look more standard, i.e. actually covering her ass and not having the overly narrow piece of cloth covering her crotch. You can keep her standard design and modify it slightly to not be so gratuitously sexualized.

But ultimately SF characters have had their costumes modified over installments at many points, there's no reason they couldn't give Cammy a new design that's more sensible that still fits her character. But even if you want her to maintain her classic look, there's no reason for her whole ass to be out. It just looks stupid.

I do like that modded costume with camo pants though, that looks sick. Hopefully Capcom can ass something like that in the next title.

SFV is really bad with this shit as a whole as others have noted, and I really hope they scale it back big time for 6. I doubt they will, but I'm holding out hope.


Oct 27, 2017
lol Cammy's tits literally look like green balloons

And yeah... A lot of sexy character design trends, if they can't go low they'll go inward. What is armor?

yeah...not good. i don't see why you can't extend the clothing to part where you see the leg crease on that second pic. i still wouldn't love the design but i wouldn't feel awkward seeing a shot like that.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't see the point in forcing the use of words as they are in a vacuum when they're not in that vacuum and the discourse around them has been poisoned. If someone inside Capcom wants to revise character designs or aspects to be less perverted or scraping of the barrel for titillation then it isn't of any benefit to call it a censored design. The suggestion that characters cannot be designed in future iterations to be less lewd or simply to wear pants without it being 'censorship' does little to support progress and plenty to hinder it.

In essence you're forcing the issue onto the wrong side. If you legitimately want to see people use the word rigidly and as defined with no thought to context of its actual use (which, yknow, is a little weird when it comes to language) then go at those "GAMERS" and not the ones avoiding its use for obvious reasons.

So let me back up, all the way back.

My point wasn't to be all both-sides no-context "well actually the dictionary definition is blah" sort of thing. Looking back on the post I'm realizing it reads exactly like that, and my sincere bad with that. I let myself get too colorful with my wording and lost myself in translation - it's not like you can see in my head.

Ultimately my stance on these things is that the "problems" that "gamers" (from a segment of the gaming public to those simply grifting off it) rail against so much are not actually problems at all. I would argue that the way gaming treats "censorship" is overly rigid, that the whole conversation revolves around treating "censorship" as "covering their titties to appease SJWs" (among many other things) and then debating on whether or not that's happening. I get that shit isn't in a vacuum - I bloody hate when certain people strip all the context out of a thing - but it grinds my gears in how vapid this conversation in context is and just....gah.

Putting Cammy in pants isn't censorship because you can make her butt plenty sexy without needing to have it out in a unitard to see it. That's my take on it in this environment with these parameters, and damn does it sound so stupid out of context but....I dunno, I'm starting to ramble and I'm not sure how to end this point.
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, even as a kid I thought Cammy's outfit was weird. I didn't grasp sexuality then but I had a feeeling that the character's design was weird.

They really need to change it. Unlike most other characters it doesn't look like something someone would wear. It sticks like a sore thumb.

The Final Fight Streetwise design rocks. It fits the "streets" part of Street Fighter well and looks stylish. If that was her new outfit then I wouldn't mind at all.

Characters getting redesigned and changed around is my favorite type of updates. Someone mentioned Cody and I love that design. It doesn't "fit" his character at first glance but it was an awesome change and showed he changed. His character progressed.

Another point people neeed to understand is that women lovee SF. Not just dudes but women. Capcom should make them feel empowered by treating the female characters with respect.

Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
Considering Street Fighter V gave most of the female characters giant cartoon balloon tits, I don't think they are going to change course.
They should though.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Capcom should change Cammy's base design.

But with the prevalence of nostalgia/classic skins being a thing in SF5 (Especially recently where new character don't seem to launch without them ready), I doubt the leotard's going to ever truly go away at this point.


Nov 3, 2018
They should change it.
When fucking Mortal Kombat has better representation of women than you do, I think it's time to do some self reflection.

Will they change it? Ehhh probably not. We all know as soon as they do, all these gamergate scumbags will come out of the woodwork to stir up shit and I'm not sure they'd want that.

The reality is they should tone down all the tits and ass of all fighting games and make it a little more inclusive. Women play games too! Plus with all the horrible shit that has happened in the FGC as of late it may go a long way.
Oct 25, 2017
These are the best Cammy designs:



The Jill Valentine outfit fits her character unbelievably well. They just need to do something to make it more distinctly hers.

The Claire and Jill redesigns in the recent remakes give me hope Capcom might tone the sexualisation down in some of their other games too.


Oct 28, 2017
Ugggghhh, why is Street Fighter V so bad. Why does her leotard suck into her belly button like it was a vortex? Why'd they lose the green camo on her legs that helped tie the look of the leotard together? Where's her Red Delta pin? What is the point of the harness when there's literally nothing on her back to warrant it? Why does she have a holster on her thigh that looks like it can maybe hold a fucking beeper at most?
Era RAVES about that character model, lol. If a character's ass is visible, it'll be an instant favorite regardless of anything else.

Original Cammy looks like she's wearing a diaper just in comparison.



Mar 30, 2019
DISCLAIMER: Sexualizing men doesnt solve the sexism women have to face almost everyday of their life. More sexualized and objectified men wont solve sexism women facing in this industry.

However let's have some fun with how sexualized men could look like and see other bullshit post types pop out such as;
1)"Let the designers have creative freedom".
Bullshit. Remember Vaan like previously mentioned or Final Fantasy Mobious guy? Well, "Creative Freedom Fighters" vanished magically and forced devs to change the designs to more modest outfits. Hell Cammy herself had a backlash when designs for her face was more normal human like than the doll face she has now. Creative Freedom Fighters? *Crickets*

2) "It's mainly a guys hobby. So designers target their desires": Thats' one of the lamest self fulfilling prophecy and I heard that many times as an excuse.
Gamer shitheads: makes the environment incredibly unwelcoming and toxic.
Also Gamer shitheads: See women is not interested in games.

3) Sex sells: "As loong as it's catered to us, straight guys. Anything else then we cry untill its' gone.
4)Faux ally post: "I wish to see more horny art catered for people who are attracted to males, but it wont happen. DID YOU HEAR ME? IT WON'T HAPPEN BECAUSE THERE WOULD BE UPRISING. I WOULDNT MIND BUT ALL HELL WOULD GET LOOSE AND SHIT. DID YOU HEAR ME IT WONT HAPPEN. O WONT MIND BUT THERE WOULD BE GIANT BACKLASH AGAINST THE GAME STUDIO OR WWHATEVER. BACKLASH, PROTEST, WONT HAPPEN, I WANT TO BUT IT IS NOT GONNA HAPPEN". They spam the thread with these words till conversation dies.

5) It already happened. "Look, a shirtless guy with muscles" So it must be sexualizaaaaytioon of men. *Points at Kratos, the psychopatic guy with no sex appeal or charm, but because shirtles, because muscles; he sexy.
And many more.


Oct 26, 2017
Reminder, Vaan design:

Dissidia NT releases Kain Highwind TAY and Vaan costumes, the latter designed by FFXIV's character designer

Vaan designed by Ayumi Namae, who is a character designer for 14 (created Ysayle and Yotsuyu iirc), she also worked on FF12 as an art designer back then Kain Highwind, inspired by his The After Years costume

Why does everyone hate Vaan? LTTP: FFXII TZA (no spoilers past my progression!)

Current progress: just arrived in old town Archedes. I wanted to play a JRPG during the holidays and picked up FFXII TZA on Steam as I never got past the Tomb of Raithwall more than a decade ago when someone lent me a PS2 with some games. At that time I absolutely hated it, it felt so slow and...

The hate against Vaan (FF12) is unfair and frankly weird

Preach, all the "Basch was the real MC and Vaan was added because he's bishy" stuff needs to end. Vaan was perfectly fine and fulfilled his purpose as Ashe's moral compass and friend, and also got some badass MC moments at the end.

"but hey, the problem isn't that he was sexualized, it's just that the design looked stupid". Don't even try to make this argument, is insincere and you know it, how do you think these female character designs look to women?

Miss me when people say "I'm ok with male designs being sexualized", the truth is "I'm ok with male designs being at most shirtless so they fit my power-fantasy". Y'all have barely see a man being sexualized like a woman, and when you have seen, y'all melted down.

EDIT: Oh, and Vaan isn't even as sexualized as Fran, which is constantly praised. Wonder why?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Cammy's always been a lame, poorly designed Alita/Gally knock-off. That people think her butt is an essential aspect of her says a lot about how little there really is to her. And further confirms that most Gamers™ , "progressive" or no, have bad taste. Not surprising considering that bad nothing chars like C. Viper is popular.

Also lol at the notion that Era is progressive. If it's not Mainstream Woke approved by the Wokeness Overmind, Era support is reticent.
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Nov 3, 2017
Damn sure is a lot of people mad that a poll with a result that was pretty much telling women on this forum to go fuck themselves got removed.

So appreciating the physique of a fictional female character is an almost exact equivalent of telling women on the forum to "go fuck themselves"

What is your position on people who cosplay as Cammy?
Oct 25, 2017
I wish we'd stop telling this lie. "More progressive than most" is just as misleading. Era is straight centrist. Era will talk about progressive things, but when it comes time to take action, they immediately favor not making any changes, especially when it comes to their hobbies.

See every thread involving Harry Potter, Trans issues, accessibility and disability issues, etc.

Actions speak louder than words, and whole the words sure sounds progressive, this is just another thread that shows the actions (and intents) of most... And it's status quo.
The implication on other sites that this place is some left-wing communist haven is hilarious for this reason.


Jun 7, 2019
Sorry to be crass, but do some of the people in this fucking thread only play videeo games while having one hand wrapped around their fucking cocks? Because if you need her to be sexualized to hell & back to enjoy the fucking game get some fucking help. Live your lives around real women, but then again I wouldn't want to put them through that.

There is so much wrong with this thread & many others already said it much better than I ever could, but holy fuck @ people thinking this place is even remotely "progressive". I fucking wish it would be the leftist, socialist safe haven for LGBT people, PoC & women that people off-site love to complain it is. Instead it's a centrist & at best liberal shitfest of thinly veiled & oftentimes also just straight-up misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, racism & ableism. It's truly sickening.

Can't believe people tried to use the "but some women irl that are into fitness love showing their ass online so what's wrong with Cammy being sexualized" excuse. We can do whatever the fuck we want & I can guarantee you that women don't fucking post those progress pics etc. just for men to jack off to them. You're not nearly as much on the minds of women as you'd like to think you are. Fuck, I love showing & not hiding my curves (while also not wanting to be percived by men, but, well, a big part of that is because I'm a lesbian), I like being sexy, but it's always on my own accord. I still criticize the shit out of misogynistic & sexualized designs for female characters, because 9 times out of 10 they're designed by & for horny cishet men. If you can't fucking see the difference between a person irl dressing sexy for their own enjoyment & a fictional woman having a sexualized design then you're a fucking lost cause. I'd tell people to broaden their horizons & talk to women, but we can see how this shit always ends. It never ends well.

Also, as a lesbian who obviously loves sexy women I can tell you from experience that it's very possible to be attracted to a design & still fucking criticize it & want it changed, because it's awful. And women can love Cammy & her character & designs & want to cosplay her. There's fucking nothing wrong with it. Like I said, we can do whatever the fuck we want. But not you men when all you fucking do is sexualize us & try to use the ones of us liking designs even if they're harmful as "gotcha"s, just so you can say "but look there's women who on their own accord cosplay sexy characters so they can't be bad if women like them!!!". You seriously can't be that fucking dense. There's women who fucking cosplay Quiet from MGSV, doesn't make her outfit any less shite. Also, women aren't a monolith & you'll always find some who'll handwave sexualized designs. Doesn't make them any less sexualized & misogynistic.

Anyway, to get to the point of the thread - I fucking wish they'd change it, but knowing how the community would react I'm pretty sure they'll never do it. Which fucking hurts.


Oct 25, 2017
So appreciating the physique of a fictional female character is an almost exact equivalent of telling women on the forum to "go fuck themselves"

What is your position on people who cosplay as Cammy?

"dat ass" = "I actually appreciate the female body"

The "love" Cammy gets for her "physique" I've very often noticed (just read through this thread) very often gets reduced to left cheek, right cheek.
Not nearly as charming as you're trying to make it sound. Her ass is apparently worth preserving because it's part and parcel to.... Eugh... Her character (thanks fella's).

Also, you HAVE to realize the irony of praising a digital woman's body ass, right?
She'll literally never ever know. You ogle as they want you to ogle because it was designed to be ogled.
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Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Dice, you might like this (hence why I'm also posting the clip here).

Max later clarifies in the stream that the hyper-sexual parts of recent Street Fighter games wasn't EXCLUSIVELY Ono, but this clip makes it clear that he was the main driving force behind said sexualization.

Hopefully with Ono demoted (for the 2nd time), SFVI can tone the sexualization down significantly.


Oct 25, 2017
So appreciating the physique of a fictional female character is an almost exact equivalent of telling women on the forum to "go fuck themselves"

What is your position on people who cosplay as Cammy?

Well, the problem with these designs—and the disturbing prevalence of them—is the blatant objectification of women. When the camera ogles women, and they are dressed in an extremely revealing way, this isn't celebrating their physique, it is emphasizing their bodies as their primary asset. That is especially demeaning when it is, once again, the primary depiction of women.

When you tell women that these designs are fine, when you say there is nothing wrong with them, you are dismissing their criticisms. It isn't a great look.

As for women dressing up as Cammy... Good for them! Real human beings should be encouraged to dress the way they want to. It is their choice. That is the important element here, they are choosing to dress in that manner. That is a form of expression. They are also free to like Cammy's design, it doesn't stop that design from being problematic.

Sorry to be crass, but do some of the people in this fucking thread only play videeo games while having one hand wrapped around their fucking cocks? Because if you need her to be sexualized to hell & back to enjoy the fucking game get some fucking help. Live your lives around real women, but then again I wouldn't want to put them through that.

There is so much wrong with this thread & many others already said it much better than I ever could, but holy fuck @ people thinking this place is even remotely "progressive". I fucking wish it would be the leftist, socialist safe haven for LGBT people, PoC & women that people off-site love to complain it is. Instead it's a centrist & at best liberal shitfest of thinly veiled & oftentimes also just straight-up misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, racism & ableism. It's truly sickening.

Can't believe people tried to use the "but some women irl that are into fitness love showing their ass online so what's wrong with Cammy being sexualized" excuse. We can do whatever the fuck we want & I can guarantee you that women don't fucking post those progress pics etc. just for men to jack off to them. You're not nearly as much on the minds of women as you'd like to think you are. Fuck, I love showing & not hiding my curves (while also not wanting to be percived by men, but, well, a big part of that is because I'm a lesbian), I like being sexy, but it's always on my own accord. I still criticize the shit out of misogynistic & sexualized designs for female characters, because 9 times out of 10 they're designed by & for horny cishet men. If you can't fucking see the difference between a person irl dressing sexy for their own enjoyment & a fictional woman having a sexualized design then you're a fucking lost cause. I'd tell people to broaden their horizons & talk to women, but we can see how this shit always ends. It never ends well.

Also, as a lesbian who obviously loves sexy women I can tell you from experience that it's very possible to be attracted to a design & still fucking criticize it & want it changed, because it's awful. And women can love Cammy & her character & designs & want to cosplay her. There's fucking nothing wrong with it. Like I said, we can do whatever the fuck we want. But not you men when all you fucking do is sexualize us & try to use the ones of us liking designs even if they're harmful as "gotcha"s, just so you can say "but look there's women who on their own accord cosplay sexy characters so they can't be bad if women like them!!!". You seriously can't be that fucking dense. There's women who fucking cosplay Quiet from MGSV, doesn't make her outfit any less shite. Also, women aren't a monolith & you'll always find some who'll handwave sexualized designs. Doesn't make them any less sexualized & misogynistic.

Anyway, to get to the point of the thread - I fucking wish they'd change it, but knowing how the community would react I'm pretty sure they'll never do it. Which fucking hurts.

Holy shit! Coming in hot and heavy (and absolutely on point). I love this post!
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Oct 25, 2017
Sorry to be crass, but do some of the people in this fucking thread only play videeo games while having one hand wrapped around their fucking cocks? Because if you need her to be sexualized to hell & back to enjoy the fucking game get some fucking help. Live your lives around real women, but then again I wouldn't want to put them through that.

There is so much wrong with this thread & many others already said it much better than I ever could, but holy fuck @ people thinking this place is even remotely "progressive". I fucking wish it would be the leftist, socialist safe haven for LGBT people, PoC & women that people off-site love to complain it is. Instead it's a centrist & at best liberal shitfest of thinly veiled & oftentimes also just straight-up misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, racism & ableism. It's truly sickening.

Can't believe people tried to use the "but some women irl that are into fitness love showing their ass online so what's wrong with Cammy being sexualized" excuse. We can do whatever the fuck we want & I can guarantee you that women don't fucking post those progress pics etc. just for men to jack off to them. You're not nearly as much on the minds of women as you'd like to think you are. Fuck, I love showing & not hiding my curves (while also not wanting to be percived by men, but, well, a big part of that is because I'm a lesbian), I like being sexy, but it's always on my own accord. I still criticize the shit out of misogynistic & sexualized designs for female characters, because 9 times out of 10 they're designed by & for horny cishet men. If you can't fucking see the difference between a person irl dressing sexy for their own enjoyment & a fictional woman having a sexualized design then you're a fucking lost cause. I'd tell people to broaden their horizons & talk to women, but we can see how this shit always ends. It never ends well.

Also, as a lesbian who obviously loves sexy women I can tell you from experience that it's very possible to be attracted to a design & still fucking criticize it & want it changed, because it's awful. And women can love Cammy & her character & designs & want to cosplay her. There's fucking nothing wrong with it. Like I said, we can do whatever the fuck we want. But not you men when all you fucking do is sexualize us & try to use the ones of us liking designs even if they're harmful as "gotcha"s, just so you can say "but look there's women who on their own accord cosplay sexy characters so they can't be bad if women like them!!!". You seriously can't be that fucking dense. There's women who fucking cosplay Quiet from MGSV, doesn't make her outfit any less shite. Also, women aren't a monolith & you'll always find some who'll handwave sexualized designs. Doesn't make them any less sexualized & misogynistic.

Anyway, to get to the point of the thread - I fucking wish they'd change it, but knowing how the community would react I'm pretty sure they'll never do it. Which fucking hurts.

I feel ya Patsy.
This same forum debated about the goddamn bust sizeon Tifa for a month (and sports bra censorship!!) . They bitched about Resident Evil 3 remake Jill having "a big (read: manly) jaw". And a lot of Gamers™ nearly lost their shit that Naughty Dog made a muscley lady as a hero and have been dragging her role in the story because she got revenge on a beloved male murderer.

Oh yeah, and they wanted to get suck off Henry Cavill for building a computer while telling Brie Larson that she's doing nothing special.

It's a fucking joke. Nothing progressive about this user base - - a big portion of them don't even realize they're part of the problem. :😂 👎
Last edited:


Mar 18, 2018
I've been on the internet for like two decades now.

Every time a conversation comes up about how a woman looks sexualised it's always the exact same sort of post.

"I don't understand?" "What's the problem?" "How is it bad?".

You have likely seen thousands of explanations about how blatant sexualisation can be harmful and exclusionary. Thousands. And just I'm talking outside this place.

There is litteraly no way you've missed it. There is no way you've ever missed people arguing about this sort of stuff.

Don't play coy and pretend like you don't understand the basic concept of the problem. Don't pretend like you don't understand what the person you were quoting was saying.

It's intellectually dishonest. No one is falling for it.

I'm no saint but when something is so blatantly in your face sexist, I'm just sick of the exact same BS "I don't understand the problem, what's wrong with sexiness?" Posts again and again and again and again until the end of probably timeitself.

And they're all fake. All of them. You all know the problem.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been on the internet for like two decades now.

Every time a conversation comes up about how a woman looks sexualised it's always the exact same sort of post.

"I don't understand?" "What's the problem?" "How is it bad?".

You have likely seen thousands of explanations about how blatant sexualisation can be harmful and exclusionary. Thousands. And just I'm talking outside this place.

There is litteraly no way you've missed it. There is no way you've ever missed people arguing about this sort of stuff.

Don't play coy and pretend like you don't understand the basic concept of the problem. Don't pretend like you don't understand what the person you were quoting was saying.

It's intellectually dishonest. No one is falling for it.

I'm no saint but when something is so blatantly in your face sexist, I'm just sick of the exact same BS "I don't understand the problem, what's wrong with sexiness?" Posts again and again and again and again until the end of probably timeitself.

And they're all fake. All of them. You all know the problem.

Absolutely. At this point, if people don't understand then they are choosing to not understand. There aren't just thousands of explanations of this shit floating around the internet. There are probably millions at this point. Hell, I feel like Dice has written thousands of explanations in this thread alone.


Oct 27, 2017
Leona from KOF (arguably a knock off of Cammy) went through a redesign where she ditched shorts to pants. Her current outfit still has quite a bit of side boob (I guess bras aren't popular) and ass shots during her supers and win poses. but overall it's a solid design for a military girl in a fighting game.


Granted there's still a high degree of objectification in the costume itself and especially in alternate costumes but this one seems mostly in line with what people have been suggesting for Cammy.


Jun 7, 2019
I feel ya Patsy.
This same forum debated about the goddamn bust sizeon Tifa for a month (and sports bra censorship!!) . They bitched about Resident Evil 3 remake Jill having "a big (read: manly) jaw". And a lot of Gamers™ nearly lost their shit that Naughty Dog made a muscley lady as a hero and have been dragging her role in the story because she got revenge on a beloved male murderer.

Oh yeah, and they wanted to get suck off Henry Cavill for building a computer while telling Brie Larson that she's doing nothing special.

It's a fucking joke. Nothing progressive about this user base - - a big portion of them don't even realize they're part of the problem. :😂 👎

Aww, thank you. <3 And yeah lmao, it's insane. I hate that threads like those are the first ones that come to mind when I think of Era and not, you know, any good ones filled with positivity and support, because I feel like if you want that outside of OTs you just.. lost? I have more than a handful of friends who said they wouldn't want to join Era for that precise reason & it fucking sucks, because we desperately need more minorities in here, but instead it feels like more leave with each truly awful thread we get. Doesn't help that the people getting temp bans usually always come back without doing any fucking reflecting & just do the same shit all over again, but I don't wanna backseat mod lmao. Is Era the most progressive site next to Reddit & Gaf & whatnot? Sure. But that's really not a big achievement.

Also aboslutely hate that threads like these always end up morphing into threads also just generally criticizing this forum, but it is what it is. There's a reason why this always happens.


Oct 25, 2017
They should change it.
When fucking Mortal Kombat has better representation of women than you do, I think it's time to do some self reflection.

Lol oh man how things have changed.

However let's have some fun with how sexualized men could look like and see other bullshit post types pop out such as;
1)"Let the designers have creative freedom".
Bullshit. Remember Vaan like previously mentioned or Final Fantasy Mobious guy? Well, "Creative Freedom Fighters" vanished magically and forced devs to change the designs to more modest outfits. Hell Cammy herself had a backlash when designs for her face was more normal human like than the doll face she has now. Creative Freedom Fighters? *Crickets*

2) "It's mainly a guys hobby. So designers target their desires": Thats' one of the lamest self fulfilling prophecy and I heard that many times as an excuse.
Gamer shitheads: makes the environment incredibly unwelcoming and toxic.
Also Gamer shitheads: See women is not interested in games.

3) Sex sells: "As loong as it's catered to us, straight guys. Anything else then we cry untill its' gone.
4)Faux ally post: "I wish to see more horny art catered for people who are attracted to males, but it wont happen. DID YOU HEAR ME? IT WON'T HAPPEN BECAUSE THERE WOULD BE UPRISING. I WOULDNT MIND BUT ALL HELL WOULD GET LOOSE AND SHIT. DID YOU HEAR ME IT WONT HAPPEN. O WONT MIND BUT THERE WOULD BE GIANT BACKLASH AGAINST THE GAME STUDIO OR WWHATEVER. BACKLASH, PROTEST, WONT HAPPEN, I WANT TO BUT IT IS NOT GONNA HAPPEN". They spam the thread with these words till conversation dies.

5) It already happened. "Look, a shirtless guy with muscles" So it must be sexualizaaaaytioon of men. *Points at Kratos, the psychopatic guy with no sex appeal or charm, but because shirtles, because muscles; he sexy.
And many more.

Yep. Every one of these is here haha

Dice, you might like this (hence why I'm also posting the clip here).

Max later clarifies in the stream that the hyper-sexual parts of recent Street Fighter games wasn't EXCLUSIVELY Ono, but this clip makes it clear that he was the main driving force behind said sexualization.

Hopefully with Ono demoted (for the 2nd time), SFVI can tone the sexualization down significantly.

I'm very curious. I won't hold my breath, but it'd really not be hard to do better. A few Capcom games (hell all games) do fine without the need to put women in bikini "fight outfits".
Nash became a zombie, Cody turned Mayor, butt we'll see if Cammy's dumbass military issued onesie can change. :p


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry to be crass, but do some of the people in this fucking thread only play videeo games while having one hand wrapped around their fucking cocks? Because if you need her to be sexualized to hell & back to enjoy the fucking game get some fucking help. Live your lives around real women, but then again I wouldn't want to put them through that.

There is so much wrong with this thread & many others already said it much better than I ever could, but holy fuck @ people thinking this place is even remotely "progressive". I fucking wish it would be the leftist, socialist safe haven for LGBT people, PoC & women that people off-site love to complain it is. Instead it's a centrist & at best liberal shitfest of thinly veiled & oftentimes also just straight-up misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, racism & ableism. It's truly sickening.

Can't believe people tried to use the "but some women irl that are into fitness love showing their ass online so what's wrong with Cammy being sexualized" excuse. We can do whatever the fuck we want & I can guarantee you that women don't fucking post those progress pics etc. just for men to jack off to them. You're not nearly as much on the minds of women as you'd like to think you are. Fuck, I love showing & not hiding my curves (while also not wanting to be percived by men, but, well, a big part of that is because I'm a lesbian), I like being sexy, but it's always on my own accord. I still criticize the shit out of misogynistic & sexualized designs for female characters, because 9 times out of 10 they're designed by & for horny cishet men. If you can't fucking see the difference between a person irl dressing sexy for their own enjoyment & a fictional woman having a sexualized design then you're a fucking lost cause. I'd tell people to broaden their horizons & talk to women, but we can see how this shit always ends. It never ends well.

Also, as a lesbian who obviously loves sexy women I can tell you from experience that it's very possible to be attracted to a design & still fucking criticize it & want it changed, because it's awful. And women can love Cammy & her character & designs & want to cosplay her. There's fucking nothing wrong with it. Like I said, we can do whatever the fuck we want. But not you men when all you fucking do is sexualize us & try to use the ones of us liking designs even if they're harmful as "gotcha"s, just so you can say "but look there's women who on their own accord cosplay sexy characters so they can't be bad if women like them!!!". You seriously can't be that fucking dense. There's women who fucking cosplay Quiet from MGSV, doesn't make her outfit any less shite. Also, women aren't a monolith & you'll always find some who'll handwave sexualized designs. Doesn't make them any less sexualized & misogynistic.

Anyway, to get to the point of the thread - I fucking wish they'd change it, but knowing how the community would react I'm pretty sure they'll never do it. Which fucking hurts.

Fantastic post Patsy 👏🏻

To addon a bit, I wish people would stop using women who like to dress sexy as stupid 'gotcha' card for these types of discussions. Those women aren't your meat shields, especially when they aren't here to actually state their opinion on the matter.


Jun 7, 2019
Holy shit! Coming in hot and heavy (and absolutely on point). I love this post!

Fantastic post Patsy 👏🏻

To addon a bit, I wish people would stop using women who like to dress sexy as stupid 'gotcha' card for these types of discussions. Those women aren't your meat shields, especially when they aren't here to actually state their opinion on the matter.

Thank you both so much, it means a lot! <3 Always nervous about being straight-up & just honest, because I know it just as much attracts the worst kind of people.

And yeah, I would really like to not be used as a "gotcha" to show that women dress sexy so sexualized designs are somehow fine. It's so fucking stupid. At least I can debunk their shit takes as I'm one of those lmao
Oct 25, 2017
If they keep pushing the esports angle, I imagine her default costume will be changed. However, I don't see them ever straight up removing the costume
Oct 25, 2017
As a very casual fan who wants to get into the series, I'm holding out some strong hope that Ono being demoted will change things a lot. I want to be able to share my enthusiasm for fighting games with my wife without having so much bullshit we both need to try and ignore.

Sorry to be crass, but do some of the people in this fucking thread only play videeo games while having one hand wrapped around their fucking cocks? Because if you need her to be sexualized to hell & back to enjoy the fucking game get some fucking help. Live your lives around real women, but then again I wouldn't want to put them through that.

There is so much wrong with this thread & many others already said it much better than I ever could, but holy fuck @ people thinking this place is even remotely "progressive". I fucking wish it would be the leftist, socialist safe haven for LGBT people, PoC & women that people off-site love to complain it is. Instead it's a centrist & at best liberal shitfest of thinly veiled & oftentimes also just straight-up misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, racism & ableism. It's truly sickening.

Can't believe people tried to use the "but some women irl that are into fitness love showing their ass online so what's wrong with Cammy being sexualized" excuse. We can do whatever the fuck we want & I can guarantee you that women don't fucking post those progress pics etc. just for men to jack off to them. You're not nearly as much on the minds of women as you'd like to think you are. Fuck, I love showing & not hiding my curves (while also not wanting to be percived by men, but, well, a big part of that is because I'm a lesbian), I like being sexy, but it's always on my own accord. I still criticize the shit out of misogynistic & sexualized designs for female characters, because 9 times out of 10 they're designed by & for horny cishet men. If you can't fucking see the difference between a person irl dressing sexy for their own enjoyment & a fictional woman having a sexualized design then you're a fucking lost cause. I'd tell people to broaden their horizons & talk to women, but we can see how this shit always ends. It never ends well.

Also, as a lesbian who obviously loves sexy women I can tell you from experience that it's very possible to be attracted to a design & still fucking criticize it & want it changed, because it's awful. And women can love Cammy & her character & designs & want to cosplay her. There's fucking nothing wrong with it. Like I said, we can do whatever the fuck we want. But not you men when all you fucking do is sexualize us & try to use the ones of us liking designs even if they're harmful as "gotcha"s, just so you can say "but look there's women who on their own accord cosplay sexy characters so they can't be bad if women like them!!!". You seriously can't be that fucking dense. There's women who fucking cosplay Quiet from MGSV, doesn't make her outfit any less shite. Also, women aren't a monolith & you'll always find some who'll handwave sexualized designs. Doesn't make them any less sexualized & misogynistic.

Anyway, to get to the point of the thread - I fucking wish they'd change it, but knowing how the community would react I'm pretty sure they'll never do it. Which fucking hurts.
God damn this is seriously the post this thread needed. 🙌


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry to be crass, but do some of the people in this fucking thread only play videeo games while having one hand wrapped around their fucking cocks? Because if you need her to be sexualized to hell & back to enjoy the fucking game get some fucking help. Live your lives around real women, but then again I wouldn't want to put them through that.

There is so much wrong with this thread & many others already said it much better than I ever could, but holy fuck @ people thinking this place is even remotely "progressive". I fucking wish it would be the leftist, socialist safe haven for LGBT people, PoC & women that people off-site love to complain it is. Instead it's a centrist & at best liberal shitfest of thinly veiled & oftentimes also just straight-up misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, racism & ableism. It's truly sickening.

Can't believe people tried to use the "but some women irl that are into fitness love showing their ass online so what's wrong with Cammy being sexualized" excuse. We can do whatever the fuck we want & I can guarantee you that women don't fucking post those progress pics etc. just for men to jack off to them. You're not nearly as much on the minds of women as you'd like to think you are. Fuck, I love showing & not hiding my curves (while also not wanting to be percived by men, but, well, a big part of that is because I'm a lesbian), I like being sexy, but it's always on my own accord. I still criticize the shit out of misogynistic & sexualized designs for female characters, because 9 times out of 10 they're designed by & for horny cishet men. If you can't fucking see the difference between a person irl dressing sexy for their own enjoyment & a fictional woman having a sexualized design then you're a fucking lost cause. I'd tell people to broaden their horizons & talk to women, but we can see how this shit always ends. It never ends well.

Also, as a lesbian who obviously loves sexy women I can tell you from experience that it's very possible to be attracted to a design & still fucking criticize it & want it changed, because it's awful. And women can love Cammy & her character & designs & want to cosplay her. There's fucking nothing wrong with it. Like I said, we can do whatever the fuck we want. But not you men when all you fucking do is sexualize us & try to use the ones of us liking designs even if they're harmful as "gotcha"s, just so you can say "but look there's women who on their own accord cosplay sexy characters so they can't be bad if women like them!!!". You seriously can't be that fucking dense. There's women who fucking cosplay Quiet from MGSV, doesn't make her outfit any less shite. Also, women aren't a monolith & you'll always find some who'll handwave sexualized designs. Doesn't make them any less sexualized & misogynistic.

Anyway, to get to the point of the thread - I fucking wish they'd change it, but knowing how the community would react I'm pretty sure they'll never do it. Which fucking hurts.
👏💥👐Tbh this post should be a stickied thread at the top of gaming side.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Looking at this again.... This is basically Blue Mary. Which is interesting.
Is it though. That mod is kinda bland and non-descript.


Blue Mary has a clear, identifiable, iconic color scheme (yellow-red-blue) with detailing unique to her, like her star symbol on one side of her pants and the wacky oversized belt she wears.

For a total redesign with some more personality woven into it while referencing previous Cammy media, they could give her her coat from the SF2 anime movie, wearing it like some kinda cape.


And keep the military commando outfit from the mod, but sticking closer to her classic red-yellow-green color scheme. And instead of a random camo pattern on the pants, it could be something more similar to her initial incarnation or the patterns she uses in some of her SFV outfits.


Personally maybe you could give her shorts instead of baggy pants. One of the things I like about character design in SFV is that you can clearly see how buff and muscular the women area, in contrast to most other fighting games.


Nov 3, 2017
User banned (permanent): concern trolling; multiple prior similar bans
"dat ass" = "I actually appreciate the female body"

The "love" Cammy gets for her "physique" I've very often noticed (just read through this thread) very often gets reduced to left cheek, right cheek.
Not nearly as charming as you're trying to make it sound. Her ass is apparently worth preserving because it's part and parcel to.... Eugh... Her character (thanks fella's).

Also, you HAVE to realize the irony of praising a digital woman's body ass, right?
She'll literally never ever know. You ogle as they want you to ogle because it was designed to be ogled.

Cammy isn't just reduced to her ass. You are doing that. Personally, I appreciate the entire design especially the tattoos.

You meant it to be sarcastic but "dat ass" as problematically racist you sound, is a short way of saying "the person with that posterior, has caused me to appreciate their physique.

You stated that Cammy is a "digital woman" and that she is fictional and doesn't exist, then did you assume her digital and fictional gender?


Jun 7, 2019
Honestly, the designs of Cammy in pants are great & it's not like she's even any less sexy, she still looks fucking great, just has a decent outfit now. Imagine thinking a female character can only be appealing if her whole ass is out lmao.

God damn this is seriously the post this thread needed. 🙌

👏💥👐Tbh this post should be a stickied thread at the top of gaming side.

Stop it, you're all such sweethearts I can only take so much aaa, but seriously, thank you. <3

I feel like Gaming Side would just fucking collapse if all the people who'd need to read this & get it through their thick skulls would do so ngl

You stated that Cammy is a "digital woman" and that she is fictional and doesn't exist, then did you assume her digital and fictional gender?

Transphobia now too? Incredible, we really got it all in here huh.


Oct 25, 2017
Cammy isn't just reduced to her ass. You are doing that. Personally, I appreciate the entire design especially the tattoos.

You meant it to be sarcastic but "dat ass" as problematically racist you sound, is a short way of saying "the person with that posterior, has caused me to appreciate their physique.

You stated that Cammy is a "digital woman" and that she is fictional and doesn't exist, then did you assume her digital and fictional gender?

What you are doing is obvious, gross, and pathetic.