
Oct 27, 2017
As a long time, utterly average, Wing Chun practitioner, I'm loving the wing chun influences going on here. It was cool to see it in Tekken recently, but I'm too old to do pure fighting games these days. But this looks like a great way to live out those Ip Man-fantasies. I'm loving the focus on hip strikes/kicks, which is really rare to see in videogame fight choreography. That dude really fucks their centre of gravity right up. The trapping hands stuff is pretty impressive as well. Can see some clear examples of the classic blocks (bong, tan and fook sau) being represented, if somewhat stylised. If it plays as good as it looks, this'll be amazing.
Oct 27, 2017
I hadn't really paid attention to this before now but holy hell those gifs look amazing! I never really played Absolver; is it something you can play solo? I'm sure I got it from PS+ years ago.


Oct 25, 2017
I was always puzzled that we don't often see developers attempt to capture the feel of Hong Kong-style hand-to-hand choreography. Absolver felt like it had the foundation, but then strangely decided to focus on being a PvP multiplayer experience.

I tend to really enjoy the games that really try to emulate the one-against-many dynamic of martial arts combat. Jet Li: Rise to Honor on the PS2 is an old favorite.