
Oct 27, 2017
An idiot actually doing this would make me smile knowing they spent more money than it cost to get a cable just to make a wifi scarlet letter disappear, while effectively making their network even worse in the process.

Sucker, I'm already doing this! Time to buy this game!

(I just repurposed my old Netgear Nighthawk router to a bridge because it's a fuckload better than the PS4's built in wifi, and I live with my landlady who will DEFINITELY not be cool with me snaking an ethernet cable from my bedroom, past 2 other bedrooms, down the stairs, past the dining room, and into the router behind the TV. OTOH I don't play fighting games so you don't have to worry about my wifi ass blowing up)


Oct 27, 2017
Yall need to stop feeling ashamed about a wifi badge and start being ashamed about that combo you keep dropping.


Jun 19, 2018
I just repurposed my old Netgear Nighthawk router to a bridge because it's a fuckload better than the PS4's built in wifi
This is another thing about wifi play, those consoles wifi are fucking garbage, one properly configured router isn't going to fix shit when the other end is the cheapest thing sony/nintendo could fit there.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
It's amazing how a wifi indicator make people say stuff like this.

It's just think that having a cable connection is not singlehandedly the only factor for having a "good" connection and there are going to be all manner of other things that cause a crappy connection as well as/or instead of using Wifi.
Personally I do everything I can at my end to give myself the best experience, but there are many things outside of my control


Oct 26, 2017
There's a parallel argument to be made here that games shouldn't show ping/connection bars either because I'm usually the only person from this corner of the globe playing online and I ping 300 to everyone so when people see my ping and decline to play with me that's discrimination with regards to something I have no control over.

I asked my landlady if we could move our building to the other side of the planet and she said 'no'


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, the latency added by good in home wireless networks is a fraction of the impact from the internet routing between peers.

I mean ok, if you're on McDonald's Wifi, sure - but then the better idea would be to simply have a connection quality indicator. A wired user on a bad internet connection is infinitely worse for multiplayer gaming than a 802.11ac/ax wireless client on gigabit internet.

I just can't fathom how this is a good idea considering a huge percentage of their player base will be using wireless and they are simply alienating them for questionable benefit. Imagine what a terrible experience it'll be for them to have elitists cancelling matches left right and center.
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One Winged Slayer
Mar 12, 2019
To those who see ether indicator like a badge of "shame," why? It's just more info. If I see you're in the same region and on Wifi, I'll probably play with you no problem; if your connection is only okay, and you're on WiFi as well, I'd rather not waste our time and move on. It has nothing to do with you as a person nor am I judging socioeconomic status, I'm just trying to get the best experience I can, per situation. I'm pretty sensitive to input lag especially, and I'll focus only on it if there's enough of it; avoiding WiFi is one way to mitigate it.


Jun 19, 2018
It's just think that having a cable connection is not singlehandedly the only factor for having a "good" connection and there are going to be all manner of other things that cause a crappy connection as well as/or instead of using Wifi.
Personally I do everything I can at my end to give myself the best experience, but there are many things outside of my control
This doesn't change the fact that most people on wifi are on ISP provided wifi that they never touched since the day it was installed, making wifi indicator a pretty big factor in helping players get better connections.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
I mean, the latency added by good in home wireless networks is a fraction of the impact from the internet routing between peers.

I mean ok, if you're on McDonald's Wifi, sure - but then the better idea would be to simply have a connection quality indicator. A wired user on a bad internet connection is infinitely worse for multiplayer gaming an a 802.11ac/ax wireless client on gigabit internet.

I just can't fathom how this is a good idea considering a huge percentage of their player base will be using wireless and they are simply alienating them.
It's not about latency, it's about pocket loss which is always worse on wifi.

And I very much doubt the majority of the userbase of hardcore fighting games play on wifi (the people still queueing for Skullgirls in 2020), since they are the most likely group to care about connection quality.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 12, 2019
I mean, the latency added by good in home wireless networks is a fraction of the impact from the internet routing between peers.

I mean ok, if you're on McDonald's Wifi, sure - but then the better idea would be to simply have a connection quality indicator. A wired user on a bad internet connection is infinitely worse for multiplayer gaming an a 802.11ac/ax wireless client on gigabit internet.

I just can't fathom how this is a good idea considering a huge percentage of their player base will be using wireless and they are simply alienating them.

No one's being alienated; yes, majority of players are on WiFi, this indicator is for the minority that wants as strict parameters as possible. It's not stopping anyone from playing at all, it's just like indicating crossplay (ie, not wanting to play with PC users in a shooter because of controller differences, etc.)
It's not about latency, it's about pocket loss which is always worse on wifi.

And I very much doubt the majority of the userbase of hardcore fighting games play on wifi, since they are the most likely group to care about connection quality.

The most hardcore of players don't play online, and if they do its almost strictly casual because fighting games online are mostly a miserable experience. There's some who play a lot online, but even then, the convenience of WiFi means those players aren't using wired 100% of the time. Especially Smash players, many of which aren't bothered with buying an ethernet adapter.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
This doesn't change the fact that most people on wifi are on ISP provided wifi that they never touched since the day it was installed, making wifi indicator a pretty big factor in helping players get better connections.
It's true, but I don't know if it will suddenly make the online world a perfect place. Also will it stop people assuming it is always the other player's connection when something doesn't go their way?

Mark my words, people will just find someone / something else to blame.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not about latency, it's about pocket loss which is always worse on wifi.

And I very much doubt the majority of the userbase of hardcore fighting games play on wifi, since they are the most likely group to care about connection quality.

Worse on wifi than what? A best case wireless setup can be much better than a bad internet connection / bad wired setup. Packet collision is not exclusive to wireless if you use hubs, etc in your wired setup. I have no problems with a connection test and connection quality labels, but putting wireless users in a different tier just on the basis of their connectivity type is misleading at best and harmful to their general player-base at worst.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Mar 22, 2018
West Blue
No one's being alienated; yes, majority of players are on WiFi, this indicator is for the minority that

The most hardcore of players don't play online, and if they do its almost strictly casual because fighting games online are mostly a miserable experience. There's some who play a lot online, but even then, the convenience of WiFi means those players aren't using wired 100% of the time. Especially Smash players, many of which aren't bothered with buying an ethernet adapter.
Playing Skullgirls online isn't a miserable experience because it has great rollback netcode and most players have wired connections. What you're attributing to being an inherent problem with playing fighting games online is actually the exact thing this kind of QoL addition fixes.

Worse on wifi than what? A best case wireless setup can be much better than a bad internet connection / bad wired setup. Packet collision is not exclusive to wireless if you use hubs, etc in your wired setup. I have no problems with a connection test and connection quality labels, but putting wireless users in a different tier just on the basis of their connectivity type is misleading at best and harmful to their general player-base at worst.
Worse on wifi than on an equivalent wired connection. Of course wired connections can also be bad, that's what things like ping counters and blacklists are for.


Oct 25, 2017
Worse on wifi than on an equivalent wired connection. Of course wired connections can also be bad, that's what things like ping counters and blacklists are for.

There is no such thing as an equivalent wired connection. Every network is different and a lot of different factors impact packet delivery timing.

That being said, everything I game on is wired, but as someone whose entire life is dedicated to computer networking, I am wholly opposed to this. I just don't see the benefit to this over a more general connection quality indicator that accounts for real world performance based on all relevant factors instead of pointing out one specific factor which may or may result in a better gaming experience.

There is often a high amount of interference in these powerline adapters. Seeing people actually recommend this to be "wired" is painful.
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Oct 30, 2017
Man a lot of people in here really don't know how bad a shitty/inconsistent connection can fuck up fighting games, huh.


May 29, 2019
They recently improved the Skullgirls netcode, too. If one player is "ahead", the game very slightly slows down for them until both players match up.


Jun 19, 2018
It's true, but I don't know if it will suddenly make the online world a perfect place. Also will it stop people assuming it is always the other player's connection when something doesn't go their way?

Mark my words, people will just find someone / something else to blame.
Because nothing can make online play perfect, it's just another thing to push your odds toward a better experience and that's good enough to justify its existence. This is already mentioned in the thread, but this isn't the first game that implement this, and it doesn't translate into people not playing with wifi players, for the most part, it's only players with high ping + wifi and those you have previous bad experience with that get avoided.


Oct 30, 2017
Resetera should have a badge for people who don't play fighting games but post in fighting game threads so I can decide if I want to matchmake with your opinions.
Nov 21, 2017



Oct 25, 2017


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Lots of people in here don't play fighting games straight up lmao.
Gotta get their two cents in and talk about how oppressive this is though. Why wont anyone think of the randoms!

Remember it's their right to give you a shitty time and you must suffer through it, you MUST play with them. Like wtf? Get this preschool ass mentality out of here. I rarely decline but if Im not in the mood to put up with it at the time I'm not putting up with it.


Apr 19, 2020
I deserve to play like everyone else, regardless if every aingle person that plays against me has a terrible experience. This is how wi fi players sound like. I agree that you should be allowed to play but its pretty selfish to disregard anyone else's experience for your own enjoyment.
Nov 21, 2017
I am not running a cable up a flight of stairs to appease your worries that my WiFi isn't good enough, which it absolutely is.

A network test is far more reasonable in this case. Measure my ping and jitter and then tell me if I have a problem. Blanket marking WiFi players is a ridiculous stance to take.

I can do a ping test in Windows with my wired desktop, then do a ping test with my wi-fi android tablet placed right next to the router at the same time, and see the difference plain as day.


Wired stays nice & consistent, wireless is all over the place at a minimum with random spikes, even when it's sat next to the router.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
I don't have a problem with people using WiFi with friends in lobbies or in Casual/Player Match modes. I do have a problem with people using it in Ranked. If you truly cannot do anything about the situation, then that's unfortunate, but in my opinion, playing Ranked in a fighting game on WiFi is ultimately discourteous.

Edit: though I have a feeling that most people who are truly serious about ranked are not using WiFi anyway in most FGs.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
I deserve to play like everyone else, regardless if every aingle person that plays against me has a terrible experience. This is how wi fi players sound like. I agree that you should be allowed to play but its pretty selfish to disregard anyone else's experience for your own enjoyment.
This is only a problem with the fighting community. No other online community makes such statements that have them come across as privileged.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I don't have a problem with people using WiFi with friends in lobbies or in Casual/Player Match modes. I do have a problem with people using it in Ranked. If you truly cannot do anything about the situation, then that's unfortunate, but in my opinion, playing Ranked in a fighting game on WiFi is ultimately discourteous.

Edit: though I have a feeling that most people who are truly serious about ranked are not using WiFi anyway in most FGs.
PTSD of Scorpions in MKX/XI ranked