
Oct 25, 2017
If anyone can, take a screenshot of the graphics (or if you already have some, great) now and after the patch? Would be interesting to see a comparison of improved visual fidelity.


Oct 25, 2017
If anyone can, take a screenshot of the graphics (or if you already have some, great) now and after the patch? Would be interesting to see a comparison of improved visual fidelity.

I second this.

Curious to see what improvements (if any) can be seen on OG PS4. I haven't touched this game since it came out and wondering if it's been enhanced enough since then for me to notice a difference.


Oct 27, 2017
The patch is live now, according to reddit. People there are saying it looks like there was a resolution boost, and that character faces (and the game in general) are less blurry (at least on PS4 Pro).

I'm excited to check it out myself tonight! I'm not sure how much the difference would show in screenshots, but I did take some this weekend, so I'll see if I can take some matching ones post-patch to compare.


Mostly Positive
Oct 25, 2017
Norway but living in France
Posted this in another thread (Bethesda reporting good VR numbers) but maybe more relevant here:
Took some pictures of the new 1.04 PS4 patch:





Graphics seem to be slightly higher resolution.
Realistic bow & arrow option has both hands dictate the aim (before you only aimed with bow while arrow hand remained 'fixed' except for the draw).
New main menu being an actual cave as pictured above.
One previously idle (or was it duplicate function) X button in your off-hand PS Move now works as reverse (before you could only use the PS Move aim walk).


Oct 27, 2017
I took some screenshots (PS4 Pro) before and after the patch for comparison. Sorry they're slightly different, it's a bit difficult to recreate a scene and position exactly in VR! I enlarged the images to make it easier to notice the difference.

The first image for each comparison is pre-patch, second is after:





It's maybe a little hard to tell in screenshot form, but the resolution is definitely higher than before. In the first comparison, look at the aliasing on the prisoner's hands and arms in the before image, compared to after. In the third image, check out the increase in details that can be made out on the men and the table.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm unfortunately getting a lot of hiccups on PS4 Pro since the patch where the game will freeze for a few microseconds. Everything was smooth before and I'm wishing I could roll back. Anyone else experiencing this?

edit: Rebuilding the database solved the issue. The game must have been struggling to stream data from a fragmented HDD.
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Feb 15, 2018
Just jumped in to this a couple of days ago and loving it. Main issue i have with the move controllers at the moment though is the seeming inability to have quick slots (which are left and right on dpad with the DS4). Is this just a necessary sacrifice, or is there some way of accessing it that i am missing?



Nov 25, 2017
That really bugs me. I can understand that they ran out of buttons with the Move controllers, but even if you're playing with the DS4, the left and right D-pad buttons simply don't do anything at all. It's really clumsy to have to pop up the quick menu every time I want to switch weapons or spells.


Oct 27, 2017
That really bugs me. I can understand that they ran out of buttons with the Move controllers, but even if you're playing with the DS4, the left and right D-pad buttons simply don't do anything at all. It's really clumsy to have to pop up the quick menu every time I want to switch weapons or spells.

I just bought Skyrim VR and I'm really enjoying it - especially magic which I never really liked before.

But by god the favourites menu sucks - if I was bethesda I would have put the options menu on a long click of the skills/map menu to free up a button for something else. And I'd have double tap on the favourites button cycle between 2 or 3 predefined sets (magic, melee, and healing maybe).


Nov 18, 2017
Crosspoisting from the general PSVR thread:

Anyone else playing Skyrim like crazy? I'm not sure if it's placebo or not but I'm seeing A LOT more graphical issues since the new patch. I just can't tell if they were always there or not.

I'm regularly getting flashing sunlight so objects in the environment go from being lit to unlit (unlit means they have no shadows and thus are actually MORE visible compared to the rest of the scene). I'm also seeing very obvious draw distances for shadows when outside walking through daytime forests, not to mention crazy amount of pop-ins for trees, and not just LODs but entire trees, bushes, boxes etc. Last night I did a Daedra quest where you view the world from up high and I could easily see the end of the world by the seaside and the sea level kept clipping through the ground thus a ton of Z fighting between water and ground :/

I'm also getting massive stutters from time to time where the picture freezes but I can still move my head, very disorienting, if only for 2 seconds. And finally, the object culling is very aggressive in some places, Markarth especially, where entire rooms and characters are culled out in my peripheral vision, making it very easy to manipulate with head movements what gets drawn on screen. Seeing the blueish creation kit void is pretty immersion breaking, even in VR.


Nov 25, 2017
After the patch I played a lot for about a week. I noticed some stuttering once or twice, which was more than balanced out by the graphical updates. But...I was playing the Dragonborn DLC, which is on a separate, much much smaller island, that tends never to be brightly lit (it varies from light murkiness to gloomy murkiness). And a lot of what I did was in even smaller Daedric realms (think dungeons). So it's possible those issues would have appeared if I was playing the main game.


Oct 27, 2017
New Zealand
I played this at my friend's place for the first time yesterday on PSVR. It was my first real VR experience outside of a pre-release event for REZ, and it blew my mind. I'm considering buying an Oculus just for this and Fallout. Am I dumb or


Oct 25, 2017
I played this at my friend's place for the first time yesterday on PSVR. It was my first real VR experience outside of a pre-release event for REZ, and it blew my mind. I'm considering buying an Oculus just for this and Fallout. Am I dumb or

Hey, I put together a gaming pc from scratch (I have a Mac so didn't even have a PC)and a Vive for fallout vr. To be fair I've wanted to get into vr but wanted there to be at least one game that really excited me before I got into it (sadly cause I'm not sure if it will succeed so I wanted to have at least one game that made it worth it).

It's been totally worth it for me, no regrets at all.

Fall Damage

Oct 31, 2017
I played this at my friend's place for the first time yesterday on PSVR. It was my first real VR experience outside of a pre-release event for REZ, and it blew my mind. I'm considering buying an Oculus just for this and Fallout. Am I dumb or

I'm playing through Skyrim now on Oculus and loving it. I thought the original version of the game was simply ok and didn't put much time in past the main quest line but it's a much better experience in VR. I plan on picking up FO next. I'm finding NPCs are much better to interact with in VR, even the bland variety in Bethesda games. Bound bow is my go to.

These games aside, Oculus is great and offers a lot more. If you have a capable PC it's still a good time to jump in as we might be years away from a version 2.


Oct 27, 2017
New Zealand
Well heck, thanks for the enabling, everybody!
I'm seeing a lot of talk about this upcoming Oculus conference, but it seems like they're just going to show that Santa Cruz thing, which is kind of like a half step between the Go and the Rift, right?
Should I wait and see if they announce a new SKU of the Rift, or just run out and buy one today?


Oct 26, 2017
Well heck, thanks for the enabling, everybody!
I'm seeing a lot of talk about this upcoming Oculus conference, but it seems like they're just going to show that Santa Cruz thing, which is kind of like a half step between the Go and the Rift, right?
Should I wait and see if they announce a new SKU of the Rift, or just run out and buy one today?

Run out and buy


Oct 25, 2017
Haven't heard anything about prices in a long while, but it was dirt cheap often enough. How is it now?

Anything new, whenever it comes, will be relatively expensive again, that's a given.

Fall Damage

Oct 31, 2017
Well heck, thanks for the enabling, everybody!
I'm seeing a lot of talk about this upcoming Oculus conference, but it seems like they're just going to show that Santa Cruz thing, which is kind of like a half step between the Go and the Rift, right?
Should I wait and see if they announce a new SKU of the Rift, or just run out and buy one today?

From what I've read I the Santa Cruz isn't expected to run all the software the Rift can, certainly not at the same quality of a HMD powered by a PC. And yes it's been described as something between Go and Rift.

I haven't heard any rumors of a Rift version 2 announcement but if you don't mind paying a day one premium for one when it hits then you might want to wait for the conference. If something is announced I would think late 2019 at the earliest for a release date. Though if it was me that would be too long of a wait. I would get a Rift today and sell it when V2 is out. The current used listings on ebay are not far off retail pricing so I would think it would be a worthwhile rental "if" they are about to announce something, otherwise a good purchase.
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Oct 27, 2017
It's currently on sale in Europe on PS4, is it good? Would you recommend it?
I played about 8 hours. The VR is well implemented and using archery or magic is genuinely a lot of fun.

The biggest problem (and what eventually made me give up on the game) was having to go into the menus for pretty much everything. Not having 3 or 4 loadouts you can cycle through without having to pause the game is a major oversight imo.


Nov 25, 2017
I think it's more of an annoyance, but it's especially annoying on the Dualshock, where the left and right directional buttons are completely unused. On regular Skyrim, those are the buttons I use for melee loadout vs. ranged loadout. Easy enough to put my melee and ranged weapons in the Favorites menu, though, and use that to switch between them.


Dec 2, 2017
I just got a Vive today, and I'm blown away! I played for an hour and the whole time I found myself just standing in one place and looking's incredible how VR can make super old games interesting again, can't wait to fight my first dragon, Alduin looked scary af in the opening.


Oct 25, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
I decided to snag this on sale via GameStop's "Pro Days" sale and started playing it tonight. Aside from some decidedly janky PS Move controls, it's been growing on me. I've been playing what I assume must be one of the first dungeons in the game, "Bleak Falls Temple", and while I made progress, I've hit a wall literally and figuratively. I don't want to spoil the game for any other LTTP folks like me, but can someone help me?

I defeated a big spider and cut a guy lose from the webs, and he proceeded to take off like a mad man. I didn't keep up with him, but just kept making my way through the rooms. Now I'm at this particular door and stuck.


I have no idea what order the symbols (bear, owl, etc.) need to be in, but the bigger problem is I don't have the "golden claw." I assume the crazy guy I freed took off with it? Where do I find him to get it back?


Oct 25, 2017
I decided to snag this on sale via GameStop's "Pro Days" sale and started playing it tonight. Aside from some decidedly janky PS Move controls, it's been growing on me. I've been playing what I assume must be one of the first dungeons in the game, "Bleak Falls Temple", and while I made progress, I've hit a wall literally and figuratively. I don't want to spoil the game for any other LTTP folks like me, but can someone help me?

I defeated a big spider and cut a guy lose from the webs, and he proceeded to take off like a mad man. I didn't keep up with him, but just kept making my way through the rooms. Now I'm at this particular door and stuck.


I have no idea what order the symbols (bear, owl, etc.) need to be in, but the bigger problem is I don't have the "golden claw." I assume the crazy guy I freed took off with it? Where do I find him to get it back?

Pretty sure he dies to a trap if you don't kill him yourself. So you should be able to retrace your steps and find his body.


Oct 25, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
Pretty sure he dies to a trap if you don't kill him yourself. So you should be able to retrace your steps and find his body.
I feel like I've found/searched every body in every room after where he runs away, but I guess I'll have to scour the rooms again. I'll pay close attention to the traps as I go by them, maybe his body bounced in a weird way and is lodged in something.


Oct 25, 2017
Worst comes to worst, you should have an auto save from the beginning of the dungeon and it doesn't take too long to get to the spider once you know what you're doing.


Oct 25, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
Thanks all! I found his body sitting on rocks behind the spiked gate trap that swings if you step on the switch plate. No idea how his body ended up there given the direction that gate swings, but whatever.


Oct 28, 2017
Is there a way to play sitting down without being a foot off of the ground? I get kind of dizzy playing after a while and almost fell over a couple of times.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey all, could someone give me some advice on Skyrim VR.

My dad is a TES enthusiast and really wants to try Skyrim VR out - I am assuming what has spurred this is being told the sight in his right eye is going - we're talking a proper granddad gamer here.

I don't think PSVR would suit him too well - the camera, the move controllers - it all feels a bit un-ergonomic for him.

So I was thinking Oculus Quest 2 with AirLink (or a cable), but I have some questions which I wondered if you could help with:

  • Can he play this sitting down? If he has to stand up, he may fall over, plus his office room is kind of small.
  • Is Quest 2 ok to play this with? I was thinking having no need for cameras would be good for him. Plus he might be able to get into Elite Dangerous too.
  • His PC was built by me around peak Nvidia 1060 era from the ground up. I'm assuming this would be ok to run Skyrim VR, even if it needs a little tweak.
  • He may need to play with glasses, is this going to be ok for him?


Oct 26, 2017
Hey all, could someone give me some advice on Skyrim VR.

My dad is a TES enthusiast and really wants to try Skyrim VR out - I am assuming what has spurred this is being told the sight in his right eye is going - we're talking a proper granddad gamer here.

I don't think PSVR would suit him too well - the camera, the move controllers - it all feels a bit un-ergonomic for him.

So I was thinking Oculus Quest 2 with AirLink (or a cable), but I have some questions which I wondered if you could help with:

  • Can he play this sitting down? If he has to stand up, he may fall over, plus his office room is kind of small.
  • Is Quest 2 ok to play this with? I was thinking having no need for cameras would be good for him. Plus he might be able to get into Elite Dangerous too.
  • His PC was built by me around peak Nvidia 1060 era from the ground up. I'm assuming this would be ok to run Skyrim VR, even if it needs a little tweak.
  • He may need to play with glasses, is this going to be ok for him?

1. Yes
2. Yes it's perfect for that
3. Yes should be good
4. Not sure about Quest 2, but Quest 1 shipped with a spread thing with it which you can attach for people wearing glasses.