Oct 29, 2017
I'm in Texas and I voted for Beto but I don't see people rallying behind someone who lot a race with as much visibility as there was. There's no partial credit in politics.

Maybe by being VP first.


Oct 26, 2017
East Midlands, England, UK
How have you not produced a clear candidate to beat Donald Fucking Trump in a presidential election yet?


Donald Fucking Trump is your fucking president and you don't have anyone who you feel could comfortably beat him yet?

Fucking Jesus Christ.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
So the best person to run against trump is someone who can't even win his own state. I can't wait till we lose in 2020.

Do me a favor and list all the current democrats who you think would do better against than Beto in Texas. A list. I'll wait.

When you realize that isn't a list that exists, you'll see how silly your comparison of the 2020 presidential election is to the 2018 senate election. It doesn't matter. Cruz barely beating Beto for a Senate seat in Texas in absolutely no way means Beto can't beat Trump in a presidential election.


Oct 25, 2017
How have you not produced a clear candidate to beat Donald Fucking Trump in a presidential election yet?


Donald Fucking Trump is your fucking president and you don't have anyone who you feel could comfortably beat him yet?

Fucking Jesus Christ.

You don't show your hand too soon. It's a good way to get singled out and targeted by all your opponents.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
How have you not produced a clear candidate to beat Donald Fucking Trump in a presidential election yet?


Donald Fucking Trump is your fucking president and you don't have anyone who you feel could comfortably beat him yet?

Fucking Jesus Christ.

Because that isn't how politics works. You can't simply "produce" a person like that.

But America does have people who can beat Trump. Thinking we should have a "clear candidate" two years out is ignorant.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if he should be presidential candidate but he's proven he's great at getting results down ticket so at least consideration should be given for him to run the ground game for 2020.


Oct 26, 2017
You can take the flip side to that too. Trump won with 52.6% and Cruz won with 51%. That's with Cruz being far more dis-likable to that base.
Not a single democratic president has won Texas in the past 28 years. Like I said, if we judged every democratic president by how they did in Texas they would ALL be losers. You can't just ignore the entrenched conservatism that gives republicans a ridiculous advantage no matter who the candidate is.


Oct 25, 2017
How have you not produced a clear candidate to beat Donald Fucking Trump in a presidential election yet?


Donald Fucking Trump is your fucking president and you don't have anyone who you feel could comfortably beat him yet?

Fucking Jesus Christ.
Gotta love the racist bible belt and the handful of states that actually decide the Presidency


Jun 19, 2018
I like Beto.

I just think we don't want to rely on him as the savior to take down Trump when he can't even beat Cruz, even if it's Texas.

I mean is the bench that barren?
If the bar is "can he/she win Texas", then the bench is pretty much empty, isn't it?

I mean, he did much better against Cruz in Texas than even Trump, how can that be spinned into something bad is ridiculous.
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Oct 28, 2017
Do me a favor and list all the current democrats who you think would do better against than Beto in Texas. A list. I'll wait.

When you realize that isn't a list that exists, you'll see how silly your comparison of the 2020 presidential election is to the 2018 senate election. It doesn't matter. Cruz barely beating Beto for a Senate seat in Texas in absolutely no way means Beto can't beat Trump in a presidential election.

I can't wait till Trump starts calling him "Loser O'rourke" and how the democrat's best chance is a guy who lost his own state. Gosh, can't wait for trump start his second term in 2021.


Oct 25, 2017
He should run. He'd win. 100%

Would he win Texas? Probably not. But democrats don't win presidencies by winning Texas.

And stop fearing trumps petty bully tactic labels. He's going to pull that shit with everyone.

You win elections with personality and charisma. That's the key. Look at all the recent winners


Nov 7, 2017
Here's what I imagine. Harris/Sanders 2020-2024, then, have Sanders step down at 83, and, with O'Rourke contesting Texas again in 2024:
-- if O'Rourke loses Texas, Harris/O'Rourke 2024-2028
-- if O'Rourke wins Texas, Harris/Moulton 2024-2028.

Then O'Rourke/Ocasio-Cortez 2028.

(*NB: I personally haven't warmed to Harris but she seems popular, spirited, and broadly appealing enough.)


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Hillary wins the popular vote against an unpopular candidate: Go the fuck away!

Beto loses against another upopular candidate: Dem nominee for president 2020!

I wonder what the difference between them is. Hmmmmmmm....

Your implying OP and others want Beto because he's a male and don't want Clinton because she's a female?
Oct 25, 2017

Between his past as a punk rocker and this, Era really needs to take a minute and pay attention to why people like Beto so much. Dude's charming and more importantly he's also charismatic, which for better or worse, seems to be the key to winning presidential elections. People loved how Clinton could play the sax back in the 90's, others thought they could have a beer with GWB, Obama was Obama and Trump... is Trump.

Beto didn't beat Cruz, but he came ridiculously close and in a state where that feat alone was previously seen as impossible and carried other Democrats to victory in the process. There's a reason people are circling around him in a way they haven't for Biden, Kamala or Warren.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Might work, too early to say. But dems should definitely pick someone from the South. A rags to riches story is what they need (from my understanding Beto comes from a very wealthy family).


Oct 25, 2017
All of yall saying noone likes a loser, didn't Cruz literally just win Texas after a humiliating loss to Trump two years ago? Clearly people like that loser.
Oct 25, 2017
How about he accomplish something first?

He just gave other Democrats down the ballot their own victories and came dangerously close to ousting an incumbent Republican senator in Texas of all states.

Beto essentially just did the political wonk equivalent of Rocky Balboa going fifteen rounds against Apollo Creed. That's absolutely an accomplishment.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, dude Is a loser, an unexperienced one too.
Not sure what makes him qualified over Harris and Co....

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I think Beto is great, but people like to rally behind a winner, which is part of why most presidents serve two terms. A guy who lost to the guy who lost from the incumbent is some very big hill to climb, especially because Trump has no qualms already trumpeting imaginary wins, let alone real ones.
Oct 25, 2017
You must also factor that he's in a red state where voters don't care about liking candidates, they care about them having an (R).
Harris wouldn't have done even half as well as him in Texas.

Seriously. Not to mention the other Democrats that won in smaller races in Texas tonight because Beto carried them up the ticket and got within spitting distance of toppling Cruz. In Texas.

Beto pulled a Rocky tonight.



Nov 2, 2017
An endorsement based on "personal brand", "energy", "speeches" and "command of the room" with nary a mention of policy, experience or action in sight.

Yep, sounds like American politics in 2018!

Policy depends on who else is in the room. Depends on the makeup of the Senate and House.

Great leadership comes from empathy and communication. It comes from inspiration.

This country is an idea. The idea has suffered great damage due to poor communication, hate, fear and ignorance. An inspirational communicator who can connect to people is what the nation needs.

He's also not a narcissistic robot. Not a one liner. Shows intelligence when he speaks. I trust he'll bring in good policy people. Great leaders aren't always the detail/strategy people. They know how to find those people and get them working together.

Bottom line is he can win. Let's hash out the details of the policies once we've kicked out the ones who're destroying us. Tone is more important than policy right now.
Oct 25, 2017
Nope. he's gotta win first.

This is a rather naive position to have, considering the full nuances and factors that are involved here with Beto. He's not like Kander.

Policy depends on who else is in the room. Depends on the makeup of the Senate and House.

Great leadership comes from empathy and communication. It comes from inspiration.

This country is an idea. The idea has suffered great damage due to poor communication, hate, fear and ignorance. An inspirational communicator who can connect to people is what the nation needs.

He's also not a narcissistic robot. Not a one liner. Shows intelligence when he speaks. I trust he'll bring in good policy people. Great leaders aren't always the detail/strategy people. They know how to find those people and get them working together.

Bottom line is he can win. Let's hash out the details of the policies once we've kicked out the ones who're destroying us. Tone is more important than policy right now.


That said, I'd add that it's tone and "the ability to be convincing with it and sway people" (aka charisma). Which Beto just showed tonight he has in spades.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm in Texas and I voted for Beto but I don't see people rallying behind someone who lot a race with as much visibility as there was. There's no partial credit in politics.

Maybe by being VP first.

As a fellow Texan who also voted for Beto, I've seen over the past few weeks and months more people in my life who've paid attention to midterm happenings after having not done so for years, if ever.

He's a loser? No partial credit? Accomplish something first? Get that bullshit out of here. Have y'all not been seeing virtually every analyst and prediction model going on and on about how he's not going to beat Cruz for weeks now? Few people expected him to win. He got people to pay attention and, hopefully, actually care.

According to the NYT numbers, the difference at 97% reporting is roughly 200k votes. To my eyes, that's pretty fucking good. However, seemingly only around a quarter of the population of Harris County (Houston), and around a quarter of the population of the state cast a vote. That's not much in the grand scheme, but it's more than before. That sort of trajectory is how things like this change.
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Oct 25, 2017
Beto/gillum or gillum/beto.

I'd vote that ticket 100%.

Strike them down and they'll become stronger than you could ever imagine.
Oct 25, 2017
As a fellow Texan who also voted for Beto, I've seen over the past few weeks and months more people in my life who've paid attention to midterm happenings after having not done so for years, if ever.

He's a loser? No partial credit? Accomplish something first? Get that bullshit out of here. Have y'all not been seeing virtually every analyst and prediction model going on and on about how he's not going to beat Cruz for weeks now? Few people expected him to win. He got people to pay attention and, hopefully, actually care.

According to the NYT numbers, the difference at 97% reporting is roughly 200k votes. To my eyes, that's pretty fucking good. That sort of trajectory is how things like this change.

Exactly. Like I said, Beto O'Rourke pulled a political Rocky Balboa off today in Texas. Anyone who thinks that's nothing or writes him off as a legitimate candidate for the Presidency moving forward isn't paying attention to the finer details at play here and what Beto potentially means for the Democratic Party on a national level.
Jul 24, 2018
It's interesting to me how Americans seem to generally base their votes on the guy or woman who they'd wanna have a beer with. You don't have to like the person you're voting for you just have to like their policies, and their ability to see them through.


Oct 25, 2017
How have you not produced a clear candidate to beat Donald Fucking Trump in a presidential election yet?


Donald Fucking Trump is your fucking president and you don't have anyone who you feel could comfortably beat him yet?

Fucking Jesus Christ.
Because we are not a parliamentary government like you are so used to.


Oct 27, 2017
I swear people come up with the strangest and most obtuse stipulations. Haven't we learned to trust hard evidence rather than relying on hunches? Is there actually historical evidence to suggest that people "won't vote for a 'loser'"? What Beto pulled off is incredible, and it's a win nonetheless imo.