
Oct 25, 2017
Did you grow up catholic? Because that sounds like some classic Latino catholic guilt in the back of your head. I do non-profit work with a professional organization to help other Latinos in the workplace. Helps with the those feelings, look up your local non profits and join a board, get a fancy title and help!


Oct 27, 2017
no matter your place in life people will always have it worse, as many will have it better. unless you have butlers giving you pedicures or something i wouldn't sweat it

good on you for wanting to do some good, by all means go for it. but don't do it out of guilt


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
You're fine. Use your position of strength to help others.


Oct 25, 2017
Did you grow up catholic? Because that sounds like some classic Latino catholic guilt in the back of your head. I do non-profit work with a professional organization to help other Latinos in the workplace. Helps with the those feelings, look up your local non profits and join a board, get a fancy title and help!
Yes, I grew up catholic. I broke off at around my 15 but perhaps that's in the back in the head. I'll give this a look, interesting I never made this connection.


Dec 29, 2017
Yes, I grew up catholic. I broke off at around my 15 but perhaps that's in the back in the head. I'll give this a look, interesting I never made this connection.

LOL, now I think I know 100% where you're coming from. Unfortunately that shit will always be somewhere in our subconscious, but you need to free yourself of it as best you can. I really think there's something in the martyrdom story we're taught and constant guilt to give up everything to the church. The child in us thinks if we do it, we just might save humanity like in a JRPG.

I had a really dysfunctional (though highly productive) family growing up and the thing that has helped me the most was ACA.
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Oct 25, 2017
Well, if you don't feel like being charitable naturally, just realize that by alleviating social injustice you are delaying the time when poor white hillbillies may directly threaten your future out of jealousy.

Helping the world helps everyone, including yourself.

Personally I'm thinking less money charity than social justice activities with your freedom of wealth affords you.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't feel bad for being privileged. The fact you acknowledge it is more than most people can say though. Just try to use that privilege to help others. I'm not saying donate it all to charity and destroy your comfort of living, but don't be afraid to make regular donations to causes you find significant.
Jan 11, 2018
Don't feel bad about enjoying life. But also if you can, consider doing something to give back to others, like volunteering, or donating to a charitable cause, which you are seeming to do. That's a good thing!

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
"Watching kids freeze in winters, they're still poor... how could I tease them with Benzes and feel no remorse?" -- OP.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, I grew up catholic. I broke off at around my 15 but perhaps that's in the back in the head. I'll give this a look, interesting I never made this connection.
Yeah I broke off around 19, that guilt still pops up for me from time to time lol
At least it's not the worst subconscious shit that could be in your head imo,

seriously tho people this is a thing lol


Oct 27, 2017
San Francisco, CA


Oct 25, 2017
I'll admit that this thread came as a surprise.

Unlike most people in this thread, I won't say that you shouldn't feel any guilt at all about how you live your life and because it is not your fault, you should just focus on enjoying it as much as you can instead. I'm not saying you should let yourself be paralyzed by guilt. But we all play a part in the state of things, no matter how small, even by just accepting and going along with it without challenging the status quo. The least we could do is at least acknowledge that, even if we don't see a lot of it due to globalization.

It's dangerous, though, because it's hard to go back once you've started going down that path.

I cannot accept it, and I refuse to accept it. It will always be a driving force for what I want to do with my life, even if the results of my labor prove to be insignificant. My life alone is too short and insignificant to solely be used idly and to be spent simply enjoying it. We can always do so much more with our potential. Find a balance.

Wield your privilege as a weapon. It is too precious a gift to be thrown away like so many already do. So many people struggle all their lives to merely survive overwhelming odds.


Nov 18, 2017
Oh for sure, I just picked out my furniture for my new home after relocating for a job and I ran into a lady having trouble getting her WIC card to work to pay for food this morning. I felt super guilty that I've got as much as I do even if I worked for it. I've gotten lucky, I'll admit.

If you feel guilty / priveledged do what you can to volunteer / help out.

Don't be like the rich assholes who take advantage of people because they can.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh for sure, I just picked out my furniture for my new home after relocating for a job and I ran into a lady having trouble getting her WIC card to work to pay for food this morning. I felt super guilty that I've got as much as I do even if I worked for it. I've gotten lucky, I'll admit.

If you feel guilty / priveledged do what you can to volunteer / help out.

Don't be like the rich assholes who take advantage of people because they can.
These are times where you are given the opportunity to help others. Any time I see something like this, I'll pay for their items. If it means I have to put something back, that's completely fine. When I see someone trying to figure out what they can pay for after the total is on the screen, I'm paying for their stuff.


Nov 18, 2017
These are times where you are given the opportunity to help others. Any time I see something like this, I'll pay for their items. If it means I have to put something back, that's completely fine. When I see someone trying to figure out what they can pay for after the total is on the screen, I'm paying for their stuff.

Oh for sure, I helped out. But afterwards I felt like that could've been me at any point in my life if I had messed up once or twice.


Oct 31, 2017
Relix whats wrong with your PR (insert PR bad word self). Your life is awesome thread, be happy and enjoy your success. Every human has their own shit to deal with regardless of where they are in life.

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So, I am a latino male, but I am white enough that I can probably pass as a white dude (until I open my mouth and the accent kicks in!). I am heterosexual, and I thankfully I am in a great financial position with a growing career in a high demand field and a side consulting business. I have a great fiancée who also has a great job in a similar field, and we have no kids or anything. We are the perfect definition of DINK family.

Here I am, sitting by the pool in my luxury apartment complex, listening to great music in Spotify on my S8 plus, a kindle paper white, and my apartment room at a perfectly cool 68 degrees so when I return from the pool I can just take a cold shower and sit back and play shit on my consoles in my OLED.


Oct 25, 2017
Things might not always be so good. Careers can be obliterated in a blink and there are probably (statistically) nasty swirves coming your way. Save. Save a lot. Assume hard times are going to hit. Help out as much as you can, but make sure you're socking enough away for YOU to weather whatever may come.
Oct 27, 2017
An apartment? Pffft, until you own land you got nothing fam.

Eh, a bit of guilt is fine if it spurs you to help others.


Nov 16, 2017
The only thing I feel the need to say is...

You felt guilt about other people who couldn't afford the same lifestyle, and your solution is to volunteer and play with animals?

Then why feel guilty about humans? Don't want to rag on you but that's super dissonant to me. Perfect example of our actual attitudes of other people.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Longwood, FL
I am undergoing some sort of thought Renaissance with the way the world is going and how I can probably make a change, but, really not happy to use a religious term, but damn I am blessed.

So, I am a latino male, but I am white enough that I can probably pass as a white dude (until I open my mouth and the accent kicks in!). I am heterosexual, and I thankfully I am in a great financial position with a growing career in a high demand field and a side consulting business. I have a great fiancée who also has a great job in a similar field, and we have no kids or anything. We are the perfect definition of DINK family.

Here I am, sitting by the pool in my luxury apartment complex, listening to great music in Spotify on my S8 plus, a kindle paper white, and my apartment room at a perfectly cool 68 degrees so when I return from the pool I can just take a cold shower and sit back and play shit on my consoles in my OLED.

And... This is unfair. There's so many people fucked up out there and all this time I've been just enjoying myself. These past few weeks have made me think and although I should know I shouldn't feel bad, I just know someone a few miles away from me is homeless, or there's a family without money to buy food for the day. In the past I chalked this up to "poor life choices" and in a sense I could be right, but I have been reading more on inequalities and things. Don't get me wrong, I am a capitalist dude. I believe capitalism is a great system, but I do believe we need to move toward a social democracy in the US.

So I felt bad about enjoying life like this. That hadn't happened before but with the state of the world these days its a bit jarring. I started looking at Meet-up and found a few causes I could help with, especially regarding education and animals. I already contacted a local group with regards of teaching disadvantaged kids some programming, and also a local animal shelter so I can supply food or even play with the animals there a bit. Still, can't shake this sudden feeling of guilt. I think I can do more perhaps politically?

Carrying around guilt isn't going to help. You sound alright by me. Just continue to be humble.

Having kids may change your perspective on life. It did for me.

Gyro Zeppeli

Oct 27, 2017
Your solution isn't a real solution if you want to see change made. Taking time out of your life to be charitable is only going to fool yourself into feeling better that you "did a good deed," but if you truly want to feel accomplished, be more aggressive in being politically active. Fight for changes that will uplift the poor. Donations and such are only going to continue the status quo.


Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
Honestly helping where you stand is many times more necessary than trying to help those across the world. Something my family has done, and we don't have a lot, is to try to give small jobs to those who are in need. I believe we should help people be self-sufficient and not simply throw money at those in need.

Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
It'll honestly make your life a million times better if you start giving back. Housing asylum seekers and donating to charities or volunteering has given me some of the best feelings in my entire life and I'm almost as privileged.

Bend down and scoop up one of the less lucky people. It's a decision you need to come to yourself - to get active. Your life will honestly become so much more fulfilled and satisfying if you do. And that guilt will go away


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not doing the best myself, but I'm doing better than some in certain departments. The best thing you can do OP is to realize that many people have it much better and much worse than you. That sometimes people end up in their position due to nothing they've done. Sometimes we are born as a minority, or in poverty, or shitty parents, etc. After that you can find ways to help people in little ways like giving some change to someone on the street asking for food money or help a person with a disability having difficulty in a store. Sometimes those in a position wealth and good standing can make a huge difference for those less fortunate. It just comes down to having empathy and sympathy which is usally gained by putting oneself in their shoes.


Oct 27, 2017
Here I am, sitting by the pool in my luxury apartment complex, listening to great music in Spotify on my S8 plus, a kindle paper white, and my apartment room at a perfectly cool 68 degrees so when I return from the pool I can just take a cold shower and sit back and play shit on my consoles in my OLED.
I'm sorry but this is the cringiest line I've read on Era in a long while. It's honestly meme-worthy.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Be humble, and don't beat yourself up over factors you cannot control. I'm a white, early-30s male born in a well developed Western country. I was born to a middle class family and was raised with no major financial or social issues. I would assume statistically I am among the most privileged a modern human could possibly be born to be, but I feel no guilt and no shame because of my identity and the plethora of social conveniences I was born into because they were all beyond my control. I had no bearing on the world that came before me, and I had no influence over the genetic lottery, no matter how justified or unjustified the context of my privileged can be. Guilt is a toxic emotion when applied haphazardly to factors a person had no control over. You should never feel guilty over these things.

What I and you can do is recognise our fortunes, and the luck involved, and utilise our position of privileges to assist those who unjustifiably are without. That's having a conscious awareness of your situation, and that is how you bring about change. You don't need to solve the world's problems, but do your little bit to balance the equation.
good post
Oct 25, 2017
Relix Find a local place that needs volunteers and go work there on weekends. Use the freedom and mental peace you have to give back to your community. Live somewhere with a contentious election coming up? Join a progressive campaign. Go somewhere that provides services to the homeless. Make financial contributions. Do something. It'll make you feel good and make people in need happy.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
Seems like you are already finding healthy solutions to your crisis, good luck friend


Oct 27, 2017
You're already a step ahead of a lot of people if you realize how lucky you are and fortunate to be in the position you are in. You sound like you have compassion and empathy, which Republicans do not have.


Oct 25, 2017
Why feel guilty? You live in a system where you receive virtually no help whatsoever if you have a major financial setback and people actively shit on you if you're not in a certain income bracket. You're simply using every advantage you were either born with or given to make a good life for your self in an inherently unfair system. There's no need to apologize or feel guilty for that. Enjoy it because there's a chance that shit could be gone in the blink of an eye.