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Deleted member 40133

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2018
Now that I think about may be okay? Theres no way that shit for brains was able to memorize everything exactly perfectly so shortly before the exam and then copy it out exactly verbatim during the exam. If he had that ability, he wouldn't be in this position to begin with

Deleted member 3183

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Oct 25, 2017
I too thought we were going to be caught because how obvious he was but this guy is apparently a serial cheater and told me not to worry it is ok .
There was one TA answering question. Is it possible that we are actually caught but they just didn't tell us?

How long ago was this? Have you received final grades yet?

Deleted member 26398

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Now that I think about may be okay? Theres no way that shit for brains was able to memorize everything exactly perfectly so shortly before the exam and then copy it out exactly verbatim during the exam. If he had that ability, he wouldn't be in this position to begin with
He looked at my paper during the exam.
Exam was this morning and it will be sometime before it is graded


Nov 4, 2017

Wow that's overboard as fuck. Conditions like that were only for shit like college entrance exams. Usually it was in a completely different room than normal with the professor, no assigned seats, and no proctors. Everyone sat two apart though so it was still hard to cheat.
Well, my university was part of the Russel Group, which I suppose is the equivalent for the UK of Ivy-league in the US (I think? Not completely sure what defines Ivy-league other then they are well-known and hard to get into), so maybe that's why they took cheating so seriously. But I think it actually might be pretty standard for the UK, my 11plus was like that, my GCSEs and my A-Levels. So my uni pretty much did the same thing.


Oct 28, 2017
I lost friendships because I didn't let them copy me during open book exams.

Some one got kicked out of my engineering program for copying homework and lab reports...


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
He just looked. After I finished each problem, I waited until he told me to go on to next.


Oct 27, 2017
Should I let the professor know beforehand or just wait it out and pray he doesn't find out?

No. Nooooooooooooooooo.

Your professor would have to be really damn nice to let you slide just because you came clean. You're not a kid in high school. You fuck up, you get fucked. The only thing keeping you from getting fucked right now is the small chance that this completely blows over, which you forfeit if you go to the professor on this.

Also, you've already sort of fucked up harder because of this:

OP, what are the chances your professor browses or is a member of Era? You've already given quite a few tidbits that could be used to help identify you.

If your prof showed up in this thread and confronted you I think I'd shit myself with laughter :)

In conclusion:

(Wanna clarify that I'm not pissed off or anything, as the Carlin thumbnail might imply. I'm more freaked out right now than anything, because this could get really ugly and you seem like a good if naive dude.)
Oct 30, 2017
I went to a state school and they made us do that. That or we were given different colored tests with slightly different questions

That's how mine did. There were 4 different exam books with the same questions but in different orders and the answers were in different orders and we had to mark a book letter on the scan sheet (A, B, C, or D)


Oct 25, 2017
No nothing I'm just stupid and extremely socially inept. My best friend once asked for confirmation that he solved a problem right and I told him to fuck off. I don't know how it happened.
Fucking what the fuck. I don't understand you OP. Was this stranger just hot or something?

Is this a US university or community college? How did you not get caught? My exams had someone there plus tests that were all mixed up with test instructions and grading sheets and stuff.

Fuck, I hope the copier was at least smart enough to try and do the calculations slightly different. Did he or she copy the whole test?


Aug 2, 2018
so your friend just wanted to know if he got an answer correct and you told him to fuck off but let a stranger who couldn't even show up for a tutor lesson before the final copy your entire final? christ sake

Deleted member 40133

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2018
He looked at my paper during the exam.

Okay now I'm lost OP. Whenever I wrote my exams we were required to have our backpacks up against a wall with literally just pens, pencils, calculators or whatever on the desk and out. student id on the corner of the desk. Even in the smaller classes where we actually just wrote in our regular room and not in the gym in the fitness centre we also still had TAs walk around. I couldn't even fathom how he'd get away with it. Is he gas lighting you?


Oct 27, 2017
If you do get caught, the cherry on the shit sundae will be when this dude accuses you of cheating off of him.
Oct 25, 2017
I once got offered $300 to write a friend's final take home exam but passed on it as it wasn't worth jeopardizing my academic career.

why would I even think about jeopardizing it for free if money didn't make it okay?


Oct 25, 2017
OP you really should take it easy. Get your mind off of this unless your teacher says something.

Fart Master

Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
A dumpster
Fucking what the fuck. I don't understand you OP. Was this stranger just hot or something?

Is this a US university or community college? How did you not get caught? My exams had someone there plus tests that were all mixed up with test instructions and grading sheets and stuff.

Fuck, I hope the copier was at least smart enough to try and do the calculations slightly different. Did he or she copy the whole test?
For all we know the professor saw the whole thing and simply just gave them both an F immediately.

Deleted member 40133

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2018
That's how mine did. There were 4 different exam books with the same questions but in different orders and the answers were in different orders and we had to mark a book letter on the scan sheet (A, B, C, or D)

My uni would have different faculties write together. So when the gym was set up it would be rows of Humanties-Engineering-Humanities-engineering and so on. It's much harder to look over someones shoulder then to look to the left or right. I actually that it was quite the clever setup

Deleted member 26398

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Fucking what the fuck. I don't understand you OP. Was this stranger just hot or something?

Is this a US university or community college? How did you not get caught? My exams had someone there plus tests that were all mixed up with test instructions and grading sheets and stuff.

Fuck, I hope the copier was at least smart enough to try and do the calculations slightly different. Did he or she copy the whole test?
University in Iran. He asked for confirmation of the numbers.


Dec 30, 2018
I've learned to be incredibly careful when showing my work to other people, regardless of what it is.

To do this on a final exam probably means you're gonna get kicked out of the school, unless you magically don't get caught somehow.


Oct 26, 2017
You really fucked up. Like incredibly so. The best you're looking at might be just getting off with failing the course, and that would be a best case scenario if they found out you enabled cheating.


Oct 25, 2017
University in Iran. He asked for confirmation of the numbers.
I'm not well versed on any university outside of the US. Any stories I know are from other colleges and are US based.

Okay so the copier just asked for confirmation of numbers? He or she didn't copy the whole problem/method? Then you might have a chance to slip by.

Deleted member 40133

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2018
This isn't healthy.

I sincerely hope you pass and learn from this incident. You're a good dude and other people are taking advantage of you.

Same. I feel like I'm dying inside.

What a meat grinder, love my uni but I shit you not I had the equivalent of nam flashbacks for years after graduating. I just had to aim for a top 100 uni in the world, could have taken the easier route.

No no, don't worry. I didn't mean it to come out as me piling on. Just hope it works for you so it's a lesson you learn from in the future


Oct 25, 2017
High school math teacher and part time local college adjunct faculty here:

First, on a math test where you show work, it's often incredibly obvious when people copy. My 16-year-old TA that grades homework hands me cheaters' papers all the time.

In HS, it's an automatic 0 on the test, with a phone call or email to parents. In college, automatic 0 and possibly referred to judiciary board where they investigate and decide if you get to stay in school or not. Colleges and universities typically don't like to attach their name to the degree of a known cheater. Just saying.

Oh, and if I catch it during the exam, I say nothing. Just make note of it, document, but don't confront, because I don't want to disrupt the presumedly academically honest students that are in the room taking the exam.

So, you definitely fucked up. Pray your professor is blind, merciful, or lazy. I'd wish you luck, but I won't. You know what you did.


Nov 8, 2017
How you get into university being that stupid. My goodness.

Honestly hope you don't get caught OP. Good luck

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
High school math teacher and part time local college adjunct faculty here:

First, on a math test where you show work, it's often incredibly obvious when people copy. My 16-year-old TA that grades homework hands me cheaters' papers all the time.

In HS, it's an automatic 0 on the test, with a phone call or email to parents. In college, automatic 0 and possibly referred to judiciary board where they investigate and decide if you get to stay in school or not. Colleges and universities typically don't like to attach their name to the degree of a known cheater. Just saying.

Oh, and if I catch it during the exam, I say nothing. Just make note of it, document, but don't confront, because I don't want to disrupt the presumedly academically honest students that are in the room taking the exam.

So, you definitely fucked up. Pray your professor is blind, merciful, or lazy. I'd wish you luck, but I won't. You know what you did.


Sums up what I know as well based on talking to other math professors I know.

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
I can't tell if you're worse off for what you did for for posting it here. This counts as evidence, you know


Oct 28, 2017
If he just confirmed final answers on a science test it's unlikely you get caught unless they physically saw you. If he was looking at your answers just deny having any knowledge of him doing so. If he was sitting behind you even better they'll assume he looked at yours. If you were side by side it's a bit worse . Deny. At least your work should be different? If it's multiple choice well guess you'll find out . You can't be cheating if you both got 100% ! Lol

Deleted member 40133

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2018
I'm not well versed on any university outside of the US. Any stories I know are from other colleges and are US based.

Okay so the copier just asked for confirmation of numbers? He or she didn't copy the whole problem/method? Then you might have a chance to slip by.

Yes and no...if he was dumb enough to change his final answer to the exact final answers he had.....but the show your work was incorrect....that pretty damn blatant. Like how would this calculation lead to this answer sort of stuff


Nov 23, 2017
So this guy approached me and told me he really needs to pass and I don't know why I lost my fucking mind and let him copy all my exam. It was a university final exam. I heard that they need to have physical evidence of cheating. At the moment I thought they don't have anything but now I realized our answer sheets can be used as one. How fucked am I? If we get caught can the guy come out and say he did it without my consent?

If they find out, both of you will be penalize for academic misconduct. Doesn't matter if he copied the answers from you (unless they're lenient).


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Yes and no...if he was dumb enough to change his final answer to the exact final answers he had.....but the show your work was incorrect....that pretty damn blatant. Like how would this calculation lead to this answer sort of stuff
Not completely. Could easily be explained by mental calculations if he changed this or that.

Deleted member 2533

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
OP, go to your prof and say, "hey, I think this dude copied me." Then deny all knowledge of conspiring. When the other dude tries to throw you under the bus, call them a liar.

It's your only hope.

Or you can go to your prof and say, "this dude intimidated me, and I felt paralysed, I let him copy me." When he says he didn't intimidate you say that that's not how you remember it and that his tone and body language made you feel fearful.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Did any of your answers contain the phrase: "The spreading wildfire of westward expansion"?

If not, you might just get away with it.


Oct 25, 2017
I would just play dumb. It's not like you were paid and it doesn't sound like you were even friends so it's hard to prove motive or intent.
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