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Oct 25, 2017
Remember last night when one member posted here saying that his girlfriend just joined the site and he was concerned about some of his old posts... then about an hour later his girlfriend posted in the thread?

...hope that your professor or no one with authority finds this thread lol
(and please never do this again)
Oct 25, 2017
If dude is serial cheater and hasn't been caught yet, there might be some hope. I would never let someone like that copy me though.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
OP, go to your prof and say, "hey, I think this dude copied me." Then deny all knowledge of conspiring. When the other dude tries to throw you under the bus, call them a liar.

It's your only hope.

Or you can go to your prof and say, "this dude intimidated me, and I felt paralysed, I let him copy me." When he says he didn't intimidate you say that that's not how you remember it and that his tone and body language made you feel fearful.
You absolutely do not go to the professor. That is without a doubt the most stupid thing you can do.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, your best hope is to play dumb if they caught you. No reason to worry about it though it won't change the outcome.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn this keeps getting worse and worse. Next you're gonna tell us you both got up at the same time and handed your exams in at the same time. He says to the instructor I think I'm gonna do pretty good. Then he looks at you and gives a wink and smile to the instructor while patting you on the back as you both walk put of the class laughing together.

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
OP you are pretty screwed if you get caught. Plagiarism/Cheating at the University level is no joke. They can boot you out for that.

Cow Mengde

Oct 26, 2017
I see this meme in the paleo group. I come to ERA and see this thread.


Deleted member 26398

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Damn this keeps getting worse and worse. Next you're gonna tell us you both got up at the same time and handed your exams in at the same time. He says to the instructor I think I'm gonna do pretty good. Then he looks at you and gives a wink and smile to the instructor while patting you on the back as you both walk put of the class laughing together.
He left 10 minutes early.


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
Grats on potentially throwing away tens of thousands in student loans/grants and permanently banning yourself from said university/college.

Ya got 2 chances. First, and this is coming from a non religious person, you PRAY with all your heart to every deity you know of that the teacher uses TAs for marking and 2 different ones mark each of your tests.

And if, dread it happen, teacher calls the two of you out, you play dumb and accuse him of stealing your answers. Demand that you can, on the spot, solve any of the problems and that the other dude must have been peeking over your shoulder, or that he must have taken them from the teacher or seen them being fed into the scantron etc etc. This probably won't work, but it's your only chance. Being up front and saying he copied them will get you a zero and possibly expelled. Getting caught and then admitting it will get you a zero and PROBABLY expelled.

Good luck OP, you need it.

Quad Lasers

Oct 26, 2017
I would just play dumb. It's not like you were paid and it doesn't sound like you were even friends so it's hard to prove motive or intent.
Hundred percent. You've never met this dude in your life, If they catch you, you are but a humble student with good grades who fell victim.

It was a course students from all different departments take. We were the only ones from my department and year.

Nvm, other guy probably knows OP, you are BONED CITY SON.

You better pray to some god that this dude purposefully answered questions differently/wrote different stuff for any written portions.


Oct 28, 2017
If he needed to pass so bad, he would have tried to put in some effort instead of letting others do it for him. You put yourself in a bad situation for something you're not going to get anything out of.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
That was kind of stupid of you.

Just pray they don't notice.

They will absolutely notice. Pray the lecturer who does the marking is too lazy to do anything about it. Or if you're incredibly lucky and they have PhD students do the marking, the two scripts could be marked by different people.

Both are unlikely on a final exam.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Lol all the good advice has been said

- just deny you know him (cause you don't)
- tell them you'll be more than happy to take a harder version to prove you didn't cheat (hopefully they don't call your bluff at this)
- say how your a good student <list your achievements>
- look very innocent (cause you clearly are for letting some random cheat lmao)
- always be very chill until the point where they accuse you and then worry and say how did someone cheat or something to throw everyone off
- hope that the other guy doesn't out you

At the end of the day, he is probably failing the class before the exam - so you def won't come out as the cheater. Just ensure it doesn't come out that you helped him


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Wow that's overboard as fuck. Conditions like that were only for shit like college entrance exams. Usually it was in a completely different room than normal with the professor, no assigned seats, and no proctors. Everyone sat two apart though so it was still hard to cheat.

That's standard exam procedure for Russel group (think UK version of ivy League) universities.


Oct 27, 2017
So this guy approached me and told me he really needs to pass and I don't know why I lost my fucking mind and let him copy all my exam. It was a university final exam. I heard that they need to have physical evidence of cheating. At the moment I thought they don't have anything but now I realized our answer sheets can be used as one. How fucked am I? If we get caught can the guy come out and say he did it without my consent?

Why would he say he didn't have your consent and only fuck himself over when he can take you down with him?


Nov 23, 2017
Wait, I didn't read most of the thread but did you sit next to the guy OP?

Even though you're wrong to do this, there maybe hope (unless he copied word from word).

Deleted member 20346

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I am a TA for a CS class and have seen first-hand some consequences of cheating...

If the student confesses willingly we are significantly more lenient (gave them negative points on a project/hw they copied or a 0 on the exam). It didn't go on their final record. If they didn't come clean and we had to go to them, that was an instant fail and was permanently on their record that they were cheating (so say goodbye to going into academia or business school).

Honestly, the best way forward is to come clean now...


Oct 27, 2017
Because he is going down anyway. No point in taking me down with himself.

It's cute that you think people are that nice. For all you know, if he gets caught, he's gonna say you encouraged him to cheat off you.

Not gonna lie though, after a response like this, I question whether any of this is real, and you aren't just making a post for the sake of curiosity. I find it incredibly hard to believe you can be this naive. How could you possibly agree to allow some random person to cheat off of you and then also expect them to not tell the teacher or dean or whoever you gave this other person permission. It's all more far fetched than you actually allowing him to cheat off you and then asking the internet if you are screwed.


Feb 25, 2018
Man and i thought handing in one of my Uni assignments a few hours late two days ago was the worsed of my troubles

Pray for you buddy. Yikes

Play it cool, and if there about to break you, throw him under the bus.


Oct 29, 2017
Someone I barely know.
It's even worse it's an engineering economics course with long and mathematically rigorous answers.
I was supposed to tutor him for 2 hours before the exam but he arrived just a few seconds before the exam started and told me to let him copy and I said fine.
We are in the same class and it will be graded by the professor.
It was a course students from all different departments take. We were the only ones from my department and year.

You know the phrase the perfect crime? This is the opposite of that


Oct 25, 2017
I was supposed to tutor him for 2 hours before the exam but he arrived just a few seconds before the exam started and told me to let him copy and I said fine.

Absolutely throw this guy under the bus if it comes to it.

Given that you didn't even get to ten percent of the test until he left, though, I wouldn't worry. He probably copies just a few questions that he wasn't sure of.

Deleted member 26398

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Absolutely throw this guy under the bus if it comes to it.

Given that you didn't even get to ten percent of the test until he left, though, I wouldn't worry. He probably copies just a few questions that he wasn't sure of.
When it comes to that sure I will throw him under the bus. I got like 70 percent while he was there and 10 after he left.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn this keeps getting worse and worse. Next you're gonna tell us you both got up at the same time and handed your exams in at the same time. He says to the instructor I think I'm gonna do pretty good. Then he looks at you and gives a wink and smile to the instructor while patting you on the back as you both walk put of the class laughing together.

And then the guy who cheated on him pulls the Professor aside and whispers "hey I think OP cheated off me"


Oct 25, 2017
When it comes to that sure I will throw him under the bus. I got like 70 percent while he was there and 10 after he left.

I think you're probably fine. Again the worst thing you can do is 1. panic over this thing you have no control over any more. 2. tell the teacher about it when he doesn't know.


Oct 25, 2017
If he was getting tutored and couldn't be bothered to show up chances are he didn't know anything and it wasn't simply a case of just copying the questions he was unsure of it. Not only that, but if you both get caught he's liable to blame you and say you were supposed to tutor him, but instead insisted he just copy off you for best result.


Oct 28, 2017
OP as an engineer I was going to tell you that engineering math courses, no matter the topic, value the work rather than the final answer (Of course, this strategy is for passing a course, and not ace'ing it). I was going to say that so long as your partner in crime was changing values that he writes down then it should be sorta okay.

But then you said he was copying directly and telling you when to move on.

So yeah you guys are all kinds of fucked.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
There's no way to prove you allowed it, so if you and him are caught you can still back down and deny responsibility.

Still makes you kind of a shitty person but hey... your mistake for allowing this shit to happen.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel bad for you OP but you also just diminished the worth of your own degree, your classmates ' degrees and the entire validity of your school's program and rewarded this kid for wasting his parent's money and your parent's money and so on. At least generally even if not specifically.

I hope you're doing a meaningless victim free liberal arts degree and not enabling a dangerous medical professional etc. Because then you have that to consider too.
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