
Oct 25, 2017
What exactly are your supposedly oddball interests?

Look, for most of us, we can't ACTUALLY say our interests are: Netflix, beer, gym, sleep, dogs.

Interests don't define a relationship. Things like how people communicate and resolve disagreements is way more important. Yes, it's crucial to support a partner, but you don't need a ton (or even any) overlapping hobbies.

Like, my girlfriend enjoys superhero movies. I couldn't be less interested in that if I tried. Similarly, she doesn't care about EDM. Who cares? We do our own thing most of the time.

i do care, if i want to share my life with someone i want at least to share some things with her (don't need to be everything of course, i'm not crazy excepting we will like everything the same)! I didn't had any interests in common with the two girls i dated, and it quickly became really boring, as well for me and for her... we didn't had anything to talk about... and it was really a short period of time... (one break up with me, the other i was the one to break up) imagine that over years...

sure you can say that we'll share more thing overtime by knowing each other more and more, it's very possible! But like i said, i don't have it in me anymore to try and try again, making the effort to be more open, to be someone i'm not... all in hope it would work out in the long run... if i managed to date someone with that method, it wouldn't last long anyway cause my true character would show up very quickly

I know i don't have any exeperience in dating, so i can't say for sure what will happen and i don't pretend to know it all or how i would change if i met someone i would truly love... i'm just saying i'm tired of making efforts and i'll live like that, if i meet someone, good, if i'm not, then so be it! I'm not complaining

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Oct 25, 2017
What dating apps are you using? The landscape has changed a lot in the last few years and dictates what you'll find. More importantly, are you using Hinge?

That said, ignore any advice telling you to be awful, abandon online dating or say that you're cursed for life due to physical attributes you can't change.

-Source: Pocket sized sweetheart with Walton Goggins hairline who has successfully mainly used online dating to meet women.
Oct 27, 2017
What? How? Are you actively trying to get dates or what?

For a while, no. After getting out of a long term that included a period of long distance towards the end, I spent about 5-6 years just doing my thing.

Over the last few years though, just work a lot, most of my friends have gotten married/have kids so don't go out often.

I'm not a looker, I'm a fat fuck, which I'm working on, so online dating has been a futile attempt. I have never even gotten a like on fucking tinder in 3 years lol that was not spam haha.

Depression issues don't help either.

Figured as of late that not everybody is meant to find a partner in life and I may simply be one of those people, so I'm again back to passively just living day to day.

Funny thing is, I get a long with women just fine. Maybe I just suck at reading cues. Also because the depression issues, if I do start feeling attraction with a girl, I tend to fuck it up because I assume why would this girl be in to me and tend to just walk away.

I just suck I think lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Call me crazy but some women like when you are an asshole to them it's worked for me plenty of times. First don't over compliment them tell them that they look nice and that's it. Don't use words like beautiful and gorgeous and fine. On those sites guys tell them how gorgeous they are all day so they don't really need to hear it from you and hell its not like some of them aren't already big headed enough so keep the compliments to a minimum or none at all.

Next I wouldn't even mention that I have my own place and a career maybe you're sorta flaunting that to them and you don't want them to want you for the wrong reasons so I'd Dutch on all dates or let them cover the bill, again you wanna come off as an asshole but not too much of one.

And lastly come off as if you don't really need them make them feel as if they are replaceable. Never overreach for their attention if you guys are texting and she doesn't reply to your text don't send a second one make sure every text is a reply to hers. And when she does text you never reply right away and when she asks why you are responding so slow say you are busy dealing with important shit. Try the asshole approach it will work trust me.

the only main take away from this is are the following:
  • don't be creepy by constantly mentioning someones looks that you don't know online.
  • don't be annoying with texting
that has nothing to do with "being a jerk" to a girl. it just means youre not annoying to deal with.


Oct 25, 2017
When/If I ever actuslly manage to get a date, I'll let you know. But I'm gonna go with no.

At 24 I already feel like my window of opportunity is closed at this point

If you're motivated, then continue, you're still young, i had my first date at 23, my first girlfriend at 24... i knew people who dated for the first time even later! There's no window of opportunity, you can do it at any point of your life
Feb 15, 2018
There's an art to it. For instance, don't intentionally approach them at the gym, but if you catch one looking at you just smile and if she smiles back then it's a good sign. Leave it at that. Next time you see them, hope THEY approach you. That's how it usually plays out. Don't go out of your way to approach women at the gym. They're there to workout just like you.

Dont hope they approach you, approach them if you are feeling a bit of interest there


Oct 30, 2017
pip pip cheerio fish & chips
If women wont stick around for free meals and easy sex I guess I'm all out of ideas.

I would tell you how cursed I am on a scale of mary magdalene to that tweet of ted cruz with the butter cow, but I don't really know how the scoring system works? Like is 1 boyfriend for 10 years worth the same as 10 boyfriends for 1 year?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If women wont stick around for free meals and easy sex I guess I'm all out of ideas.

I would tell you how cursed I am on a scale of mary magdalene to that tweet of ted cruz with the butter cow, but I don't really know how the scoring system works? Like is 1 boyfriend for 10 years worth the same as 10 boyfriends for 1 year?

I'm shocked you're having problems with dating.

(Wait, this has to be a joke, right?)

Dead Guy

Oct 25, 2017
Saskatchewan, Canada

nah there's plenty of people your age who were busy with college and what not and didn't do much dating.

If you're motivated, then continue, you're still young, i had my first date at 23, my first girlfriend at 24... i knew people who dated for the first time even later! There's no window of opportunity, you can do it at any point of your life

Yeah....no it's not trust me.

It's not my actual age so much I'm concerned about but my total lack of any experience. I can't really see any women interested in a 24 year old introverted guy who has zero experience with anything concerning dating. At that age most people are already past the casual dating phase and looking for someone to settle down with for life.


Oct 25, 2017
a parallel universe
Online dating isnt for everyone. I fucking kill it in person but online is shit for me. I just use it as a side thing. My main focus when I'm looking is to put effort out in the real world.

I like going out with friends and meeting people but I'm just as happy going solo. Going out solo and meeting people has leveled up my social skills like crazy.

I wouldnt put too much thought into why your efforts online havent resulted in much. If I did that I'd prolly feel like shit about myself.

As for the length of the relationships.. youre just guna have to wait for the right one to come along. I have so many little flings that lead nowhere. Doesnt mean anything. Ive met a few special ones that suit me and they lasted a long time bit they are rare. Not everyone you date is for the long term even if its what you want. Cant force that shit. Just be you and keep working on it until you find someone.

Im 33. Ill be 34 soon and im still killin it. KILLIN it! Fuck outa here with this window closing at 24 lolol


Oct 25, 2017
Or am I uniquely and utterly cursed?

Over the past 12 years of online dating or so I've roughly:

- Messaged over 3000 women
- Went on over 100 first dates
- Went on over 20 second dates
- Slept with 7 different women
- Had 3 girlfriends

But through all this, NONE of these relationships lasted more than a few months. The longest lasting 3 months.

I am at the end of my wits. I use multiple different dating sites and at this point, I recognize nearly every face on there that I see and I've already messaged and been rejected by everyone that is left. I'm actually running out of people to interact with.

I try to message people that are 90% percent matched to me, or in the "Will Respond" section of sites, and they have the same interests as me. I hand-craft my opening messages for each person (at least a bit) so they know I read their profile.

I've gotten kisses on the first date, I've taken girls home on the first date. And despite all this, and despite everything I try to do, I can't find anything lasting.

This feels like a worse stigma than when I was trying to lose my virginity. I've never been in a long-term relationship and I don't know if I ever will be and I'm running out of ways to make it happen.

I own my own house here, and I am in a career job, but I've considered dropping everything and moving across the country PURELY for the new dating opportunities. This shit is that bad.

Why did the relationships end?
Feb 15, 2018
Online dating isnt for everyone. I fucking kill it in person but online is shit for me. I just use it as a side thing. My main focus when I'm looking is to put effort out in the real world.

I like going out with friends and meeting people but I'm just as happy going solo. Going out solo and meeting people has leveled up my social skills like crazy.

I wouldnt put too much thought into why your efforts online havent resulted in much. If I did that I'd prolly feel like shit about myself.

As for the length of the relationships.. youre just guna have to wait for the right one to come along. I have so many little flings that lead nowhere. Doesnt mean anything. Ive met a few special ones that suit me and they lasted a long time bit they are rare. Not everyone you date is for the long term even if its what you want. Cant force that shit. Just be you and keep working on it until you find someone.

Im 33. Ill be 34 soon and im still killin it. KILLIN it! Fuck outa here with this window closing at 24 lolol

Look at you go. Guys in their thirties can be even better looking than their 20

Props to your solo game


Oct 25, 2017
It's not my actual age so much I'm concerned about but my total lack of any experience. I can't really see any women interested in a 24 year old introverted guy who has zero experience with anything concerning dating. At that age most people are already past the casual dating phase and looking for someone to settle down with for life.
nah you'll be fine. it only starts to become a red flag when youre around 30 ish.


Oct 29, 2017
Dating hasn't worked this way until for millions of years until a few decades ago at most, so don't feel down for this not working out, most meet their future spouses by chance. The good old « improve yourself » thing is legit, but it's just to increase those chances when you meet people but you still then need to increase the chances that you'll meet people by going out with people more often, doing more social stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
I had a friend who had literally 0 experience with women well into his 30s. Next thing I hear hes having a baby with some girl he settled down with from POF.

Its never too late people!
true. I was just saying personally, I'd be a bit curious about the lack of experience at that point. not in a deal breaker sense, but it would be something I'd bring up at some point.


Apr 18, 2018
Sleep Deprivation Zone
You never fail if you don't try


Krauser Kat

Oct 27, 2017
its been 30 months since i have been single.
128 first dates

68 2nd dates
Slept with 59 of them

8 of them in person at bars or wherever
2 on instagram
the rest split
45% Tinder
30% OKC
25% Bumble

Its been fun but im tired. Less picky lately. I hope.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
That sounds like an MVP caliber season or at least rookie of the year.


Oct 25, 2017
its been 30 months since i have been single.
128 first dates

68 2nd dates
Slept with 59 of them

8 of them in person at bars or wherever
2 on instagram
the rest split
45% Tinder
30% OKC
25% Bumble

Its been fun but im tired. Less picky lately. I hope.
honestly keeping track of it like this is weird


Oct 31, 2017
its been 30 months since i have been single.
128 first dates

68 2nd dates
Slept with 59 of them

8 of them in person at bars or wherever
2 on instagram
the rest split
45% Tinder
30% OKC
25% Bumble

Its been fun but im tired. Less picky lately. I hope.

I never understood this shit.

Some dude's talking about his lack of success, and you come in here bragging about your success lol.

Like, what do you get out of it?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
its been 30 months since i have been single.
128 first dates

68 2nd dates
Slept with 59 of them

8 of them in person at bars or wherever
2 on instagram
the rest split
45% Tinder
30% OKC
25% Bumble

Its been fun but im tired. Less picky lately. I hope.
My streak got derailed by poor relationship choices. I also wish I'd kept numbers. Shockingly, very few of the encounters (even the ones that led to sex) were memorable for me.

6 months into a relationship from OKC now, though.


Apr 5, 2018
You sound like you think that any person would fit as a partner if you only do certain things right.
But that's not how it works.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
its been 30 months since i have been single.
128 first dates

68 2nd dates
Slept with 59 of them

8 of them in person at bars or wherever
2 on instagram
the rest split
45% Tinder
30% OKC
25% Bumble

Its been fun but im tired. Less picky lately. I hope.

You can't be too picky to bat that high. No shame in it though.

I mean "you" in general, not you personally.


Oct 31, 2017
Admittedly, it kinda balances out the "forever alone" posts.

These threads invariably get derailed, though.

It's kinda rude though, no?

It would be fine if they offered some insight. It's like going into a thread about a someone who's struggling to lose weight and posting "well I've always been fit", and that's it lol.

Krauser Kat

Oct 27, 2017
honestly keeping track of it like this is weird
Its easier when its all on my calendar. Also its fun to remember everybodies names and i can pull up what happened on almost every date.

Online dating is crazy and weird but not that much different than meeting in person.

I am also a guy who had 6" liberty spikes in college and listened to mudvayne and korn and put 400 hours into final fantasy tactics and didnt start dating until i was 29. I also went to art school and im not a weight lifter or ever hit the gym like a rat.

Find a way to be more confident and try to push yourself to do cool stuff and have stories you love to tell.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Over the last few years though, just work a lot, most of my friends have gotten married/have kids so don't go out often.

I'm not a looker, I'm a fat fuck, which I'm working on, so online dating has been a futile attempt. I have never even gotten a like on fucking tinder in 3 years lol that was not spam haha.

Depression issues don't help either.

Figured as of late that not everybody is meant to find a partner in life and I may simply be one of those people, so I'm again back to passively just living day to day.

Funny thing is, I get a long with women just fine. Maybe I just suck at reading cues. Also because the depression issues, if I do start feeling attraction with a girl, I tend to fuck it up because I assume why would this girl be in to me and tend to just walk away.

I just suck I think lol.

This is me, basically. I'm probably overly complacent, but I just have no desire to be in a relationship.
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