Deleted member 511

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Oct 25, 2017
Superhero video games aren't anything new but as we enter this new era of getting more high-budget, quality superhero games, I find myself asking one question: Where the women at? Obviously there are games staring 'teams' that feature female characters to play as such as Avengers, Suicide Squad, Gotham Knights, etc. but there's no signs of a single player, story heavy game starring a female superhero which is kind of disappointing. WW84's quality aside, there was a lot of hype for Wonder Woman coming off the first movie yet years have passed and it doesn't seem like there's any plans to make a WW video game. I remember there being leaks about one years back but I guess nothing came about them which is a shame because a Wonder Woman game would be hype as hell imo.

While I would prefer if they went with Silk (because more women of color in major starring roles within video games is a great thing), I'm sure Spider-Gwen will probably be introduced in the Spider-Man games eventually - but who knows how far that'll be. Even a female-only game consisting of a team like Birds of Prey would be cool but that probably won't happen anytime soon after the movie didn't perform as well as it should've (BoP was good! >:( Badly marketed though). I don't just feels like there's a lot of potential for different games with different female characters. Heck, a stealth-action Black Widow game would've probably been more fitting for Crystal Dynamics after their work on the latest Tomb Raiders. Ironically, Black Widow in Avengers seems to actually play how fans want modern Lara too - BW literally has dual pistols in that game.

Anyway, this has been on my mind since yesterday and I just wanted to share my thoughts here. Hopefully I don't regret it.
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Oct 28, 2017
The industry the way it is, I think it will unfortunately be a while

Wonder Woman is the easy answer but Spider-Man 3 being Spider-Gwen is what I want
Oct 27, 2017
If you played the main campaign in Marvel's Avengers, it was pretty clear that Kamala was the main character.


Oct 31, 2017
Obviously not what we deserve but I was impressed on how the Avengers game positioned Ms. Marvel as the main charecter. I know you mentioned it but despite it flaws, it was nice to see the Marvel universe through the lens of someone different than the typical "main" Marvel charecters.
Aug 13, 2019
The fact that we don't have a Wonder Woman game is a crime. She doesn't even have the same "OMG too OP!" reputation as Superman. Make it happen, WB!


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
there are so many characters ripe for the picking, Spider-Gwen, Silk, a standalone Batgirl game. A proper game for Kamala Khan not under the weight of Crystal's Avengers baggage. so many options and I'd play any and probably all of them!


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
My two dream games are a GoW-like Wonder Woman game set in modern times (but also with fantastical settings back in Themyscira) and a Gotham Sirens game with Harley, Ivy, Catwoman and Batgirl.

I'm sure they'll get around to making those some day. Maybe.


May 10, 2018
While Kamala Khan might've been the "main character" in Avengers, the game wasn't about her. It was about the Avengers.
And even then, I don't consider a character that you can swap out after the first mission a real protagonist


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
We're only just barely now getting blockbusters starring superhero women so it's gonna be like pulling teeth in the games industry unfortunately. A lot of my favorite characters in this category are probably too obscure to get their own game. A Wonder Woman game would be cool though.


Chicken Chaser
Dec 28, 2017
Clearwater, Florida
Yes, I like dudes telling me I'm moving goal posts on my own representation. Just great!

Especially funny since in like the second sentence of the OP, you specifically mention Avengers as not being what you mean.

On Topic, the odds of this are unfortunately low unless someone like Insomniac or Rocksteady tries it, because it will inevitably be under 50x more scrutiny due to being a female hero. Hopefully stuff like Forspoken and Control and such at least help in breaking down that 'barrier', since they're funadmentally super heroes, powerwise, they're just new characters.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't really give a shit about superheroes and their games in general, but I'd be hype for a Storm game or X-23 game. Or especially a She-Hulk game where I could not only smash shit, but also play out her days in the courtroom.

None of these will ever happen.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I hope it happens soon. There's a LOT to pick from and some of my favorites to see would be Domino, Gwenpool, or She-Hulk.


Would it be "An AAA" game or should it be "A AAA". Both seem right but "An AAA" feels weirder to say. Neither here nor there just curious.

Deleted member 511

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
My two dream games are a GoW-like Wonder Woman game set in modern times (but also with fantastical settings back in Themyscira) and a Gotham Sirens game with Harley, Ivy, Catwoman and Batgirl.

I'm sure they'll get around to making those some day. Maybe.
I was going to mention Gotham City Sirens too! If Suicide Squad is a success, maybe it'll happen.

Especially funny since in like the second sentence of the OP, you specifically mention Avengers as not being what you mean.

Maybe Pretty Cure will get a big game someday.

I actually really want a magical girl action game or something. The handling of Sailor Moon as IP is trash right now so I'll take Pretty cure. Go Princess was fun.



Oct 27, 2017
Given the rate WB is releasing DC games right now, I'm going to guess we're nowhere close to seeing Wonder Woman, Birds of Prey, Green Lantern (Jessica), Female Furies, Vixen, and Zatanna receiving any games soon, unfortunately. It'll likely have to come from Marvel for an established hero (maybe Insomniac could do X-23 after Wolverine), or if you broaden the scope of 'superhero game' a bit more, an original superhero game (e.g., inFAMOUS) starring a female protagonist.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Harley is kinda-sorta the lead in Suicide Squad, but I can imagine her getting a solo game - she seems well-suited to a more irreverent take on the superhero formula, and I think she's a lot less tired than Deadpool.

I do see potential with Wonder Woman but she operates in some pretty well-trodden territory. Do you do a period piece, like the movie? Years and years of military games. Double-down on the Greek mythology stuff? We've been there with Assassin's Creed and Immortals and a ton of other games. Traditional "save the city" heroics? Not sure what would set her apart from other supers. I can imagine it working (maybe go all-in on the bracelets and lasso?) but I wouldn't be inspired.

I'd love a She-Hulk game but I wouldn't want it in the AAA mold, more like a funky hybrid between a beat-'em-up and Phoenix Wright.


Oct 25, 2017
GTA VI better have a lead girl. I think Assassin's Creed has done a better job in recent years. I'd really kill for a new Max Payne with Mona Sax as the main anti-hero. We've also got Aloy! They're all superheroes to me!


Oct 27, 2017
This is another good reason to have fresh/new super hero games, like inFamous, where new more diverse characters can be brought to life.

Other than that I have my fingers crossed for Spider-Gwen.


Aug 3, 2020
London, UK
I think with Marvel it's probably going to be just a matter of time before either a female Spidey gets a game, or another studio negotiates with Marvel to make a game based around a female

DC and WB are weird and a bit boring, I'm not sure if my mind is completely blanking but I can't really recall them licensing out their IPs to external studios and it all seems to stick with the internal Warner studios, so the best bet is after Gotham Knights/Suicide Squads that Rocksteady or WB Montreal decide to make a female-led game. In all honestly, I can't believe that Warner haven't caught on and done what Marvel has with deciding to involve external studios because I'm sure there's plenty of talented devs that would love to work on a DC character ala WW, and yet everything we seem to get from them is Batman game after batman game which is just a huge waste of great characters that could translate well into VGs
Oct 27, 2017
Especially funny since in like the second sentence of the OP, you specifically mention Avengers as not being what you mean.
The next sentence says single player and story heavy, so I thought, incorrectly, that it was worth bringing up for the campaign mode. Because if the OP or anyone else didn't play the campaign they may not be aware of this. My apologies to all of you for the inconvenience.

Infamous First Light then is a standalone game, albeit a smaller scale one, staring a woman super-hero.


Oct 25, 2017
would love to play as any of the x-men ladies, storm, jubilee, rogue, etc. I guess im really desiring an xmen game these days after the sony conf


Oct 27, 2017
There are so many stories just sitting there ripe for a great videogame with interesting concepts and while it is cool to have the great ones that have come out, it's a bit of a letdown that's it's always the same handful that are the stars of the show.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
Spider-Gwen by Insomniac is inevitable.

Would be wonderful if another team was brave enough to make something else before that though.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually really want a magical girl action game or something. The handling of Sailor Moon as IP is trash right now so I'll take Pretty cure. Go Princess was fun.

Sailor Moon got some relatively big games in the early 90s but it was a different era. Magical girl stuff just rarely gets anything big anymore, even though they are enormous franchises. But as a large part of young girl superhero fandom (I think magical girls definitely fit, we can argue about specific subgenres and stuff but as a blanket superhero thing it's close enough to matter) there's just so much to tap into.


Aug 3, 2020
London, UK
Why not a Jessica Drew game instead? Jess has unique powers, isn't just a blatant ctrl-V of another hero, and has her own supporting cast. Plus the whole single mom element would be really unique in the superhero sphere.
Yeah honestly, I think Insomniac choosing Miles as the second spidey was a great choice for obvious reasons, but with the platform/universe they've now created I would love them to choose a lesser-known female spidey (obviously only IF they're planning on doing it) that is actually unique from Peter Parker and would also add more popularity to another character