Deleted member 2109

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Oct 25, 2017
Taking my kid to see again for the 2nd time tomorrow. He loves it big time and I thought it was ok. Highlight for me is Woody and his gang. If it was about them and Some Guy instead of Han Solo I would have enjoyed it a lot more. Main actor was ok but you just can't replace Harrison Ford. Really enjoyed the train scene and the Kessel run even though the monster was goofy. Lando was a let down, L3 is the worst droid, didn't find it funny at all and the movie just looks really bad imo.
Oct 27, 2017
The more I sit on it the more I want a direct sequel. If nothing else, it was incredible at world building. Doesn't need to involve Han anymore, a Lando movie would be awesome and the Fett movie probably already is going to be a continuation, but I would honestly be okay if it did involve Han. They never should have done it in the first place, but it's done now so might as well do it more.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Easily among the worst Star Wars movies out there. Bad, undeveloped characters and plot lines, boring and lifeless action and pacing, and a completely misunderstanding of what made anything about the characters interesting.

I don't know, I honestly felt like the characters were infinitely more engaging than the ones in Rogue One. Even Alden worked for me after a while.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't too hot on the movie first time I saw it, liked it more the second time and I totally agree with you that the characters are more engaging than those in RO. This is an overall better movie than RO.

Harrelson really elevated the film for me. There's something about that dude that just makes him effortlessly believable as an untrustworthy scumbag, but he played Beckett with enough heart that you almost feel like he could be a good guy even though there's no way his story ended any other way than the way it did. By comparison, nobody in Rogue One even came close to that for me. It was just a dour, depressing movie about a bunch of lifeless nobodies who ended up as lifeless nothing.

I'm willing to eat some crow and say I actually kind of enjoyed Solo. It's not a great movie, but it's the same kind of disposable fun in space that I expect out of a Guardians of the Galaxy films.

Also, a few clunker line reads aside, Emilia did a surprisingly good job with the character she was given...even if much of it felt like setup for a movie we're never gonna see.


Oct 28, 2017
I want a sequel mainly because I found Qi'ra to be the most interesting part of the movie. But they could always throw her into the Lando or Boba Fett movie since she is in charge of the crime syndicate now.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm havimg a hard time understanding the hate. I'm a pretty cynical SW guy, but I thought it was excellent.

Opinions and all that, but usually I can at least see where the other side is coming from


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
Thought it was a very OK movie ... which in itself is disappointing. Wasnt really moved by anything that happened, didnt buy into Han , Lando doesnt do anything, the characters are slaves to the plot, Enfys was barely in the movie, the Maul reveal felt entirely too out of left field ...

Nothing outwardly bad but instead of a well constructed tale the movie seemed more focused in filling up Han Solos wikipedia page than anything else and it kept taking me out of the experience.


Oct 28, 2017
Saw the movie tonight. Probably my favorite movie of the year behind Infinity War. I don't care about it's flaws, it was infinitely entertaining and is a movie I'll see my watching watching every time it's on TV. I like that it setup a sequel.
Oct 27, 2017
Harrelson really elevated the film for me. There's something about that dude that just makes him effortlessly believable as an untrustworthy scumbag, but he played Beckett with enough heart that you almost feel like he could be a good guy even though there's no way his story ended any other way than the way it did. By comparison, nobody in Rogue One even came close to that for me. It was just a dour, depressing movie about a bunch of lifeless nobodies who ended up as lifeless nothing.

I'm willing to eat some crow and say I actually kind of enjoyed Solo. It's not a great movie, but it's the same kind of disposable fun in space that I expect out of a Guardians of the Galaxy films.

Also, a few clunker line reads aside, Emilia did a surprisingly good job with the character she was given...even if much of it felt like setup for a movie we're never gonna see.

You mention Harrelson, and he was good - but what is it with the gun turrets on the Falcon? The ship could be breaking apart, the Empire bearing down on them, their friends get killed, but everyone who pops into one of the gun turrets loses their mind, and all of a sudden is having the greatest time ever. Luke, Han, Finn, Rey - and Harrelson's character was no exception, but his portrayal made it seem like it was someone from the audience who got a chance to jump in and help out. It was cool.


Oct 25, 2017
You mention Harrelson, and he was good - but what is it with the gun turrets on the Falcon? The ship could be breaking apart, the Empire bearing down on them, their friends get killed, but everyone who pops into one of the gun turrets loses their mind, and all of a sudden is having the greatest time ever. Luke, Han, Finn, Rey - and Harrelson's character was no exception, but his portrayal made it seem like it was someone from the audience who got a chance to jump in and help out. It was cool.

It's the swivel chairs. Who can resist?

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
I thought the movie could have been really good, but there were 10+ moments where I straight up face palmed.
Way too many cheesy moments that felt completely out of place.


Feb 20, 2018
My only major criticism was how incredibly dark and murky 2/3 of the film was. The shots were set up nicely, but it almost looked like the exposure settings had been botched at times.

Once again, theaters are showing this on the cheap. If it was lit properly (IMAX), it looked great. Otherwise, it's an unfortunate crapshoot.

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
Such as? The only time I felt like that was when he got his last name.

His last name was really bad.
When he spoke Chewie's language it was awkward because it was too long of a scene and Han literally never speaks that language again.
Several of the romance scenes.
The military recruiting base using the Star War's empire theme song, playing in universe, felt straight out of a fan fiction to me.
Beckett laughing and joking around right after his friend and lover died was weird.
Others that I forgot.

But there were also a lot of moments that paid off nicely plot wise: the gambling scenes, squeezing through the tight alley, and the Han shot first moment.
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Oct 26, 2017
Came back from it tonight. Theatre was half empty. I had a blast, but I'm an old. The iconic moments I was hoping would be there were there, and the humor was a hit with me. Will buy on 4K day 1 and will enjoy the fuck outta that Maw part.


Oct 25, 2017
Awful movie.... these movies spin offs should not happen... Star Wars stories reached a stall in blockbuster form ..... An expanded universe is best suited to develop different takes on the saga (Give me KOTOR 3 please).

Book One

Oct 25, 2017
Harrelson really elevated the film for me. There's something about that dude that just makes him effortlessly believable as an untrustworthy scumbag, but he played Beckett with enough heart that you almost feel like he could be a good guy even though there's no way his story ended any other way than the way it did. By comparison, nobody in Rogue One even came close to that for me. It was just a dour, depressing movie about a bunch of lifeless nobodies who ended up as lifeless nothing.

I'm willing to eat some crow and say I actually kind of enjoyed Solo. It's not a great movie, but it's the same kind of disposable fun in space that I expect out of a Guardians of the Galaxy films.

Also, a few clunker line reads aside, Emilia did a surprisingly good job with the character she was given...even if much of it felt like setup for a movie we're never gonna see.

Agreed. I expected Beckett to 'come back' and save the day at some point when he supposedly leaves Han and refuses to help, until of course Vos says 'not that associate' in the yacht scene. I was expecting the more cliched twist I guess, so I'm glad I was wrong. And you're right, that is absolutely the way it should go. I also liked that Qi'ra's underlying potential for betrayal doesn't actually hinge on Vos, again cliched/expected, but something far more dangerous that you don't see coming.


Oct 25, 2017
Just saw it, really liked it! Not as good as Rogue One or Episode 8, but miles better than Episode 7.

On a side note, I really like these Star Wars Stories. It allows us to see more of the universe away from the main plot. I would love to see a detective/mystery movie set in the Star Wars universe.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
I think my only real legit complaint about the film is

It's underexposed, it's too dark and I'm not sure how it got out of post like that.

Minor complaint is Lando...the whole scene with L3 dying was kind of eye rolling, I just didn't buy his connection with that character at all, no fault of Donald Glover, it was just super corny and seems like a very un Lando thing to do.

I wouldn't mind seeing a Han/Chewie/Lando movie though, just those 3 doing smuggler stuff road trip style. It was certainly a fun movie.


Oct 25, 2017
The side movies are fun but I dont think LF is using the right format to tell these stories.

These sidestories would be right at home in a live action tv series or something.


Oct 27, 2017
It was really bad. My gf and I were incredibly bored after about 20 minutes, and it just kept going and going.

At least L3 was interesting to think about a bit.

passepied joe

Oct 25, 2017
It's competently made and a decent ride, but it was so safe and ultimately unmemorable that I really wanna see what the original directors were gonna do with it.
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The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
It was really bad. My gf and I were incredibly bored after about 20 minutes, and it just kept going and going.

At least L3 was interesting to think about a bit.

I thought the first 20 minutes were the most boring part of the entire movie, but once the train job started I was pretty invested.


Nov 8, 2017
Finally got a chance to see it.

Maybe it was all the bad buzz but i thought it was fun and honestly after a while you do kinda see a bit of harrison's charm in Alden. The plot was super thin but then again so was rogue one, and at least I can name more than 2 characters in this one. I dunno, I'll see it again soon, but I liked it a bit better than rogue one, thought the action in this one was much more fun that r1 and tlj as well. Too bad we'll never see a sequel and where they were heading with that maul reveal.


Oct 28, 2017
Opinions are all over the place on this movie. Which I guess it's normal for a Star Wars movie but I thought this would be a universally disliked movie when it was first announced.

I really enjoyed the movie. Maybe I'm a sucker for the seedy underworld aspect of Star Wars that doesn't get explored as much as I'd like but I loved seeing all of that. It reminds me of certain parts of the KOTOR games which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I also liked Alden as Han. I thought he nailed the facial expressions/mannerisms. Sure, he didn't sound just like him but I don't think I would want him to. It would probably be weird if he nailed that too. And, honestly, after watching the movie for 20-30 minutes, I forgot all about that and just accepted him as being Han without really questioning it much. Glover is great as Lando. And I thought Emilia Clarke would be the weak link since she can be kind of iffy on Game of Thrones... but I loved her as Qi'ra in this movie.

I enjoyed this more than Rogue One overall. I just didn't feel strongly about most of the characters in Rogue One. I like the cast a lot more in this movie and it's also a lot more action packed and fun. They certainly set up the plot for a sequel and I don't know if they would make another Solo film or if they would just continue things in a Boba Fett, Lando or Obi Wan movie. But I'd certainly be excited to see however they want to continue things. They did a solid job here and the movie doesn't deserve the hate it's getting.

But I guess it just goes to show how opinions are everywhere regarding this movie. Someone just posted that L3 was the only interesting thing from the film. I thought L3 was cringe worthy in most of the scenes. I don't know, I just expected a fun heist film and that's what I got. I'm happy and I'll gladly watch it again.


Oct 25, 2017
Just saw it. Mediocre is the best way to describe it. Like I'm trying to remember anything that happened in the film and i just can't. So bland and unremarkable.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know, I honestly felt like the characters were infinitely more engaging than the ones in Rogue One. Even Alden worked for me after a while.

I have to agree. More engaging, better developed.

One of the first thoughts I had leaving the theatre was that the marketing material misframed Alden's Han. It tried so hard to evoke the version of the character we came to know and love, when the movie itself spent a lot of time contrasting its version against that one. This Han was naive, sweet, idealistic. You could see the seeds of the person he'd eventually become, but he was partially interesting to watch because he was so different. The movie executed that really well, I feel.

I honestly expected Alden to be one of my least favorite parts of the movie, but I ended up falling in love with him. He did a wonderful job.


Oct 27, 2017
So, I saw it today. Only because I was invited to a birthday party for a disabled friend who wanted to go see it for his birthday.

I won't lie, I went in with low expectations and ended up enjoying it more than I had expected to. Those low expectations likely contributed, but it wasn't bad. It wasn't great, either, but it got better as it went along after a rough and very cheesy opening.

At first, it was hard to get immersed in the movie because of the acting, cheesy and obvious looking sets and mediocrity. But as I said it got better and I enjoyed it more once I got used to it and it went along. The plot wasn't very rich or unique, though, with its twists and turns and characters.

It's better than Episode II, for sure, but what isn't?


Oct 28, 2017
I must say I am surprised at the hate this movie is getting but I understand it might not be everyone's cup of tea. After coming in with low expectations I was just so pleasantly surprised that I wish other people could get that same enjoyment as well.


Oct 25, 2017
I.....liked it? WAY better than the dire RO. It was weirdly structured and felt longer than it was, and it had way too much of that fan wink bullshit I hate (Han shooting first, Han getting his blaster, Chewie getting his nickname, etc. Ugh), but I really liked the aesthetic and the score, and I thought the cast was uniformly great (Emilia Clarke, shockingly, included) and had wonderful chemistry together. A flawed, fun movie with a great cast and a throwaway script.

It probably deserved better at the box office.