
One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
What is Sonic Robo Blast 2, and why is the name so dumb?

Sonic Robo Blast 2 is a 3D Sonic fangame that's been in development since March 1998. It predates the release of Sonic Adventure, so it represents a stark divergent point in the way 3D Sonic gameplay should be handled. No homing attack here!

If its graphical style seems familiar, it's because it started life as a mod for the original Doom—although it's been so heavily modified over the decades that calling it a "Doom mod" is about as accurate as calling every game made with UE4 an "Unreal mod".

The name is so dumb because it's ostensibly a sequel to Sonic Robo Blast, a game made by a kid in the 90's and one of the earliest Sonic fangames.


...While in terms of official games, the greatest jump in sequel quality is obviously Street Fighter to Street Fighter II, I think this game takes the cake if it counts.


Why should I care?

Because it's a genuinely good game! It's my favorite platformer of all time. SRB2 is the only 3D platformer I've played that feels a 2D platformer. It's difficult to explain unless you already know what I'm talking about, but consider the difference between 2D Mario and 3D Mario.
  • In 2D Mario, you run fast, you jump high, and your momentum carries over to everything you do.
  • In 3D Mario, you run slow, you jump low, and many actions that you take reset your momentum.
They may both be Mario, but they feel completely different from each other. This is very deliberate, of course. Controlling a character in 3D is a thousand times harder than controlling a character in 2D, so you need to make concessions. You need to slow things down and make the controls a lot more stiff. Playing a bit of Super Mario Bros. 3 is easy and breezy, but starting up a new playthrough of a 3D Mario game feels like a commitment.

But then there's SRB2. For better or for worse, it ignores many of the lessons of 3D platformer game design and instead controls like a 2D game in 3D. On one hand, this can be awful because SRB2 has one of the highest learning curves I've seen for such a simple game. But once you get used to it, you realize that the controls are amazing and it actually has the one of the most fun basic movement systems of any 3D platformer.


I understand why no other game plays like this, but I love it and I'm disappointed that it's the only game that does. I definitely think a huge reason for this game's enduring popularity for over 20 years is because of its controls and movement. If you like this style of gameplay, you literally cannot find it anywhere else.

Consider that the last person on the original team to work on this game moved on in 2009. The reason this game has been in development for so long is because it produced fans passionate enough to carry the torch long after its creators had left.

Anything I should know before playing?

This game started as a simple Doom mod, and it still feels Doom-y in a lot of ways. Thus, it's recommended that you play with keyboard+mouse controls (I play with keyboard-only because I prefer it, and other people like playing with a gamepad, but you should start with keyboard+mouse because that's what most people prefer).

Sonic can be very hard to control. In this game, momentum carries over to everything you do. Combined with Sonic's rapid acceleration, you'll quickly find yourself flailing all over the place completely out of control. It feels good to play once you master it, but that can take a while. I usually recommend Knuckles for new players. Play as the Sonic & Tails Duo (the default) and use Tails to fly over parts you find too challenging.


However, new to this update is "Auto Brake", an accessibility feature (enabled by default) that slows down and stops your character if you let go of the controls—which is actually how every other 3D platformer works. It should help out a lot. If you've ever played SRB2 before and had difficulty with the controls, now is the best time to try again.

What if I don't like 3D platformers?

Then you should try out SRB2 Kart, the popular kart racing spin-off.

I've played SRB2 before. What's new in this version?

Everything. It's the biggest update yet. Here's the changelog:

SRB2.org said:
SRB2 Version 2.2 Released!

Hey all. 5 years. It's been a wild ride for us, but we're finally done. 2.2 is available on the Downloads page (currently torrent-only). If you aren't familiar with torrents, there are instructions there for you.

I'm not going to bore you with an incredibly long post, so I'll keep it super brief. I want to give a heartfelt thank you to all of you who stuck with us over the past 5 years, and to all of you who helped contribute along the way. This release is a major milestone for all of us. We've been hyping up that 2.2 is a massive upgrade in virtually all respects, and I hope that you won't be disappointed. On behalf od the development team, enjoy!

  • Slopes have been implemented into almost the entire campaign, including support for launching off of quarterpipes. No, before you ask, loops still aren't possible.
  • An enormous number of graphics and textures have been updated or redone. Highlights include the title screen, Sonic and Tails, with separate sprites of Tails's tails for optimum mofumofu.
  • Practically the entire soundtrack has been redone.
  • Character sprites now face the direction the player's control inputs point instead of in the direction the camera is facing.
  • Automatic braking, a new assist feature, has been added. While enabled, releasing the controls will cause the player's character to attempt to stop instead of coasting forward.
  • Tails's AI has been significantly improved in Sonic & Tails mode, including allowing him to be commanded to fly you without using player 2's controls.
  • The attraction, elemental, and force shields now have a jump-spin ability like whirlwind and armageddon already did.
  • Continuing the game after getting a game over now starts the player with more lives for each continue used.
  • The intro cutscene has been revamped with brand-new art, and the game now has a short ending sequence.
  • Arid Canyon Zone Acts 2 and 3 now exist.
  • Almost the entire rest of the campaign has been remade from scratch or significantly updated.
  • Several bosses have had their arena and behavior updated.
  • The final battles have been adjusted to make losing not kick the player all the way back to the beginning of Eggrock.
  • A short, optional tutorial stage has been added.
  • Two stages previously from the OLDC have been included as unlockables.
  • Cooperative mode now uses the old 2.0 special stages, which have been slightly updated to be more multiplayer-friendly.

  • The menus have been massively revamped to both look better and be easier to understand.
  • Controls, menus, and various other things have been renamed to make them easier to understand.
  • Record attack now has HUD elements to display the buttons being pressed both during gameplay and while watching replays.
  • Multiple accessibility features have been added, including closed-captioning and the ability to adjust the palette at runtime to add contrast to aid colorblind players.
  • The palette has changed again to provide slightly more diverse color options
  • Music no longer restarts from the beginning after an interruption, such as getting an extra life.
  • Plugging in a controller during gameplay will allow that controller to be used instead of requiring the game to be restarted to recognize it.
  • Added support for paper sprites, which allow the sprite to be rendered as if it's on an upright piece of paper, becoming thinner when viewed at an angle and disappearing entirely when viewed from the side. Think Paper Mario.
  • Textures can now be used as flats (but not vice-versa).
  • Skybox rendering has been significantly optimized.
  • PNG images can now be used as graphics, at any resolution (but not too high or you'll run out of memory).
  • Sprite rotation is now supported.
  • libopenmpt support
  • Added support for the MD3 model format.
  • So many Lua changes we couldn't possibly hope to list them all here.

Where do I download it?

On the official website here!

Screenshots by @Is SRB2 2.2 Out Yet? on Twitter, who has been posting "no" every day for years.
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One Winged Slayer
Jul 3, 2018
Is the game feature complete yet? Like is there an actual final zone with an ending?

I haven't played in like 15 years so this might be a dumb question lol.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
Just a heads up. The game can only be downloaded by torrent. I had no torrent program installed, but I've found one.
Oct 25, 2017
Because it's a genuinely good game! It's my favorite platformer of all time. SRB2 is the only 3D platformer I've played that feels a 2D platformer. It's difficult to explain unless you already know what I'm talking about, but consider the difference between 2D Mario and 3D Mario.
You clearly haven't played Mario 3D World or 3D Land.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
One of the best fan games ever. If not the best


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
This is fun, even if it feels like a doom game crossed with Sonic.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
It is recommended to play this with keyboard and mouse, but I still think I want to try to play it with a gamepad later. I've never been able to play a non point and click style game with keyboard and mouse.


Oct 25, 2017
This is fun, even if it feels like a doom game crossed with Sonic.

That's cause this literally started as a DOOM wad

It's actually amazing how far they've come in modifying the DOOM engine to suit a 3D Sonic game. And also that this game is still in active development after 20 years.

Hayama Akito

Oct 25, 2017
I still has this wild idea that, in a "what if" scenario, this game had been the launch title for Sega Saturn things would be pretty different now. It's cool, check it out.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
Is the game feature complete yet? Like is there an actual final zone with an ending?

I haven't played in like 15 years so this might be a dumb question lol.

I doubt Red Volcano Zone is complete. That zone has barely been touched in 10 years and they don't mention it at all in the changelog. Everything else is basically done though, as far as I'm aware.

You clearly haven't played Mario 3D World or 3D Land.

I have, and those two games are actually a perfect example of what I mean. They both have 2D level design (which this game does not), but that's not what I mean. They don't feel the same. It still feels stiff and deliberate and lacks the fluid-ness of a 2D Mario game.

For me, SRB2 captures that missing feeling, even though I totally understand if it may not for other people.


Oct 26, 2017
This is still being worked on? Sweet.
I think the last time I played it would've been like 2005/2006.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
Excited to finally play this, I've been familiar with it for well over a decade since I was very into the sonic fan scene back in the day but never gave it a shot.

What if I don't like 3D platformers?

Then you should try out SRB2 Kart, the popular kart racing spin-off.

Also this is required playing regardless, you can download Kazama Kiryu or Hatsune Miku and race around a Daytona USA track




Dec 15, 2018
Likely the greatest fan project of all time. This was my childhood, gonna download it again later.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
After playing for a bit, they've noticeably increased the difficultly since the previous version. I definitely recommend that new players NOT play as Sonic. Play as Tails and fly over the trickier platforming bits. Otherwise you're going to have a rough time.

I'm at Arid Canyon Zone. Cute.


Hayama Akito

Oct 25, 2017
By the way, playing this on 640x480 and with limited draw distance & sprites is the correct way. I would gladly play this on 320×224.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Just rage quit the castle eggman boss after losing 2 continues to it.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 10, 2018
It's really amazing how far this game has come since I first played it years ago. Really excited to play it again, and to give SRB2 Kart a shot (i've seen a lot from it, but never played it myself).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
This does not look at all how I was expecting it to look, and I have to admit I'm pretty curious.

Definitely gonna at least check out the kart racer for that chibi Kiryu.


Oct 25, 2017
The controls used to make me mad, and they still make me mad

BUT I really admire SRB2 and the team
Oct 25, 2017
Devil Halton's Trap
Speaking as an occasional Doom map maker, SRB2 finally having textures-as-flats in Zone Builder's a huge deal. That means a lot more flexibility for custom map makers when designing levels, and it adds new incentive to make texture packs. I wish SRB2's custom maps/mods scene were more active aside from Kart stuff and the occasional community project, so this might help.

If its graphical style seems familiar, it's because it started life as a mod for the original Doom—although it's been so heavily modified over the decades that calling it a "Doom mod" is about as accurate as calling every game made with UE4 an "Unreal mod".
In the Doom scene, we just call these mods "total conversions" since they're obviously so different. Commercially-licensed GZDoom games, which are starting to appear sporadically, don't receive this nomenclature, but nearly every other mod in the same vein does.

This is fun, even if it feels like a doom game crossed with Sonic.
Consider that Doomguy basically is Sonic, running around at ludicrous speed with a ton of momentum.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
You restart with more and more extra lives every time you get a Game Over. So that's something.

Also... the site's down. Welp.
Yeah and I lost all of them, I had only died on that zone a few times and drowned at the end of act 1 water zone so its not like I was having a hard time with the game. Suddenly I loose what over 15 lives considering my last continue gave me 7 lives on the boss. Really frustrating, not even sure how I was activating the special stages (only got 2) to get the continues.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
Yeah and I lost all of them, I had only died on that zone a few times and drowned at the end of act 1 water zone so its not like I was having a hard time with the game. Suddenly I loose what over 15 lives considering my last continue gave me 7 lives on the boss. Really frustrating, not even sure how I was activating the special stages (only got 2) to get the continues.

Do you know you don't have to outrun the spike balls, you can just stand still and jump over them? That's the most common issue I see when people have trouble with that boss. Maybe you already knew that, but I found that boss fairly straightforward.

You activate special stages by finding an Emerald Token in the level (it looks like a gold medallion). I haven't found any after the first few zones... it'll be easier to search for them when I do my next playthrough as Tails.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Do you know you don't have to outrun the spike balls, you can just stand still and jump over them? That's the most common issue I see when people have trouble with that boss. Maybe you already knew that, but I found that boss fairly straightforward.

You activate special stages by finding an Emerald Token in the level (it looks like a gold medallion). I haven't found any after the first few zones... it'll be easier to search for them when I do my next playthrough as Tails.

I suck at jumping over them and have very few problems outrunning it but after all those deaths I get impatient. Especally considering I can get to the 2nd phase, get two hits then repeatedly fail to land the third. And at that point getting hit basically means my single ring is gone. Like I was enjoying it but that boss just sucked all my motivation away.


Oct 25, 2017
Still the best 3D Sonic after all these years.

Also, some of the mod level packs are even better.


May 31, 2019
A good friend of mine has been talking about this project for the past couple days, he's really excited. I'll of course have to check it out
Oct 27, 2017
The idea of a fan made game like this existing for 20 years, pre-DC, is amazing to me. I want to know more about this, is there anywhere I can read up on its development and history? What a crazy time capsule of gaming


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I remember playing the heck out of this as a kid. Gonna jump back in as soon as I get home!

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
They've been working on this game for over 10 years. I remember downloading it back as a freshman in high school.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
Oh good, the site's back up!

I suck at jumping over them and have very few problems outrunning it but after all those deaths I get impatient. Especally considering I can get to the 2nd phase, get two hits then repeatedly fail to land the third. And at that point getting hit basically means my single ring is gone. Like I was enjoying it but that boss just sucked all my motivation away.

That sucks. Maybe in a few days when you feel up for it you can deliberately get a bunch of Game Overs in a row to start the level with as many lives as you can. It's a really fun game and I hope you can get back into it.

Also, some of the mod level packs are even better.

Play the new version first! Mods have a high bar to live up to now. ;)

The idea of a fan made game like this existing for 20 years, pre-DC, is amazing to me. I want to know more about this, is there anywhere I can read up on its development and history? What a crazy time capsule of gaming

The SRB2 WIki probably has a page on its history... somewhere...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
fukken... I didn't care until that Super Sonic NiGHTS into Dreams segment came on.

I am fully invested now.

OK, that Kart game looks fucking dope too.

Doubly invested.
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One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
fukken... I didn't care until that Super Sonic NiGHTS into Dreams segment came on.

Oh yeah! Since the special stages all use NiGHTS gameplay, this game doubles as the (only?) good NiGHTS fangame.

There are additional stages to unlock if you get good rankings on the special stages too.


Oct 27, 2017
Started up the game, was delighted to see that they revamped the intro cutscene to be less dark. Previously, Eggman blew up a city - here, he just commits an act of natural vandalism that seems way more in line with the tone of the game and his character.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
Started up the game, was delighted to see that they revamped the intro cutscene to be less dark. Previously, Eggman blew up a city - here, he just commits an act of natural vandalism that seems way more in line with the tone of the game and his character.

The devs have talked before that the only reason the intro still exists is because it's a funny relic of the past, so it came as a big shock to me when I first booted up the new update and saw that they had redrawn all the intro images. Why would they update it if the only point of it is nostalgia?

Then I watched it and realized they had edited out the ye olde 90's edgy "Robotnik blew up a city and murdered everyone!" plot point and completely understood.


Oct 27, 2017
The devs have talked before that the only reason the intro still exists is because it's a funny relic of the past, so it came as a big shock to me when I first booted up the new update and saw that they had redrawn all the intro images. Why would they update it if the only point of it is nostalgia?

Then I watched it and realized they had edited out the ye olde 90's edgy "Robotnik blew up a city and murdered everyone!" plot point and completely understood.
I find it hilarious that they kept the super serious music for that sequence as well, when ultimately the consequences of Eggman's actions really just amount to "he defaced a mountain and put his ugly mug on it! That monster!"


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
I find it hilarious that they kept the super serious music for that sequence as well, when ultimately the consequences of Eggman's actions really just amount to "he defaced a mountain and put his ugly mug on it! That monster!"

The Egg-head Mountain is visible in the background at the end of Greenflower Zone too. They put a surprising amount of effort into revising this tiny thing instead of just cutting the intro altogether.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 24, 2018
Always thought the player sprites looked a lil rough but there is a 3D model pack out there for it goes a long way to upgrading its visuals imo. I forget the name of it atm but I remember it got its own trailer and was very nicely animated. wonder if it's compatible with this latest version.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
Always thought the player sprites looked a lil rough but there is a 3D model pack out there for it goes a long way to upgrading its visuals imo. I forget the name of it atm but I remember it got its own trailer and was very nicely animated. wonder if it's compatible with this latest version.

If it's not compatible yet, it definitely will be soon.

(Man, those levels look hilariously outdated after playing 2.2.)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Just played about 30 minutes (and 1 TT of the Kart racer). The NiGHTS bonus stage are like a dream for a NiGHTS fan that has been forgotten since the first game and disgraced since the Wii game.

I will try the 3D model pack, but I feel like the lack of a circle shadow is making platforming hard (as well as gaining momentum and speed AFTER jumping). Psychonauts had the same issue with not having a drop shadow to mark my landing - hard to tell where I am in the space, especially going fast.

Edit: Oh, that 3D model pack has a drop shadow in the trailer...