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Nov 27, 2017
"Playstation is the best place to play, to the point that we won't let you play the same game on a different console despite the developers' goal."

Get fucked.

Deleted member 1963

Every market would do the same thing. Expect it from whoever is leader next generation too. It's just smart business - as much as it sucks.
Sony is in this position because they were perceived as the "pro-consumer" option early on.

This isn't smart business long term. Gamers are a fickle bunch.

Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Well I can understand that reasoning. But it makes no sense in the context of Fortnite at all.


Oct 27, 2017
I figured this was some shit Jim Ryan would say, kind of surprised it's from Kenichiro Yoshida.

I personally don't really care about crossplay but you'd think stirring the pot further on the issue is the opposite of what they would want to do PR wise.

The only way Sony agrees to Crossplay is if the PS5 isn't the success that the PS4 is.

Haha, yes. Very Ryan-esque. Can't wait till we get some new interviews with him.

And you're spot on, won't change unless they sell less.


Oct 25, 2017

You don't build a userbase that large and then just give it away to your competitors.


Oct 25, 2017
The Internet
Well I guess the cycle continues. Can't wait for $600 PS5 with digital DRM while NextBox blows everything Sony out of the water.

Jesus Sony get your act together.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
Weelllll... Ps3 failure wiped them out to the point of losing money so...not really?

The PS3 was profitable for Sony, both in terms of hardware and software. They only lost money in the initial years. I feel like I've responded with something to this effect to you previously, but if you want to keep regurgitating misinformation that's on you.


Oct 27, 2017
Kinda sucks as an answer, but cross-play is a non-issue to them and most of the consumers don't care.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
Sony setting themselves up to be #2 or 3. If you're not gonna do it then don't and shut the hell up about it. You're just giving people a reason to look at the competition next cycle. These console companies always forget you're always a couple of fuck-ups and bad calls away from last place.

Deleted member 15538

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
They can afford to approach it like that this gen and it's rather funny too. OPTIONAL crossplay is something that should happen eventually.

R dott B

Oct 27, 2017
It'll continue to be a first party titles only console for me. It's a shame but Sony's gonna Sony.


Nov 2, 2017
He just beat Greenberg for dumbest comment from a gaming exec this week.

Fucking arrogant and illogical. How does offering cross play...or at least allowing people to access their Fortnite accounts on other platforms compromise anything?

Deleted member 1963

Agreed. But it's cyclical. Is they lose the market lead the next person will eventually do the same thing Sony is doing now. And so on and so forth.
Until one of them figures out that the smart play long term is just to maintain the pro-consumer attitude.

With gaming becoming more and more "ecosystem" based... I think MS might be onto that.

I suppose we'll see.


Oct 27, 2017
Buffalo, NY
Agreed. But it's cyclical. Is they lose the market lead the next person will eventually do the same thing Sony is doing now. And so on and so forth.

I don't think you can reverse course on this. Microsoft and Nintendo are open to it now. Suddenly saying "NO" next generation if Microsoft takes the lead would be horrible PR, and something I never see Phil Spencer doing as long as he's head of Xbox.


Oct 26, 2017
Basically as close to "no, now fuck off" as we're going to get.
I wonder if people think they are going to change with the PS5 still. They got away with locking accounts bullshit, no to cross-play is easy to get away with compared to that.

Deleted member 41931

User requested account closure
Apr 10, 2018
That doesn't make any sense. Only one thing can be the best. There's no multiple best experiences.
Last edited:
Oct 31, 2017
Well I agree.

I want my playing ecosystem to more close possible... I don't want to play against somebody else outside PS4.

But that is me of course... I even dislike cross-play with PC that have in some titles.

Yes, I fundamentally agree with you and this sentiment. This is not what the mob wants though.

When I buy a console, one of the main defining reasons I buy a console is because of parity; I know that I'm (roughly, in close approximation) getting the same experience as every other console user. This is especially relevant when it comes to considering multiplayer. While sure, people can go out of their ways to alter experiences/give advantages to themselves/find workarounds for any number of things, it is definitively more difficult to do those kinds of things on a console, and that's fundamentally the point and appeal.

People demanding that consoles and companies bend to their will, much like the PC space, is super annoying to me. If I wanted to play PC games in a PC space, I'd play fucking PC games.

Deleted member 13645

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Agreed. But it's cyclical. Is they lose the market lead the next person will eventually do the same thing Sony is doing now. And so on and so forth.

Ah is this what Spencer was joking about where people think if Xbox was in first place Spencer's horns would grow and he'd start doing stuff like cutting cross-play?


Oct 27, 2017
Stuff like this makes me glad I only play sp/solo games, but man that sucks for those who have friends with other consoles they can't play with. :(


Oct 28, 2017

You don't build a userbase that large and then just give it away to your competitors.

Lol the ol' "userbase" rhetoric. What a non-issue given how large and populated the Xbox/Switch playerbase is.

And look at Minecraft, which has a bigger userbase on Xbox One by itself. Now add in all the platforms in the Better Together update and the PS4 userbase is like a spec of sand in comparison.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So yeah it's pretty clear the solutions they were "looking into" were nonexistent and that they will never change their policy until they are in a position where they need good PR.


Nov 2, 2017
If Sony doesn't want to do it because it opens the door for their base to switch platforms, I get it. Just can't handle any more of the dumb fake excuses. "It's the children." "It'll diminish the quality of our gamers experience." Pathetic exec speak.
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