
Oct 27, 2017

Yes, it's that damn good! :)

Sou Da

Oct 25, 2017
I'll say this about Miles' dad, I really hate how this and the game try to make him feel "friendlier"

There's a presence missing that Pichelli and Bendis were admittedly good at portraying, he really felt like an older dude who used to be involved in some shit


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This is what I'm talking about. I don't for one second give two shits about what a person who says they are "sick of superhero movies" has to say about a superhero movie. Some of these people just like shit that isn't MCU out of spite.

Isn't it important to also have takes from critics who aren't as enthusiastic for the genre in general? His review might not speak to you specifically who has different interests. But his comment might perk people's ears up who might not otherwise check it out. He's framing his opinion as a non-enthusiast.

I'm not personally that into superhero films in general (it's just not my thing) but I am more intrigued after hearing buzz like this.


Oct 28, 2017
Isn't it important to also have takes from critics who aren't as enthusiastic for the genre in general? His review might not speak to you specifically who has different interests. But his comment might perk people's ears up who might not otherwise check it out. He's framing his opinion as a non-enthusiast.

Absolutely! It's unavoidable considering how many reviewers still mock superhero films every chance they get. When I see a reviewer who has a history of rolling their eyes at every superhero movie suddenly say an animated one is good I get the impression they are grading on a level they would grade a movie for children because many of them think all superhero movies are for children. So when an animated one comes along they think "now this is where they belong as a cartoon, for kids."

I'm open minded I just hate the "I'm tired of superhero movies but this one is great" nonsense.
Oct 25, 2017
I'll say this about Miles' dad, I really hate how this and the game try to make him feel "friendlier"

There's a presence missing that Pichelli and Bendis were admittedly good at portraying, he really felt like an older dude who used to be involved in some shit
You I really need to reread those early Miles issues because I don't remember his dad being cop. Or what his mom actually did. I do know that naming a black character Jefferson Davis is either Bendis be oblivious or trolling


Oct 25, 2017
Damn I was expecting good reviews but everyone seems to be gushing at this point. Well I was already seeing it as I'm a huge Spidey fan but now I'm really pumped!

Sou Da

Oct 25, 2017
You I really need to reread those early Miles issues because I don't remember his dad being cop. Or what his mom actually did. I do know that naming a black character Jefferson Davis is either Bendis be oblivious or trolling
What? I never said anything about him being a cop. Also his mom was a doctor, I remember that being introduced quite early.

His fucking name is something that to this very day I'm shocked no interviewer has asked about.
Oct 25, 2017
What? I never said anything about him being a cop. Also his mom was a doctor, I remember that being introduced quite early.

His fucking name is something that to this very day I'm shocked no interviewer has asked about.
Oh I just going on related topic about Miles dad in general :p
Back to what you said. Maybe this movie and the game both figured making his Dad unlikeable would make people not care for his relationship with Miles?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
What? I never said anything about him being a cop. Also his mom was a doctor, I remember that being introduced quite early.

His fucking name is something that to this very day I'm shocked no interviewer has asked about.
I've always wanted to interpret the choice as a wink wink "Spiderman could be named Miles Davis" joke. That might be too naive though.


Oct 25, 2017
Talking extra-comics media, Homecoming was OK, Spider-Man was good in Infinity War, Spider-Man PS4 was bad, and this looks amazing. Seems like enough Spider-Man stuff to keep everyone happy, though not everything has been great IMO.

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion, but I think you're the first person I've seen to say the bolded part.

What didn't you like about it strongly enough to consider the whole game bad?


Nov 7, 2017
Talking extra-comics media, Homecoming was OK, Spider-Man was good in Infinity War, Spider-Man PS4 was bad, and this looks amazing. Seems like enough Spider-Man stuff to keep everyone happy, though not everything has been great IMO.

Spider-man ps4 is the adaption of that character there has ever been. None of the movies have gotten him right and only maybe two of the cartoon series are even halfway decent.


Election Thread Watcher
Aug 6, 2018
I've always wanted to interpret the choice as a wink wink "Spiderman could be named Miles Davis" joke. That might be too naive though.

Its definitely naive.

Its almost a trope for prominent Black characters to be named in homage to prominent civil rights leaders. Usually MLK, Malcolm, or similar. "Jackson King" in stormwatch being the least subtle example of this that i can recall.

Bendis deciding to name his black character Jefferson Davis instead is obvious trolling of this particular trope.


Oct 28, 2017
To think... could Kathleen Kennedy have prevented this movie from having this kind of quality (by keeping Lord and Miller on Solo and other LucasFilm projects?). Or was Lord and Miller's script already in Sony's hands before taking on Solo?
Already on Sony hands. They getting out of Solo had no impact in this movie
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely! It's unavoidable considering how many reviewers still mock superhero films every chance they get. When I see a reviewer who has a history of rolling their eyes at every superhero movie suddenly say an animated one is good I get the impression they are grading on a level they would grade a movie for children because many of them think all superhero movies are for children. So when an animated one comes along they think "now this is where they belong as a cartoon, for kids."

I'm open minded I just hate the "I'm tired of superhero movies but this one is great" nonsense.

Is David Erlich's opinion really that important to you? Do you really need your love of something validated that much? As another poster said, his readership might not be into most comic book movies. Thats fine.

The thing that is childish is this constant need to for everyone ever to take the thing you like seriously and to hold it with as much reverence as you do.

Grow up.
Oct 25, 2017
You are absolutely entitled to your opinion, but I think you're the first person I've seen to say the bolded part.

What didn't you like about it strongly enough to consider the whole game bad?
The game spent the entire first two-thirds spinning its wheels on a boring villain in Martin Li, overly plotting until the prison scene where the game actually gets to the good story beats, and by then the game is already way too long and the snap-to-enemy, press-circle-to-dodge combat is already super tired and I just wanted all the time spent up to that point on more of the main bad guy and his relationship with Peter rather than bad Mary Jane drama, bad side content, and sort of fun but too low of a skill ceiling web swinging. Peter's quips I liked, but JJJ's podcasts were obnoxious and horribly unfunny in contrast. And then that late-game death... whew that was weird. Pointless dilemma that felt really contrived and there was a big story missed opportunity that I won't get into right now because it would need spoiler tags and this is already too long.

So yeah, I thought it was all in all pretty bad.

Spider-man ps4 is the adaption of that character there has ever been. None of the movies have gotten him right and only maybe two of the cartoon series are even halfway decent.
I don't value the adaptation of the character. Peter's character was probably one of the better parts of the game though.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I remember all the gaming side types ( you know the ones) complaining about framerates and graphix.


Oct 27, 2017
Man people want to be special snowflakes because they hate something the unwashed masses love. It is the new version of "I don't even own a tv and I only listen to unsigned bands"

All the respect to Indiewire, but if you're going to search for movie critics with your described point of view, you're most likely going to find them there. That's why their opinion doesn't have to matter to you.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Would the movie still be enjoyable for non fans? I'm thinking of bringing a friend of mine who doesn't really like super hero movies.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Would the movie still be enjoyable for non fans? I'm thinking of bringing a friend of mine who doesn't really like super hero movies.
According to reviewers this movie seems to be a "breath of fresh air" for people who have been tired of modern superhero movies
If you're going to bring him to one, you should probably make it this movie


Oct 25, 2017
They are producers on Spiderverse.
Can't have it both ways

They wrote it, produced it, and decided to make the Miles the star. I doubt the movie even exists without Lord & Miller.

They didn't write Solo, whatever ideas they had for the film were rejected, and most if not all of their work was completely thrown out when Ron Howard took over to more or less reshoot the entire thing. In the end all they got was a nebulous Exec Producer credit.

Are you really trying to argue they had the same level of involvement on these two films? You may as well blame James Cameron for how Piranha 2 turned out


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 27, 2017
Got two invites to go with my son, learned that people will be camping out hours ahead for the limited spots.