
Oct 27, 2017
I always see you and the thriller guy complaining about ps4 getting exclsives. Dont you have a ps4?

I'm someone that doesn't own a ps4, because I have zero interest / need for it. Not because it doesn't have great games / exclusives, but because XB1 has simply more great games than I even have time to play.

So I will always be a little excited when a former ps4 exclusive finally makes it over to my console, like Hellblade (so pumped, already have it digitally preordered), and Crash Trilogy. And I'm very pleased to see Spyro won't be timed exclusive at all.


Nov 8, 2017
They're keeping their product the same, while paying to hurt the product of the other, to make their own product look "better".
No consumer benefits from that.
Understand that this same argument can be used for first-party games. I'm sure God of War would sell at least a little better if players outside of PS4 could play it. Interesting how nobody complains or port begs over those kind of games - maybe because no one is THAT clueless.

Consumers who own the product(s) that get certain games benefit from this stuff. That's how consoles sell to a lot of people and spark competition. It just sucks for people that don't and, for whatever reason, choose not to. Whether it be first-party or third-party, the piece of plastic hardware itself doesn't change, but it does look better with exclusive content timed or permanent. And often times the product benefits too, but that's a discussion for another thread.


Nov 2, 2017
Understand that this same argument can be used for first-party games. I'm sure God of War would sell at least a little better if players outside of PS4 could play it. Interesting how nobody complains or port begs over those kind of games - maybe because no one is THAT clueless.

Consumers who own the product(s) that get certain games benefit from this stuff. That's how consoles sell to a lot of people and spark competition. It just sucks for people that don't and, for whatever reason, choose not to. Whether it be first-party or third-party, the piece of plastic hardware itself doesn't change, but it does look better with exclusive content timed or permanent. And often times the product benefits too, but that's a discussion for another thread.

I mean to an extent, the difference is that first party is directly funded studios that wouldn't exist (necessarily) were it not for the publisher funding them.

Sony or MS going to a near finished product and buying exclusivity to take it off one platform for a period or forever doesn't add anything extra to consumers of that platform (the game was coming anyway) and simply takes a creative project away from the rival platform. It doesn't really benefit anyone.

I know why companies do it, and personally it doesn't bother me at all, its business. But for consumers its not really a positive thing.


Nov 8, 2017
I mean to an extent, the difference is that first party is directly funded studios that wouldn't exist (necessarily) were it not for the publisher funding them.

Sony or MS going to a near finished product and buying exclusivity to take it off one platform for a period or forever doesn't add anything extra to consumers of that platform (the game was coming anyway) and simply takes a creative project away from the rival platform. It doesn't really benefit anyone.
There's truth to this even if it doesn't change the principles behind exclusivity and Spyro being on some devices but not all.

Maybe "benefit" is a strong word to use. A consumer base getting exclusive content is not some amazing thing - especially when they are already invested. The way I see it, however, is that said consumer base is not being ignored like they would be if they played elsewhere.

And if you want to get your most anticipated games as soon as possible, like me with Spyro, that can mean a lot to you by itself.


Oct 25, 2017
Saw this posted on Reddit and I gotta say I agree with most of it. Hopefully Toys for Bob has time to fix most of this stuff:

did they really need photoshop to figure those two screens have different color palettes

"here is a graph, for you see our opinion is based on data"

also no complaint is legit if it's from someone who thinks the game is a remaster


OG Direct OP
Oct 25, 2017
Let's say my 4 yr old son loves Knack and R&C. He might like Spyro?
I believe he will become obsessed.

The Spyro games have such an amazing charm.

My daughter will be 4 in July, and I fully plan on getting her into Spyro. She's enjoyed some Nintendo stuff up till now, but I plan to make her a gamer with Spyro.


Oct 27, 2017
For $40 I think it's worth a shot for him.

Spyro is probably more similar to Knack, and you get three games in one package so it'll be more worthwhile than Knack or R&C.
I believe he will become obsessed.

The Spyro games have such an amazing charm.

My daughter will be 4 in July, and I fully plan on getting her into Spyro. She's enjoyed some Nintendo stuff up till now, but I plan to make her a gamer with Spyro.
I'll hold you to accountable if he doesn't like it ;) Thanks.


Oct 25, 2017
did they really need photoshop to figure those two screens have different color palettes

"here is a graph, for you see our opinion is based on data"

also no complaint is legit if it's from someone who thinks the game is a remaster

Of course the complaint is legit. Like how does someone calling it a remaster invalidate their complaint? Also it's what these remakes are being referred to by the industry and journalists alike. See Crash N'Sane Trilogy. Obviously a remake but is referred to as a remaster to the point that people got confused.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, that's a lot of effort to nitpick a remake of a 20-year-old game. Of course things will look different as well.
I personally think it looks beautiful. Looking forward to it.


Oct 25, 2017
Of course the complaint is legit. Like how does someone calling it a remaster invalidate their complaint? Also it's what these remakes are being referred to by the industry and journalists alike. See Crash N'Sane Trilogy. Obviously a remake but is referred to as a remaster to the point that people got confused.
Obviously that comment wasn't delivered in full sincerity, but it is a stupid complaint for reasons other than their choice of words.

Also I'm not going to start being wrong about things on purpose just because some other people are wrong about it. TLOU is a remaster, Spyro and Crash are remakes.


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
I don't think it's the right approach to have a strictly puritanical way of evaluating the way things you loved are brought back. I genuinely don't believe anyone here has more nostalgia with this game than me - I was obsessed about it as a kid, and have memories of playing with my brother and even my grandmother for years. Seeing it artistically reimagined, inspired but not limited by the original in such good quality is incredibly special to me, and I don't understand why people are obsessing over colour palettes, especially when it's to have more colour and variety, not less. If this was a "gritty" interpretation of Spyro I would be as mad as anyone, but no, it goes beyond what the original art was able to accomplish, but very much inspired and in homage to it.

I'll of course wait to play the game to see if they nailed the gameplay, and to determine if it's a good game. But judging by the art and the animation I think this is a dream come true, for someone who played the original so much and filled in the blanks with what the graphics weren't able to give me.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Yep, that's the problem with armchair devs. They don't realize that PS1 games had such a basic color palette since they couldn't really do lighting of any kind, beyond pre-baking in "lit" textures in spots. When you take the same palette as a basis and apply real lights to it with the power of current-gen machines, it's going to look drastically different than the flat colors and textures from 20 years ago. It's not as easy as opening up a histogram in photoshop and fucking around with a slider.
This, by the way can be easily observed in Super Mario Odyssey (post-credit spoiler):
Super Mario's 64-model looks very odd at times under the lighting in Odyssey.

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
These are the games that embued obsessive "collect everything you can find" mentality within my gaming at a young age. I had to get every gem, orb, dragon egg, etc. to unlock all the levels. Did anyone else experience this kind of early, permanent brainwashing that bled into future gaming habits?


Oct 25, 2017
Saw this posted on Reddit and I gotta say I agree with most of it. Hopefully Toys for Bob has time to fix most of this stuff:

Man, I can usually relate to nitpicks when it comes to remakes/remasters of beloved old games, but these go beyond what I can understand. The remake looks like an adequately faithful translation of the original game's art style but with far more detail. You could apply these same nitpicks to the N. Sane Trilogy, which most people agreed looked great.

Deleted member 2791

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe it's just me but I like more the new art direction than the old one. So I won't complain about these changes.


Oct 25, 2017
Guys I spotted a legit complaint with this port...

The new version has too many polygons...

Look closely... when you see it you won't be able to unsee it...

Let's make this go viral... the devs need to be held accountable for this oversight...

Deleted member 32018

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
It seems to me that people are basically complaining that the devs spent too much hard work in modernizing the game and should have just released a game where all that had been done was an upres?


Oct 25, 2017
Obviously that comment wasn't delivered in full sincerity, but it is a stupid complaint for reasons other than their choice of words.

Also I'm not going to start being wrong about things on purpose just because some other people are wrong about it. TLOU is a remaster, Spyro and Crash are remakes.

I mean you also misunderstood the reason for showing the color palettes. It wasn't to show they were different, but show in what ways they were different for people who can't discern color. And while this post is nit picky and goes too far, it does have some legitimate criticisms IMO.

On image number 4 (I'm using mobile so maybe it's ordered different using a desktop) the removal of the pink fog below the city really makes no sense. It pulls away from the original aesthetic of that level, but otherwise looks good.

On image 8 the remake changed the tops of the castle from red to blue with flags on top. That doesn't sound like an art decision that just seems like they were reusing the assets from the castle. Oh and the lighting seems a little dark, maybe lighten it up a bit. But beyond those two things I think it looks amazing.

Only other complaint I really have is the egg thief but I know that's actually a ridiculous nitpick.

So yeah there are some actual legit complaints in there. They went too far but that doesn't mean you should just disregard it as silly whining.


Oct 26, 2017
Saw this posted on Reddit and I gotta say I agree with most of it. Hopefully Toys for Bob has time to fix most of this stuff:

Basically somepeople just want an HD port???

We are getting a full remake and people complain about it "not faithfull enough!!!1". We get up res ports and people complain about it "lazy devs!!1"

Poor devs lmao


Dec 5, 2017
While I think the remakes look great, I say let the nitpickers complain, it did potentially help Crash anyways.


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
dont know if this was mentioned here, but I just saw it on twitter, but this is made with Unreal Engine


Oct 25, 2017
I'm kinda excited about this but the new art direction looks pants and is exactly the problem modern Spyro games had.

Colorimetry is being affected due to the modernization of the game (lighting techniques, shaders etc).
There is nothing inherent to the technology that would prevent them from achieving a desired look. This is poor direction.


Oct 25, 2017
Has there ever been a Spyro artbook showing the design concepts etc. of the characters, levels and games?
Thinking about it now, I don't recall such an artbook being made for the series.


Oct 28, 2017
They can make the grass whatever color they want, even with a proper lighting system. UE4 is very flexible so it really isn't a technical limitation of any sort, your imagination is the limit. This is clearly their artists' choice. And personally I'm fine with it, if some people want the exact same visual experience the original game is still there.

Lady Bow

Nov 30, 2017
Jesus Christ I wasn't expecting 15 notifications when I woke up. The devs themselves said they want to be faithful to the original game and I thought the gallery I posted was a good stepping stone to getting closer to that. Most of it was constructive and yet everyone here is calling it "petty" and "feeling sorry for the devs." It's not shooting shit at them it's feedback. Literally the same thing happened when Crash was revealed and fans of the original trilogy took the time to give constructive feedback as well. Vicarious Visions took some of that feedback to heart too. Y'all need to relax.

Treasure Silvergun

Self-requested ban
Dec 4, 2017
I'm probably in the minority here, but... differently from Crash, Spyro is pretty much all about the same thing, ie a collectathon of eggs and gems through levels that are rarely anything more than a generic backdrop, rarely interesting in and of themselves. Crash always allowed for some variations in gameplay (running towards the screen, sidescrolling levels), whereas Spyro had those minigames in Year of the Dragon and... that was pretty much it.

What I mean is, there's little reason to return to the first Spyro in 2018 when Year of the Dragon exists. I know Ripto's Rage/Gateway to Glimmer has its fans, but really, Year of the Dragon is all you really need to get your Spyro fix.

Anyway, the Spyro games started giving me motion sickness when I tried returning to them a year after completing YotD, so I guess the improvements in framerate could make these games playable to me again.

Mar Tuuk

Oct 31, 2017
Out of everything in the nitpicks the one I do agree with is the egg thief.
They should change his eyes.



Feb 12, 2018
Jesus Christ I wasn't expecting 15 notifications when I woke up. The devs themselves said they want to be faithful to the original game and I thought the gallery I posted was a good stepping stone to getting closer to that. Most of it was constructive and yet everyone here is calling it "petty" and "feeling sorry for the devs." It's not shooting shit at them it's feedback. Literally the same thing happened when Crash was revealed and fans of the original trilogy took the time to give constructive feedback as well. Vicarious Visions took some of that feedback to heart too. Y'all need to relax.

Yeah, there's got to be a middle ground where we can talk about this stuff without erupting into two separate camps of "omg it's a desecration of the original a disaster" and "omg shut up nitpickers".

Thinking back now to the way SotC was discussed on this forum.

This remake stuff is super-interesting cause you get into that kind of tension between modernising an old thing and just the difficulty of doing a good tribute to the original without being slavish. But also trying to recognise that there are parts which can't be kept in line with the new vision.

I agree and disagree with a good lot of the stuff the /v/ guys are saying. The gems should stand out more and be loud as fuck imo. But the game shouldn't look radioactive either.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
yeah the color palette criticisms are valid. weird seeing so many people trying to instantly shut down that criticism


Oct 25, 2017
I mean you also misunderstood the reason for showing the color palettes. It wasn't to show they were different, but show in what ways they were different for people who can't discern color. And while this post is nit picky and goes too far, it does have some legitimate criticisms IMO.

On image number 4 (I'm using mobile so maybe it's ordered different using a desktop) the removal of the pink fog below the city really makes no sense. It pulls away from the original aesthetic of that level, but otherwise looks good.

On image 8 the remake changed the tops of the castle from red to blue with flags on top. That doesn't sound like an art decision that just seems like they were reusing the assets from the castle. Oh and the lighting seems a little dark, maybe lighten it up a bit. But beyond those two things I think it looks amazing.

Only other complaint I really have is the egg thief but I know that's actually a ridiculous nitpick.

So yeah there are some actual legit complaints in there. They went too far but that doesn't mean you should just disregard it as silly whining.
Having minor nitpicks is fair enough, I just think it's absurd that some random person liking red roofs more than blue roofs takes over the narrative of an entire video game. They have the right to say so of course, it's the framing of the opinion as the devs not knowing what they're doing or being lazy that is irritating.


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
So the sun shining on grass would not turn it more yellow then? If you control the color and just make it green again then using the modern lighting is pointless.
it's not pointless, it's about control. it's about have a shit ton of tools to do things. if you want realistic lighting, you can have that. if you want realistic light bounce, but want the indirect color to be purple, you can have that. it's about having your cake and eating it, not about achieving absolutely realism (unless you want that, then you still have to tools to achieve it)


Feb 12, 2018
I'm probably in the minority here, but... differently from Crash, Spyro is pretty much all about the same thing, ie a collectathon of eggs and gems through levels that are rarely anything more than a generic backdrop, rarely interesting in and of themselves. Crash always allowed for some variations in gameplay (running towards the screen, sidescrolling levels), whereas Spyro had those minigames in Year of the Dragon and... that was pretty much it.

What I mean is, there's little reason to return to the first Spyro in 2018 when Year of the Dragon exists. I know Ripto's Rage/Gateway to Glimmer has its fans, but really, Year of the Dragon is all you really need to get your Spyro fix.

Anyway, the Spyro games started giving me motion sickness when I tried returning to them a year after completing YotD, so I guess the improvements in framerate could make these games playable to me again.
I think Year of the Dragon is Spyro 3, in which case I found that one really boring cause of all the gimmicks and side-characters.

1 and/or 2 are the only ones I'll be giving any time too.


Nov 2, 2017
There's truth to this even if it doesn't change the principles behind exclusivity and Spyro being on some devices but not all.

Maybe "benefit" is a strong word to use. A consumer base getting exclusive content is not some amazing thing - especially when they are already invested. The way I see it, however, is that said consumer base is not being ignored like they would be if they played elsewhere.

And if you want to get your most anticipated games as soon as possible, like me with Spyro, that can mean a lot to you by itself.

It doesn't really benefit you though. Its different if exclusivity is secured through funding development or advancing development of the game such as with PUBG...but just buying it outright isn't a consumer benefit. You'd get the same game either way and all it means is you get it but your friend with a different system doesn't. That is no benefit at all.

Anyhow Spyro doesn't have any exclusivity so this is OT.


Oct 25, 2017
Who in here is calling them lazy?
It was mentioned they used a blue roof so that they could just copy the asset from another castle - which is silly of course since changing the color of a material takes two seconds. That aside, it's a long-running comment made by fans in general and is incorrect 99.9% of the time.


Oct 25, 2017
Having minor nitpicks is fair enough, I just think it's absurd that some random person liking red roofs more than blue roofs takes over the narrative of an entire video game. They have the right to say so of course, it's the framing of the opinion as the devs not knowing what they're doing or being lazy that is irritating.

I don't think the imgur almbum was calling the devs lazy.

It was mentioned they used a blue roof so that they could just copy the asset from another castle - which is silly of course since changing the color of a material takes two seconds. That aside, it's a long-running comment made by fans in general and is incorrect 99.9% of the time.

I mean I just mentioned that? And it's basically true. It's the identical rooftops from another castle. I'm not calling it lazy, but it definitely doesn't fall under the protection of "artist's vision" people keep saying. And because it's easy to change I think they honestly should change it and why I called it out.

And so essentially you were getting irritated at this general devs are lazy comment that was being said by next to no one in this thread and basically making fun of people who have criticisms because of that comment that wasn't really being made.