
Nov 8, 2017
I think that the remasters (I'm just staying consistent with the marketing) are a good realization of the storybook/ fairy tale vibes that Insomniac tried with the originals - particularly Spyro 2 with its Guidebook.

We have to remember that a lot of artistic decisions are made because of hardware limitations, but the PS4 and Xbox One have more than enough power to do these games justice.

Plus the originals will always be there with their retro appeal, so there's that.

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
I'm probably in the minority here, but... differently from Crash, Spyro is pretty much all about the same thing, ie a collectathon of eggs and gems through levels that are rarely anything more than a generic backdrop, rarely interesting in and of themselves. Crash always allowed for some variations in gameplay (running towards the screen, sidescrolling levels), whereas Spyro had those minigames in Year of the Dragon and... that was pretty much it.

What I mean is, there's little reason to return to the first Spyro in 2018 when Year of the Dragon exists. I know Ripto's Rage/Gateway to Glimmer has its fans, but really, Year of the Dragon is all you really need to get your Spyro fix.

Anyway, the Spyro games started giving me motion sickness when I tried returning to them a year after completing YotD, so I guess the improvements in framerate could make these games playable to me again.

I like the mini quests in each game. Doing favors for citizens that involved collecting and racing and stealth and beating bosses was fun.
Oct 27, 2017
Eh, let's wait for the game to actually come out before whining on the ugly graphics.

If it's at the same level of the Crash Bandicoot remaster it'll look great.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean I just mentioned that? And it's basically true. It's the identical rooftops from another castle. I'm not calling it lazy, but it definitely doesn't fall under the protection of "artist's vision" people keep saying. And because it's easy to change I think they honestly should change it and why I called it out.

And so essentially you were getting irritated at this general devs are lazy comment that was being said by next to no one in this thread and basically making fun of people who have criticisms because of that comment that wasn't really being made.
Honestly I don't see what business you have claiming that it was not the artist's intention to change the color of the roof. They did it because they wanted to do it. If you're saying they didn't want it to be that way but also didn't want to move the hue slider, I'm not sure what else you could be calling them if not lazy.

You certainly have the right to nitpick whatever you want, but IMO it's just depressing to see when someone reveals the result of all their hard work and they're just met with "move that rock over there and change the color of that roof".


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Only compliment I had was sparx, and I already got used to his new design.

Deleted member 26768

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 30, 2017
i personally don't see an issue with the devs making differences in colour palettes, if anything i am more worried about how saturated everything appears so far and how tiring that will be on the eyes while playing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Stolen from the switch Spyro thread:

Is Spyro running on ue4??? Or are they just enthusiastic to play this remake?


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I don't see what business you have claiming that it was not the artist's intention to change the color of the roof. They did it because they wanted to do it. If you're saying they didn't want it to be that way but also didn't want to move the hue slider, I'm not sure what else you could be calling them if not lazy.

You certainly have the right to nitpick whatever you want, but IMO it's just depressing to see when someone reveals the result of all their hard work and they're just met with "move that rock over there and change the color of that roof".

If you want to consider that me calling the devs lazy then go ahead. You're wrong, but think it. By the way, I consider it a time saving and even a cost cutting measure because it was easy to reuse the asset since it was there.

And most people, myself included, here appreciate the hard work put into it. And most have even have said as much. So they're not just met with criticism.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm probably in the minority here, but... differently from Crash, Spyro is pretty much all about the same thing, ie a collectathon of eggs and gems through levels that are rarely anything more than a generic backdrop, rarely interesting in and of themselves. Crash always allowed for some variations in gameplay (running towards the screen, sidescrolling levels), whereas Spyro had those minigames in Year of the Dragon and... that was pretty much it.

What I mean is, there's little reason to return to the first Spyro in 2018 when Year of the Dragon exists. I know Ripto's Rage/Gateway to Glimmer has its fans, but really, Year of the Dragon is all you really need to get your Spyro fix.

Anyway, the Spyro games started giving me motion sickness when I tried returning to them a year after completing YotD, so I guess the improvements in framerate could make these games playable to me again.

Year of the Dragon is in no way better than Spyro 2.


Oct 25, 2017
Something I'd really love to see in the remake of Spyro 3 that I know won't happen is intro and ending cutscenes for each level like in Spyro 2. I love Spyro 3 but you can really feel the lack of those scenes.


Nov 8, 2017
Didn't someone use UE4 to do a Spyro fan project?

EDIT: Just checked YouTube. Apparently several people used UE4 to do Spyro fan projects. -.-


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Rito Village
If people throw this much of a fit over Spyro I can't wait to see how the same folks react if the next Pokémon game returns to Kanto in HD. It's ridiculous and I hope the devs ignore the nitpicky complaints. The game looks fantastic.


Oct 27, 2017
Year of the Dragon is in no way better than Spyro 2.

eh, I'd put them neck in neck really. Minigames and other playable characters - your mileage may vary of course, but the core Spyro stages are stronger than ever and offer plenty of challenges for what, six eggs per world? Certainly more in depth than Spyro 2's 2 or 3 orbs per world (though Spyro 2 did have the Talismans too - always sad they got rid of those.) I liked the boss fights a lot more in 3 too - Gulp can go fuck himself.

Actually, I think I just convinced myself I like Spyro 3 more. I think it just comes down to whether you like the other playable characters or not. The minigames in 2 were more obtuse on average I'd say.


Dec 11, 2017
This thread is so off the scale bonkers that I feel like someone has confirmed for real that Santa's body was found washed up on a river bank.

If this is what we argue about now then I guess we've reached as close to nirvana as possible. Because let's face it, we've literally run out of things to argue about.

Oh well. At least I'll be able to use this thread to make that point.

Happy holidays everyone. God bless us all!


Nov 8, 2017
If people throw this much of a fit over Spyro I can't wait to see how the same folks react if the next Pokémon game returns to Kanto in HD. It's ridiculous and I hope the devs ignore the nitpicky complaints. The game looks fantastic.
I think Spyro looks great overall. I'm just confused over Sparx redesign.
Nintendo is pretty good at ignoring what people want.
Oct 25, 2017
The game running on UE4 explains why my first thought of the Artisans pics was that it reminded me of the fan videos where they just threw Mario or Link in a standard UE4 environment.


Oct 27, 2017
They might not have the resources epic has and epic knows the engine in an outs like no one else would.
The people who made Fortnite and UE4 are Epic and Epic showing in depth on how they optimised their latest title with UE4 on PC and Consoles in those videos from GDC few weeks ago

Devs using UE4 can learn alot from this by creators of Unreal Engine 4


Oct 25, 2017
The people who made Fortnite are Epic and Epic showing in depth on how they optimised their latest title on PC and Consoles in those videos from GDC few weeks ago

Devs using UE4 can learn alot from this especially by the same creators of UE4 themselves
It honestly depends on how late into dev they are too though. Like I do hope they can hit the 60FPS target but I wont hold my breath either.


Oct 26, 2017

No PC or Switch version and the two consoles are at 30fps. Looks like I'll skip this and see if any other versions come up. Graphics look great though. Never played any of these games but I'd like to.
Oct 27, 2017
The people who made Fortnite and UE4 are Epic and Epic showing in depth on how they optimised their latest title with UE4 on PC and Consoles in those videos from GDC few weeks ago

Devs using UE4 can learn alot from this by creators of Unreal Engine 4

It honestly depends on how late into dev they are too though. Like I do hope they can hit the 60FPS target but I wont hold my breath either.

Were the original games at 60 fps? I honestly have no idea


Nov 8, 2017
They're gonna be 30fps on both consoles - just like Crash. One reason they gave for keeping Crash at 30 was to stay consistent with the originals - I think that was a PR answer and they just had no plans to optimize for 60.

Meanwhile, if the framerate is smooth like Crash, then I don't care if they optimize for 60 or not. You don't need 60fps to play a platformer.

Council Pop

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Please forgive me for picking you out when I've seen this sentiment expressed by a number of people, but this suggestion honestly makes no sense to me.

Of course we could tell when a game was a great one when we were kids. There's a reason why so many of us grew up loving Sonic and Crash and Banjo-Kazooie and Mario and Spyro and have such fond memories of them and that's because they were all excellent games. If you subscribed to any gaming magazines, you'd also have seen how critically acclaimed they all were too which would help any youngster know that they were legitimately good games to begin with.

I get that trends change and games have evolved a lot, but I have played through the original Spyro games multiple times throughout my lire and I've never found myself thinking anying other than 'man, this is still so much fun to play'.

Just like with Crash last year, I think any arguments that 'Spyro was never good', or 'it just won't hold up today' will be exposed for the nonsense it really is.

No worries, and you make a good point. I guess that I mean that when we're children, our critical eye is less finely tuned, and our limited experience of video games can mean that we're more easily impressed, or conversely that we dislike games which don't give us instant gratification.

Nostalgia and memory is very powerful, and can absolutely effect our objectivity, and anyway, tastes mature- how many people love the same music that they did when they were a kid or a young teen? I mean, I'm pretty glad that I'm not still under the impression that Good Charlotte and Linkin Park are great bands.

When I was 9 and 10 I loved games like Lego Racers and Toy Story 2, but playing them now it's pretty clear that they're not very good games. With stuff like Mario 64 or Tomba! or Tony Hawk Pro Skater or whatever, those games have all those nostalgic feelings too, but also left a much deeper impression which transcends the context I originally played them in, as the gameplay itself is what takes priority when I think of those games.

With Spyro specifically it's more difficult to tell, as I haven't played those games at all since I was about 10, and only really played them at friend's houses/borrowed the games from friends. This might be why they didn't leave that deep impression that truly great games leave on you, or it might be because they were just kinda throwaway kids games- I guess I'll find out in September.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm currently studying "Political and Public communications" in my local university, i'm from Italy (Ciao ragazzi). One of the courses of this semester is called "Social media analysis" and we are learning how to "inspect" social media in order to extract some interesting data about sentiment, reactions and the mood of people on social networks. Every single data that you can extract from Social Networks with these tools are public data.

I wanted to use my, basic, knowledge to study reactions on video game announcements to improve my skills using the Twitter's and Facebook's API. This is not in any means a scientific study, it's a little exercise for me and maybe a fun read for everybody else.

The Spyro Reignited Trilogy Announcement got me inspired. I decided to inspect the reaction of the gaming community first on Twitter then on Facebook. In order to do so i've used a program called "R Studio", which is a language,R is kinda like C++, as well as an ecosystem in which you can use some "libraries" that let you do interesting thing.

First, you'll need to retrieve data, public data of course, from the social network, then you need to prepare your "corpus", in this case the "text" in the tweets that i've selected, by eliminating stop words and such, and after that, we can proceed in doing the "sentiment analysis".
Sentiment analysis assign a "score" at every word in a corpus according to an algorithm . I'm currently using "EmoLex", by Saif Mohammad, who is a Researcher in Computational Linguistics at the National Research Council Canada (NRC). You can find how Emolex Works in this link:

Twitter API's let me retrieve a max of 18000 tweet per call, searching in all the tweet sent in the last 6-9 days.

In the Switch case i was able to retrieve a little under 3000 tweets that contains the word "Spyro" and "Switch". For PlayStation 4 i was able to retrieve 6292 tweets that contains the words "Spyro" and "Ps4". For Xbox One, i've retrieves 3049 Tweets.



In the first graphs you can see the recurrent words in the "corpus" made by the tweets that i've considered for Switch (>150), Ps4(>200) and Xbox One (>150).

Over there you can see instead the sentiment Analysis.

Over there you can see the most recurrent words in the comments on the official Facebook Spyro Pages (6218 comments).

Consider that the Lexicon is not specifically tuned for video games and such, but it's interesting to see how the community reacted.

The Analysis it's far from perfect and i've made some mistake for sure, gut overall it was fun, hope you'll enjoy my work. Sorry for the bad English :P
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
Eh, let's wait for the game to actually come out before whining on the ugly graphics.

If it's at the same level of the Crash Bandicoot remaster it'll look great.

I mean, Crash Bandicoot's final graphics were changed to closer match the originals because of constructive criticism like this pre-release. That's when the bulk of development takes place, after all. I don't see the point in keeping silent about what we've been shown.

Deleted member 32018

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
I mean, Crash Bandicoot's final graphics were changed to closer match the originals because of constructive criticism like this pre-release. That's when the bulk of development takes place, after all. I don't see the point in keeping silent about what we've been shown.

The problem is that you can't keep everyone happy. If they change the artstyle now, that may make people who were happy with how it already looked, unhappy.


Oct 25, 2017
The problem is that you can't keep everyone happy. If they change the artstyle now, that may make people who were happy with how it already looked, unhappy.

True, but the purpose is for a remake/remaster of the original. Getting closer imo should be the end goal. Which is why VV made some changes after it was shown off.

Deleted member 32018

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
True, but the purpose is for a remake/remaster of the original. Getting closer imo should be the end goal. Which is why VV made some changes after it was shown off.

A remake/remaster doesn't necessarily need to be close to the original. I doubt FF7R will look much like the original for example. Where I do agree, however, is that I believe that the devs did say that they wanted to keep true to the original so I guess you are right that their end goal should be to get it looking closer to the original. Either way I'll be happy.


Oct 25, 2017
My gawd, is this beautiful, I might just day 1 this. Any chance Naughty Dog might do the same for Jak trilogy?