
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
FFVI Remake with the Bravely Deafult style. Would be magical imo.

To be honest i even would want FFVII and FFIX in that style. I don't see the need for a big AAA Remaster that has to be cut into 3 Parts to make it money back.

And i would want SE to Port some of their Last Gen/current Gen Titles to the switch. Easy money. Life is strange, FFXIII Trilogy, Tomb Raider, Nier, The Last Remnant, World of Final Fantasy, Drakengard 3, etc.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
They absolutely need to get Kingdom Hearts over on the Switch, ASAP. The artstyle is super clean and it graphics won't take a major hit if they decide to port over KH3. Meanwhile KH 1.5+2.5 would generate stupid amounts of money for nothing, while creating a proper userbase for the franchise on Nintendo Platforms.


Nov 5, 2017
They absolutely need to get Kingdom Hearts over on the Switch, ASAP. The artstyle is super clean and it graphics won't take a major hit if they decide to port over KH3. Meanwhile KH 1.5+2.5 would generate stupid amounts of money for nothing, while creating a proper userbase for the franchise on Nintendo Platforms.
I'm skeptical that any Nomura directed title will hit a Nintendo platform. It'd be nice to be proven wrong but so far Nomura is very resistant to making a title on Nintendo systems. No title that has had his involvement has hit a Nintendo platform including remakes and re-releases of titles he originally directed.
Oct 27, 2017
While I would LOVE a new TWEWY, I don't really want it on Switch. It really would've been best as a 3DS or Wii U title. I just can't imagine playing it with only one screen.
Actually, The World Ends With You would be perfect for the Switch simply because of the Joy-Con. Since they act as self contained controllers, the dual combat of the original can be turned into an eclectic co-op experience.


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
I'm skeptical that any Nomura directed title will hit a Nintendo platform. It'd be nice to be proven wrong but so far Nomura is very resistant to making a title on Nintendo systems. No title that has had his involvement has hit a Nintendo platform including remakes and re-releases of titles he originally directed.
If SE forced his hand, it will happen. KH and the Nintendo is an attempt they should try again despite his 3D turned out. And with SE talking about multiplatform focus, late 2018 gives them enough time to build up the series and port 3 to switch. Especially with the series collection coming to PS4. Time to crank out a $100 collection and use that 32GB cart again


Oct 29, 2017
Mt. Whatever
haha, Automata on the Switch? They can't even fix their PC version, let alone port to a whole new system.

Platinum and SE have already announced their gearing up for the next NieR game. Automata did so well, it's probably not considered "mid-tier" anymore. 'Least that's the hope, bigger budget, more technical refinement.


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
I wish they would port Saga Scarlet Grace as well as Romancing Saga 2 and 3, then localize all of them.
Playing RS2 on iphone is a torture.
Oct 27, 2017
North Carolina
This was my first thought, but they had to leave PS3 version behind, so realistically how long until they would have to leave the Switch version behind?
After Stormblood released. I find it hard to believe PS3 was holding the game back in a very significant way. Always viewed their server set up as their most problematic area.

Regardless of all that, I don't think Switch would hold the game back nearly as much as some of the more diehard PC/PS4 players would claim.

All in all. I doubt SE would port it over regardless. I can continue to dream tho, lol.


Oct 27, 2017
SQEX owns the ActRaiser IP, right? If so, how about a new ActRaiser? I'd like this new ActRaiser to be more like ActRaiser 1, not ActRaiser 2. But if i had to chose between ActRaiser and no ActRaiser, i take a new ActRaiser even if it is like ActRaiser 2.

P.S.: SQEX, if you didn't get the hint in the sentence above, i want a new ActRaiser.

Chrono Trigger remake with a 16 bit Octopath graphical style.

Oh, and this too. Thanks!


Oct 27, 2017
Platinum and SE have already announced their gearing up for the next NieR game. Automata did so well, it's probably not considered "mid-tier" anymore. 'Least that's the hope, bigger budget, more technical refinement.

I can't recall the last time Square Enix devoting a bigger budget to any of their Japanese games led to something good. Nier / Drakengard is a good example of an IP that benefits from a relatively tight budget, since it has historically led to a more focused product.


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
I can't recall the last time Square Enix devoting a bigger budget to any of their Japanese games led to something good. Nier / Drakengard is a good example of an IP that benefits from a relatively tight budget, since it has historically led to a more focused product.

FF7? That's 20 years ago.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Feel free to reboot the Chrono series.

Not gonna get my hopes up though


Oct 29, 2017
Mt. Whatever
I can't recall the last time Square Enix devoting a bigger budget to any of their Japanese games led to something good. Nier / Drakengard is a good example of an IP that benefits from a relatively tight budget, since it has historically led to a more focused product.

Depends if Taro is gonna be in charge or not. We in the Automata OT routinely dream of what the man could do with more money. Also I disagree vehemently with your opinion, as SE is my favorite publisher and I tend to enjoy very much both their mid and high tier games. NieR, Drakengard 3, and Autoamta all could have used bigger budgets even if only to tighten up Engine problems, produce more DLC, go over technical stuff more deeply, and issue some extra patches. Taro and the Platinum director are straight up quoted as saying they would have liked to do more DLC for Automata but the budget just wasn't there.

Give them more money I say.


Oct 27, 2017
Well they have been among the best supporters from the very beginning alongside Koei, Bethesda, NIS and maybe Warner


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
After Stormblood released. I find it hard to believe PS3 was holding the game back in a very significant way. Always viewed their server set up as their most problematic area.

Regardless of all that, I don't think Switch would hold the game back nearly as much as some of the more diehard PC/PS4 players would claim.

All in all. I doubt SE would port it over regardless. I can continue to dream tho, lol.

I'm not sure how they would downsize the UI to get it on such a small screen while still seeing what's happening in the game, but I always thought the Switch would be a good platform for FFXIV with its portability.

You could take it with you in the bathroom, if you have an unlimited plan you can hotspot it on a commute to get side things done before really getting into it at home, etc.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Hmm, hope to see some good announcements from SE. Chrono Trigger remake would be too good to be true though


Oct 28, 2017
NieR [...] could have used bigger budgets even if only to tighten up Engine problems, produce more DLC, go over technical stuff more deeply, and issue some extra patches.

If in some hypothetical universe Taro had had extra money for NieR, the first priority should have been the content problems. While the budget gave us some good stuff like the text adventure, can you imagine a second half that didn't largely consist of revisiting old locales? It would have been glorious.

Anyway, who owns Terranigma? SE? Does SE own the Terranigma rights? If so, they need to remake Terranigma. Yes. Very important business, Terranigma. Yes. Right now. Terranigma.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
A Quintett collection would be great. And if five games are too many I'd be okay with just the non-Actraiser games. A Soulblazer Trilogy.


Oct 26, 2017
Well that's exciting, DS era Square was the bomb.

Gimme The World Ends With You 2 plz. And a new Valkyrie Profile game.


Nov 18, 2017
When it comes to SQEx there is always the question what actually hinder them to release their FF and KH remasters on non Sony systems. Start with those, including the port of FF7 PC if there aren't exclusivity deals preventing these releases. FF12 would have been a great release this summer. Let's ignore their decisions regarding Secret of Mana.

Considering the popularity of SRPGs a New FFtactics would be appreciated. The following is more niche but if a Switch version could lead to a localization it would be nice to see a port oft the latest Saga game.

haha, Automata on the Switch? They can't even fix their PC version, let alone port to a whole new system.

Platinum and SE have already announced their gearing up for the next NieR game. Automata did so well, it's probably not considered "mid-tier" anymore. 'Least that's the hope, bigger budget, more technical refinement.

Platinum showed interest in a Switch port but said that it depends on SQEX actually financing and greenlighting the project. Bayonetta 2 was 60fps on WiiU, so at least a solid 30fps conversion of NierA on a more modern system could be possible.


Oct 27, 2017
Personally speaking, if I were Square this is how I would approach my Switch output:
  • The majority of my effort would go toward the creation of new IP. This is something Square Enix has been unable to do successfully, and Matsuda's got the right idea when he mentions focusing on the development of new IP for a machine that is bringing the mid-range market back. In particular, I'd look into the kind of games that target an older audience (mid 20s to late 30s) since that is the kind of audience that has money to spare and is willing to overlook production values in favour of interesting ideas.
  • In terms of rebooting old IP on Switch, I'd say Parasite Eve (look at what Capcom have been doing with Resident Evil) and SaGa. Both of these franchises stand out from Square's other brands and both would be perfectly suited to a mid-sized development budget. Say what you will about 3rd Birthday, it's a very fun, tight game.
  • Finally, there's the matter of what one does with Final Fantasy on Switch. Obviously, bringing FFVII over is something they should look into once the exclusivity period with Sony ends, but Final Fantasy XII would be a great place to start, particularly because that represents a different flavour of FF that I think will become increasingly important to the brand as time goes on. It's best to start really building an audience for that aesthetic of games now and experiment with what else can be done in that realm. (More traditional "fantasy" or even dark fantasy)
Last edited:

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
I'm skeptical that any Nomura directed title will hit a Nintendo platform. It'd be nice to be proven wrong but so far Nomura is very resistant to making a title on Nintendo systems. No title that has had his involvement has hit a Nintendo platform including remakes and re-releases of titles he originally directed.
So we are going to just ignore that half of the canon franchise was originally released for Nintendo Handhelds directly under his supervision? Cause last I checked they exist. Also forgot 2.8, which is half a 3DS remaster and half a prequel sampler.


Oct 30, 2017
Of course i'll love seeing new games (like Octopath Traveler, which i find the demo really neat), but i wouldn't mind seeing the FFXII Remaster on Switch too :)


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 31, 2017
I hope this doesn't preclude the chance of getting the occasional top-range title like FFVII remake or KH or what have you.


Oct 28, 2017
Oh man this makes me so excited, even if its not the first time we hear about it!

I personally think SE is closer to its PS1-era when developing for smaller consoles (DS/PSP), or with a mid-sized budget (NieR:A).

In terms of what i would like, the list is hella long:
-Ports of titles that wouldn't melt the consoles (yes to WoFF, Dissidia; no to XV, KHIII);
-DQXII to be developed simultaneously for both PS4(5?)/NS (this is a given imho);
-New IP from Silicon Studio, a Bravely Default spiritual successor with higher budget, similar systems and artstyle but with proper cutscenes etc.;
-New Mana game, with a proper campaign, story and combat, with local and online coop;
-New FINAL FANTASY CHRYSTAL CHRONICLES, a proper sequel to the original GC game, with character customization, enviromental puzzles, intricated level design, and most importantly local and online 4 player coop;
-New Final Fantasy Tactics or Tactics Advance inspired by Valkyria Chronicles;
-FFV-VI/Dragon Quest 1-6 Remakes with Octopath Traveler's assets;
-More projects like Octopath Traveler;

But really, the possibilities are endless.

Thinking about the possibilities of DS-era Japanese devs output but with modern tech and slightly higher budgets makes me wet.


Oct 30, 2017
Man, if they are making a TWEWY 2, I'm getting a Switch right away. Absolutely adore that game.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Remake FFV, FFVI and FFIX as more faithful ones than VIIR. Revive Chrono, Parasite Eve, Mana, TWEWY and FF Tactics. Give SaGa another sequel. Remaster and port as much as possible. Make new IPs. Let Ito and Matsuno direct games again.

That's about all I can think of.

Also, buy Suikoden, Breath of Fire and Shadow Hearts, and make sequels and remasters of those.
Oct 27, 2017
Id really like the KH HD collection, always wanted to try out the games but i never had the chance to own a PS console


A Big Deal
Nov 2, 2017
I'm not sure my heart can take even the slightest of teases of potential of anything Chrono. That aside i would love a return of FF Tactics and Parasite Eve.