
Oct 25, 2017
It's insane that I'm loving each episode more and more! This episode was crazy and a LOT of fun. The trio of Michael, Ash, and Paul working together is really good.

Big Tent Expat

Oct 25, 2017
Seeing this crew interact is becoming fun as all hell. Tons of personality all over the place. Well worn concept but truly masterful execution. And that Stella twist? Didn't see that coming lol.

EDIT: And I really liked Burnham's solution to save Tyler.
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Oct 25, 2017
The idea of a time loop NOT from the perspective of the protagonist is a small, but crucial difference from most implementations.


Oct 27, 2017
Another fantastic episode. A really solud episode based on an old trope. Well written, fun and funny. Also Mudd is awesome.

Next weeks episode is also pure hype! Things are really heating up story wise and as the show continues with each episode, the entire team seems to be getting better with handling Trek. Love it!


Oct 25, 2017
the whole thing about the time crystals went over my head

It's just signaling to geeks and people that keep up with stuff in science internet sites. I'm actually getting annoyed, because that's all it is. At least with the Tardigrade they threw in some facts with the fantasy twist.

I don't know. Hate to be that guy, but something still feels terribly off with the show. Pacing is a big part of it, but I guess that's something from JJ that they'll never get rid of. With things moving so fast, they think we won't question the glaring holes in character motivation, action, and plot.

The Leewit

Oct 27, 2017
That was all kinds of awesome! Rainn as Mudd really shined in this episode, with all his bluster, swagger, and ego. A twist on the time-loop plot really really works well here. And we even got to see Michael's awkward but rewarding first kiss. Oh yeah....STELLLAAAA....(fyi Streetcar Named Desire and Marlon Brando.)


Resident Thread Mechanic
Oct 26, 2017
Great episode. Mudd was great fun.

Still can't make my mind up on Ash=Voq, little lines in there about not hiding who you are kind of feel like a big neon sign pointing at it lol.

If so, Michael is finally going to love and then have it torn apart.


Oct 25, 2017
Ames, IA
The whole Ash and Michael love plot seems kinda out of nowhere. Like I wouldn't have known she liked Ash, had the show not explicitly tell me.

But overall, I'm enjoying this episode so far. Loving Groovy Stamets!


Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait for tonight's episode. Waiting for husband to get off work so we can watch it together. The show seems to be getting better and better.


Oct 25, 2017
When Mudd first stepped out of the whale, was that supposed to be an Androian space suit?


Oct 25, 2017
After Trek was really good tonight. I like these more direct interviews with the cast and crew.

Kaitos another episode knocked out of the park!


Oct 25, 2017
The whole Ash and Michael love plot seems kinda out of nowhere. Like I wouldn't have known she liked Ash, had the show not explicitly tell me.

But overall, I'm enjoying this episode so far. Loving Groovy Stamets!

Last episode made it pretty clear that there was something there.

The scene in the cafeteria was full of storytelling shorthand. Hell, there was even a sassy best friend egging her on.

Great episode. Mudd was great fun.

Still can't make my mind up on Ash=Voq, little lines in there about not hiding who you are kind of feel like a big neon sign pointing at it lol.

If so, Michael is finally going to love and then have it torn apart.

I am going with not Voq, but a humanoid Klingon trying to stay low key.


Oct 25, 2017
Really good take on the time loop episode, Discovery continues to get better.

Hope we see some more stuff from Lorca's Evil Man Cave of weapons.
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
This sure is a take


If you enjoy Star Trek Discovery, you're enabling the very worst of capitalism to subsume a franchise built on the strength of humanity because Entertainment Weekly told you it was ok. If you enjoy Star Trek Discovery, you're not only a bad Trekkie for abandoning the very heart of Star Trek for this trash, but more importantly, you're an uncritical thinker who is either too ignorant or too cynical to care about your role in this fiasco. To wit: you're a bad person.


Oct 25, 2017
Such a great episode. Time travel loops are a guilty pleasure of mine. Can't wait to see how they tackle Mirrorverse.


Oct 25, 2017
That was easily the best episode of this show so far

Mudd is the best

It's not just because I'm a huge Trekkie and the values of the Federation are fundamental to my life and career. It's not just because Star Trek provides ethical guidance for a people trying to survive in a horrid cultural wasteland of crass moral relativism. It's not just because I get outraged whenever they tell me those gigantic speakers are transporters and katras are now controlled by midichlorians. And it's not just because STD is an unholy affront worthy of Michael slapping Kay.

Oct 25, 2017
the show keeps getting better and better with each passing episode

Agreed. I'm still not in love with this show, but it is showing improvement week to week, and the characters are growing on me. Production values continue to A+.

This episode felt the most "Star Trek-y" of the run for me, and I really do like Rainn Wilson's Mudd, I just hope there is a way to keep. bring him into the fold in future episodes that doesn't feel super contrived.

Did I hear correctly that Discovery has already been picked up for a second season?


Oct 25, 2017
Yup. It was announced this past Monday it was getting a second season. The negative though is we might not see it until 2019. That's what the producers have said that might be the time frame before a season 2 was announced. Each episode takes months of post production. Hopefully that's early 2019 as this season will end Jan/Feb 2018.


Oct 25, 2017
This show literally makes my weekends :)

Also, I love the fake out
when Ash kisses Michael, and he gets killed during that loop


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
I know Star Trek has done this before but this episode really knocked the concept out of the park.

My favourite part was how it was an episode that seems clearly built around the idea that its audience has already seen this kind of thing before and needs something different to get interested in it. It could've very easily become "Star Trek Discovery 1x07: Cause and Effect Redux," and it was absolutely not that.

Things I loved: it's an anomaly-of-the-week episode, but not! The "anomaly" in question here turns out to sorta-kinda be background dressing for some lovely character building moments. The Ash/Burnham stuff is kinda cute but I could take it or leave it at this point; Burnham and Stamets, on the other hand, was lovely. That's a quietly heartbreaking secret for Burnham to tell Stamets, and the talk he gives Burnham later about how relationships work was a nice touch. It's definitely one of my favourite moments of the series so far. (Also a nice touch: of course they dance in the hallway, because EVERYTHING happens in the hallway; did you notice the two joggers near the beginning of the episode? ha!) And always in the background is the sense that Stamets is Not Right and that this nice Stamets we're getting to know is a hint of potentially bad things in the future.

I never watched very much of TOS and so don't know Mudd. This Mudd was great, though, and he plays better as a direct antagonist on Discovery than as a wildcard in a Klingon prison ship. Plenty of totally understandable anger in him, but a sense of theatrics as well; Mudd's "fifty ways to kill your Lorca" was a surprising bit of levity. He's the kind of antagonist who somehow can get away with twirling his moustache. It sounds like maybe he's going away for good now, which is probably the right move, but I wouldn't mind him showing up again a season or two from now.

The time loop stuff I thought was decently well done. They clearly fast-forward through a lot of the exposition needed to set things up, which is fine but does lead to what feels like sloppiness. How come Mudd's time crystal wristwatch works even when he's dead? (Was he disintegrated? Isn't that a problem?) Does Mudd stay on the ship after the first time loop, when he arrives via space whale (as opposed to having to arrive every time via space whale)? If so, how come he doesn't stay in the same place every loop? How come Stamets seemingly only has to explain things once to people, and then they just kind of already know afterwards? Does Stamets have to explain everything to everyone every loop, and doesn't this eat up precious time? How does Lorca and the rest of the crew act so quickly to prep for the "final loop" when this is probably the first they've heard of it and they only have half an hour? The answer to most of this is that it doesn't matter and would slow down the plot too much, which I suppose is fine and those instincts don't feel wrong. And yet I find myself thinking that I wouldn't mind a little bit of unpacking. Maybe that's the price you pay for everything else.

There's not a lot I don't like about the episode. To get it out of the way: I don't think we need Burnham's personal log at the end. Also, Tilly gets called in again to do a bunch of stuff, which leads to maybe the only real complaint about the episode (and the show to date). So there's a party on Discovery, right? And Ash Tyler gives a speech about how the war's going and we all gotta stick together and we're the best crew and blah blah blah. When did Ash Tyler become so important again? Last episode he just became chief of security. Now the crew is a big happy family that loves Ash, and we've seen none of it. Who are all these people besides Tilly and Tyler and pilot lady who keeps showing up in every episode (this time making out with someone, hott) but still hasn't really talked to anyone on the crew yet?

I think the pace of the show has necessarily had to cut some stuff out to maintain pace, and it feels like the thing that got cut is establishing the crew as, well, a CREW. I wonder if maybe I just need to see more of the bridge crew doing bridge crew things or something, because right now it feels like these characters exist as people but don't necessarily exist as much in terms of their jobs. Tilly doesn't help here because she feels like the most important cadet in the world, given how much she does on the show; as a result, I still don't really know WHAT her job is, exactly. Stamets I think is decently established as the engineer, but Engineering as a place on the ship still feels odd. It's really just, like, a room with a glorified shower stall where sparkly things happen sometimes. Culber is a doctor but hasn't had that much of a chance to do doctor stuff yet. Saru, at least, has taken over as captain and given orders and stuff.

All this can come in time, and it's not necessarily a criticism that will be valid given a few more episodes. It might be the aspect of the show that some people feel is missing, though.
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Oct 28, 2017
I thought this was a really well done episode. All of the actors knocked it out of the park and I really enjoyed the writing. That whole thing could have gotten tedious fast but I loved all the layers it kept building, this eccentric new Stamets is a lot of fun, and am liking Michael and Tyler. I'm watching this in-between my first watch of Deep Space Nine and it is curious to see the differences between two really good Trek shows, side by side.


Resident Thread Mechanic
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah he really did.

Would struggle to return if he was locked in Azkaban tho.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
"Mon Capitan!"

Nice Q reference.

Next week looks great.