
Oct 24, 2017
So what's the deal with episode 1 of the season being a "Part 1" but there is no Part 2 to it anywhere in the season?


This was it.


Oct 25, 2017
Preview spoilers

Burnham says 700 years after they left is when the dilithium ran out/the Burn happened. That would be the 2900s, before the future we have seen in Enterprise, where warp tech is outdated and they can travel point to point anyway. So the "Federation tried alternate warp drive designs" line makes no sense.

Deleted member 14568

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
that enterprise temporal stuff was pretty much deleted from the ''timeline'' in stormfront part 2 beside the entire ''daniel'' storyline sucked anyway so i don't give a damn if they retconned that shit to oblivion


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
There was a bit of--not exactly cheesiness, but maybe tropiness?--to the whole "dusty space saloon on the edge of the galaxy" thing, but it's to Discovery's credit that I kind of stopped worrying about it before very long. A little dumber is Stamets trying to be useful and apparently fixing the very last EPS relay on the ship to dramatic effect, though I guess it's good character building for Stamets and Reno.

Speaking of which, I think that's my favourite aspect of the episode: it feels like Discovery has kind of skimped on building relationships amongst the crew in the past, and we're really starting to get some good material. Saru being a friendly neighborhood captain, and the good and bad aspects of such, are maybe a little obvious but really appreciated, and I liked the relationships he's forming with Tilly and Georgiou. Even the brief moments between Owosekun and Detmer were nice, though I'm really hoping they're not trying to do something stupid with Detmer like (hopefully wrong speculation) having part of Control be buried in her implant or some shit.

I think in the past I've been kind of down on Discovery's serialized nature because the stories didn't develop the way I'd hoped, especially in the second season. But so far I'm hopeful for season 3; I'm surprisingly really down for Discovery trying to survive in the 32nd century or whatever, and so far the concerns I had about the concept (why is Discovery so damned important despite being so out of date, for example) have been allayed, at least for now. Hope they can keep up the quality this year.

And I just saw open spoilers. Can spoilers tags not be used for like the first day at least please. So those of us outside US don't click and do what I just did.

Unfortunately this was settled in previous Discovery threads, the consensus then was that the thread is open to spoilers once it's available in the U.S. It sucks for people who are behind, but I've learned to just stay out of the thread until I see the episode myself. (Well, almost; I kept forgetting this week and noping out as soon as I realized the episode had already aired this week.)


Oct 26, 2017
So far the season has the classic Kurtzman Trek issue of having nothing for the viewer to think about and debate, nothing that lingers on after the episode. The viewing experience is let's see what happens, ok we saw what happens, let's see what happens next. I find the far-future setting interesting so I hope the creators and writers will do something meaningful with it. I doubt it but stranger things have happened.


Apr 3, 2019
I find the lack of creativity disturbing that both recent Blockbuster Sci-Fi shows with Mandalorian and now Discovery went the tropey Western Saloon route. There is a whole Galaxy at your disposal and you come up with this? Next in line is the Musical Episode or the Flashback Episode?

Other than that it was pretty good. Except maybe for Tilly who doesn't seem to have any character development/growth whatsoever after having gone to hell and back twice now. I liked her initially but it is getting old...


Oct 27, 2017
Finally had the time to sit down and watch this episode. It's my Friday treat after a long week of rough work. Anyways I just feel like this is the perfect show for my tastes. I've been a long time Star Trek fan my entire life but this just feels new and fresh to me. It's exciting to see such a modern take on Star Trek with cutting edge visuals.

Loved the western sci-fi angle of the episode, really liked seeing the crew back in action. Story for the season sounds exciting as heck too. So I'm all in here with this show. It's basically my favorite show on tv right now.


Oct 28, 2017
so I am kinda torn on discovery

although I hated season 1 I still forced myself to watch season 2. Then, I actually enjoyed season 2 and Pike a lot.
in fact, I was kinda looking forward to season 3. I felt this is like a first real new frontier in star trek for quite some time where they can do what they want in terms of story telling.
now I am watching episode 2 of this season and laugh franatically at the stupidity of the scene where Reno gives the head engineer Stamets advice how to repair a infuser box (I think that was it was called). 'open the box, take the defective device out, replace it with a new one.' all that under explosions and agony of said characters.

thank god for Yeoh. at least she is really stellar in her role and her character is interesting


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
I find the lack of creativity disturbing that both recent Blockbuster Sci-Fi shows with Mandalorian and now Discovery went the tropey Western Saloon route. There is a whole Galaxy at your disposal and you come up with this? Next in line is the Musical Episode or the Flashback Episode?

Other than that it was pretty good. Except maybe for Tilly who doesn't seem to have any character development/growth whatsoever after having gone to hell and back twice now. I liked her initially but it is getting old...

I don't remember the last western themed Trek episode, maybe a Fistful of Datas. Other than that early DS9 always had a "frontier town" vibe going on. In terms of creativity I was more worried by the fact that this was so similar on a surface level to Trek's groanworthy shuttle crash episodes. In the end they found their own twist on things to differentiate it from the usual tropey TNG/DS9/Voyager fare which I was very thankful for.

A musical episode would actually be hilarious but I guess that would be more of a Picard thing than a Discovery thing.


Oct 25, 2017
now I am watching episode 2 of this season and laugh franatically at the stupidity of the scene where Reno gives the head engineer Stamets advice how to repair a infuser box (I think that was it was called). 'open the box, take the defective device out, replace it with a new one.' all that under explosions and agony of said characters.
Stamets isn't an engineer, he's a mycologist and in the science division. This is easy to forget because he works on the spore drive (and that set is usually treated like main engineering on the other shows) but his area of expertise are the spores, not any actual engineering stuff and ship tech.
Although replacing the thingie was really ridiculously easy, what the scene needed was Paul snapping at Janet and asking her if she thinks he's stupid.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Stamets isn't an engineer, he's a mycologist and in the science division. This is easy to forget because he works on the spore drive (and that set is usually treated like main engineering on the other shows) but his area of expertise are the spores, not any actual engineering stuff and ship tech.
Although replacing the thingie was really ridiculously easy, what the scene needed was Paul snapping at Janet and asking her if she thinks he's stupid.

Lol Janet, I hope that was intentional because now that's my new name for her

Anyways, about this point: they probably should've come up with something a little more technobabbley (what has this world come to that I want MORE technobabble) but my takeaway was that Reno wasn't actually telling him how to fix the conduit so much as talking him through the pain and giving him something else to focus on.


Oct 27, 2017
I've rarely been so bored.
Each episode is so long and so many things don't make sense.

Kinda liked the atmosphere of the " saloon" but that's about it
Even the end is treated like some dramatic thing. Michael waited a year, so fucking what, it's not even that long to be of any consequences besides her having the time to learn shit so she can serve as exposition


Oct 25, 2017
Lol Janet, I hope that was intentional because now that's my new name for her

Anyways, about this point: they probably should've come up with something a little more technobabbley (what has this world come to that I want MORE technobabble) but my takeaway was that Reno wasn't actually telling him how to fix the conduit so much as talking him through the pain and giving him something else to focus on.

Yeah, this was my take as well.

Also, some people seem to like this Episode more, but I enjoyed the first episode a lot more.


Oct 25, 2017
So what's the deal with episode 1 of the season being a "Part 1" but there is no Part 2 to it anywhere in the season?

Yeah I was really baffled by this as well.

Stamets changing out that EPS relay was some exciting shit huh? All these years and who knew it was as easy as changing out a fuse in you car....

Not a bad episode. I enjoyed a Burnhamless episode. So far it's miles better than Picard.


Oct 25, 2017
At this point I hope
they don't figure out what caused the burn, just move on and try to develop some new tech, probably with the spore drive, but i have a feeling whatever caused it will be the big bad this season
This could be a situation like Dr. Stone, where whatever entity caused The Burn wakes up because they detect the Discovery gallivanting around and stirring things up.

I'm just more worried about them trying to go back in time and reset things.


Oct 25, 2017
This season is 10/10 for me so far. Sure I can think of several things to complain about but they haven't ruined my enjoyment (yet)

Still reminds me heavily of Andromeda though, especially with Discovery seemingly controlling an ample supply of Dilithium


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
Shameless plug for my shitty Christmas movie thread.

Lt. Bryce from Discovery is kicking off Hallmark's first new Christmas movie of the season tonight.


Hallmark/Lifetime Christmas Movie Craptacular | OT | Mystery Christmas Theater 3000 OT

Yes, it's not even Halloween yet, and that means Christmas movies. Lifetime kicks things off tomorrow night with "Christmas On Ice". Because what else are you going to do? Go out and hang with your friends? An apocalyptic plague didn't stop Hallmark and Lifetime from invading several...


Oct 25, 2017
Even the end is treated like some dramatic thing. Michael waited a year, so fucking what, it's not even that long to be of any consequences besides her having the time to learn shit so she can serve as exposition

Yeah, the way they presented that was really weird and anti-climatic and left me asking 'so what?' while the crew appeared dumbfounded. Like you said, it's to allow her to explain the future to the viewer/crew but if they wanted to make it dramatic then it should have at least been 10 years or something


Oct 27, 2017
So what do you guys think it going on with Lieutenant Detmer in episode 2? PTSD (blaming herself for getting crew members killed), some leftover remnant of Control or something else entirely? I'm thinking PTSD but wanted to see what everyone here was thinking.


Oct 26, 2017
So what do you guys think it going on with Lieutenant Detmer in episode 2? PTSD (blaming herself for getting crew members killed), some leftover remnant of Control or something else entirely? I'm thinking PTSD but wanted to see what everyone here was thinking.

My initial thought was PTSD, but it's possible that the time-hole messed with her circuits.
Jan 29, 2018
So what do you guys think it going on with Lieutenant Detmer in episode 2? PTSD (blaming herself for getting crew members killed), some leftover remnant of Control or something else entirely? I'm thinking PTSD but wanted to see what everyone here was thinking.

Maybe her implant was damaged? The show already kinda did PTSD with Tyler in Season 1 and Culber in Season 2, but maybe they want to do a more 'normal' PTSD story that doesn't involve being surgically converted into an alien or dying and being regrown from space spores.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
Much Much MUCH Better second episode and a prime example of why I like Discovery. The show just functions much better when everyone is involved.


Oct 27, 2017
Detmer has finally caught some character development. Unless they drop it or it's terribly boring, that's still good thing

Deleted member 5028

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Detmer has finally caught some character development. Unless they drop it or it's terribly boring, that's still good thing
I hope its anything but Control survived and infiltrated through her implant. What i suspect it is comes down to her letter she wrote to her best friend in the s2 penultimate episode and she is having PTSD about everyone being long dead


Oct 27, 2017
I hope its anything but Control survived and infiltrated through her implant. What i suspect it is comes down to her letter she wrote to her best friend in the s2 penultimate episode and she is having PTSD about everyone being long dead

This is a good call. You might be onto something. Seems like a good storyline could be had here dealing with the feeling of immense lost since everyone that the crew knew has long since been dead since time jump.