
Oct 25, 2017
Once you unlock the 3-star challenges, Arcade mode actually gets a little bit interesting.

I mean, it's not fun enough to justify playing it on the regular.......but way way better than the easy challenges where if feels like you are just running around looking for enemies to effortlessly mow down.


Oct 28, 2017
No point other than satisfaction, from a progression standpoint it's better to draw out the game as long as possible so everyone earns the most amount of credits.

Galactic Assault is really bad, everything else runs really well for me.
Game itself is incredible from a gameplay, graphics, sound, content view. I even really like the campaign.
But progression system and lack of stats are completely awful. Give me some credits more when i'm on the winning side or a exp multiplikator. Just give me something for being good. Lootcrates are pointless if winning is pointless. Online leaderboards anyone? Display the win/lose ratio on an online leaderboard.. oh my God. It's all pointless.
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UI/UX Game Industry Veteran
Oct 26, 2017
Once you unlock the 3-star challenges, Arcade mode actually gets a little bit interesting.

I mean, it's not fun enough to justify playing it on the regular.......but way way better than the easy challenges where if feels like you are just running around looking for enemies to effortlessly mow down.

but thats totally why i love the mode. lol


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm about to pull the trigger despite the bad press. Two quick questions:

-is the extra $20 worth it, or is it content I'll get eventually?

-no companion app this time?


Oct 25, 2017
Once you unlock the 3-star challenges, Arcade mode actually gets a little bit interesting.

I mean, it's not fun enough to justify playing it on the regular.......but way way better than the easy challenges where if feels like you are just running around looking for enemies to effortlessly mow down.

Its fun until you reach the point where you stop getting credits for the next x amount of hours.


Oct 25, 2017
but thats totally why i love the mode. lol
The easy Arcade challenges suck because they don't spawn enough enemies to make it you just dash around empty hallways killing 1-2 dudes at a time. The harder modes actually throw out lots of enemies to fight, so you're concentrating on combat and not watching the radar to find out where spawns are happening.


Oct 25, 2017
Nothing like spawning in an hero ship only to get wrecked within like 6 seconds by a fighter with legendary cards equipped...I don't often rage when I play but fuck that made me angry.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm a little surprised at the lack of heroes in the game. I'm sure there'll be a ton of heroes added, but it seems weird that we're missing characters like Obi Wan right off the bat. I wish they'd done all the obvious heroes first and then added some lesser known characters later. I know that the expanded universe stuff isn't canon anymore but I'd love to see characters like Malak and Kreia from the KotOR games, and characters from the books like Mara Jade, Corran Horn, Talon Karrde, etc


Oct 27, 2017
Haha, saw the most hilarious "Tip" on the loading screen this morning:

"Do not leave your starcard slots empty"

It feels like this game is trolling me at every opportunity.


Oct 27, 2017
Indiana, USA
So I have a story question. Something I noticed after beating the game, and I wanted to discuss it with you people. Spoilers of course.

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Oct 26, 2017
So, did somebody already compile a list with the number of small maps in the game? That still remains a mystery to me.
Yeah I'd like to see this too.

Additionally, I'll echo the sentiment that the combat shield may need a nerf. Reminds me of the bubbler ability from Splatoon to an extent. Can feel cheap at times.

Also am I crazy or is the ttk significantly higher in this game than 2015? It might be just me but I launched the old game to compare and I am definitely killing dudes faster (and dying less heh)...


Oct 27, 2017
Also am I crazy or is the ttk significantly higher in this game than 2015? It might be just me but I launched the old game to compare and I am definitely killing dudes faster (and dying less heh)...

I think it is for sure, especially with headshots feeling like more of a thing. I vastly prefer it as well.


Oct 25, 2017
TTK is slower yeah, harder too. I like it.

BF1 felt like babbies first shooter and while I liked that game too, it just felt way too easy so I didn't play it much.


Oct 27, 2017
Kashyyk Galactic Assault is straight up unfair for a specialist. You have so many clear line of sights that you can easily dominate the map. I just went on a 15 kill streak without any effort or any danger of death.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm a little surprised at the lack of heroes in the game. I'm sure there'll be a ton of heroes added, but it seems weird that we're missing characters like Obi Wan right off the bat. I wish they'd done all the obvious heroes first and then added some lesser known characters later. I know that the expanded universe stuff isn't canon anymore but I'd love to see characters like Malak and Kreia from the KotOR games, and characters from the books like Mara Jade, Corran Horn, Talon Karrde, etc
Obi Wan has been confirmed to be added. He will be released alongside General Grievous when they are able to get him working properly. But I would like to see some other heros added like Ahsoka Tano and Asajj Ventress from The Clone Wars.
Oct 25, 2017
Only thing seriously hurting HvV atm moment is the lack of

His absence is painfully noticeable.

I'm a little surprised at the lack of heroes in the game. I'm sure there'll be a ton of heroes added, but it seems weird that we're missing characters like Obi Wan right off the bat. I wish they'd done all the obvious heroes first and then added some lesser known characters later. I know that the expanded universe stuff isn't canon anymore but I'd love to see characters like Malak and Kreia from the KotOR games, and characters from the books like Mara Jade, Corran Horn, Talon Karrde, etc
Thats what I have been saying even since Battlefront 1.
Get the required characters in and then even charge for randoms that have a fan base to support it.
Bossk for example.

I said back at Battlefront 1 that i'd pay $15 each for Ahsoka and Sabine(heck i'd pay an additional $15 if they did CW and Rebels Ahsoka).
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Oct 31, 2017
Just finished the SP. You get some crates and stuff for finishing it and also some of the side collectables etc.

Overall, without spoiling, it's OK. Nothing spectacular story wise outside of the few later bits but some of the maps feel like they will probably be MP maps.

One or two tedious running around getting for A to B, some straightforward flying missions and jumping around characters.

Again, without spoiling, there is a mission that has you flying around and then landing to do stuff. More of this would have been way more interesting, a really different Starwars game maybe akin to the first Mass Effect.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Heh, just realized something

What if Rey is Iden/Del's daughter?

Totally impossible (especially for obvious reasons), but lol that would sure be something.


Oct 27, 2017
It's ridiculous how the progression system is completely tied to the loot boxes JUST for the sales of crystals. In a 60$ game this is inadmissible! Overhauling this system will be a nightmare for EA. They might as well remove the credits completely and replace them with crafting parts.


Oct 31, 2017
It's ridiculous how the progression system is completely tied to the loot boxes JUST for the sales of crystals. In a 60$ game this is inadmissible! Overhauling this system will be a nightmare for EA. They might as well remove the credits completely and replace them with crafting parts.
A good part of progression is but also through milestones as you play the SP and MP etc. I do wish I could just buy crates from where I am, not have to go back to the main menu.
Oct 27, 2017
Overall I'm not as addicted yet as I was 2015 bf. There's some stuff that bother me, maybe not for others but I think in blast it's a bit to quick and easy having these hero type characters nonstop in a match.. Whether I'm using one or gettin crushed by one, I dunno... I just liked how it was in 15. And the spawns are so bad. In 2015 they felt awesome, always sort of in front of you.

I'll spawn and right next to me I can tell enemies spawning...


Oct 27, 2017
So I thought your unlocks from the beta transferred over to the full game. I have not seen any of that happen, unless there is something I have missed.


Oct 27, 2017

Also am I crazy or is the ttk significantly higher in this game than 2015? It might be just me but I launched the old game to compare and I am definitely killing dudes faster (and dying less heh)...

I didn't put hundreds of hours into the first but I played a decent bit. Now I'm not particularly good at shooters and I rarely play them as PvP but I've only enjoyed 2 (really ever) and thats BF 2015 and Overwatch. For me they had had the perfect "mix" of low TTK and high TTD, they got me hooked in the first hours and I stuck with them for a good while.
So as a "casual" shooter player I'd agree with you Prag, it felt more like when I've tried Battlefield games to the previous Battlefront, and mixed with the slow progression I felt like I was only there as Thermal Detonator fodder.

Going to use the full 10 hours of the access trial though to make sure it's not just me.
Oct 27, 2017
I do think the ttk could drop like a split second, it's close to being about right but fuck me it's amazing how many guys I unload on just for them to roll out of the wall. There's always a wall, rock, ship, toilet, something... To save them