
Alt Account
Oct 28, 2017
Kylo's Mask is on and off so often, just leave it on dude, for mystic. Not knowing Vader's face added to the suspense until the unveiling.

So anyone have a player count?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kylo's Mask is on and off so often, just leave it on dude, for mystic. Not knowing Vader's face added to the suspense until the unveiling.
As much as Kylo wants to be Vader they're pretty different villains. Han's death scene wouldn't have had the same impact if Kylo had his mask on. I like it a lot but on the other hand I'm glad he seems to be moving away from it.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
As much as Kylo wants to be Vader they're pretty different villains. Han's death scene wouldn't have had the same impact if Kylo had his mask on. I like it a lot but on the other hand I'm glad he seems to be moving away from it.
Yeah I don't understand how people still don't "get" Kylo.


Oct 26, 2017
I play with Kylo's mask on because I like the merciless villain type not the son of two heroes that just wants to be recognized as superior than everyone else type


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
Jango is like the biggest chump in the series lol
I beg to differ


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
If Battlefront 2 was like Battlefield games, pilots can eject out of their craft and fight in the ground, then we'd be able to see some of the awesome pilot out fits in game.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
If Battlefront 2 was like Battlefield games, pilots can eject out of their craft and fight in the ground, then we'd be able to see some of the awesome pilot out fits in game.
If Battlefront was like old Battlefield we would actually be able to land ships on the ground :(

The dude managed to stay head of the trade federation despite trying to kidnap a queen and starting an illegal war thanks to Lucas' writing lol


Oct 31, 2017
Damn straight. I damn miss all those old Lucas Arts Star wars games,

Most of the villains ain't shit if you're basing them off just the movies tho.

Even Vader was kind of eh, until Rogue One. Yeah, sure he was menacing, but he wasn't exactly a bad ass Sith Lord.

I showed my nephews the original trilogy recently as they both loved Force Awakens. By the end they said they thought Vader was a weakling compared to Kylo haha.


Oct 26, 2017
The dude managed to stay head of the trade federation despite trying to kidnap a queen and starting an illegal war thanks to Lucas' writing lol
But died within the span of 3 films and no one heard of him again.
Jango cloned himself into an army of millions, chilled out for a good amount of time on a planet that no one knew existed, and left a legacy that is overly hyped beyond comprehension.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
But died within the span of 3 films and no one heard of him again.
Jango cloned himself into an army of millions, chilled out for a good amount of time on a planet that no one knew existed, and left a legacy that is overly hyped beyond comprehension.
Yeah but he got murked without doing anything noteworthy as an actual bounty hunter and his only true son died like a bitch.
Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
But died within the span of 3 films and no one heard of him again.
Jango cloned himself into an army of millions, chilled out for a good amount of time on a planet that no one knew existed, and left a legacy that is overly hyped beyond comprehension.
Man thank you. Other than a cool looking ship and body armor all of the fets are LAME! Boba Fet just falls into a monsters mouth! Who does that?


UI/UX Game Industry Veteran
Oct 26, 2017
Do most online shooters take so long to load back to the menu when leaving a lobby on PS4?
I haven't played one in awhile but it's really annoying. And I always get that connection lost message, too.
Not playing on a Pro btw.

Love the game otherwise

No that is not normal. I am on a pro and still get an error message when going back to the menu from a lobby. Never had this issue in the first game either.


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah but he got murked without doing anything noteworthy as an actual bounty hunter and his only true son died like a bitch.
Again, unless they're main characters, they probably get more love in the comics and novels. Which is why I liked the old EU, no called legends, they spent a lot of time building the Star Wars universe and spent a lot of effort on the side characters.

Not considered canon anymore, but you can read Jango's mini series comic, Open Seasons where he kills several Jedi himself.



Oct 27, 2017
One day when I play the Strike mode, DICE might actually match me with players who realise there's an objective to be attacked/defended, and the mode isn't just team deathmatch.

One day.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
When the rubberbanding hits you in starfighters it's legitimately unplayable. You will warp into asteroids and shit.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
United States
Been playing a ton of HvV (it's my favorite mode) and for funsies I thought I'd make a tier list based on personal experience. Input also contributed by esteemed Resetter Papercuts


A tier (All abilities are useful. Can make pushes and harass enemies with raw strength or utility)

-Chewbacca - Furious Bowcaster turns Chewie into arguably the scariest character in HvV. While active, Chewbacca absolutely shreds enemies with insane DPS. Saber users can't even block effectively, as the bowcaster does some ridiculous chip damage. If you see boosted Chewie, your options are "run" or "dodge like hell". That's enough, right? Well, he actually has not one, but two easy-to-use stun effects, which are high value in this mode. An truly beast character.

-Rey - An extremely solid all-rounder. Insight supports the team and gives her a huge advantage both in 1v1s and acting as a wall due to increased stamina, mind trick can hinder opponents' escapes, and her dash strike acts as a stun effect that's difficult to deal with. Just be wary of saber opponents aware of how to deal with mind trick, and knock them down with a dash instead.

-Han Solo - Detonite charge is a great tool, dealing huge damage with a nice stun effect. Unfortunately, his standard blaster and shoulder charge don't fare particularly well against saber users. Still, can deal huge damage against vulnerable or unaware opponents, and he's a necessary solution to Boba Fett. Steady aim is recommended.

B tier (Generally useful attributes, or strengths that make up for weaknesses. However, these characters lack the overall power level of A tier.)

-Luke Skywalker - While his abilities generally don't mess enemies up to the level of Rey's, push and repulse are great tools to break up enemy team formations. Rush can also be used to evade enemies or close distance. A solid saber wielder, and extremely useful on maps with bottomless pits due to both push and repulse.

-Yoda - Yoda's repulse attack just isn't great in this mode -- you're going to be hard-pressed to actually fill that bar. Still, heal is a useful tool, and Yoda can rush enemies, evade, and deal a ton of damage.

C tier (One or more attributes aren't particularly suited for this mode, leaving the characters unoptimized. Strengths don't make up for weaknesses in a significant way. You can win with these, but it might be an uphill battle and require good teamwork)

-Lando Calrissian - Let's go ahead and establish that his stun effect is pretty nuts, and that's a great thing to have in HvV. Unfortunately, his blaster is a bit weak, and smoke is an underwhelming ability for the mode. Tight coordination with his stun is necessary to have success.

-Leia Organa - Her blaster alt-fire is MVP for this mode, dealing huge damage either to unprotected blaster characters, or saber users with chip. Shield is pretty weak for this mode, however, and flash grenades don't exactly stun enemies. Still a decent pick if the enemy team isn't well-suited to handling her primary weapon.


S tier (Fix this shit DICE)

-Boba Fett - There are certain maps where Boba Fett is untouchable. What this means is that Fett can camp it out on some random perch while the rest of your team continually throws themselves at the enemy target and eventually kills them. But it's not like Boba can't fight. He has a strong rocket barrage, with star cards to both increase the number of rockets fired and the damage they deal against an all-hero mode. Fett also gets a lot of jetpack fuel with the fast-recharging For the Hunt, so even on maps without good camp spots he can stay airborne and outmaneuver everybody. Good luck, heroes.

A tier

-Kylo Ren - Freeze is a top tier ability in HvV, posing little risk to Kylo and opening up the target for a pounding. Pull performs a similar function, and frenzy works wonders as a chasing tool. He's an overwhelming force to deal with.

-Darth Vader - Similar to Kylo's freeze, force choke exposes targets for a total beatdown. While choke leaves Vader more vulnerable than Kylo's freeze, he makes up for it with a strong lightsaber throw that bypasses characters' guards, and an insane HP pool. Focused Rage is a decent buff that gives Vader an edge in saber 1v1s that aren't against Rey, or against any composition of characters on the flank. Dude's a total tank. Also, his choke can just kill you on maps with pits, so watch out for that.

B tier

-Darth Maul - Maul makes up for a general weakness to blaster heroes with a saber spin that works for both rushdown and evasion. Maul's choke can ping-pong enemies into your teammates, or simply clear them out of the way (and even off the map). Lightsaber throw works similarly to Vader's as a good tool for bypassing blocks. Just watch out for blasters.

-Emperor Palpatine - Do it. Despite some squishiness, Sheev is potentially the best flanking hero in the game. Lightning is an uninteractive source of damage, and dark aura really messes up players he gets close to. Electrocute is a potent stun, and chain lightning is a fine cooldown attack. Proper utilization of cover is necessary to help Sheev stay alive, but skillful play is rewarded with fast, unavoidable damage output.

-Bossk - Everyone dies to grenades. On maps with doorways to hide behind, Bossk's gas grenades and proximity mines really shine. A bit weak in close quarters against sabers, so be careful.

C tier

-Iden Versio - Personal shield isn't particularly effective in a mode filled with saber users, though Iden can hurt 'em by lobbing grenades. Pulse cannon is also a great long-range tool, and she has a valuable stun.


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Your teammates always ignore the objectives in GA to kill other players, but in Blast, where the objective is to kill the other team, they suck at it. Jeez.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
United States

I don't think she stands particularly well on her own. Her alt-fire is incredibly good, but Chewbacca accomplishes the same role with a much faster rate of fire when buffed, and with two stuns in his back pocket. Leia's shield is also borderline useless in HvV. She's a good pick if the enemy team comp or playstyle encourages you to have "more Chewbacca", but other than that, nah.


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Leia is always A-Tier in GA, and GA is what BF games are all about.

Fett kind of destroys in HvV if the other team has mostly light saber uses. Still, dancing around in the air with Fett makes him a hard target for people to shoot, meanwhile his rockets and missiles do AOE damage.


Oct 25, 2017
Boba def needs areas that are off limits in HvV. What's your solution Dice? Wait for the hero to eventually die just so they can switch targets only to have Fett go and hide in spot none of the heroes can reach?

I'm getting better at shooting him out with Lando but when you can't do shit it's annoying and a guaranteed lost point for heroes.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
United States
Boba def needs areas that are off limits in HvV. What's your solution Dice? Wait for the hero to eventually die just so they can switch targets only to have Fett go and hide in spot none of the heroes can reach?

I'm getting better at shooting him out with Lando but when you can't do shit it's annoying and a guaranteed lost point for heroes.

I would support a round timer after targets are selected. Something like 1-2 minutes where if a target isn't killed, they automatically cycle to other players.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Me and Xtortion have been playing HvV a lot and yeah, Boba is an issue. It's hard to solve too because you don't want them to actively gimp the character since that hurts him in the other modes, and it's actually super fun to play as him.

Best duct tape solution would be a time limit per round so you could just cycle targets if the boba camps it out. But that might cause issues elsewhere.


Oct 25, 2017
Nothing like getting the most eliminations, & successfully overriding two points single-handedly. But then the only player with more score in the lobby has 4 eliminations & was farming AI ships all game until he could finally get a hero.

Really hope EA address this when/before TLJ update hits. That & having matches consistently start unbalanced with 12 vs 16 for a good while. The progression as well obviously.


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Me and Xtortion have been playing HvV a lot and yeah, Boba is an issue. It's hard to solve too because you don't want them to actively gimp the character since that hurts him in the other modes, and it's actually super fun to play as him.

Best duct tape solution would be a time limit per round so you could just cycle targets if the boba camps it out. But that might cause issues elsewhere.
He'd still be untouchable while causing a lot of damage.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know what the numbers are on the Xbox One, but Battlefront 2015 has gotten a huge boost. No issues finding games in the Scarif DLC at least, probably due to making all the DLC free at one point as well.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I gotta say. I really enjoyed the lightsaber sections of the campaign. Some studio really needs to make a full blown Jedi/Dark game featuring lightsaber combat. Make it Soulslike or otherwise I'll take like 5 please and thank you.