
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Where are you trying to fight them? They appear all over the place in previously cleared areas, at least they did for me.

A mech-type one spawns in Cordova's home-cave, where you fix BD's leg at the beginning of the game. A couple of them spawn outside one of the temples on Zeffo; the areas with all of the air jets. Sorry I wish I could remember the area names, but that's the best I can do without the game in front of me.
The places i know where they spawn

Just outside the tomb entrance in Dathomir
Where you fight the Rabid Jotaz in Zeffo
The room with the flame troopers and the giant saw in Kashyyk

Yeah I've been using a few youtube videos that showed the areas they can spawn and I've been flying back and forth between planets all morning and I've never seen them spawn anywhere. It seems like a lot of people in the comments have had no luck finding them either so I wonder if it's bugged for some players.


Dec 19, 2017
When was the last PS4 patch? I want to play, but I've read of some nasty game-breaking bugs on Kotaku...
Oct 28, 2017
It's easier to deflect multiple shots compared to the single blade, also some of its moves like the overhead hit a lot of times really quickly
Fast, good for small creatures. Can hit things behind you when facing groups. Can parry multiple bolts back at enemies. Different force attacks.

More light in dark places. 🤩

Thanks. Guess I'll mess around with it some more. I just feel like I have an easier time with single blade for some reason.


Oct 27, 2017
New York
I really want to love this game, but the frame rate and general slowness of it all on the launch ps4 is really killing my interest. Only a couple hours in and it's already incredibly frustrating trying to make progress while stuff isn't loading in properly, frame rate drops off, and the game just all around runs terribly.


Oct 27, 2017
I've never seen a Star Wars movie in my life or had any interest in it....but this game has me interested. How is it on Xbox one X? I also have a PS4 Pro but which version is better. Also should i buy some Star Wars blu rays.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Fucking hell this game needed so much more polish.

This stupid bullshit chase sequence against Gorgara where if anything touches you you instantly die. Fuck this stupid shit.

Why did they launch it if they didn't even bother to playtest it?


Oct 25, 2017
Square for light attack and triangle for heavy attack feel natural to me, i'm fine with the R1 and R2 as well.

The thing i'm adamant about is X being jump and O being dodge.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Fucking hell this game needed so much more polish.

This stupid bullshit chase sequence against Gorgara where if anything touches you you instantly die. Fuck this stupid shit.

Why did they launch it if they didn't even bother to playtest it?
What even was there to "touch you"? I played on JM and didn't have any problems getting through that whole section without dying, in fact both parts of that encounter with him I would consider to be one of the highlights of the whole game

I've never seen a Star Wars movie in my life or had any interest in it....but this game has me interested. How is it on Xbox one X? I also have a PS4 Pro but which version is better. Also should i buy some Star Wars blu rays.
The game isn't perfect on any platform, but the general consensus seems to be that the PC version more than usual is much better than both of the Pro consoles, in terms of both graphics and performance. If you have to get it on console, go with the One X. The story in this game (which is very good btw) doesn't really require a whole lot of outside Star Wars knowledge, outside of a particularly traumatic event in several characters' lives, that is from the end of the movie Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Gravemind IV

Nov 26, 2017
Finished Grandmaster! Love the game, hope we get some DLC along the road.

Pretty dope way to style on Trilla. [/spoilers]


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
I've never seen a Star Wars movie in my life or had any interest in it....but this game has me interested. How is it on Xbox one X? I also have a PS4 Pro but which version is better. Also should i buy some Star Wars blu rays.

Its great on Xbox 1 X, expect long load times after you die to respawning anyway.

You can always check offerup or Letgo for anyone selling their blu ray collection. I was able to buy all 6 in mint condition for $30 since stores never go under $90.
Or wait for 4k next year I think.
Or just get Disney+


Oct 27, 2017
What even was there to "touch you"? I played on JM and didn't have any problems getting through that whole section without dying, in fact both parts of that encounter with him I would consider to be one of the highlights of the whole game

The fight felt like Demon Prince lite. Pretty cool.
Force pulling his damn head down to go HAM on it brings a smile to my face thinking about it.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
I just finished the jail part last night.
Already my favorite moment in the whole game. The music, the setting, the fight.

I also want to know how the hell was I able to kill a big spider with 1 hit?
It was full health, I blocked it as it attacked and an X symbol appeared which allowed me to jump onto it's back and pierce it, killing it in a single strike.


Oct 27, 2017
I just finished the jail part last night.
Already my favorite moment in the whole game. The music, the setting, the fight.

I also want to know how the hell was I able to kill a big spider with 1 hit?
It was full health, I blocked it as it attacked and an X symbol appeared which allowed me to jump onto it's back and pierce it, killing it in a single strike.
If you parry the big attack, it does that. The attack when it pulls its legs back to strike. Makes fighting them really easy.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
What even was there to "touch you"? I played on JM and didn't have any problems getting through that whole section without dying, in fact both parts of that encounter with him I would consider to be one of the highlights of the whole game

I just kept randomly dying. I don't know what was causing it.


Jan 15, 2019
I'm legit amazed that people are still on the red attack = unblockable train when it comes down to some bosses, the last one is no exception

Also you're just bad, shes highly vulnerable to literally all of your kit

i just never felt the combat in this game, at least against bosses. so yeah I never "got good" at it lol .. it just felt off


Oct 25, 2017
Roughly how far am I in the campaign if...

I just got on the back of the big bird to fly over Kaashyyk?


Dec 10, 2017
Ontario, Canada
Just beat the game last night, thought I'd leave my little review here to exchange thoughts and whatnot. Spoiler free.

It's the best singleplayer Star Wars game to date, I know it's faint praise, but I do think it is a great game. It's no GOTY by any means but it's very good and reminiscent of an era in which EA was actually likable.

Combat is heavily inspired by Souls but it's far too flashy and "clunky" to be a replacement, difficultly is probably the game's biggest flaw. The game on hardest difficulty isn't "like Dark Souls for Dark Souls fans" it's simply not balanced and not fun. In Bloodborne, I know if I died, it's on me. In here, I could die for endless reasons beyond my control. Fighting the Empire is fun, fighting the Fauna of each planet is entirely different and I didn't like it in all honesty,
The Force was super cool but rather pointless in boss fights other than the initial skill you are given. Platforming in this game is objectively bad, it looks cool and well animated but the game often fails to recognize what it's supposed to do and you will die a lot for it. So it's closer to Tomb Raider than Uncharted in that regard, but feels unintentional, set pieces while climbing are definitely inspired by Uncharted. Games
tries to use its level design cleverly but the system is rather clunky and doesn't recognize what you're trying to do very well, falling off pipes instead of jumping to the next, dropping down, etc.

Puzzles are simple enough that they remain interesting and traversal feels cool. However the lack of fast travel is puzzling to me, the worlds are interesting and the level design is honestly excellent, but I don't want to backtrack through these confusing multi level worlds just to find secrets, if I could fast travel between meditation circles, then I'd be down for it.

Story is the game at its best, it's really good for Star Wars standards. Which means, it's cheesy and in love with its own lore but it's great. I'd say a 10/10 for Star Wars standards and a 9/10 for normal game standards, ending felt a little weak to me, like it needed a punch but other than that, the characters grew on me and I cared for them, especially BD-1, those tippy taps, those god damn tippy taps, I'd die for that android.

Overall I think it's a very good game and hope Respawn make more of these, it was a very competent Souls-like game that needs more refinement which comes naturally with experience, the story is good and the difficulty is whack. Oh, played it on PC for $15 usd with Origin Access, played on Epic settings but the game crashed a lot near the end of the story. 8/10 for me.Dunno if it's Top 10 goty 2019 game for me, but I enjoyed it.
Opinions and all, but better than KOTOR??


Dec 10, 2017
Ontario, Canada
Not sure if I agree with worse controls. I find the platforming (the most comparable gameplay element in terms of controls) here far better than in Uncharted. In terms of cinematography and bombastic set pieces, yeah, it's a bit like poor man's Uncharted.

I dunno, I just tried 6 times to successfully swing on two ropes, slide down a ramp and jump onto a vine wall. Each time the camera picked a new angle to change to, which changed my character's direction unpredictably. Absolutely infuriating. I always felt like the platforming in uncharted was good.


Oct 29, 2017
Finished it and really enjoyed it over all. Glad I played it on PC too.

Kinda wish merrin was given more screen time though!
Oct 25, 2017
Was there a recent update that borked the graphics or is Kashyyk just bad looking? There is bits of grass and vegetation popping in 10 yards away and it's really distracting.


Oct 25, 2017
Just practised on the first large toad for a bit to get the parries and dodges down... what a cool enemy.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished it and really enjoyed it over all. Glad I played it on PC too.

Kinda wish merrin was given more screen time though!

Oct 29, 2017
It's on EA access, right? If I subscribe for two months, can I play it? Thinking on getting the subscription and going through some games in my vacation, like this and titanfall 2.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished it and really enjoyed it over all. Glad I played it on PC too.

Kinda wish merrin was given more screen time though!
I wish I had
gone to Dathomir first 'cus she seemed really cool but I barely got any time with her character since I did Dathomir kast and then I had to go get the holocron.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish I had
gone to Dathomir first 'cus she seemed really cool but I barely got any time with her character since I did Dathomir and then I had to go get the holocron.

A bit of a warning though, there's a huge difficulty spike if you go there first, took me like 90 minutes to clear that first little section before i realized that i was on the wrong planet.


Aug 17, 2019
I don't think I'm going to finish this. I just got the flip, but I don't think the game is for me. It feels like such a bland slog. I find myself zoning out when characters are talking, and the platforming is just abysmal. Very jealous of the folk having an absolute blast with it. May the next game be mine.


Oct 25, 2017
How much longer do I have now that I have gotten to


I'm enjoying my time the deeper I get into it, but I'm trying to finish before my EA Premier month expires lol


Oct 25, 2017
Playing on second hardest and I managed to kill the Oggdo Bogdo when you first meet. I usually suck at games like this so that felt like an achievement, pretty exhilarating! Hopefully I can keep focus as the game gets more difficult...

Really enjoying this combat system so far.