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Jul 27, 2018
Owen had 20 years to perfect his cover story for Luke and the best he could come up with was this:

"Obi-Wan is just a crazy old man."
"Actually I'm not sure if he still exists anymore."
"Actually he died 20 years ago, so he definitely doesn't exist anymore and I guess there was no reason for anyone, during your entire life, to have ever mentioned him."

I still dont get why he and beru didnt just pretend to be luke's parents.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok how about lie to him and say he was found & adopted

I don't know how that would help his cover story at all. Obviously they should have not had him walking around with the name "Skywalker" and that's just a thing we have to deal with because these movies weren't planned out in advance (imagine if they were released today in the CinemaSins era).


Jul 27, 2018
I don't know how that would help his cover story at all. Obviously they should have not had him walking around with the name "Skywalker" and that's just a thing we have to deal with because these movies weren't planned out in advance (imagine if they were released today in the CinemaSins era).



Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Looks like Smuggler's Run is using some sort of overflow line currently?

"bUt soMe YOuTubER whO's nEveR BeeN sAiD iTs a faIlUrE"


Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of lines, I experienced some crazy ass line managanet when I went to Pandora 2-ish months back. When the park opened, they had everyone go down a specific road (is that what you'd call it?) and when we got to the end, they had us walk all the way back, I thought it was closed or something, but then I saw that the walk back was to actually get in line for the ride. These mofos double lined us so they had enough space.

And then when we existed the ride, they had traffic cop Disney employees at an intersection.

I was pretty impressed.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Speaking of lines, I experienced some crazy ass line managanet when I went to Pandora 2-ish months back. When the park opened, they had everyone go down a specific road (is that what you'd call it?) and when we got to the end, they had us walk all the way back, I thought it was closed or something, but then I saw that the walk back was to actually get in line for the ride. These mofos double lined us so they had enough space.

And then when we existed the ride, they had traffic cop Disney employees at an intersection.

I was pretty impressed.
The logistics that cast members use at Disney Parks is insane, especially leading up to and after the fireworks at Magic Kingdom in directing people out of the park through the gift shops efficiently with cast member traffic cops.


Oct 25, 2017
Ben should just have been Obi-Wan's nickname throughout the prequels.

Deciding to call him "Ben Kenobi" all of a sudden to hide from the Empire makes no sense.


Oct 25, 2017
The only thing I can think of is that names like Skywalker and Kenobi are actually far more common than we think in the galaxy, but the Law of Fictional Character Names means we'll never meet or hear of anyone unrelated with the name.


Oct 25, 2017
The only thing I can think of is that names like Skywalker and Kenobi are actually far more common than we think in the galaxy, but the Law of Fictional Character Names means we'll never meet or hear of anyone unrelated with the name.
Vader should have sent a Terminator to eliminate all the Skywalkers in the galaxy just in case


Oct 25, 2017

Dope poster for galaxy edge.


Oct 25, 2017
Disney is betting big on its upcoming Disney+ streaming service and is willing to put money where its mouth is. According to reports, the per episode cost to make The Mandalorian reaches close to $15 million, making the cost of a whole season nearly $120 million. That's similar to a major movie blockbuster.

For comparison, Game of Thrones originally cost around $6 million per episode in its first season but ballooned to a comparable $15 million per episode for its final season.

The Mandalorian: Here's How Much Each Episode Costs to Make
Oct 27, 2017
Has anybody here checked out any of the Star Wars TTRPGs or the games coming out of Fantasy Flight?

Yes actually, I ran a game of the one called Force & Destiny a few years back with 3 friends and my brother

Was pretty cool man the rules system was unique and fun and allowed for heaps of on-the-fly story-telling and comedic moments

Has its own custom dice set which is a pain to get mailed overseas to where I live at but there's an official Dice App on the app store for it for like 2 bucks that works very well that also comes with all the classic D20 system dice which has got a lot of use out of me

One of my favourite game systems I've played and the levelling and classes were all really cool


Oct 25, 2017
Because I'm pathetically obsessed, I spent time recently going through the old spoilers for The Force Awakens. The bad guy might turn out to be... Luke, because some concept art looks a little like him. There's some fun stuff. People thinking Adam Driver might not be the villain but might instead be an X-Wing pilot because someone in a blurry spy shot sort of looked like him. Latino-Review getting everything wrong. A couple of sites getting their hands on the shooting schedule in February of 2015 which means Han dying was out there for 10 months before the movie came out. All the "I've seen pictures of stuff but my source says I can't show you so I have to describe them instead" reports. Domhnall Gleeson was playing Luke's son, a rumor that hung around forever. Months and months of only knowing codenames for people and stuff. It was really fun to go back through with the knowledge of what was actually in the movie. It was also fun to try to tease out whether some stuff was actually true, but had been cut or changed and not yet released.

As part of this, I decided to finally go through the leaked shooting schedule and pick out what was different. There was much more than I thought. Here are the bits from it that are changed or that do not appear in the final film nor in the released deleted scenes (since cut scenes of Leia will be used in Episode IX I'll be blacking them out just to be extra-spoiler safe):
  • The original opening with a hand grasping the Skywalker lightsaber floating in space then falling to a savannah planet and being picked up by an alien hand.
  • Kylo is not on the bridge when Finn and Poe make their escape.
  • When Rey is cleaning her scavenged parts before selling them to Unkar Plutt, the shooting schedule describes her watching a "family depart the bus station." This was replaced with the old woman in the final film. I believe the bit about the family departing was filmed (see notes), but it has not been released.
  • Finn and Poe crashing reads as if it could have been different. From the short scene descriptions, it almost sounds like Poe is still in the TIE Fighter and he and Finn speak before going their separate ways (with the TIE exploding behind them). If this version was ever filmed, it's never been released.
  • A speeder jets past Finn while he's wandering, kicking dirt into his face. If this was filmed, it's never been released.
  • There's a short scene of stormtroopers discovering the crashed TIE Fighter. How they could do that after it explodes is anyone's guess. If this was filmed, it's never been released.
  • Kylo speaking to Vader's helmet happens just after the TIE crash. And the scene ends with Hux informing Kylo of Finn's betrayal. If that bit was filmed, it's never been released.
  • There's a small scene of Rey helping Finn with a food seller. If this was ever filmed, it's never been released.
  • Rey is said to not trust Finn when they first meet. As confirmed in the director's commentary that's how this scene was originally shot. That version has never been released.
  • The Millennium Falcon chase starts with one TIE fighter and gets up to three, unlike the final film which has two for almost the whole time.
  • There's a shot of a luggabeast, the animal being ridden by the alien that harasses BB-8 at the beginning, getting into a fight with either the debris of a TIE Fighter or the pilot. If this was filmed, it's never been released.
  • Immediately after the Millennium Falcon chase sequence, the shooting schedule cuts to Starkiller Base and the "there's been an awakening" scene. The establishing shot includes Kylo's shuttle while the final film does not.
  • Kylo Ren being informed of the escape and damaging the room with his lightsaber does not appear to be in the shooting schedule.
  • Rey attempting to fix the Millennium Falcon and asking for the Resistance base coordinates from Finn appears to be missing from the shooting schedule.
  • Finn accidentally triggering the Dejarik board happens before the Rathtar sequence instead of after.
  • In the shooting schedule, when Han and Chewie's freighter is boarded, Han gives Rey and Finn some explosives to deal with the boarders and they plant them underneath the two groups. If any of that was filmed, it's never been released.
  • The phone call to the First Order to tell them that Han Solo has the droid takes place before the Millennium Falcon jumps to lightspeed.
  • The shooting schedule seems to say that there are two spaceships outside the freighter firing at the Millennium Falcon as it makes its escape.
  • Interestingly, the shooting schedule splits up the "there's been an awakening" scene. Snoke telling Hux to prepare the weapon and then talking with Kylo about the awakening is one scene, possibly with the additional lines of dialogue from the first teaser. But then Snoke informing Kylo that BB-8 is on the Millennium Falcon is separate and tacked on after Hux's speech.
  • The released deleted scene "Jakku Message" was placed after the Falcon entered hyperspace.
  • Hux's big speech is between the Millennium Falcon escaping from the freighter and the "it's true, all of it" scene in the shooting schedule, meaning it's separated from Starkiller Base firing.
  • Starkiller Base is fired before the "Forceback" as opposed to after.
  • Kylo Ren is on his shuttle during the firing.
  • The shooting schedule mentions a scene of Leia and Resistance command reacting to the firing. This has yet to be released and could appear in IX, assuming it was filmed.
  • The "Forceback" was significantly expanded and different in the shooting schedule. Strap in, cause this gets crazy. If any of this was filmed, it's never been released (aside from the R2-D2 bit).
    • For one, it reads more like a straight flashback as it seems to be Maz leading the entire party down into the basement while telling them the story of the lightsaber. As she explains events, they're shown on screen.
    • It starts by picking up right where the "hand opening" left off. The alien hand belongs to Naka, who takes the lightsaber back to his home and uses it as a firestarter.
    • Naka sells the lightsaber to a trader, the trader sells it on.
    • The saber is used in a battle.
    • Leia and Han drop young Ben Solo off at Luke's Jedi academy.
    • Ben being trained by Luke
    • Bodies are strewn about the academy. Ben is gone.
    • Kylo joins the Knights of Ren
    • R2-D2 is upset as Luke leaves
    • Kylo and the Knights of Ren at a campfire. They have the lightsaber. Maz steals it from them and rides off on a speeder.
    • Finn is intrigued by the lightsaber, Rey is repulsed and runs off, though in all the commotion no one notices. BB-8 follows her.
  • First Order stormtroopers use a drill to get at the corridors under Maz's castle.
  • Maz uses her "special skills" to take out the bad guys.
  • Maz and Kylo Ren both use their "powers" in the battle outside Maz's castle.
  • Rey seems to briefly escape from Kylo during this battle before being recaptured.
  • There's a shot of Kylo's shuttle flying over the parade grounds on Starkiller Base.
  • Rey reading Kylo's mind originally came right after the attack at Maz's castle and then we got our first look at the Resistance base.
  • There's a quick scene of Kylo being flustered outside the torture chamber holding Rey.
  • There's mention of Han telling Leia that Rey is worth rescuing. If this was filmed, it's never been released.
  • Rey mind tricking the stormtrooper happens later in the shooting schedule after the Resistance discusses Starkiller Base and devises a plan to destroy it.
  • Likewise, Kylo discovering that Rey has escaped happens later, after the Resistance ships jump to lightspeed.
  • There's a scene at the Resistance base with Maz giving Leia the lightsaber and telling her to give it to Finn. This was filmed and a shot from it can be seen in the second teaser trailer. The full scene has never been released.
    • The shooting schedule also says that Leia gives Finn the lightsaber before talking to Han above leaving for Starkiller Base.
  • While the plans are made to attack Starkiller Base, Leia "reveals her superweapon."
  • While Statura briefs the Resistance on Starkiller Base, shots of the weapon charging are shown, instead of just the hologram. Those shots of the weapon charging are used separately in the final film.
  • Leia gives the Resistance fleet the command to jump to lightspeed.
  • There are a couple of shots of Han, Finn, and Chewie disembarking the Falcon. If these were filmed, they've never been released.
  • There are more shots of the trio heading into Starkiller Base via a "giant tunnel." If these were filmed, they've never been released.
  • Rey gets into a fight with a Stormtrooper, wins, and takes his gun. If this was filmed, it's never been released.
  • Phasma being forced to lower the shields is not in the shooting schedule.
  • Hux getting an update on the weapon's charging status does not seem to appear in the shooting schedule.
  • There is a substantial, removed subplot featuring Leia and her "superweapon," which seems to be a giant ship used to crash through things.
    • After Han and the guys land on Starkiller Base, Leia delays to give Han and crew more time.
    • Resistance command, including Leia, give the go-ahead for the superweapon to be used.
    • All is calm for the handful of Star Destroyers above Starkiller base until the "Steamroller" shows up and plows through them
    • Starkiller Base control freaks out. By contrast, Resistance control is very pleased
    • The Steamroller smashes through the shield.
    • Leia is pleased and withdraws the weapon as X-Wings pour into the hole it's left.
    • Leia snaps at C-3PO after he shows his trademark pessimism. The C-3PO part may have survived in the final film.
  • Hux discovers where Han is and tells Kylo. If this was filmed, it's never been released.
  • The sequencing of some shots around Han's death is slightly different.
  • There are brief scenes at both Resistance and First Order control interspersed with Kylo entering the giant room where Han is. If either of these scenes was filmed, they haven't been released.
  • Instead of looking at the star's light dwindling, Rey is said to be looking at another X-Wing being shot down.
  • There's no mention in the shooting schedule of Poe flying into the oscillator to blow it up. Instead, it seems more like Han and Chewie's explosives do it. The X-Wings are decimated in the schedule and there's no mention of them after Han dies.
  • There's a shot of Hux watching the "parade grounds" fall away. If this was filmed, it's never been released.
  • The shooting schedule explicitly mentions Chewie "mussing" Rey's hair as they leave to meet Luke. This doesn't happen in the final film. If this version was filmed, it's never been released.
Assorted other notes:
  • There are several missing shot numbers in the shooting schedule, many of them around the flashback. We know that seeing Luke and Vader actually fighting in Cloud City was part of it at one point thanks to other leaks and J.J. himself mentioning it during the commentary.
  • Other leaks indicated that the lightsaber would be used by the "CLAN" against the "SEVEN," who are presumably the Knights of Ren. This would seemingly fit the "the saber is used in battle" part of the flashback, except Kylo hadn't joined the Knights yet as constructed here. So, yeah, neither J.J. nor his editors were lying when they said the flashback went through a lot of permutations.
  • Before the movie came out, rumors said that Greg Grunberg was playing a character named Gorwyn, but he said he would appear in all 3 films. Gorwyn appears in the shooting schedule but dies. Similarly, a pilot named Duncan is mentioned being hit in the shooting schedule. I don't know if either of these events is shown in the film. If not, then there are additional things possibly filmed by not released.
  • It was rumored before release that the lightsaber was the key to finding Luke. It's hard to tell whether that was the case in the shooting schedule.
  • This isn't important, but it tickles me: The entirety of the scene description for the destruction of Starkiller Base is "Starkiller Base needs a total remodel."
  • Every released deleted scene is accounted for, except for "Leia and the Resistance," which is her talking to Kor Sella, and "Kylo Searches the Falcon."
  • In the director's commentary, J.J. says that originally Rey did not know who Luke Skywalker was. Leaked score cue names include one called "Who's Luke Skywalker" so this lasted at least until John Williams started composing if not until he began recording.
  • There's also a score cue named "Hand Opening," which means the original opening stuck around until scoring as well.
  • had a rundown of every character they said filmed scenes in the summer of 2014. It included Naka, the alien who finds the lightsaber in the original beginning, the trader he sells it to, the "fat cat" who gets the lightsaber next, Young Luke Skywalker for the flashback, and "bus stop" mother and son.
  • A picture of Young Luke Skywalker, played by Robert Boulter, leaked out last year.
    • v14F3U9.jpg
  • I believe Lucasfilm story group member Pablo Hidalgo has said that the ship seen flying away at the end of the "Forceback" was originally intended for the "bus stop" portion earlier.
  • Han walking into the cockpit of the Falcon for the first time in forever originally included him looking up at the golden dice. This can be seen in the "Secrets of the Force Awakens" documentary on the Bluray.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Yes actually, I ran a game of the one called Force & Destiny a few years back with 3 friends and my brother

Was pretty cool man the rules system was unique and fun and allowed for heaps of on-the-fly story-telling and comedic moments

Has its own custom dice set which is a pain to get mailed overseas to where I live at but there's an official Dice App on the app store for it for like 2 bucks that works very well that also comes with all the classic D20 system dice which has got a lot of use out of me

One of my favourite game systems I've played and the levelling and classes were all really cool
Sounds interesting. I was checking out Age of Rebellion and Edge of the Empire and wondering which one to look at.


Oct 27, 2017
Because I'm pathetically obsessed, I spent time recently going through the old spoilers for The Force Awakens. The bad guy might turn out to be... Luke, because some concept art looks a little like him. There's some fun stuff. People thinking Adam Driver might not be the villain but might instead be an X-Wing pilot because someone in a blurry spy shot sort of looked like him. Latino-Review getting everything wrong. A couple of sites getting their hands on the shooting schedule in February of 2015 which means Han dying was out there for 10 months before the movie came out. All the "I've seen pictures of stuff but my source says I can't show you so I have to describe them instead" reports. Domhnall Gleeson was playing Luke's son, a rumor that hung around forever. Months and months of only knowing codenames for people and stuff. It was really fun to go back through with the knowledge of what was actually in the movie. It was also fun to try to tease out whether some stuff was actually true, but had been cut or changed and not yet released.

As part of this, I decided to finally go through the leaked shooting schedule and pick out what was different. There was much more than I thought. Here are the bits from it that are changed or that do not appear in the final film nor in the released deleted scenes (since cut scenes of Leia will be used in Episode IX I'll be blacking them out just to be extra-spoiler safe):
  • The original opening with a hand grasping the Skywalker lightsaber floating in space then falling to a savannah planet and being picked up by an alien hand.
  • Kylo is not on the bridge when Finn and Poe make their escape.
  • When Rey is cleaning her scavenged parts before selling them to Unkar Plutt, the shooting schedule describes her watching a "family depart the bus station." This was replaced with the old woman in the final film. I believe the bit about the family departing was filmed (see notes), but it has not been released.
  • Finn and Poe crashing reads as if it could have been different. From the short scene descriptions, it almost sounds like Poe is still in the TIE Fighter and he and Finn speak before going their separate ways (with the TIE exploding behind them). If this version was ever filmed, it's never been released.
  • A speeder jets past Finn while he's wandering, kicking dirt into his face. If this was filmed, it's never been released.
  • There's a short scene of stormtroopers discovering the crashed TIE Fighter. How they could do that after it explodes is anyone's guess. If this was filmed, it's never been released.
  • Kylo speaking to Vader's helmet happens just after the TIE crash. And the scene ends with Hux informing Kylo of Finn's betrayal. If that bit was filmed, it's never been released.
  • There's a small scene of Rey helping Finn with a food seller. If this was ever filmed, it's never been released.
  • Rey is said to not trust Finn when they first meet. As confirmed in the director's commentary that's how this scene was originally shot. That version has never been released.
  • The Millennium Falcon chase starts with one TIE fighter and gets up to three, unlike the final film which has two for almost the whole time.
  • There's a shot of a luggabeast, the animal being ridden by the alien that harasses BB-8 at the beginning, getting into a fight with either the debris of a TIE Fighter or the pilot. If this was filmed, it's never been released.
  • Immediately after the Millennium Falcon chase sequence, the shooting schedule cuts to Starkiller Base and the "there's been an awakening" scene. The establishing shot includes Kylo's shuttle while the final film does not.
  • Kylo Ren being informed of the escape and damaging the room with his lightsaber does not appear to be in the shooting schedule.
  • Rey attempting to fix the Millennium Falcon and asking for the Resistance base coordinates from Finn appears to be missing from the shooting schedule.
  • Finn accidentally triggering the Dejarik board happens before the Rathtar sequence instead of after.
  • In the shooting schedule, when Han and Chewie's freighter is boarded, Han gives Rey and Finn some explosives to deal with the boarders and they plant them underneath the two groups. If any of that was filmed, it's never been released.
  • The phone call to the First Order to tell them that Han Solo has the droid takes place before the Millennium Falcon jumps to lightspeed.
  • The shooting schedule seems to say that there are two spaceships outside the freighter firing at the Millennium Falcon as it makes its escape.
  • Interestingly, the shooting schedule splits up the "there's been an awakening" scene. Snoke telling Hux to prepare the weapon and then talking with Kylo about the awakening is one scene, possibly with the additional lines of dialogue from the first teaser. But then Snoke informing Kylo that BB-8 is on the Millennium Falcon is separate and tacked on after Hux's speech.
  • The released deleted scene "Jakku Message" was placed after the Falcon entered hyperspace.
  • Hux's big speech is between the Millennium Falcon escaping from the freighter and the "it's true, all of it" scene in the shooting schedule, meaning it's separated from Starkiller Base firing.
  • Starkiller Base is fired before the "Forceback" as opposed to after.
  • Kylo Ren is on his shuttle during the firing.
  • The shooting schedule mentions a scene of Leia and Resistance command reacting to the firing. This has yet to be released and could appear in IX, assuming it was filmed.
  • The "Forceback" was significantly expanded and different in the shooting schedule. Strap in, cause this gets crazy. If any of this was filmed, it's never been released (aside from the R2-D2 bit).
    • For one, it reads more like a straight flashback as it seems to be Maz leading the entire party down into the basement while telling them the story of the lightsaber. As she explains events, they're shown on screen.
    • It starts by picking up right where the "hand opening" left off. The alien hand belongs to Naka, who takes the lightsaber back to his home and uses it as a firestarter.
    • Naka sells the lightsaber to a trader, the trader sells it on.
    • The saber is used in a battle.
    • Leia and Han drop young Ben Solo off at Luke's Jedi academy.
    • Ben being trained by Luke
    • Bodies are strewn about the academy. Ben is gone.
    • Kylo joins the Knights of Ren
    • R2-D2 is upset as Luke leaves
    • Kylo and the Knights of Ren at a campfire. They have the lightsaber. Maz steals it from them and rides off on a speeder.
    • Finn is intrigued by the lightsaber, Rey is repulsed and runs off, though in all the commotion no one notices. BB-8 follows her.
  • First Order stormtroopers use a drill to get at the corridors under Maz's castle.
  • Maz uses her "special skills" to take out the bad guys.
  • Maz and Kylo Ren both use their "powers" in the battle outside Maz's castle.
  • Rey seems to briefly escape from Kylo during this battle before being recaptured.
  • There's a shot of Kylo's shuttle flying over the parade grounds on Starkiller Base.
  • Rey reading Kylo's mind originally came right after the attack at Maz's castle and then we got our first look at the Resistance base.
  • There's a quick scene of Kylo being flustered outside the torture chamber holding Rey.
  • There's mention of Han telling Leia that Rey is worth rescuing. If this was filmed, it's never been released.
  • Rey mind tricking the stormtrooper happens later in the shooting schedule after the Resistance discusses Starkiller Base and devises a plan to destroy it.
  • Likewise, Kylo discovering that Rey has escaped happens later, after the Resistance ships jump to lightspeed.
  • There's a scene at the Resistance base with Maz giving Leia the lightsaber and telling her to give it to Finn. This was filmed and a shot from it can be seen in the second teaser trailer. The full scene has never been released.
    • The shooting schedule also says that Leia gives Finn the lightsaber before talking to Han above leaving for Starkiller Base.
  • While the plans are made to attack Starkiller Base, Leia "reveals her superweapon."
  • While Statura briefs the Resistance on Starkiller Base, shots of the weapon charging are shown, instead of just the hologram. Those shots of the weapon charging are used separately in the final film.
  • Leia gives the Resistance fleet the command to jump to lightspeed.
  • There are a couple of shots of Han, Finn, and Chewie disembarking the Falcon. If these were filmed, they've never been released.
  • There are more shots of the trio heading into Starkiller Base via a "giant tunnel." If these were filmed, they've never been released.
  • Rey gets into a fight with a Stormtrooper, wins, and takes his gun. If this was filmed, it's never been released.
  • Phasma being forced to lower the shields is not in the shooting schedule.
  • Hux getting an update on the weapon's charging status does not seem to appear in the shooting schedule.
  • There is a substantial, removed subplot featuring Leia and her "superweapon," which seems to be a giant ship used to crash through things.
    • After Han and the guys land on Starkiller Base, Leia delays to give Han and crew more time.
    • Resistance command, including Leia, give the go-ahead for the superweapon to be used.
    • All is calm for the handful of Star Destroyers above Starkiller base until the "Steamroller" shows up and plows through them
    • Starkiller Base control freaks out. By contrast, Resistance control is very pleased
    • The Steamroller smashes through the shield.
    • Leia is pleased and withdraws the weapon as X-Wings pour into the hole it's left.
    • Leia snaps at C-3PO after he shows his trademark pessimism. The C-3PO part may have survived in the final film.
  • Hux discovers where Han is and tells Kylo. If this was filmed, it's never been released.
  • The sequencing of some shots around Han's death is slightly different.
  • There are brief scenes at both Resistance and First Order control interspersed with Kylo entering the giant room where Han is. If either of these scenes was filmed, they haven't been released.
  • Instead of looking at the star's light dwindling, Rey is said to be looking at another X-Wing being shot down.
  • There's no mention in the shooting schedule of Poe flying into the oscillator to blow it up. Instead, it seems more like Han and Chewie's explosives do it. The X-Wings are decimated in the schedule and there's no mention of them after Han dies.
  • There's a shot of Hux watching the "parade grounds" fall away. If this was filmed, it's never been released.
  • The shooting schedule explicitly mentions Chewie "mussing" Rey's hair as they leave to meet Luke. This doesn't happen in the final film. If this version was filmed, it's never been released.
Assorted other notes:
  • There are several missing shot numbers in the shooting schedule, many of them around the flashback. We know that seeing Luke and Vader actually fighting in Cloud City was part of it at one point thanks to other leaks and J.J. himself mentioning it during the commentary.
  • Other leaks indicated that the lightsaber would be used by the "CLAN" against the "SEVEN," who are presumably the Knights of Ren. This would seemingly fit the "the saber is used in battle" part of the flashback, except Kylo hadn't joined the Knights yet as constructed here. So, yeah, neither J.J. nor his editors were lying when they said the flashback went through a lot of permutations.
  • Before the movie came out, rumors said that Greg Grunberg was playing a character named Gorwyn, but he said he would appear in all 3 films. Gorwyn appears in the shooting schedule but dies. Similarly, a pilot named Duncan is mentioned being hit in the shooting schedule. I don't know if either of these events is shown in the film. If not, then there are additional things possibly filmed by not released.
  • It was rumored before release that the lightsaber was the key to finding Luke. It's hard to tell whether that was the case in the shooting schedule.
  • This isn't important, but it tickles me: The entirety of the scene description for the destruction of Starkiller Base is "Starkiller Base needs a total remodel."
  • Every released deleted scene is accounted for, except for "Leia and the Resistance," which is her talking to Kor Sella, and "Kylo Searches the Falcon."
  • In the director's commentary, J.J. says that originally Rey did not know who Luke Skywalker was. Leaked score cue names include one called "Who's Luke Skywalker" so this lasted at least until John Williams started composing if not until he began recording.
  • There's also a score cue named "Hand Opening," which means the original opening stuck around until scoring as well.
  • had a rundown of every character they said filmed scenes in the summer of 2014. It included Naka, the alien who finds the lightsaber in the original beginning, the trader he sells it to, the "fat cat" who gets the lightsaber next, Young Luke Skywalker for the flashback, and "bus stop" mother and son.
  • A picture of Young Luke Skywalker, played by Robert Boulter, leaked out last year.
    • v14F3U9.jpg
  • I believe Lucasfilm story group member Pablo Hidalgo has said that the ship seen flying away at the end of the "Forceback" was originally intended for the "bus stop" portion earlier.
  • Han walking into the cockpit of the Falcon for the first time in forever originally included him looking up at the golden dice. This can be seen in the "Secrets of the Force Awakens" documentary on the Bluray.

Excellent overview and analysis. The stuff that is missing from the shooting schedule is likely a reshoot, as we know for sure that the "Rey fixing the Falcon" scene was a byproduct of reshoots that occurred post Ford-injury to shore up the interactions between her and Finn. But I never realized that the "Kylo smashing shit" sequence could also have been a reshoot; in retrospect, it makes sense, it's very much the same kind of character-building scene.

Just blows my mind that some of the most memorable scenes in the film were reshoots.

Regarding the cut Leia material: At this point, I'd actually be surprised if the "Steamroller" didn't show up in some form, though it'd be kinda ridiculous if Leia just pulled a superweapon out like the Resistance hadn't recently suffered its worst defeat yet


Oct 28, 2017
40 years old on Thursday! Thinking of marking the occasion and kicking off a mid life crisis ; ) by getting a Star Wars tattoo! Just something small, maybe something in Aurebesh or one of the numerous Galactic symbols represented across the universe. Off work all week so gonna visit my local shop later


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
They are throwing some serious money and talent behind The Madalorian.

I wonder how much they are planning to spend in regards to the Marvel series spin-offs?


Oct 27, 2017
40 years old on Thursday! Thinking of marking the occasion and kicking off a mid life crisis ; ) by getting a Star Wars tattoo! Just something small, maybe something in Aurebesh or one of the numerous Galactic symbols represented across the universe. Off work all week so gonna visit my local shop later
Happy Birthday for Thursday. That's a Birthday I dread reaching lol


Oct 27, 2017
Just release some footage already, the damn thing comes out in 4 months. It's weird that this is their flagship title for launching Disney+ and yet they're pulling another Solo with the marketing.

I mean, it's all shit quality, but there is a full-length behind-the-scenes reel, trailer, and 5 minute scene on YouTube right now. It's telling that Lucasfilm hasn't really made an attempt to take any of it down.


Oct 25, 2017
TV shows don't generally do a lot of marketing until 2-3 months before release due to their different filming and post-production schedule.


Oct 25, 2017
  • A picture of Young Luke Skywalker, played by Robert Boulter, leaked out last year.
    • v14F3U9.jpg

What the hell? Where they going to CG his face?

Regarding the cut Leia material: At this point, I'd actually be surprised if the "Steamroller" didn't show up in some form, though it'd be kinda ridiculous if Leia just pulled a superweapon out like the Resistance hadn't recently suffered its worst defeat yet

I thought they recycled that idea in Rogue One
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