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Oct 27, 2017
So, what's the general feeling the Mandalorian here? I've been really up and down it. I think the show needs more than Favreau and Filoni writing it. There is such a lack of depth to it. Maybe kids are meant to be the main audience?

I'm a bit worried about Obi-Wan, now. Although, I think they have already mentioned the writer for that.

I haven't seen 5 yet but I'm liking it more with each new episode. But I'd be lying though if I said it wasn't living up to my pre-release expectations; it's breezy fun and goes down easy but also feels very shallow. It also doesn't help that I'm watching Watchmen at the same time which is blowing me away on a weekly basis.


Oct 28, 2017
I like The Mandalorian. Ironically enough, it fits that whole "it is okay but the lore is great" I was just complaining about. I think that is good for a television show - where a story doesn't need to be all plot and can just be self-contained stories in the universe. I was hoping for something prestige and it is clear that Favreau & Filoni aren't up to doing that but I am pretty happy with what they've done. They caught the zeitgeist with Baby Yoda and everyone involved must feel very proud of themselves. Directors have been a mix of great and meh, imho.


Oct 30, 2017
I like The Mandalorian. Ironically enough, it fits that whole "it is okay but the lore is great" I was just complaining about. I think that is good for a television show - where a story doesn't need to be all plot and can just be self-contained stories in the universe. I was hoping for something prestige and it is clear that Favreau & Filoni aren't up to doing that but I am pretty happy with what they've done. They caught the zeitgeist with Baby Yoda and everyone involved must feel very proud of themselves. Directors have been a mix of great and meh, imho.
One of my friends summed it up best: "It's the spiritual successor to Firefly, but it's in the Star Wars universe".

I'm more than okay with that.


Oct 25, 2017
Soule on the KoR.. might be spoilers?

Soule was inspired by motorcycle gangs, classic Westerns, and Samurai tales as he dramatized some of the lore behind the masked marauders. "They can all use the Force, the dark side of the Force, to varying degrees," he reveals. "They're not as powerful as a Jedi or a Sith, but they use it when they fight….

Hope we see this in the movie.


Oct 25, 2017
God I just realized we're probably getting one 20-minute Clone Wars episode a week like when it aired on television. Meaning every story arc will take a month to complete. Uggggggggggggh


Oct 25, 2017
What the fuck


Oct 25, 2017
We're getting another.. a final Star Wars episode.. in a handful of days. Damn

Watch the minefield, we're close now

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
That thread about remaking the prequels is fucking embarrassing.

It's almost as bad as those morons who started a website to remake TLJ.


Oct 25, 2017
You know,

It's OK for actors to have their own opinions about the films, it doesn't invalidate anyone else's. I understand where he's coming from, even though I enjoyed his screentime in TLJ.


Oct 25, 2017
I can already hear the youtube videos now.

TLJ is the best thing to happen to Star Wars and I will say this till the day I become a force ghost.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Auteurs are often at odds with their actors and Rian is most assuredly an auteur.

I expected TLJ to be about Luke (eventually) kicking ass and taking names but what I was given instead was so much more profound, interesting and nuanced.
The burden of being not merely a hero but a person emblematic of an entire rebellion while also being expected to resurrect a monastic order that had been a fixture of the galaxy for thousands of years would have been a staggering amount of responsibility.

Then your nephew – son of the two people you love most – becomes Vader 2.0 and manages to undue everything you've tied to accomplish.

There's a great scene in the novelization of TLJ where Luke has a vision of himself had he stayed a moisture farmer on Tatooine and the simplicity of such a life contrasted with his current situation.

It would have been so easy to make Luke a LEVEL TEN MCU-type badass but what Johnson did was so much better and poignant.

And by the end of it, Luke still manages to be the biggest hero yet again.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think Boyega is wrong about Finn, I like TLJ but the film would have been better if they replaced the Canto Bight part with something else involving him and Oscar Isaac.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think Boyega is wrong about Finn, I like TLJ but the film would have been better if they replaced the Canto Bight part with something else involving him and Oscar Isaac.

The problem with that is, can you give Finn and Poe their own individual character arcs that focus on different internal problems while putting them together in the same story? Because I don't think you can. If Finn and Poe had a B plot together in TLJ, one of them would have been a second wheel and lost their character arc.


Oct 28, 2017
I feel like all the Finn and Poe complaints stem from people not thinking male (non lead) characters need to show character growth. They are already awesome and should just stay awesome. TLJ treats them as real humans who have faults they need to work on and people push back against that.


Oct 28, 2017
im about to ask a very freaking loaded question

do you guys think Rose and Finn "b-plot" would better received if they weren't PoC characters?

because come on, Leia and Han's b plot on ESB it;s just as "useless" but nobody complains about it.


Oct 27, 2017
IMO the prequels have the best story on paper in Star Wars, remaking them to realize their potential isn't such a crazy idea. I don't think it will happen though.


Oct 27, 2017
im about to ask a very freaking loaded question

do you guys think Rose and Finn "b-plot" would better received if they weren't PoC characters?

because come on, Leia and Han's b plot on ESB it;s just as "useless" but nobody complains about it.
People would be more accepting if it was him explaining stuff to her.

I get what Boyega says, but he overlooks how useless his character was in TFA.


Oct 25, 2017
im about to ask a very freaking loaded question

do you guys think Rose and Finn "b-plot" would better received if they weren't PoC characters?

because come on, Leia and Han's b plot on ESB it;s just as "useless" but nobody complains about it.
People don't complain about Leia and Han in ESB because those characters -- and their chemistry -- had already been well established in the previous movie.
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