
Oct 27, 2017
They should have just made Rey the product of a cloning experiment (via Vader/Anakin's DNA) instead if they were going to do all this. It makes sense the Emperor would've set up cloning experiments on Anakin/Vader since he ended up with a crippled version.

Her being a clone experiment from Anakin's DNA would at least tie back to why the Skywalker lightsaber calls to her, why she sees multiple clones of herself in mirrors as her cave vision, and make her taking on the Skywalker name at the end of IX at least make some reasonable sense.

The Anakin DNA clone experiments were discarded a few years after the Empire fully collapsed and the program was shuttered, Rey was dumped on Jakku and thought to be powerless.

It's not like that would've been great, but at least it would've fit within the context of the previous two films and it would tie in nicely with the entire saga if Anakin is the chosen one, that his direct DNA ends up definitively ending the Sith.

Instead they did ... this, which is completely disjointed from the previous two movies and she's still basically the daughter of a clone.


Oct 27, 2017
They should have just made Rey the product of a cloning experiment (via Vader/Anakin's DNA) instead if they were going to do all this. It makes sense the Emperor would've set up cloning experiments on Anakin/Vader since he ended up with a crippled version.

Her being a clone experiment from Anakin's DNA would at least tie back to why the Skywalker lightsaber calls to her, why she sees multiple clones of herself in mirrors as her cave vision, and make her taking on the Skywalker name at the end of IX at least make some reasonable sense.

The Anakin DNA clone experiments were discarded a few years after the Empire fully collapsed and the program was shuttered, Rey was dumped on Jakku and thought to be powerless.

It's not like that would've been great, but at least it would've fit within the context of the previous two films.
I made a thread last year theorizing something like this, except being another Force creation instead of a clone.


How Rey will be a ... (Speculation / Potential Spoilers)

I think that in The Rise of Skywalker, we’ll finally get the revelation that Rey is a Skywalker. No, not as Luke’s daughter. And no, not as Han and Leia’s long lost daughter either. Yesterday, JJ said this about Rey’s parentage: Therefore, whatever happens with Rey’s parentage most likely...


Oct 27, 2017
I made a thread last year theorizing something like this, except being another Force creation instead of a clone.


How Rey will be a ... (Speculation / Potential Spoilers)

I think that in The Rise of Skywalker, we’ll finally get the revelation that Rey is a Skywalker. No, not as Luke’s daughter. And no, not as Han and Leia’s long lost daughter either. Yesterday, JJ said this about Rey’s parentage: Therefore, whatever happens with Rey’s parentage most likely...

Yeah either one would've been better than this trainwreck.

If this is supposed to be the "Skywalker Saga" and you are building towards a climax of her taking on the Skywalker name ... just make her a fucking Skywalker, JJ.

Making her a Palpatine's clone's daughter ... does what? Buys you 20 seconds of "oh that's weird" and means nothing else in the final act of the film? It doesn't even mean that by extension she could be evil because her father was trying to protect her. It also ties in with nothing set up in the previous two movies. It's just dumb.
Last edited:

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
"I want palpatine back. Find whatever justification, I don't care"
First there was:

Now we have:

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I still hope they'll look at the negative reception of all this and scrap everything. Set the next Star Wars movies 100 years into the future when all these characters are dead and buried, they don't have evil sons, perfect clones and whatnot, and just proceed to do something new. Because the more they're trying to shoehorn "remember that character from decades ago? still in!" using dead actors, clones and never-mentioned-before siblings, the more it falls apart.


Oct 25, 2017
They don't fly now?
They should have just made Rey the product of a cloning experiment (via Vader/Anakin's DNA) instead if they were going to do all this. It makes sense the Emperor would've set up cloning experiments on Anakin/Vader since he ended up with a crippled version.

Her being a clone experiment from Anakin's DNA would at least tie back to why the Skywalker lightsaber calls to her, why she sees multiple clones of herself in mirrors as her cave vision, and make her taking on the Skywalker name at the end of IX at least make some reasonable sense.

The Anakin DNA clone experiments were discarded a few years after the Empire fully collapsed and the program was shuttered, Rey was dumped on Jakku and thought to be powerless.

It's not like that would've been great, but at least it would've fit within the context of the previous two films and it would tie in nicely with the entire saga if Anakin is the chosen one, that his direct DNA ends up definitively ending the Sith.

Instead they did ... this, which is completely disjointed from the previous two movies and she's still basically the daughter of a clone.
This feels like them just constantly reacting to criticism or jojes instead of just sticking to their guns

Abrams clearly meant that Palpatine fucked imo but people made jokes so now his son is a clone and shit it's a different actor that doesn't look like him uhm "non identical Clone" NAILED IT

It just feels like Lucas arts has no faith in themselves

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
explain to a layman. how important is palpatine's virility to star wars canon


The Fallen
Nov 6, 2017
When I heard the Rey is Palpatine's grandkid in TROS, I thought that Rey's father (Palpatine's son) could be a clone of Palpatine instead of being a real son.

For seeing a "Snoke" in a tube at Exogal make me wonder if Snoke was a clone of Palpatine

So Rey's father is a "Palpatine" clone then and therefore Palpatine have Not get laid at all
So I was right all along
from february 14 2020

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
This really sounds like Disney reacting to the backlash when people started making memes about Palpatine fucking, except they made it even worse

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
explain to a layman. how important is palpatine's virility to star wars canon
He's known throughout the galaxy as the Genetic Starkiller.

Grapefruits the size of Death Stars.

Legends say Sheev's raw sexual energy is of such intensity it's what turned Mustafar into a volcano planet.

The Clone Wars' clones aren't actually cloned, its Sheev banging em out one after the other, such is his stamina.

Sheev turned left and he was immediately named Mandalore, such was his girth.

The force itself could not handle such virility and became unbalanced.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
He's known throughout the galaxy as the Genetic Starkiller.

Grapefruits the size of Death Stars.

Legends say Sheev's raw sexual energy is of such intensity it's what turned Mustafar into a volcano planet.

The Clone Wars' clones aren't actually cloned, its Sheev banging em out one after the other, such is his stamina.

Sheev turned left and he was immediately named Mandalore, such was his girth.

The force itself could not handle such virility and became unbalanced.

so you're saying that the force was in balance until palatine knocked it over with his magnum dong


Oct 25, 2017
He's known throughout the galaxy as the Genetic Starkiller.

Grapefruits the size of Death Stars.

Legends say Sheev's raw sexual energy is of such intensity it's what turned Mustafar into a volcano planet.

The Clone Wars' clones aren't actually cloned, its Sheev banging em out one after the other, such is his stamina.

Sheev turned left and he was immediately named Mandalore, such was his girth.

The force itself could not handle such virility and became unbalanced.
I find it hilarious that Sheev has basically become the biggest comedic relief in star wars canon. Everything about him is hilarious.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Not a fan of the trend to retroactively change or explain away problems from the film,.

Mistakes were made and at this point Disney should just own it, double down and confirm that Palpatine fucked, we all know it's true.
Feb 24, 2018
So wait? If Palpatine had this already set up, why then did he order the Inferno Squad and others to "Destroy the Empire, I don't want the Empire to out live me!!!" then?
Feb 24, 2018
Also I'd like the point out that I think Star Wars just unwittingly ripped off Capcom because person who cheats death by having his soul go into clone bodies that burn out because of his power, making a kid clone, having his perfect body to put his soul into be a British woman (or at least take the power of her)... THAT'S M. BISON'S BACKGROUND!!!!



Oct 25, 2017
The thing with is what was the point in waiting 30 years to show yourself again when he could have just instantly got the empire running again? I mean imagine how fucked it would have been during the celebration on Endor if they got news that they failed and Palpatine was still alive?

All those still loyal to the Empire instantly rejuvenated to the cause because their god emperor can literally cheat death. The rebels crowning achievement stolen as soon as they had it?

I'll never not think bringing Palpatine back wasn't dumb.


Feb 15, 2018
They should have just made Rey the product of a cloning experiment (via Vader/Anakin's DNA) instead if they were going to do all this. It makes sense the Emperor would've set up cloning experiments on Anakin/Vader since he ended up with a crippled version.

Her being a clone experiment from Anakin's DNA would at least tie back to why the Skywalker lightsaber calls to her, why she sees multiple clones of herself in mirrors as her cave vision, and make her taking on the Skywalker name at the end of IX at least make some reasonable sense.

The Anakin DNA clone experiments were discarded a few years after the Empire fully collapsed and the program was shuttered, Rey was dumped on Jakku and thought to be powerless.

It's not like that would've been great, but at least it would've fit within the context of the previous two films and it would tie in nicely with the entire saga if Anakin is the chosen one, that his direct DNA ends up definitively ending the Sith.

Instead they did ... this, which is completely disjointed from the previous two movies and she's still basically the daughter of a clone.

This... is way better than what we got. I hate you now because is not real :(


Oct 26, 2017
I don't get why disney went through the whole hoopla of dropping the EU to build something better when they ended up doing the exact same thing lol.

They should have gone all in from the very beginning, would have saved time on the boring setup.
Feb 24, 2018
So also wait, if clones are now capable of using the force like Palpason, does that mean at least a few of the Jango's clones should have also been force sensitive?

Meaning that Force sensitive Force Clones was set up in that Yoda Lego Star Wars TV series?


Oct 25, 2017
So also wait, if clones are now capable of using the force like Palpason, does that mean at least a few of the Jango's clones should have also been force sensitive?

Meaning that Force sensitive Force Clones was set up in that Yoda Lego Star Wars TV series?
Palpason wasn't capable of using the force, that's the whole reason Palpatine hated him (and didn't possess him).


Oct 27, 2017
So wait? If Palpatine had this already set up, why then did he order the Inferno Squad and others to "Destroy the Empire, I don't want the Empire to out live me!!!" then?

It just goes deeper.

The thing with is what was the point in waiting 30 years to show yourself again when he could have just instantly got the empire running again? I mean imagine how fucked it would have been during the celebration on Endor if they got news that they failed and Palpatine was still alive?

All those still loyal to the Empire instantly rejuvenated to the cause because their god emperor can literally cheat death. The rebels crowning achievement stolen as soon as they had it?

I'll never not think bringing Palpatine back wasn't dumb.

Exactly. What was the point of Snoke?


Oct 25, 2017
Seems pretty out of character for Sidious to let a force-less clone of himself live its own life and sire a child, let alone live at all
Oct 25, 2017
So when Disney yeeted the EU because it had too much inconsistency and weirdness like Luke's evil clone Luuke, Skippy the Jedi Droid, Chewbacca getting killed by having a moon dropped on him (honestly this was kinda bad ass) and other outlandish things like crazy super weapons I was like "Yeah okay maybe we should wipe the slate clean a bit and try to build a more structured EU"

But now we have this shit? On top of a bunch of other things like the way Vader has been treated in the comics like a punching bag / total jobbers for other characters to look cool and powerful like Aphra (who actually started off great but then become stronger than Vader which was super lame).

This somehow feels like we are just looping back to the same place we were at before.


Oct 26, 2017
So wait? If Palpatine had this already set up, why then did he order the Inferno Squad and others to "Destroy the Empire, I don't want the Empire to out live me!!!" then?
You foolishly assumed Disney, Lucasfilm and EA were telling the truth when they said Battlefront 2's story mode was canon.

They weren't. Nothing that happens in the games matters.


Oct 27, 2017
Excellent, much-beloved additions to ROTJ over the years:

- Several minute long musical number at Jabba's Palace

- Yub Nub replaced

- Jabba's big door

- Vader shouts "NOOOO! :(" before yeeting Sheev

- Hayden Christensen Force Ghost

And now:

- Sheev mind-jumps into another body on his way down the shaft

And I think we can all agree that we simply love to see it. More, please!

Deleted member 17207

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's funny to me that people are complaining about this - but it's better explanation than trying to explain how Sheev hooked up with some woman and had a son. That seems way less in-line with his character than having (basically) his own Boba Fett.

If nothing else, it connects it to the Clone Wars in that way - he saw how well it could work and wondered if he could just continue the Rule of Two himself.


Oct 27, 2017
So when Disney yeeted the EU because it had too much inconsistency and weirdness like Luke's evil clone Luuke, Skippy the Jedi Droid, Chewbacca getting killed by having a moon dropped on him (honestly this was kinda bad ass) and other outlandish things like crazy super weapons I was like "Yeah okay maybe we should wipe the slate clean a bit and try to build a more structured EU"

But now we have this shit? On top of a bunch of other things like the way Vader has been treated in the comics like a punching bag / total jobbers for other characters to look cool and powerful like Aphra (who actually started off great but then become stronger than Vader which was super lame).

This somehow feels like we are just looping back to the same place we were at before.

Agreed except about Vader. The last thing I'd call him is a jobber in these comics, more like OP as fuck.


Self requested temp ban
Feb 27, 2018
I wonder what exact point he decides to do the mind-jump?

Like to think he's already gone while Vader is still carrying him, leaving behind some other consciousness, which is wondering what the hell is going on just before he gets tossed


Oct 25, 2017
When he mind jumped into his clone, was his clone already on planet Xbox or did he need to use the space map that was in his closet on the death star that wasn't visible before
Oct 25, 2017
Agreed except about Vader. The last thing I'd call him is a jobber in these comics, more like OP as fuck.
It really depends on the stories, most of the earlier comics had him right as an absolute force of nature that was just unstoppable. But a few other stories have him be outwitted by the heroes frequently enough that it makes him look like a guy who thinks he is cooler than he is, like the later Doctor Aphra stories.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
And to think all of this insane bullshit could have been avoided if they'd just decided to keep Rey a nobody.



Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The best thing of Rise of the Skywalker is that it made me stop caring about the franchise


Oct 27, 2017
The ending of TLJ feels like a million years ago.

The ground we have covered to get from "Rey is a nobody" to "Rey is a half-clone conceived by a non-Force-sensitive failed clone of Sheev (who mind-hopped into a new clone body literally as he was falling down the shaft in ROTJ so he never actually died) who ran away and shacked up with Jodi Comer and then sold Rey to protect her from a Jedi Hunter".
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Excellent, much-beloved additions to ROTJ over the years:

- Several minute long musical number at Jabba's Palace

- Yub Nub replaced

- Jabba's big door

- Vader shouts "NOOOO! :(" before yeeting Sheev

- Hayden Christensen Force Ghost

And now:

- Sheev mind-jumps into another body on his way down the shaft

And I think we can all agree that we simply love to see it. More, please!
"Just fuck my shit up"