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Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Also the fact that Zori gave Poe her badge makes zero sense with the fact that she lives

They don't ever actually use it and at least if she died you can be like "damn she could have gotten off world if she had the token but she gave it to Poe ;("

Now it's just, nah she doesn't have her badge, Poe never uses it and she survives anyway


Oct 25, 2017
I liked parts of the movie, and I didn't like certain parts of it. Overall I had fun with it, it's a messy messy movie.

The sequel trilogy just seems incredibly tacked on and doesn't feel like it's part of the Skywalker saga tbh.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think Rian meant for Kylo to be redeemed but he definitely wrote J.J. an out in case he wanted to with:

Rian talked in an interview about how he considered Kylo more redeemable than Vader and played with the romantic tension between Rey and Kylo. I'm not convinced he wouldn't have gone in that same direction with that plot (different obviously, but still redeemed and romance).


Oct 27, 2017
But I don't blame JJ for going the easy route and bringing back Palpatine. I like TLJ, warts and all, but it left nowhere for the third film to go.

And I don't think the idea of making Palpatine the overarching villain of the saga is a bad idea, but the way he's introduced is so rushed. The scene with him and Kylo should have been much longer (according to the leaks, it was but was cut down in editing).
One clear idea that TLJ leaves IX to pick up with: rebuilding the Resistance in the wake of a resurgent First Order, using Luke's final act as a rallying cry to do so, and resolving the war between the two. But in this movie I actually have no idea what is going on with the First Order (have they just been reduced to Kylo's Star Destroyer? seems that way but it's not clear) because the movie sidesteps them in favor of creating the Final Order as the climactic final battle for the story. Kylo Ren becoming the new leader of the First Order as we've been talking about is also a clear area of story potential for IX to dig into. You might disagree with that as the right characterization for Kylo, but it's not "nowhere for the third film" to go, it was definitely somewhere to go, it's just not an idea JJ pursues for even a second of screentime.

I agree that making Palpatine the overarching villain of the series is not a bad idea at all. I think it could've worked. My issue with him here is that in the end the movie never really justifies Palpatine's return and his inclusion creates a lot of other story problems.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I was under the impression that they were attacked by the rising rebellion (similar to the size/one that saved Poe at the end)... to wrap up the loose end (poorly) of the First Order that was not with Palpatine's fleet but still floating around.
Okay that would make more sense. I just don't remember seeing them come under fire; only seeing them crashing down. I'm probably misremembering.


"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'm probably in the minority here, but when I first saw Star Wars I was like "ooooh neat, laser swords, that looks so cool!" and I think I liked them better before 40 years of mostly book and comics writers made up lore about them.
I don't think you the minority at all. I actually agree, just feel it's a wierd thing people are picking at specifically when it has a lot of other things wrong with it. My personal wtf moment was really poorly and confusing edited escaping in the desert scene where we have knights of zen just chillin outside the ship, we have Chewbacca sprinting out intonthe desert plains after Rey but then randomly there's a whole stormtrooper platoon and two transports that haven't bothered to attempt to kidnap Poe and Finn despite that outcropping and ship appearing to be the only damn thing of note around. Then the cut the Rey/Kylo struggle and the ship expoloding then kinda just leaving?

That whole sequence was...odd...


Developer at Insomniac Games
Oct 25, 2017
Burbank CA
So I have a lot of thoughts

First - I had fun, it's a ride, and I love seeing Finn/Rey/Poe together. The scale and set pieces were very cool.

but thematically and character development wise, the movie just doesn't land. The ending doesn't really feel earned and the stakes the whole time feel pretty arbitrary. They keep saying oh we have 16 hours, we have 8 hours, etc. Yet we're racing around and the universe continues to feel smaller and smaller with Hyperspace being instant transportation.

Man Hyperspace has just been whittled down into space teleportation in this trilogy, after the original trilogy specifically calls it out as difficult. The Hyper skipping (with other ships following him through it?!) felt like JJ just doubling down on the insane stuff from TFA.

If you were someone upset at plot holes in TLJ (there really aren't many) there's so much here that's even more quesitonable.

The entire Palpatine arc doesn't land at all, it's like digging something out of the toy box and just being like because. It makes Rey's arc less impactful overall. The amount of fake deaths in the movie is just eye-rolling and removes most of the stakes by the end. We see all of the time die (quicksand), Chewie die (shuttle), Ben mortally wounded (lightsaber), Ben killed (throw down a pit), C-3PO (memory wipe), Rey (Palpatine)... am I missing any?

The new characters have no time to breathe at all, D-O is like ok - cool you get to voice a droid JJ. Keri Russell is wasted.

I think overall the thing that bothers me the most how unearned many of the moments felt. These characters were cashing in. It's very similar to Star Trek Into Darkness, with the repeat of the Khan moment. Yes people love that moment, but the characters in Into Darkness hadn't earned it. It ended up making both movies ring hallow. Though I'll admit I was much angrier about Into Darkness than this.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I was under the impression that they were attacked by the rising rebellion (similar to the size/one that saved Poe at the end)... to wrap up the loose end (poorly) of the First Order that was not with Palpatine's fleet but still floating around.
I was too but it was rushed and there were no other ships or AA guns in those shots lol

Deleted member 5359

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Palpatine sucks. He's bad. Not as in "good at being a villain" but rather as in "not this dumb shit lightning hands guy again."

I found the movie to be mostly enjoyable, but for god's sake.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
He wasn't at all. Luke made an absolute fool of Kylo.

Kylo Ren isn't supposed to be this super badass threat. He's not Vader, he's not Palpatine, he's not even Tarkin. He's just a young guy in way over his head.
I mean in the moment, Kylo was threatening because you knew there would be consequences and there would be unpredictability. Luke did clown him but it cost him his life. In the thrones room Kylo was threatening because you weren't 100% of his intentions, when Han goes to meet him, you know Han has to die, no matter... with Kylo bearing his soul, shit is going to happen. Kylo's weaknesses and destruction are a powerful combo.


Dec 5, 2017
Also the fact that Zori gave Poe her badge makes zero sense with the fact that she lives

They don't ever actually use it and at least if she died you can be like "damn she could have gotten off world if she had the token but she gave it to Poe ;("

Now it's just, nah she doesn't have her badge, Poe never uses it and she survives anyway

Agree with you, but Poe does use the doohikey, very next scene when they go to rescue Chewie.


Oct 25, 2017
That alien on that planet were they were celebrating was cute as hell tho! They were like... baby pig people or something haha

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
My favorite shot in the whole movie was the star destroyer landing in Jakku next to the other broken Star Destroyer from 30+ years ago.

It's an excellent metaphor for this movie, and the entire ST.


Oct 27, 2017
Just saw the movie an could not be more disappointed. I think I'm done with Star Wars.

The good parts were the new cute aliens and droids, and also one of the final shots of the film where BB-8 is juxtaposed with the twin suns of Tatooine. That was a nice touch.


Oct 27, 2017
He wasn't at all. Luke made an absolute fool of Kylo.

Kylo Ren isn't supposed to be this super badass threat. He's not Vader, he's not Palpatine, he's not even Tarkin. He's just a young guy in way over his head.

Until he killed Snoke and took over the First Order. At that point, he broke away from being another Vader and his resolve was to discard the past that he felt like everyone idolised

He very well could have evolved into a legitimate threat for this movie had Abrams not instead decided to revert him back to being another Vader and having Sheev step in as his new Snoke. IDK the dude has an army and a fleet so there's plenty to threaten the protagonists with even if he himself has vulnerabilities in the form of Luke and Han haunting him. And he could have been defeated and redeemed without the need to take down a more evil threat. The movie could have ended in his redemption or death. And it did anyway.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Also the fact that Zori gave Poe her badge makes zero sense with the fact that she lives

They don't ever actually use it and at least if she died you can be like "damn she could have gotten off world if she had the token but she gave it to Poe ;("

Now it's just, nah she doesn't have her badge, Poe never uses it and she survives anyway
I know it isn't shown, but I'm pretty sure they use the badge to get on Ren's Star Destroyer immediately after the scene where it's given to them.


Oct 27, 2017
Of our group of 4, 3 of us liked it. Nowhere near as bad as certain groups are making it sound, although admittedly quite rushed.

They fit 2 movies worth of plot and development into TROS. Really should have been a two parter or an all out 3 hour long event.


Jan 3, 2018
The entire Palpatine arc doesn't land at all, it's like digging something out of the toy box and just being like because. It makes Rey's arc less impactful overall. The amount of fake deaths in the movie is just eye-rolling and removes most of the stakes by the end. We see all of the time die (quicksand), Chewie die (shuttle), Ben mortally wounded (lightsaber), Ben killed (throw down a pit), C-3PO (memory wipe), Rey (Palpatine)... am I missing any?

Zori and Babu after the First Order blew up that planet.

I was glad Babu made it out!


Oct 25, 2017
i thought that the dudes there with palpatine at end were, "past siths" but it seems were "sith loyalists" wher ethe fuck did they come from?

those were actual people? I was so confused because there was so many of them I thought they had to be ghosts. The scale of things in this film is crazy.


Oct 27, 2017
lol please explain luke and leias incest kiss then if you think a heat of the moment smooch between rey and ben is off limits for a childrens movie.

I think it's more a case of adult children not comprehending anything other than the most basic cliches

That scene was made before they decided on Luke and Leia being siblings
Oct 25, 2017
ok so i dunno why im even bothering to give this the benefit of the doubt but did i miss something with the sith dagger?

is there some prophecy or did the sith who made it know the 2nd death star would crash in that exact way on endor?


Oct 25, 2017
Also the fact that Zori gave Poe her badge makes zero sense with the fact that she lives

They don't ever actually use it and at least if she died you can be like "damn she could have gotten off world if she had the token but she gave it to Poe ;("

Now it's just, nah she doesn't have her badge, Poe never uses it and she survives anyway

they use the badge to get on the star destroyer


Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
I mean in the moment, Kylo was threatening because you knew there would be consequences and there would be unpredictability. Luke did clown him but it cost him his life. In the thrones room Kylo was threatening because you weren't 100% of his intentions, when Han goes to meet him, you know Han has to die, no matter... with Kylo bearing his soul, shit is going to happen. Kylo's weaknesses and destruction are a powerful combo.
Not that this matters to me but I think luke would have slaughtered kylo in a one on one lightsaber duel. Surviving the barrage of various ATAT's and other ships though? probably not.
That scene was made before they decided on Luke and Leia being siblings
Even without that context it was obvious Leia wasn't in love with luke. She kissed him to make Han Jealous.

So scandalous! how did that ever make it into a children's movie? :)
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