
Has Hecht’s Number
Oct 25, 2017

X-Wing Miniatures Game is a collectible, ehm, miniature game designed and published by Fantasy Flight Games that tries to translate to tabletop the fast and cool dogfights from the Star Wars movies. Using an evolution of the old, simple and elegant Wings of War system, you must outhink, outmaneuver and/or outgun your enemy to achieve victory in quick and intense games, using iconic and not-so-known ships from the entire Star Wars history: classic and new movies, new Canon and the old Expanded Universe.

Each ship, from the nimble TIE Fighter to the large and sturdy YT-1300 light freighter, has unique capabilities and attributes that makes them completely different to fly from each other, and they can also be customized with extra equipment that may even change their role and how you would use it. Each ship can also be flown by different pilots, from cheap and low-skill generic pilots to aces such as Darth Vader, Boba Fett or Han Solo, who are quite more expensive but also come with powerful and unique abilities to use.

If somebody gets curious on how the game really works, under these lines there's an excellent video from FFG showing off the basics of the game. I also recommend to go to your closest Friendly Local Game Store and ask if there's an X-Wing community. Watching it being played live while talking to the players is a great way to get a higher insight of the game. Hell, there's even a big chance they would be glad to mount you a quick demo.


The Empire is the rightful ruler of the galaxy, a vast space with hundreds of thousands of inhabited worlds that requires a powerful and massive force just for pacekeeping. And there is where the Imperial Navy comes in. While the huge Star Destroyers may be the ultimate incarnation of the Navy might, the true fleet workhorses are the uncountable pilots serving on their starfighter wings. Counting with a good chunk of the most agile and maneuverable ships on the galaxy and , the Empire excells in using formations of generic ships to smash the opponent in a direct confrontation but also in the quality of the Ace pilots on its ranks, many of them capable of running circles around the enemy, either alone or with a support ship.

They may call themselves "freedom fighters", but ultimately the Rebellion is just a bunch of traitors and terrorists trying to spread chaos around the galaxy and undermine the Emperor's rule. Forced to guerrilla actions and hit and run tactics due the lack of resources, the Rebels rely on their snubfighters to try to keep their hold against the Empire. Rebel ships may be no as agile or advanced as their Imperial counterparts, but that doesn't make them any less lethal and their sturdiness gives them an edge when the laser bolts start to hit. Knowing they have a disadvantage on maneuvering, the Rebellion excells on creating synergies between their pilots to support each other and boost their performance.

Smugglers, bounty hunters, pirates, crime syndicates... the Scum and Villany faction features the galaxy's worst in what can only be considered an unholy alliance. And although for the most part they may not be considered a military or even an organized fleet, they are a powerful force thanks to a combination of good pilots, great and cheap all-around ships and some of the nastier tricks in the game, either due their abilities or an Illicit upgrade almost exclusive to this faction that gives them access to things as powerful as unreliable or even dangerous to the same ship where are equiped.



Regular 'tournament' games: Basic 1vs1 games at 100 points per side in a 90x90cm playmat with destroying the enemy ships (while keeping yours alive) as the only objective. It may not sound that interesting, but the gazillion ways this game can be played creates a thrilling mode that is used as base for the Competitive system. And what a system it is. From small and regular 16-man store tournaments to Regionals, Nationals, European/North American or Open tournaments up to the Worlds that can reach several hundreds of players, the X-Wing competitive scene is exciting and surprisingly friendly.


Epic games: These are basically regular games on steroids, with 300 (or more) points per side which lets you deploy either a gazillion starfighters or large capital ships like Corellian Corvettes or Gozanti Cruisers (or both things!). These are no short games at all and can become quite chaotic simply by the amount of ships, upgrades and abilities involved, but they are also extremely fun and a nice way to play with several friends or to use at once all those ships that were patientely waiting their turn on your shelves.


Missions: Both Core Sets and most of big/large expansions come with missions: an alternative game mode where killing the other may not be the only (or the best) way to win as they include additional objectives or special constraints in the game. These missions aren't really popular, but they are useful as quick or casual routine breakers.

What is very popular is Heroes of Aturi Cluster, a fan-made cooperative campaign for 1 to 6 players against an Imperial Artifical Intelligence where the players must try to accomplish a very different objective on each mission, from capture a Shuttle to rescue a Rebel commando. It also has a great roleplaying touch, as each player uses a single pilot/ship for the entire campaign, receiving experience points that can be used on evolving him with abilities, equipment or even new ships. I can't recommend this enough. The rulebook, all the materials you may need and a useful FAQ can be found at the 'official' page. There's also a Facebook group with tons of info, additional missions, campaigns using other factions, extra ships, abilities...


Others: While the 'official' support only reaches missions and regular/Epic game, this is a very flexible game system and there's a huge community creating wonderful things. The Aturi Cluster campaign may be the brightest star we've got yet, but there's much more beyond it. What about playing Mario Kart with your favourite ships? You can. Want to recreate the attack on the first Death Star? There are rules out there. And more, many more. Just look a bit around the various X-Wing forums or social networks and you will find tons of ideas. And why not mess yourself with the system to see what can you come up with?


Latest FAQ (4.4.0).
Official website.
Official forums.
Boardgamegeek section.
Heroes of Aturi Cluster official website.
(Yet Another) Squad Building
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Has Hecht’s Number
Oct 25, 2017


I need to start playing with them on Vassal. So many lists to test.


Oct 25, 2017
Nice OP! I played this game for a while when it first came out, but dropped it due to my gaming partner and I not being really into direct conflict type games.

I added a link to this to the general Board Games OT. Hope you don't mind.


Oct 28, 2017

Eyyyyy account approved!

Answer to a previous question, the devs confirmed that the wings don't move, said that you can make them move with a bit of chopping up, but otherwise no.

Gonna be a bitch to store.
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Has Hecht’s Number
Oct 25, 2017
Nice OP! I played this game for a while when it first came out, but dropped it due to my gaming partner and I not being really into direct conflict type games.

I added a link to this to the general Board Games OT. Hope you don't mind.

Of course we don't mind :P

Also, on the "direct conflict" thing, may I redirect you to the Heroes of Aturi Cluster? A cooperative campaign where each player uses a single ship trying to accomplish a mission. Think on the Imperial Assault or Descent campaigns but with an Artifical Intelligence playing as the enemy. It's glorious.

Eyyyyy account approved!

Answer to a previous question, the devs confirmed that the wings don't move, said that you can make them move with a bit of chopping up, but otherwise no.

Gonna be a bitch to store.

Welcome to the other side :P

On the wings, looking at the model it may be a pain to modify it to make them close at will. I'm sure some people will make it (hell, there are even kits on Shapeways to fold B-Wing s-foils), but I won't be one of them. Seems quite easy to fuck up things.

I should start to work on the Starviper wings tho.
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Deleted member 2507

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Got myself an U-Wing and a Lambda Shuttle, along with another TIE Aggressor. And getting Imperial Aces soon, new batch is finally arriving to Finland.
Mostly for cards, need those stealth devices and additional crew options for other ships. But undoubtedly the ships will find use anyway.

I'm not sure what i should get for Rebels. I pay considerable attention to form, and... well, i basically have the Rebel ships i like. Context matters too, i like the ARC-170 but i'd rather not use it with Rebels (add Republic and Separatists to the game and i'll get it for the Republic). Maybe i'll get another Y-wing but not sure what else. Maybe more Headhunters...
I have all small and large Rebel ships except those from Rebels series (Ghost, Auzituck, Sabine's TIE), ARC-170, E-Wing, and original MF.

Of course, i only play casually really, and i'm mostly an Imperial player myself, so i probably worry too much.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Really neat to see this thread. I'm a casual imperial player but I haven't played since the start of summer.

I'm a bit pickled as I enjoy the game, but I don't enjoy interacting with several of the local games shop group, between those who take things too seriously and one or two who have unpleasant personalities.


Has Hecht’s Number
Oct 25, 2017
Gonna try this in my next game probably, whether or not it makes sense. Empire&d=v4!s!258:135,-1,-1:-1:31:;258:135,-1,-1:-1:31:;97:101,-1,40,-1,-1,-1:15:4:&sn=SW Galaxies squad&obs=
The question is, does it make any sense?

Ram things and/or try to block things with the Decimator while the Aggressors chip away at the enemy slowly.

A bumping Decimator is always nice and a couple TLT are a pain, so it should do a good job. I don't like that Intel Agent tho, as it only serves you for the Aggressor's barrel rolls against higher PS ships... and somehow it may not be even useful at all (if they also have repositioning actions). There aren't many useful crewman for those 1-2 points tho, but if you have it I would go for Mister Mindgames himself: BoShek, and mess with your rival mind each time you may or may not bump against him (and may or may not use BoShek). Actually, a bumping Decimator is along a bumping Jumpmaster the best ship to fit him.

Really neat to see this thread. I'm a casual imperial player but I haven't played since the start of summer.

I'm a bit pickled as I enjoy the game, but I don't enjoy interacting with several of the local games shop group, between those who take things too seriously and one or two who have unpleasant personalities.

Ugh, that's no good to hear. There isn't any more casual group on those local games stores? And those "serious" guys are this way even on friendly games? That would be a bit sad :/

Deleted member 2507

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Don't have BoShek. No Scum ships for me at all, yet. I'll get to those but first i need to get the Assault Gunboats, B/SF-17 and TIE Silencer, then i may start consider getting Scum ships.
I figured the IntAgent might be useful for bumping but i just realized i don't have Barrel Rolls or such to exploit it.
Might throw in a Saboteur. That does cost an action but if one gets to use it, it can be a game changer. Been in the receiving end few times...


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I wish the new movie had more entirely original ship designs to play with. The new Resistance ship is something and the Silencer is tasty, but there is a bit of a lack there.

Ugh, that's no good to hear. There isn't any more casual group on those local games stores? And those "serious" guys are this way even on friendly games? That would be a bit sad :/

I live in a rural enough region where it is a miracle that we even have a games shop, so our overall pool of players is tiny.

It's mostly that some folks play with nonstop tourney mentality and won't chill out about criticizing others for daring to play outside of meta or for making honest mistakes. I can be forgetful or lack long-term concentration so being howled at for peanuts is grating when im not doing a store event.

Any other issues are personality based. It's really nowhere as bad as I probably made it sound.

Deleted member 2507

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Pre-ordered the TIE Silencer, Resistance Bomber and two Assault Gunboats.
Somehow my Imperial collection grows quickly...

Also think i'm gonna need Palpatine. Can't figure out any real use for the Lambda Shuttle considering my collection.
Any ideas what to do with it considering i also have the Upsilon and TIE Shuttle? The former is stronger combat ship though i still don't know how to fly it properly, and the latter is cheaper as a crew support ship.

I need to convince my friend to get the Corellian Corvette just because, that way we might actually get Epic games done.


Oct 29, 2017
Holy shit guys, in a few weeks it's time for the Dutch nationals, my first tournament. Never really played anybody but my friends before, looking forward to it. Now to create my squadron and test flight them, maybe head down to the local gameshop a few times to try it out.... THinking of going with a Falcon, X-wing (T-65 or T70) and then spend the rest of my points on an a-wing. Love flying the Falcon, still pretty new for me, but that turret. Just love it. Or is the Falcon really that easy to take down if you focus your fire on it? Any other great ideas?

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
Isn't some kind of Falcon+X-wing combo pretty common for Rebels?
I remember playing with Rey+Finn and Poe once against my brother but i don't remember how it went. It did eat all of my points though, i doubt you can cram in an A-Wing unless you go with relatively lean MF and X-wing.

(Rey+Finn is built around attacking within arc though, not a turret thing.)

Just in general, if you like turret, YT-2400 with heavy laser cannon and Outrider title might be suit you. It has a donut hole problem but it puts out 4 dice at range 3 without enemy getting the extra agility from range since the combo uses a secondary weapon.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
SWEET! Glad to see this thread come over!

I just played a couple matches last night, and I'm still really loving my Tie Advanced build of Darth Vader w/ Juke, TIE Engines Mk. 2, and 3 generics all with x1 Title and Adv. Targeting Computer.

Really not feeling the Protectorate due to its lack of any shields despite REALLY wanting to love it.

Also, obligatory collection pics?


Oct 29, 2017
Isn't some kind of Falcon+X-wing combo pretty common for Rebels?
I remember playing with Rey+Finn and Poe once against my brother but i don't remember how it went. It did eat all of my points though, i doubt you can cram in an A-Wing unless you go with relatively lean MF and X-wing.

(Rey+Finn is built around attacking within arc though, not a turret thing.)

Just in general, if you like turret, YT-2400 with heavy laser cannon and Outrider title might be suit you. It has a donut hole problem but it puts out 4 dice at range 3 without enemy getting the extra agility from range since the combo uses a secondary weapon.
Dang it, you're making me buy the YT-2400, been my favourite looking ship for years and years (at least going back to X-Wing Alliance). Thanks for the advice!

Deleted member 2507

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
YT-2400 also brings Lando crew, and that seems very fun. Have yet to use him myself but my brother liked Lando immensely. He called Lando's ability "Lando's casino" or "Lando's roulette" (as you roll two defense dice and get the results from them as tokens). Surprisingly good too, in a ship that does not really take actions.


Oct 27, 2017
San Diego
Recently started playing this with a friend. We've got a good collection of empire and Rebel fighters. Are the bigger ships/expansions worth it?

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
Do you mean large or huge ships?
Huges are played only in epic games which are far bigger (and apparently don't really work unless both sides field a huge ship).

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
Did a massive attack with Carnor Jax (got my Imperial Aces today), 3 hits and two crits or the other way around, with Opportunist. Not bad. But unfortunately, i also got hit and lost him. At least the enemy blew up.
Didn't really get any use out of his ability. It seems like it is directed toward high skill pilots?
Soontir Fel is as fun as ever, and even more so kitted out with a Shield Upgrade and Stealth Device.
This was my team:,-1:35:17:u.183,u.46&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=


Has Hecht’s Number
Oct 25, 2017
Carnor Jax skill is insanely strong, but requires some fine flying as a TIE Interceptor isn't a ship you want to expose at Range 1. Being able of shutting down two of the most reliable actions becomes a huge problem for the rival.

Him and Soontir are some of the funniest pilots to fly on this game, and an amazing pair. They aren't easy to master at all, and autodamage abilities (hello bombs) and stress-dealers fucks them big time, but they are extemely satisfying. Push the Limit is a must on both of them tho. Otherwise they can't get the actions they need to survive, either stacking tokens or moving out arcs (or to Range 1, hello TLTs).

Holy shit guys, in a few weeks it's time for the Dutch nationals, my first tournament. Never really played anybody but my friends before, looking forward to it. Now to create my squadron and test flight them, maybe head down to the local gameshop a few times to try it out.... THinking of going with a Falcon, X-wing (T-65 or T70) and then spend the rest of my points on an a-wing. Love flying the Falcon, still pretty new for me, but that turret. Just love it. Or is the Falcon really that easy to take down if you focus your fire on it? Any other great ideas?

Rey+Poe is a pretty common list and not a bad one. "Classic" Han and Chewie are nice too. You can squish an A-wing there, but I think those points would be better as equipment for the other two ships.

The Falcon is easy to take down if you focus fire on it, yeah. But that applies to every ship on this game :P, and trying to prevent that to happen is half the fun of the game. An Engine Upgrade helps a lot on this.
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Deleted member 2507

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I used Opportunist on Carnor as i wanted to try that card and i figured it might synergize with his ability. In theory, it does, i think, but gotta admit PTL would've been useful.
Of course, a casual game, so no big deal either way.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Honestly I'm tempted to pick up the Raider for display purposes alone, that thing is gorgeous. $150 on Amazon though. Ugh.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! $150? Are you in the US or North America? I can get that for $68 brand new at my FLGS which gives 25% off miniatures and 30% off boardgames. It's supposed to be $90 MSRP, I believe.
EDIT - It's $100 MSRP, so my FLGS would sell it for $75.

Deleted member 2507

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sigh, urge to get certain Scum ships is rising even though i've just ordered the TLJ ships and Assault Gunboats. Sigh.
Of course, i do have 25€ coupon for local game store so i gotta figure something to use that for...

EDIT Overall, for Scum i'm thinking:
Most Wanted + Y-Wing, to make use of my existing Y-Wing, Headhunters and HWK.
Guns for Hire+Kihraxz+StarViper.
Probably Hound's Tooth+Slave 1.

Later i'll throw in Jumpmaster, mostly for the cards (i really don't like how the ship looks but it has too much useful stuff). Also QuadJumper and Scurrg.


Oct 28, 2017

It is time!



(this one is interesting, it's the first time a pilot has appeared in 2 different ships across the same faction and have had different abilities in both)



Not much of a huge reveal this time around, but it's interesting to see a new 1 point burn card to be considered alongside inertial dampners.


Has Hecht’s Number
Oct 25, 2017
Even if it has both, 1 and 2-turns red, I really hope it doesn't has a 3-turn at all. Being able to use an Unhinged Astromech would destroy all the "fat ship with bad maneuverability" thing. Especially when it also has a built-in Barrel roll.

Shame they didn't show Scramble Missiles. I really wanted to see what they exactly do besides giving Jamming tokens.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Even if it has both, 1 and 2-turns red, I really hope it doesn't has a 3-turn at all. Being able to use an Unhinged Astromech would destroy all the "fat ship with bad maneuverability" thing. Especially when it also has a built-in Barrel roll.

Shame they didn't show Scramble Missiles. I really wanted to see what they exactly do besides giving Jamming tokens.
This is a small ship, though, and even its design is intended to bullseye enemy ships, I absolutely hope it has a 3 turn.

Also, the Jumpmaster exists, is a large ship, and has a stupidly overpowered dial. Even with its 4th justified nerf, I hate the JM5K, the underpriced toilet bowl.

Deleted member 2507

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Flew this against my brother:,23,46,102:4:4:&sn=SW Galaxies squad&obs=
Gotta say the Sensor Jammer is incredibly useful. It stopped a lot of damage from happening. Expensive though.

The Lamda is incredibly difficult to fly though. It turns so slowly, and large ships have issues with asteroids. I have no issues flying through asteroids if necessary but i really don't want to land on top of them as losing ability to attack is often too costly.

Simple TLT TIE Aggressors are golden. Just keep flying near the edge of the field as fast as necessary to keep your distance.
Kinda boring though, i really like Synced Turret+Unguided Rocket combo for Double Edge as that is more interesting.

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
Ended up starting Scum collecting. Sigh.
Got myself Most Wanted set and a Slave 1.
Thus, my options for Scum are:
2x Y-wing
4x Headhunter
1x HWK-290
1x Firespray

The question is: What i can do with those? (I have most of Rebel and Empire ships so i have reasonable wide variety of upgrade cards.)
I reckon nothing terribly effective but since i play casual, no matter.

I will eventually get more ships but i think i'm done with new ships for this year, once my pre-ordered Wave 12/TLJ ships arrive.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
A HWK-290 with Twin Laser Turrets is a great option. Same can go for the Y-Wings with BTL-A4 titles, which are a whole lot of fun.

Scum Firespray 31 with Kath or Boba are good, though probably a few points more than they should be. I like Boba with Expertise, but that would require a U-Wing.

Deleted member 2507

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I do have the U-Wing.

So, basically i can have something workable with what i've got. Should be good enough for now.


Has Hecht’s Number
Oct 25, 2017
Boba or Kath with a couple Y TLT would be the easiest option there. Something like this, although it may be too similar to the "kinda boring" list you talk about above. Switching the TLTs for Ion Turrets could be an alternative. Nym and Miranda would hate you :P

Some of the HWKs (Palob and Torkil) are really, really good. The first could be fitted in that Firespray-YY list instead a Y, while the other is hilarious in lists with a ton of cheap generics (hello Headhunters).

As future ships I recommend you the Protectorate (great ship, really fun to use and Fearlessness is amazing on certain Boba builds) or a Jumpmaster (all four pilots are excellent, Dengar is one of the best crewman out there, Attanni...). The rest will depend on what you like or want. The other large ships (Shadow Caster, Hound and IG) are very good and have nice toys to play. The G-1A is a weird slow ship with useful crewman, Adaptability and the always hilarious illicit Cloaking Device (although to really shine needs Vizago from the Epic ship). Both Starviper and Kihraxz are okish ships that have great cards (Autothrusters, Glitterstim, Crackshot...) but they are too expensive without the Aces pack titles. Scurrg is a Swiss knife. Quadjumper is as bad as fun to use and comes with some excellent upgrades (A Score to Settle, Scavenger Crane).

EDIT: Yeah, if you have Expertise then it's amazing on the Firesprays.

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
The Fang fighter's not on my list, don't like how it looks, and it doesn't come with any interesting cards. The Jumpmaster has cards i'd like to get (extra Guidance Chimps, Feedback Array, Mindlink (even in its nerfed state) and the crew cards) but i detest the ship itself. I pay attention to form; a good looking squad is important! Not sure if i'll get it. Might get another TIE/adv. Prototype for another Guidance Chimps, and live without the cards from Jumpmaster.

My next Scum purchases will be Guns for Hire, Kihraxz and Starviper (would get a pair of each of the latter but unfortunately GfH doesn't have but two titles per ship). Later probably Quadjumper (for fun), Scurrg and Hound's Tooth. Might get a Kimogila, it has some useful stuff and visually it pairs well with Scyks, and i intend to get some of those (need cannons for Assault Gunboats).

Not really interested in the Lancer or IG-2000. Both have useful cards but neither seems terribly interesting otherwise, though at least they don't look as bad as the Jumpmaster.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Guns for Hire is amazing for the Kihraxz title. I haven't tried the StarViper upgrade yet, but it looks good. I'm about to grab a second GfH box so I have 4 titles of each to go with the 2 Kihraxz and StarViper expansions I had.


Has Hecht’s Number
Oct 25, 2017
The new astromech is really, really nice for the X-wings, although is not fix-nice level.

I think Maul will be used mostly on Stress combos (Keyan, Ezra, Inspired Recruits), or as a 1-dice reroll crew (which is not that bad) that has the option to reroll more than that if you really need it. I will gladly take it as a weird-man Dengar on my dual Firespray lists.

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
Damn... Flight-Assist droid in titled Y-wing might be interesting.
EDIT To clarify (especially for any new players who might be reading), since the Y-wing with the title can't shoot outside its firing arc anyway, the droid's negative is not an actual negative, and as a low mobility ship, the boost or barrel roll can help tremendously.

Shit. Guess my Scum can wait until i get "Rebels" units for rebels....

EDIT "Rebels" units covers the Ghost, Auzituck, Phantom II and Sabine's TIE.
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The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
The Maul / Ezra crew card combo is a home run in thematic design on FFG's part.

The pilot abilities that expand upon on the coordinate action on the Phantom II are also top notch.

And damn, that's an awesome astromech!

Deleted member 2507

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
First match with Scum. That is, against Scum.
My brother flew with them and... Damn. It started well enough for me but the my brother's Andrasta dropped a Cluster Mine set that controlled battlefield pretty well, then an Ion Bomb that blew up my Headhunter (as i had flown through an asteroid, taken damage, and slammed the same asteroid again due the ion bomb), and screwed up my Y-wing's game, and finally a Proton Bomb caused a Direct Hit on my YT-2400. Plus Hotshot Blaster seems to be way more useful than it appears, one-shot turret is surprisingly useful for a ship like Scum Headhunter.

BTL-A4 title is very interesting. It is limiting but if you get to use it, it boosts the Y-wing's damage output pretty nicely.

Our squads were mirrors as ships go: I had YT-2400, Y-wing and Headhunter, and my brother had Firespray, Y-wing and Headhunter.

EDIT it didn't help i forgot to use a droid ability and Crack Shot i had on my YT-2400... Sigh.
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The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
First match with Scum. That is, against Scum.
My brother flew with them and... Damn. It started well enough for me but the my brother's Andrasta dropped a Cluster Mine set that controlled battlefield pretty well, then an Ion Bomb that blew up my Headhunter (as i had flown through an asteroid, taken damage, and slammed the same asteroid again due the ion bomb), and screwed up my Y-wing's game, and finally a Proton Bomb caused a Direct Hit on my YT-2400. Plus Hotshot Blaster seems to be way more useful than it appears, one-shot turret is surprisingly useful for a ship like Scum Headhunter.

BTL-A4 title is very interesting. It is limiting but if you get to use it, it boosts the Y-wing's damage output pretty nicely.

Our squads were mirrors as ships go: I had YT-2400, Y-wing and Headhunter, and my brother had Firespray, Y-wing and Headhunter.

EDIT it didn't help i forgot to use a droid ability and Crack Shot i had on my YT-2400... Sigh.
I say run the same list again. Learning to fly new ships takes practice, and jumping from squad to squad prevents you from picking up those nuanced tactics, or mastering their dials. If you're forgetting your abilities, you might find that they can turn tides when used correctly. Crack Shot is a great way to burn down your target.

Deleted member 2507

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Oct 25, 2017
The game was just way too interesting for me to bother with such little details as abilities :P
It was very much a game of maneuver, due to my brother's bombs and my Outrider's need to stay at range 2-3.
YT-2400's barrel roll is a game changer for big ships. I've complained large ships are difficult to fly, maybe i should equip mine with Expert Handling when possible...

Since we don't play too often, i don't really re-use lists though. Still have bunch of things i've yet to try (upgrades and pilots). Maybe i'll fly Scum next time...

Deleted member 2507

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Hmph. Autoplay video ads have made x-wing wikia desktop mode completely unusable for me on mobile.

Wikia mobile mode is and has been utterly worthless since i first saw it, poor layout, large ads and prone to crashing or slowing down browser considerably.

Sigh. Can't check expansion contents or comment sections anymore then, not until that Chrome built-in adblock arrives in January.


Oct 27, 2017
Played against my brother in-laws four StarVipers (Thweek+three Black Sun Assassins) with the new titles last night. Using the 1 bank for barrel roll makes them great arc dodgers. Was closing in on one from behind only for him to to a 1 hard then barrel roll to be behind me! It was great! I used Nym and 2 Kihraxz all with missles. Lost a Kihraxz early but managed to squeak out a win. My opponent chased Nym the rest of the game while my Black Sun Ace had free shots for a few rounds. Some lucky double evade rolls and Pulsed Ray Shield saved me a few times. I like the Vaksai title but with so many upgrades added to the ship I forgot some of them a few times. :)

After the match I traded one of my original Kihraxz and the red Guns for Hire StarViper to him for his white Guns for Hire Kihraxz and original StarViper. I now have two white Kihraxz and he has two red StarVipers. Good X-Wing Night!


Has Hecht’s Number
Oct 25, 2017
This last saturday we had a ~35 player tournament without kit, and I decided to finally bring the new Starviper toys for a rodeo on a Scum Aces list:

Kavil — Y-Wing 24
Veteran Instincts 1
Twin Laser Turret 6
Unhinged Astromech 1
Vectored Thrusters 2
Ship Total: 34

Fenn Rau — Protectorate Starfighter 28
Push the Limit 3
Autothrusters 2
Concord Dawn Protector 1
Ship Total: 34

Thweek — StarViper 28
Fire-Control System 2
Autothrusters 2
StarViper Mk. II -3
Virago 1
Ship Total: 30

Extremely fun list to play. I already used a Barrel Roll-Kavil when it was released (Expert Handle+Autoblaster), but freeing up the Elite is a lovely thing. With some less bombs (and Bomblet Nym not as broken) Fenn Rau is as good as ever although a bit more predictable due no Attanni shenanigans. And Thweek is a really interesting pilot. Most of the time you will copy the PS of an enemy ship, but the FCS and the weird (and lovely) barrel rolls makes him a nice cheap ace even if it doesn't have any aditional ability.

I ended 2-2 on the swiss, with two 100-0 victories (vs Dengar-Kath and a Scum swarm with a couple Kihraxz, couple Zs and a Viper) and two extremely close defeats. One, against a Miranda-Han (1st on the swiss) where he only had a 2-health Han left who didn't receive any damage when Fenn Rau got him at Range 1 with Target Lock + Focus. The other, against an Immortal Poe-Braylenn-Jess where I fucked up target priorities and left a 1-hull left Poe against Thweek. He never had a chance to shoot at me, but I didn't had any chance of doing more than one damage per turn (which he would regenerate).

At the end, 12th on the Swiss (first on the 2-2 guys) but somehow I still played the Top8: one guy dropped as he had to leave and none of the three guys before me wanted to go for it. In first round I passed over an Asajj-YY list, while in the Top4 I was destroyed by a guy that made Top8 in the European with the same list he was using, Chiraneau-Carnor. Quite happy overall and, most importantly, I had a ton of fun with the trio.


This next weekend is my Club's tournament. I'm tempted to repeat the list, but it also feels time for some double Firespray love.
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