
Jan 28, 2018

Camp EasyCompany is struggling these days. Has anyone else had a lot of people die?


Oct 25, 2017
I wish there was a way to call on the radio for a particular survivor that wanted to join my community. Basically "hey, I need gardener!"


Jan 28, 2018
My wife has had 6 or 7 deaths I might upload the vid of her leader going rogue and fighting a juggernaut it didn't end well :(

Haha post it!

I've lost count of the trail of dead my camp has left in its wake. This afternoon I lost Lillian, my last original crew member and Warlord leader. I honestly think I've hit a dozen dead? At least 9-10. Any tips for having your follower not get wrecked when doing a Plague Heart?


I shed
Oct 25, 2017

Camp EasyCompany is struggling these days. Has anyone else had a lot of people die?

Wow, that's quite a cemetary. I lost two in my first playthrough and none since. I've finished 6 communities. I did almost lose two in my current playthrough to some rogue humans, but I managed to kill them.


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
So once you've selected a legacy character for a new community, you can't reselect them for future communities if you delete that community.

I think that's kind of lame but I suppose so you don't constantly build up a ton space? So why not just have a pool with limited space that you can save and delete.


Jan 9, 2018
My wife has had 6 or 7 deaths I might upload the vid of her leader going rogue and fighting a juggernaut it didn't end well :(

I just lost my first two characters...sent out the pair to assist a group with a horde defense. Two juggernauts showed up...one of the characters was converted to a zombie during the attack and joined the horde. The other was eventually torn in half by one of the juggernauts. I sent his sister to recover the gear. Amazing game!

Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
Well got the final quest but I want to dick around in my community a little more before sending them on, never to see there blood covered faces again. I'm curious as to what this final mission is as the SOD1 one was a long firefight.

But. I tried my hand at doing some mp tonight by shooting off a flare and joining someone else game. We each drove cars and honked to signal we were ready. Took down juggernauts and swarms with ease all while getting some loot. Fun Fun time.

Great game.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
i do really enjoy that anyone who dies will get back up in a minute so after shotgunning some douchebag in the head you also have to kneel on their chest and smoosh their brains out with a shovel

bonus points if it's entirely thematically inappropriate, like the grieving couple who are desperately attempting to join your camp until one turns and the other NPC gleefully crushes their brains while saying "Fuck off, zombie!"


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
Ever since the patch, I've had followers just randomly peace out. I'll complete an objective and they just disappear (usually). One ran off down the road doing his own thing. I couldn't switch to them unless I went back to base where they miraculously appeared. I had them disappear prior to the patch too, but I could tell they had fallen through the world. I have no idea what is going on now.


Nov 3, 2017
Put a few more hours into the game, my base went from on the brink of mutiny to cheerful after much work. So far I've moved once to the bridge which is a pretty crappy base honestly, but the game wanted me to set up there. I'd like to find somewhere better soon.
Oct 25, 2017
Any tips for having your follower not get wrecked when doing a Plague Heart?

I bought a .50 cal rifle from one of the traders (was like 1,000 Influence but it's worth it). That, combined with the heavy ammo press mod in the workshop is a god send for Plague Hearts.

All you have to do is sneak inside the building, then just lob a molotov and take 3-4 shots with the .50 cal and it kills the plague heart before it can even summon the first wave to defend it.

I think the plague hearts get more difficult as you go but this has worked fine for the first 4-5 that I've done so far.


Oct 28, 2017
wanted to post a clip, but my dvr is full and it never uploaded. not sure if this is a normal feature, but ive lost a few of my group and this didnt happen to me until just recently:

i had one of my best main characters out on a solo run, way too far from home, very low on health and stamina with nothing left to boost me back up, when i got attacked by a small horde and two ferals! after failing to kill the ferals with my small amount of remaining ammo and still being swarmed by the horde, i started swinging. i went down 3-4 times at 0 health and i was able to rapidly tap the A button to get back up and finally finished the fight and was able to get to an enclaves base to safety.

it was exhausting and scary. i had actually put down the controller at one point out of despair because i thought my guy was done and i was so pissed at myself for putting him in that spot, but when i saw the "A" prompt i picked it back up and fought for his life.

not really sure how he survived... but im glad he did.


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
Just ran into my favorite enclave so far: 4 guys in army fatigues stuffed into a tiny shed. I couldn't even get to the one I was supposed to talk to. I'm sure they will become a zombie snack pak very soon.

Fairy Godmother

Backward compatible
Oct 27, 2017
I just lost my first two characters...sent out the pair to assist a group with a horde defense. Two juggernauts showed up...one of the characters was converted to a zombie during the attack and joined the horde. The other was eventually torn in half by one of the juggernauts. I sent his sister to recover the gear. Amazing game!


Oct 27, 2017
Wow, I've been assuming that Juggernauts only spawn alone. I've never seen more than 1 in the same area, even when the map is littered with them. Same for ferals.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
yeah the game would be a lot more difficult if it stacked special infected.

God I really want to see Hunters and Spitters and Smokers and stuff in this open world.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
I got two things that may count as exploits and may be patched out. They make the game a lot easier and less 'realistic' so read/use with caution.

1- You can create and get rid of Outpostswith no penalty. You always get back the same influence you spend to create the Outpost So there's no reason not to do it all the time. For example, searching a building? Run through each room and make sure there are no zeds. Then claim it as an Outpost , which makes searching super fast with no extra noise and you can throw everything (except for rucksacks) you find in your newly created supply cache instead of hauling it back to base or using up valuable trunk space. As soon as you're done you can go to your base menu and cancel the outpost and it'll be ready for the next time.

This also works if you're out in the world and you need ammo/meds/ whatever. Just make an temp outpost and take what you need out of your supply cache.

2- You can call a rucksack to your body wherever you are in the world, not just when you're at your base. Just go the base menu, navigate to your storage and pick the withdraw rucksack option. As if by magic when you exit the menu your character will have it, even if you're on he far side of the map. You can do this for fuel and break it down into a gas can for your car too. No more getting stuck in the middle of nowhere with an empty tank.


Oct 26, 2017
Wow, I've been assuming that Juggernauts only spawn alone. I've never seen more than 1 in the same area, even when the map is littered with them. Same for ferals.
I had a crazy fight with two ferals recently. That was extremely hard. I also had a base defense with a feral, two juggernauts and a bloater.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
i also feel like screamers were way more irritating in SoD1 but maybe that's because I prioritise the shit out of them now instantly

like i remember their interrupt being way worse and it being super possible to just get mobbed by zambies while you were rolling around in earpain


Oct 27, 2017
I got two things that may count as exploits and may be patched out. They make the game a lot easier and less 'realistic' so read/use with caution.

1- You can create and get rid of Outpostswith no penalty. You always get back the same influence you spend to create the Outpost So there's no reason not to do it all the time. For example, searching a building? Run through each room and make sure there are no zeds. Then claim it as an Outpost , which makes searching super fast with no extra noise and you can throw everything (except for rucksacks) you find in your newly created supply cache instead of hauling it back to base or using up valuable trunk space. As soon as you're done you can go to your base menu and cancel the outpost and it'll be ready for the next time.

This also works if you're out in the world and you need ammo/meds/ whatever. Just make an temp outpost and take what you need out of your supply cache.

2- You can call a rucksack to your body wherever you are in the world, not just when you're at your base. Just go the base menu, navigate to your storage and pick the withdraw rucksack option. As if by magic when you exit the menu your character will have it, even if you're on he far side of the map. You can do this for fuel and break it down into a gas can for your car too. No more getting stuck in the middle of nowhere with an empty tank.
3. When you upgrade a vehicle, it is repaired, fully refuelled, and has items in the trunk like one found out in the wild.

4. NPCs recruited for a mission, like "let's kill infestations!" will follow you anywhere. It's a good opportunity to kill plague hearts.

5. Followers do not use ammo. Equip them with a gun and they'll make good use of it.
i also feel like screamers were way more irritating in SoD1 but maybe that's because I prioritise the shit out of them now instantly

like i remember their interrupt being way worse and it being super possible to just get mobbed by zambies while you were rolling around in earpain
They're supposed to be threatening due to the hordes they attract, but no amount of regular zombies is ever threatening thanks to how executions and dodging work. If you weren't invulnerable when executing and dodging combat would be very different.

Noise in general is kind of nothing in SoD2. It will only ever attract local zombies, which even in an apocalyptic scenario of being beside an infestation, a plague heart, and two hordes, is like 25 zombies max. You're in more danger facing two ferals and nothing else, because they run the risk of making you drain your stamina (and thus fall into a death spiral of failing to avoid attacks).

...I really wish there was like a "hard mode" or something that made it more punishing. As is, combat doesn't punish mistakes so much as complete recklessness.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
did executions have i-frames in the original? I feel like it's honestly incredibly generous here

like I don't want to be all tru gamer or whatever but I kinda feel even on one map level up the game is really easy. Still haven't lost a person. Come close though.


user requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
did executions have i-frames in the original? I feel like it's honestly incredibly generous here

like I don't want to be all tru gamer or whatever but I kinda feel even on one map level up the game is really easy. Still haven't lost a person. Come close though.
Sometimes you can't do executions if the zombie is in a weird angle. Usually if the head is elevated off the ground. You just try to do it, but bounce off.


Oct 27, 2017
So, y'all.. what is the best weapon in the game and why is it no weapon (thanks to Close Combat)???


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
oh man i should check if i've got that

probably gonna finish up sheriff legacy tonight and then leave it for DLC. Had fun but definitely in the repetitive section now and the game is still full of little things that just aren't making it what i want

Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
That would be nice.

Maybe some tweaks and more upgrades to the facilities, cause right now it looks like the bases are just thrown together hastily cause the community, will eventually leave the town.
Considering how much UL are struggling to maintain stability at the current level of systemic integration I think that would be a very tall order unfortunately :(


Oct 31, 2017
Would anyone else fancy a hardcore survival mode in this? Having to eat and drink but you need to take supplies with you. Maybe have injuries only fixed at the infirmary etc


Oct 27, 2017
Would anyone else fancy a hardcore survival mode in this? Having to eat and drink but you need to take supplies with you. Maybe have injuries only fixed at the infirmary etc
I'd be down for this but I'd like it get even harder
all zombie hits contribute to blood plague level
No second chance
Combative enclave invasions
Give it to me!

Panic Freak

Oct 26, 2017
I lost my first community member in a suicide mission to kill a plague heart. She will not be missed because she was a klepto. See ya.

Also, my first hero appointment is available but she is a Sheriff. I'm not going to promote her. I want to do a builder or trader first.

Deleted member 4072

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So after downloading the update yesterday, I loaded it up to be greeted with weird colors and metallic looking walls everywhere. Thought it was my GPU but no other game is having this issue. Went to reload it and it said it needed to update, then I get this:


This is testing my patience -_-

Dick Justice

Oct 25, 2017
Was playing the original game earlier today, then used the game pass free trial to try out this game. UI is massively better than the original. Much sleeker and easier to use. Graphics are significantly improved too. Controls feel less janky, and overall I'm liking it so far. Though the long gaps in dialogue during cutscenes is kinda baffling.
Well I would hope if it's a 60 dollar game, they'd spend more time developing it lol
Shame it's not a 60 dollar game then.


Nov 20, 2017
I am so happy with this game. It has been a genuine surprise. I only played the first one for a brief moment, and that almost happened with this one. After 2 hours I was still considering stop playing. Now I am like 70 hours in and loving the game. It gives you so much satisfaction. My biggest wish for State of Decay 3 is that it becomes a 60 dollar game with a bigger Undead Labs team. This game already provides as much entertainment or more than some of the 60 dollar games I have enjoyed this gen. But I also forgive the story and overall polish because of the 30 dollar indie game status. If they made a big AAA effort with this IP the potential is incredible.

In my opinion, of course.

Edit for clarity.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I am so happy with this game. It has been a genuine surprise. I only played the first one for a brief moment, and that almost happened with this one. After 2 hours I was still considering stop playing. Now I am like 70 hours in and loving the game. It gives you so much satisfaction. My biggest wish for State of Decay 3 is that it becomes a 60 dollar game with a bigger Undead Labs team. This game already provides as much entertainment or more than some of the 60 dollar games I have enjoyed this gen. But I also forgive the story and overall polish because of the 30 dollar indie game status. If they made a big AAA effort with this IP the potential is incredible.

In my opinion, of course.

Edit for clarity.

Yeah, can't imagine how insane this would be with true triple-A (quadruple-A?) budget, technique and price. An Ubisoft level open world with this gameplay, less jank... wow.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm trying to teach one of my members the computer skill, but it's not working. Is there a max number of skills? Is my only option to recruit another person?

I'm already at 6 population at Mohr & Mohr Distributing.


Oct 27, 2017
I am so happy with this game. It has been a genuine surprise. I only played the first one for a brief moment, and that almost happened with this one. After 2 hours I was still considering stop playing. Now I am like 70 hours in and loving the game. It gives you so much satisfaction. My biggest wish for State of Decay 3 is that it becomes a 60 dollar game with a bigger Undead Labs team. This game already provides as much entertainment or more than some of the 60 dollar games I have enjoyed this gen. But I also forgive the story and overall polish because of the 30 dollar indie game status. If they made a big AAA effort with this IP the potential is incredible.

In my opinion, of course.

Edit for clarity.

Can you imagine if they actually put some effort into the missions? Something like:

A military convoy is taking plague cure to a nearby settlement you can:

- Build out the path to make sure it can get through (Builder)
- Protect the convoy from hostile enclaves (Sheriff)
- Pay hostile enclaves to raid it (Trader)
- Raid it (Warlord)

Every single mission in the game is driving somewhere and either protecting against zombies or shooting a few humans, with no variations on content. They could easily make something special - think of the mission variety in Saints Row (1-3). There's nothing stopping them but ambition and budget.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm trying to teach one of my members the computer skill, but it's not working. Is there a max number of skills? Is my only option to recruit another person?

I'm already at 6 population at Mohr & Mohr Distributing.
I think it's 5 skills in total, so they need to have 4 in order to teach them something new. I think.


Oct 28, 2017
Can you imagine if they actually put some effort into the missions? Something like:

A military convoy is taking plague cure to a nearby settlement you can:

- Build out the path to make sure it can get through (Builder)
- Protect the convoy from hostile enclaves (Sheriff)
- Pay hostile enclaves to raid it (Trader)
- Raid it (Warlord)

Every single mission in the game is driving somewhere and either protecting against zombies or shooting a few humans, with no variations on content. They could easily make something special - think of the mission variety in Saints Row (1-3). There's nothing stopping them but ambition and budget.

Ambition is intrinsically linked to budget, experience and technical limitations.

It's fine to reasonably criticise something, but I think it's in pretty poor taste to say the missions are bare bones because of a lack of effort. It's a small team, and they've achieved a significant amount with this.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm experimenting a lot with this last community. I have an Auto Shop for example and I have gathered all the cars on my map to transform them into mega awesome versions. Things like Big Boss, Smashwagon, Desperado and Witchita ES that I had never seen before. The descriptions are amazing. :D


Oct 29, 2017
Helping online peeps in this game is it's own reward. Since I'm right at the last mission and I'm assuming I can't take any of my materials with me when starting a new community I'm basically joining other people's games with rucksacks and dropping them off. Feels good.


Oct 26, 2017
Helping online peeps in this game is it's own reward. Since I'm right at the last mission and I'm assuming I can't take any of my materials with me when starting a new community I'm basically joining other people's games with rucksacks and dropping them off. Feels good.
You sort of can. Everything a character has on them will come with them if you take them to the next community. You could load them up with all the good mods you have, the best weapons and so on, and one rucksack each.


Oct 29, 2017
You sort of can. Everything a character has on them will come with them if you take them to the next community. You could load them up with all the good mods you have, the best weapons and so on, and one rucksack each.
I got ya. Have to micromanage that before starting another community.


Oct 27, 2017
Does anyone else's Xbox One X fan go mental when on your on the community tab in the start menu after playing the game for a while, not sure what it is on that screen (could be the amount of character models on one screen) but the fan get stupidly loud??