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Deleted member 5334

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Literally. Just stop this crap.

I'm beyond livid at the responses from the Harry Potter thread over at the gaming thread. People are LITERALLY handwaving Trans People's complaints on the issue. Just. STOP.

I won't lie, there was a time I thought this way, awhile ago, but over the years, I realized this is an extremely privileged take and all it does it help funnel money into a bigot (especially if they're still alive), and often allows for them to profit and use it to push their own agenda (ex., buying tickets and/or music CDs of Dragon Quest, 100% supports Sugiyama, who uses his position to funnel money into nationalist groups to push his bigoted agenda, rooted in xenophobia, Queerphobia, Racism, etc., and has a strong presence in the Entertainment industry and Political area).

You literally cannot separate the artist from their works. Many times, like Harry Potter, the author's views translate into the work itself. It's rooted, woven, into the artists works. You cannot separate that, ever. Trying to say that, is given an open pass and completely handwaving people's complaints about these issues.

Enough. is. enough. Especially on fucking Pride Month. Jesus Christ.

Just. Stop. This. Mindset.
Oct 25, 2017

If you still want to enjoy the media, fine, just own that simple fact instead patting yourself on the back for being indifferent or actually not caring.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Agreed. Financial support aside, your views inherently bleed into your art. There is no separation.


Oct 22, 2018
I never got the whole "separate the art from the artist" argument. In the case of HP, you'll be putting money in their pocket every time you purchase something HP themed. You're financing a bigot.


Oct 30, 2017
Agreed with this big time. I may check out the game on YouTube or something instead of directly buying it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yep. Same reason I can't really support Atlus until they make significant strides in LGBTQ representation and theming.


Oct 28, 2017
If I didn't separate the art from the artist I wouldn't be able to enjoy pretty much anything that isn't contemporary (and as we've seen today, even that isn't a given).

You do you.


Oct 27, 2017
There's a line to draw.

I separate the artist from the art all the time - just like I separate products from their creators. If I didn't, I probably couldn't enjoy anything. I'm typing on an iPad, which uses indecent labor practices. I listen to Eminem and he's had tons of questionable views to many different communities. A lot of music I listen to, games I play, products I use...

Sure, I can make my best efforts to not support things that are obviously bad, but yeah there's a point to where it's like okay if I don't want to support the system at all, I need to go live out in the woods.


Alt account
Feb 5, 2020
She is an absolute horrible wretch of a person but just because she wrote the original doesnt mean I support her by buying this game.

Not that I was planning to but still.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
This phrase was appropriated by people who don't care enough about social issues to adjust their consumer habits and like to pretend it's an admiral character trait to be apathetic.

It's supposed to be about art criticism, whether or not a work of art should be judged in the context of the artist's personal views. Does an author's horrific views change the subtext of the narrative? It's something to consider when evaluating art. What does Rowling's transphobia say about the stories she wrote? Probably quite a bit if we go back and check again.

It's not even about consumerism! You don't have to buy her books to join the conversation. Or you can. It doesn't matter. But a lot of people are just annoyed that the conversation is even taking place at all so brag about how uninterested they are in thinking about stuff.
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May 26, 2018
Is the author no longer dead?


Dec 15, 2018
I believe in it being a case by case thing but Rowling is still very much alive and active and her views are toxic so uh yeah she can leave.


Oct 25, 2017
When a piece of work is done by a singular person or a small team, there is no way their influence can't be felt within the media itself. Authors, especially, can't be separated from their work because their biases will inevitably show within the piece whether they intend to or not, or in J.K. Rowling's case very intentionally. I feel like this mindset can only be somewhat ethically taken when it is a massive team working on something with no central figurehead. An Assassin's Creed game with hundreds of people touching it is a prime example since I'm sure quite a high percentage have views that are harmful even if Ubisoft isn't presenting a bigoted or harmful message. Dragon Quest can also be seen this way if you only look at the game and not the copies of music that is sold alongside it. That one probably depends on how you look at the composer's involvement in the series as a whole.

There is no ethical consumption in the modern age, but lines can be drawn when someone is an absolute monster like Rowling is. Most creators' biases outside of their work is never revealed so you can never know what they truly think, but her views and ties with Harry Potter are unbreakable, inexcusable, and should be avoided at all costs.

Mike Works

Oct 28, 2017
Literally. Just stop this crap.

I'm beyond livid at the responses from the Harry Potter thread over at the gaming thread. People are LITERALLY handwaving Trans People's complaints on the issue. Just. STOP.

I won't lie, there was a time I thought this way, awhile ago, but over the years, I realized this is an extremely privileged take and all it does it help funnel money into a bigot (especially if they're still alive), and often allows for them to profit and use it to push their own agenda (ex., buying tickets and/or music CDs of Dragon Quest, 100% supports Sugiyama, who uses his position to funnel money into nationalist groups to push his bigoted agenda, rooted in xenophobia, Queerphobia, Racism, etc., and has a strong presence in the Entertainment industry and Political area).

You literally cannot separate the artist from their works. Many times, like Harry Potter, the author's views translate into the work itself. It's rooted, woven, into the artists works. You cannot separate that, ever. Trying to say that, is given an open pass and completely handwaving people's complaints about these issues.

Enough. is. enough. Especially on fucking Pride Month. Jesus Christ.

Just. Stop. This. Mindset.
I don't really care about Harry Potter either way, and I think anyone giving trans people shit can go to hell.

But on the subject of separating the art from the artist, here's a question for you OP: what computer, laptop, tablet, or phone did you make this thread on?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I never got the whole "separate the art from the artist" argument. In the case of HP, you'll be putting money in their pocket every time you purchase something HP themed. You're financing a bigot.
People want to enjoy the thing they like without guilt of supporting the creator. It's a justification/excuse
Oct 25, 2017
"Separating art from artist" doesn't mean willfully financing awful people. It means that the work can stand on it's own without the author or their baggage. In a very commercialized spaces these can be difficult to separate but that's not what it refers to.


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't finished the first Harry Potter book, I think JK Rowling is disgusting TERF and also seem dumb as fuck, but I personally never had too much trouble separating the art from the artist. Even more than that, I can enjoy books that have shitty politics.
Pale Fire has amazingly bad politics and it's of my favorite books ever.
I love The Master and Margarita and that book is borderline antisemitic at times.

It won't make me defend that author or the shitty politics, but I don't think enjoying someone's art means endorsement of their politics. It's not to me at least.
Oct 29, 2017
Yeah I always give a side-eye to people who make that excuse, especially for modern works where the creators are still alive and still making money off it, just screams 'doesn't actually care about issues to make any changes to what they consume'

I can give a bit more leeway if it's someone who's long dead and rotting but if you try to dismiss or ignore discussion about that someone's views and their relation to their works? Back to the side-eye.

(Also love how we've already got the 'WHAT ABOUT YOUR COMPUTER' types in this thread as if there's no difference between 'a basic piece of technology needed to survive in the modern world' and 'work of fiction created by a massive bigot that you can literally do without')
May 26, 2018
also, rediscovering the problems the books have...

is very much like diving into Voldemort's old diary, isn't it? The author pops out of the book and starts blurting out some bigoted shit


Oct 25, 2017
Word, OP.

*brains fall out of ear*

If you care about THIS then you would also have to care about THAT! Ah ha checkmate! I'm so smart.


Oct 30, 2017
im not sure lovecraft could have invented cosmic horror if he wasn't terrified of others

so thats an example imo of a work where the greatest idiosyncrasies are directly tied to the author's issues

Deleted member 5334

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't really care about Harry Potter either way, and I think anyone giving trans people shit can go to hell.

But on the subject of separating the art from the artist, here's a question for you OP: what computer, laptop, tablet, or phone did you make this thread on?

You know EXACTLY where I (and most people) stand on this issue and this what-about-ism is absolutely NOT okay here. Literally, do NOT do this.


Oct 25, 2017
I think you can separate art from artist on occasion, but you can't really separate business from them. If you're actively giving to someone that's using their platform to oppress or funneling that money to that end then yeah of course you cannot separate that. If an artist is long dead or their contracts are up and they make squat then that's a bit different. Well, unless the art itself is problematic.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really care about Harry Potter either way, and I think anyone giving trans people shit can go to hell.

But on the subject of separating the art from the artist, here's a question for you OP: what computer, laptop, tablet, or phone did you make this thread on?

This kind of whatabout trash should stay at GAF or the gaming side.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd imagine you wouldn't really be able to enjoy anything if you didn't do so. Even things that you think you can enjoy now may be ruined some day in the future by the artists saying something stupid, or even yet there could be artists that hold abhorrent views and just stay quiet about them.

Deleted member 62221

User requested account closure
Dec 17, 2019
So if I cannot separate the art from the artist then I need to accept that good art can come from bigotry? do I need to accept that books like the Hyperion Cantos and Lovecraft's work are good because they came from bigoted/crazy minds?


Oct 29, 2017
Not trying to be a provocateur here, I know that she can't help but let dumb and offensive shit fall out of her mouth at a steady clip, I'd just like to know how these views represented in her work? I really don't have a clue what's present in those books to take offense at (not saying it isn't there, mind you).


Sep 20, 2018
I think if people want to play/watch/read something just because they want to without taking into account the questionable stuff said by the creator, they should just get on with it and not try to come up with an excuse for it. It's not really helping anybody


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
So if I cannot separate the art from the artist then I need to accept that good art can come from bigotry? do I need to accept that books like the Hyperion Cantos and Lovecraft's work are good because they came from bigoted/crazy minds?

Good art can come from bad people. That's not the question being asked at all. This misses the point even more than "but what about iPhones lol got 'em."


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
All I know is that getting upset at people for canceling or not canceling a specific product in the wretched tapestry of capitalism is not a productive or healthy endeavor.

Deleted member 925

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I've seen so many people label themselves as allies on Era but don't back up those claims. They still hand wave transphobia by artists they look up to, go out and buy that fast food chicken, and play certain japanese RPGs.

They can go fuck themselves. People try to be woke but are fake. Happy Pride Month!

Mike Works

Oct 28, 2017
You know EXACTLY where I (and most people) stand on this issue and this what-about-ism is absolutely NOT okay here. Literally, do NOT do this.
I don't know who you are, I have no idea where you stand on this issue, apart from what you've posted in your OP.

The world ain't black and white. I'm more than fine with condemning JK Rowling and her current and future books. But I also see the merit in enjoying them for what they are while reading them with the knowledge that the author is a bigot. If it weren't for the Harry Potter series, we might not have awesome people like Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe being given a platform to stand up for trans people and voices.

Evaluating art and the artist is a continuing, ongoing conversation. We're seeing that with Disney+ where some titles are banned from the service, others have been edited, others come with a warning, and others are left untouched.

Personally, I've always had an issue with the whole slavery shit in the Harry Potter series.


Oct 27, 2017
Fucking Christ is this thread turning into a goddamn honeypot.

It's supposed to be about art criticism, whether or not a work of art should be judged in the context of the artist's personal views. Does an author's horrific views change the subtext of the narrative? It's something to consider when evaluating art.
"Separating art from artist" doesn't mean willfully financing awful people. It means that the work can stand on it's own without the author or their baggage.

These. Hell, in terms of "separating art from artist" I consider the topic of Orson Scott Card to be significantly more interesting.

Using it as a alternative to "no ethical consumption under capitalism" is just being lazy and dishonest. I'd tell you what you should do if that really concerned you but it'd get my ass banned.


Oct 25, 2017
People definitely shouldn't wave that argument in the faces of those who are being threatened or attacked by the author.

If anyone wants to enjoy problematic media content (not exactly this specific case, as far as I can tell) and/or media with very problematic authors (which does directly apply to the creator in question), then they really should do so quietly and without reacting so defensively, instead of apparently trying to shut up or diminish the criticisms in question.

I never cared about Harry Potter as a property, mostly because I was a little too old to get into it, nor did I have any prior interest in the game. The creator's clear transphobia only makes it even easier for me to condemn her and continue ignoring everything related to this fictional universe. But if I was ever curious, at a distant point in the future, then I'd seriously consider resorting to piracy (or other ways of consumption where the author gets zero money).
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Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
I've seen so many people label themselves as allies on Era but don't back up those claims. They still hand wave transphobia by artists they look up to, go out and buy that fast food chicken, and play certain japanese RPGs.

They can go fuck themselves. People try to be woke but are fake. Happy Pride Month!

To clarify: do you think if someone buys the Harry Potter game, they are handwaving transphobia?


Oct 27, 2017
There are levels to it and I don't think you can make blanket rules that apply to this stuff.

In this particular case, buying Harry Potter shit pretty much directly puts money in a bigot's pocket, and you probably shouldn't do that.

But if you take these ideas to their logical end, you basically can't buy anything in modern society without hurting someone, often in far more direct and extreme ways than giving money to a person with shitty views.
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