
Mar 16, 2022
I hate that player collision is gone, as it added so much to the experience, having to communicate and collaborate, bouncing on each other to reach higher and time your jumps etc! It's what makes NSMB a more fun and interactive co-op experience than any other 2D platformer.

I'm still confident that Nintendo KNOWS that's the superior option, just that it requires too much from the internet connection. This way, instead of making sure everyone is pixel-perfectly in sync (the way smash bros, mario 3D world and mario maker 2 does it, which causes slowdown if the connection isn't perfect), they can just let the other players teleport-correct whenever there's been lag, fps/mario kart style, as it doesn't affect the gameplay anymore.

That is, assuming they'll even let us play this game online. 😫 This is Nintendo, so you never know.
You do you, but I strongly disagree with this. It was one of the most irritating things about four player multiplayer in those games. 2nd best decision they made removing it. And I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with online lol.
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One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I hate that player collision is gone, as it added so much to the experience, having to communicate and collaborate, bouncing on each other to reach higher and time your jumps etc! It's what makes NSMB a more fun and interactive co-op experience than any other 2D platformer.

I'm still confident that Nintendo KNOWS that's the superior option, just that it requires too much from the internet connection. This way, instead of making sure everyone is pixel-perfectly in sync (the way smash bros, mario 3D world and mario maker 2 does it, which causes slowdown if the connection isn't perfect), they can just let the other players teleport-correct whenever there's been lag, fps/mario kart style, as it doesn't affect the gameplay anymore.

That is, assuming they'll even let us play this game online. 😫 This is Nintendo, so you never know.
Multiplayer is local only, leaderboards are probably the only online feature. Most likely collision is gone because they are going to be doing lots of weird powerup stuff such as the rolling spike ball thing seen in the trailer which would not work with player collision and it wouldn't make sense to have players switch between colliding and not colliding depending on powerup status. Either way they've already done a bunch of multiplayer games with collision so it's probably worth a try without it.
Jan 15, 2019
I'm worried we're going to get "psychedelic"-takes on the Koopalings, Bowser Jr., and maybe even Boom Boom rather than original bosses. A premise of the game seems to be taking normal Mario concepts like the flag pole and then turning them on their heads.

Can't see the Koopalings or Boom Boom being in this.

I'd only be okay with koopalings here if they did something really crazy and unique with them. I think it's not going to be them though.

We already saw a crazy psychedelic Bowser Jr looking character. He's in the game

I'm sure some classic Mario bosses will appear since we've seen a shot of Bowser's ship flying around, but based on Wonder being set in the "Flower Kingdom" and all the unique creatures/enemies we've already seen I'd have to imagine introducing this new setting was done in part explicitly to introduce quite a bit of entirely new stuff. Wonder feels like a sort of deliberate creative exercise after having been locked into the fairly rigid aesthetics/tropes of New SMB for so long. Just re-using existing characters strikes me as antithetical to what they seem to want to do here.
Jan 3, 2018
I actually prefer 2 to U

Yea, I prefer 2 to U as well



Oct 25, 2017
The game could also just be super unpredictable with its bosses like 3D World was. Always thought it was weird in that aspect.

World 1 through 3 we're Bowser, Boom Boom and Pom Pom. Then you had a boss-only level with Hisstocrat on a tiny island between 3 and 4. Then 4 and 5 had original bosses. Then back to Boom Boom for 6, then another boss only level with Motley between 6 and 7. Then bowser with 7 and 8.

And then the game randomly threw in another boss battle with a unique boss in Prince Bully in the middle of World 6. Pom Pom got another level in the middle of World 8 alongside some other refights


Oct 26, 2017
Any NSMBWii peeps here to stan for it being the best NSMB game? Because I still feel that way. U I feel like runs out of gas in World 8 comparatively and feels too iterative, even though the level design in U is excellent as well.
*Raises hand*
NSMBWii is my favorite of the New series. I remember feeling so hyped for it leading up to release. And the game still has the best New series Final boss with an amazing Final Boss theme.



Oct 25, 2017
One thing I will say about NSMB2 is that it isn't held back by needing to be a multiplayer game as well. Kind of the downside of the non handheld games at this point. I still think NSMBU is a better game.


Jun 29, 2021
This looks absolutely amazing.

The last 2D Mario game I played all the way through was New Super Mario Bros. 2 on the 3DS (the gold coin focused one). And I absolutely loved it.

For some reason I found it hard to get into New Super Mario Bros. U on Switch but I might try again before Wonder releases.

Can't wait!

The Real Abed

Oct 25, 2017
NSMB2 is the only one I never played. I never had a 3DS and never will. Which also means I never played 3D Land. But I loved 3D World to death. While I've wanted a 3D World sequel forever, I'm so excited for this game. And I hope maybe whatever follows up Bowser's Fury is a hybrid/spiritual sequel to 3D World. I just love Mario games where I have the option to not only play as Mario. Especially if it's like 3D World where you can replay levels with each character and they all have their own moves. So I hope this game is like that where you "complete" the game by playing all of it as every character. I hope this game is like a 2D version of 3D World. I want a hell of a post-game section like 3D World. That was the best part of that game. It just kept going.

So basically, I cannot wait for this game and whatever 3D Mario game follows it on the Switch 2.

Oh, and NSMBU was really really good for a NSMB game. But I'm glad the franchise is dead now and being rebooted finally. 20 years is a pretty long time for a series.

I just thought of something. Imagine what Mario Maker 3 will be like if they let you do shit with Wonder. OMG.


Oct 25, 2017
I have finally watched the trailer and I don't get all the excitement, it looks like they tweaked NSMBU's visuals slightly.
Jan 15, 2019
I have finally watched the trailer and I don't get all the excitement, it looks like they tweaked NSMBU's visuals slightly.
I think the hype, at least speaking for myself, is not so much about what the trailer explicitly shows but about the potential it represents. It shows that the 2D Mario team is breaking away from the safe, rigid-brand-identity formula the New games had and experimenting with lots of new gameplay concepts and ideas, almost all of which haven't been shown thus far. So this answer might sound kinda bullshitty but it's about what we haven't seen yet more than what we have. This trailer only seemed to showcase the very first world within the game, and mostly just the very first level.

Also, looking at this post below I think demonstrates that while it may remind you of NSMBU at a glance, when compared directly there's a clear step up in ambition here:

Still can't get over how much of a visual leap this is from NSMBU. Even the world map is just....







Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
Never thought I'd see player collision defended. That was one of the key things that put these games under the other multiplayer platformers.

The key thing is striking that balance of being a good single player platformer and having good co-op instead of clearly prioritizing one over the other.


Nov 3, 2017
Never thought I'd see player collision defended. That was one of the key things that put these games under the other multiplayer platformers.

The key thing is striking that balance of being a good single player platformer and having good co-op instead of clearly prioritizing one over the other.
It works in a competitive environment,
The multiplayer mode of NSMBW was stellar for exactly that reason.
Same with Mario Maker 2 (if you play local that is), the collision is what makes competitive multiplayer works.
For co op, it kinda requires for players to really be gracious and helpful....which was never really the case.
But it did gave us this



Jan 3, 2019
I have finally watched the trailer and I don't get all the excitement, it looks like they tweaked NSMBU's visuals slightly.

Couldn't disagree more. The NSMB games lived or died on compelling platforming challenges and encouraging a fun flow-state with power-ups, mechanics, and any unique enemy behaviors but they have always been wrapped in such a sterile, safe, and almost entirely lifeless package.

This game is brimming with vibrant joy, bursting from every square inch. Character and true personality


Oct 27, 2017
A Youtuber called Thaddeus Silva seems to have recreated the three songs that appear on the trailer.

You can honestly feel the passion in the game within the songs. It has a completely different vibe than the New Super Mario Bros. series.

So far I would say I like Athletic the most, then Overworld and lastly Wonder Flower.



Wonder Flower




Baby Bird

Nov 5, 2017
Not feeling the music tbh. I absolutely hate the vocal in the overworld track, they managed to get a sample worse than the Bahs lol.

It's funny, 3D Mario music I absolutely adore, but the last 2D Mario game with music I liked was Yoshi Island. Mario Maker has some cool soundbits as well, but I don't count it among the 2D Mario games. The music direction in NSMB was absolutely horrendous, and it doesn't seems to have gotten much better in Wonder.

Tracksuit Larry

Jun 26, 2023
This might be the first Mario game since SMB2 that I feel compelled to beat using every single playable character. I loved 3D World and played it an ungodly amount, but I also never felt like trying to cash it out with every playable character.

I do think every character on the box-art is going to be playable, including that blue-hat goomba and the weird wiggler dog - but even if that's not the case - the sheer novelty in being able to go front to back with Daisy and Yoshi through a traditional 2D Mario game (especially one that looks to finally emulate the box-art and instruction manual designs of the late 80s/early 90s) is exciting as hell.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 12, 2019
Finally chiming in on this thread (probably after everyone else stopped reading it, but oh well).

Probably more excited for Daisy than anything else in the trailer. With each new Luigi's Mansion game I kept hoping they'd finally introduce her as Luigi's partner, or as the person Luigi is trying to save. I figured that'd be more likely than her ever appearing in a main Mario game.

There seem to be more than 4 playable characters, so I fully expect unlockables like Rosalina, Wario, and Waluigi.

I wonder if they're finally leaning in on the "Alice in Wonderland" idea now that Miyamoto basically doesn't have anything to do with game development anymore. Something tells me there's some kind of connection there. Same goes for Daisy, for that matter.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
This being on the horizon is the kick up the bum I need to get around to playing NSMB2.

If I have time I'd love to play NSLU, Maker, and Maker 2 as well, but that might make me tired of 2D Mario. Will likely get to them next year.

I also need to play the original Super Mario Land whenever it comes to NSO.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I hate that player collision is gone, as it added so much to the experience, having to communicate and collaborate, bouncing on each other to reach higher and time your jumps etc! It's what makes NSMB a more fun and interactive co-op experience than any other 2D platformer.

I'm still confident that Nintendo KNOWS that's the superior option, just that it requires too much from the internet connection. This way, instead of making sure everyone is pixel-perfectly in sync (the way smash bros, mario 3D world and mario maker 2 does it, which causes slowdown if the connection isn't perfect), they can just let the other players teleport-correct whenever there's been lag, fps/mario kart style, as it doesn't affect the gameplay anymore.

That is, assuming they'll even let us play this game online. 😫 This is Nintendo, so you never know.

Nah, player collision is shit in 2d platformers, and I couldn't be happier that it's gone.

It was easily the worst thing about the NSMB multiplayer games, yes, even over the bah bah music. A little bit of player interaction is fine, but when it's in like it was in NSMB, it comes completely at odds with the level design.


Mar 16, 2022
Not feeling the music tbh. I absolutely hate the vocal in the overworld track, they managed to get a sample worse than the Bahs lol.

It's funny, 3D Mario music I absolutely adore, but the last 2D Mario game with music I liked was Yoshi Island. Mario Maker has some cool soundbits as well, but I don't count it among the 2D Mario games. The music direction in NSMB was absolutely horrendous, and it doesn't seems to have gotten much better in Wonder.
Same. I think I'd actually trade in all the fancy visuals for a better soundtrack!
Are we listening to the same thing here? From what I heard, it's fantastic and a big step up compared to what we had during the New Soup days.
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Oct 25, 2017
A Youtuber called Thaddeus Silva seems to have recreated the three songs that appear on the trailer.

You can honestly feel the passion in the game within the songs. It has a completely different vibe than the New Super Mario Bros. series.

So far I would say I like Athletic the most, then Overworld and lastly Wonder Flower.



Wonder Flower




god this pretty much sucks outside of Athletic


Dec 13, 2017
Hating on the bahs is a meme basically. The NSMB series had some great tracks, it just needed more variety between games.
So far, Wonder doesn't seem that different.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'll be honest, I didn't mind the "Bahh" sounds in NSMB. As far as giving the franchise's music a sense of unique identity, it wasn't terrible.

The problem I had with it in recent NSMB games is that they just went down in terms of energy. Compare the original NSMB DS Overworld to the U version, and the latter just sounds like passive autopilot.


When the game was on the DS, those vocal samples did a pretty decent job compensating for some less punchy sample work being possible on the console, so the soundtrack had some solid energy alongside all the fun and subtle melodies they injected into it. By the time NSMBU came along those samples just felt annoying and like they were there just because they had to be; despite the limitations being removed, the "attitude" regarding the instrumentation stays the same and somehow makes even less of an impression.

Lots of later tracks have that same low-key energy to them which is made worse by some tracks being recycled from previous entries. Just made the soundtrack feel kinda phoned in. Even NSMB2 had a decent inkling of where to go, as some tracks used the vocal samples to create more of a choir effect during melodies (its remix of DS' Overworld theme is far superior to the Wii version for this reason alone), but just about everything after that has predominantly been staccato.

So far Wonder's music isn't as massively expressive as I'd hoped but the sound palette already feels lush and distinct in a way 2D Mario hasn't in a while. The legato melodies and choirs go a long way.

I still wish both 2D and 3D Mario would move towards a direction like Paper Mario Origami King did, although Bowser's Fury definitely had a fresh sound given they got James Phillipsen from NST to work on the new music.
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▲ Legend ▲
Nov 12, 2019
I wonder if Daisy is going to be the princess of the Flower Kingdom, as Peach is princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. That could explain why Daisy is in the game. And it leaves Rosalina to be princess of the Star Kingdom at some point.

And I can totally see the caterpillar being a transformed prince that we're trying to help, like the fairies from 3D World.

two thoughts:

-there's a circle with an "A" button prompt in almost all gameplay shown but it never contains anything. Makes me wonder what they're hiding. Seems like it would be for activating an item you're holding onto but the secrecy suggests there's more going on than normal (things beyond the fire flowers and ice flowers you'd expect).

-does the timing of this game suggest that the Switch 2 will be backwards compatible? 2D mario is an evergreen title that sells consistently for years, but the Switch 2 will likely be out within 12 months of Wonder's launch. It's a weird choice to launch well into Switch's 6th year unless anyone who picks up a Switch 2 could still play SMB Wonder on it.
I really think people need to give up the idea that the next Switch is coming out soon.

I've been saying for almost a year now that if the next Nintendo hardware was coming out within 12 months of TotK, Nintendo would've simply delayed TotK to co-release on that new system. I think the same is true here, too. The existence of Mario Wonder is strong evidence that the next Nintendo hardware is at least 18 months away.


Oct 27, 2017
Paris, France
A Youtuber called Thaddeus Silva seems to have recreated the three songs that appear on the trailer.

You can honestly feel the passion in the game within the songs. It has a completely different vibe than the New Super Mario Bros. series.

So far I would say I like Athletic the most, then Overworld and lastly Wonder Flower.



Wonder Flower




Overworld sounds like a Katamari Damacy track to me, I really like it. It's got that cheeky 60's elevator music vibe.

Much better than NSMB for sure.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
I've been saying for almost a year now that if the next Nintendo hardware was coming out within 12 months of TotK, Nintendo would've simply delayed TotK to co-release on that new system. I think the same is true here, too. The existence of Mario Wonder is strong evidence that the next Nintendo hardware is at least 18 months away.
It's a bit hard to say because we are in uncharted territory here. The last time a mainline Mario game released near the end of the platform lifecycle is Yoshi's Island nearly thirty years ago and it's also sort of not really a Mario game. But that released roughly 12 months before Nintendo 64. The latest probably is NSMBWii which released in the middle of the Wii lifecycle (after three years), and we can hopefully somewhat safely say that Switch 2 isn't six years out still, so that's not a good indicator.

What we do know is that Switch 2 is likely released more than a year from now or it would have come up in the investor guidance. But winter 2024 is still very possible and I would also lean more to this indicating full backwards compatibility, which, let's be honest, would be pretty weird if it wasn't the case, than meaning it's still a long way out.

There's also the possibility that it was intended as a launch title for Switch 2 and they had to move the release up to strike the Mario Bros movie iron while it's hot, possibly having a 3D Mario ready for launch window instead. Though they'd be stupid to launch the console with a 2D Mario after Wii U, but it's Nintendo we're talking about.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 12, 2019
It's a bit hard to say because we are in uncharted territory here. The last time a mainline Mario game released near the end of the platform lifecycle is Yoshi's Island nearly thirty years ago and it's also sort of not really a Mario game. But that released roughly 12 months before Nintendo 64. The latest probably is NSMBWii which released in the middle of the Wii lifecycle (after three years), and we can hopefully somewhat safely say that Switch 2 isn't six years out still, so that's not a good indicator.

What we do know is that Switch 2 is likely released more than a year from now or it would have come up in the investor guidance. But winter 2024 is still very possible and I would also lean more to this indicating full backwards compatibility, which, let's be honest, would be pretty weird if it wasn't the case, than meaning it's still a long way out.

There's also the possibility that it was intended as a launch title for Switch 2 and they had to move the release up to strike the Mario Bros movie iron while it's hot, possibly having a 3D Mario ready for launch window instead. Though they'd be stupid to launch the console with a 2D Mario after Wii U, but it's Nintendo we're talking about.
Oh, I definitely think Switch 2 will be fully backwards-compatible. Nintendo would have to be out-of-their-minds insane not to do that, unless they have a very, very, very good reason. But I also think at this point it's a solid 18+ months away.

It's kinda weird that Nintendo didn't announce all these Mario projects in the immediate aftermath of the movie, but I guess 3 months later isn't too late.


Jan 1, 2019


Oct 26, 2017

Comprar Super Mario Bros. Wonder + Peluche Super Mario (Anteriormente Donkey Kong) 30cm Switch Pack Kong

Este pack incluye:-Juego base-Peluche Super Mario (Anteriormente Donkey Kong)*Por cuestiones de logística, se entregará un peluche de Super Mario en lugar del p...

Hmm, xtralife is selling a pack in DK plush with Mario Wonder even though he did not feature in the trailer.

Its a long shot, but I would love a playable DK in a mainline 2d mario
I can see it.
Jan 3, 2018
I really think people need to give up the idea that the next Switch is coming out soon.

I've been saying for almost a year now that if the next Nintendo hardware was coming out within 12 months of TotK, Nintendo would've simply delayed TotK to co-release on that new system. I think the same is true here, too. The existence of Mario Wonder is strong evidence that the next Nintendo hardware is at least 18 months away.

18 months is roughly holiday 2024, which is about 12 months after Mario Wonder. I don't think "within 12 months" meant that poster is expecting a launch in early 2024.

I do think MW is evidence that there won't be a Switch 2 until holiday 2024, but I can't imagine they'll wait longer than that. I'm sure 3d Mario won't release before new hardware, and it will have been 7 entire years between full 3d Mario games by then.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think TotK or Wonder say anything about Switch 2's release date. Nintendo can simply launch a Switch 2 version of those games to go along with the Switch 2. Sony released The Last of Us part 2 and Ghost of Tsushima within months of PS5 launching. Having the momentum from Switch 1 during the launch of Switch 2 works in Nintendo's favor.


Oct 27, 2017
I started replaying NSMB2 today and so far it feels like its identity is "snake blocks everywhere"

maybe it eases up on the snake blocks later. I can't remember. but I like snake blocks so it's fine either way


Feb 3, 2019
Anybody notice that on the eshop page it says "Offers In-Game Purchases"? At least here on Canadian eshop on the Switch itself.

(Search is broken for me on mobile so I dunno if it was discussed pages ago)