Oct 27, 2017
Protip that I discovered this morning; if you are like me and using the HoriPad Pro Controller instead of the Joycon + grip or the Nintendo Pro Controller, and if you want to leverage the hat spin move, you can do the Mario spin move, and then throw the hat. This is a very specific situation, but figured I'd share!


Oct 25, 2017
Just found the painting in Luncheon Kingdom...



User was permanently banned at own request
Oct 25, 2017
The water sections keep messing me up. With everything else controlling like Mario 64, I want the swimming to work the same way, but it doesn't. :(

This is me.

I LOVED swimming in Mario 64.
Mario Odyssey's water levels (to be fair, I've only played the 1st one - but, based on style/mechanics) could have been so amazing...
Why couldn't they just do what they did with Mario 64? :(


Oct 27, 2017
The comparison between moons and korok seeds is really starting to grate on me for some reason haha. On some level it does make sense, the two games came out fairly close together, there are similar numbers of both collectables, and they encourage exploration, true. But moons are everything in Odyssey. They're the reason you explore, platform, and puzzle solve. Korok seeds are an optional little thing that you're just supposed to grab as you go. They're a small part of the open world experience that feeds into the gameplay loop pretty well, but you're not supposed to go for all of em--they even kind of stop paying off after a while. So of course moons are in a different league, they serve two different purposes for the most part.

I can see why they're being compared as collectibles, but I do agree with you. In BOTW, Korok seeds are neat thing to stumble into while traversing the world. There's motivation to find them as they increase inventory slots and as you said encourage exploration, but at the same time, I never feel compelled to go out of my way to hunt more Korok seeds. Still playing BOTW, but only Korok seeds I have are the ones I found organically by walking around the world. And that's ok, because there's so many other things to do in that game. On the other hand, finding moons are basically the core mechanic of SMO. Even when you get the necessary amount to get to the next world, I feel compelled to finding "secret" areas and solve platforming challenges to find more of them, because it all feeds in to providing more of the platforming and gameplay I enjoy. So I agree they serve different purposes for both games, and I think they both serve their intended purpose well.


Oct 27, 2017
I have yet to finish the story part but I am so anxious to get to the post-game section. Reading comments around had gotten my hype level up a notch or two. Anyone around thinking the post game content isn't that much special?

The post game content isn't different from what you're doing in the main game at all - the vast, vast majority of post game content is just going back to the kingdoms you've been to and getting the rest of the moons. Each kingdom gets a few more moons added that are more difficult than what were there originally.

If you have some idea that 'the game only starts at post-game' that's way, way off. Enjoy the ride through the main story - that's what the game is and it doesn't change once you beat it.

If you want to know a bit more... there are
two extra kingdoms after you beat the game, one which is a major, large level like most of the other kingdoms and one which is more of a hub leading to a bunch of tough challenges. But that's about it.

So I've decided to not move on from planet to planet than backtrack unless I'm forced to by the game and I may have to it seems. The first world has 25 moons but I can only find 19 even asking the explorer to purchase more doesn't work. Is it a must to travel back after gaining some new ability or item?? Or is it possibly to get every start on each planet in order?

You're gonna have to go back in post game anyway so for me I was glad that I didn't spend time scouring each kingdom until after I'd beat it. Others may disagree. You can't get every moon in a kingdom until after you've beaten the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Just did
the festival stage
Probably one of my favorite gaming moments this year.


Oct 25, 2017
I really wish you could shoot with the triggers when controlling a tank... Aiming with the right stick while shooting with Y is dumb.

I know I could use motion controls but I actually find that worst.


Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for the info I'll move along than I suppose! I just hate having to relearn all the locations etc again once I've gotten the feel for a zone


Oct 25, 2017
Oh my God. I finally got 100 jump ropes. Only 3 days in and I'm halfway done
I am going to do my best to 100% this game, but I've very worried that this, and the RC racing Moon, and possibly the volleyball Moon will forever keep me from attaining it.

I've been practicing the RC car and managed to get my time down to 25.56(!!!!!!) but I feel like you have to have a flawless run to shave off that last second. And the jump rope, I always get tripped up at 60-63 jumps, I don't know if i have to just figure out the timing or there's some other trick but damn.

Anything on a timer always fucks me up


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Wait how do you have the hour counter already? Did they change the 10 day thing


Oct 25, 2017
Initially, I was lukewarm to the game. I did prefer the super-focused linearity of 3D World/Galaxy games and had to get in a frame of mind that getting to the next Kingdom wasn't the goal, but rather to explore and find the power moons. I didn't REALLY start loving the game until I hit New Donk, which is a fantastic playground.

Davey Cakes

Oct 27, 2017
I only played a little bit earlier today, but I have to say something right off the bat.

The controls,movement, and move set are INCREDIBLE in this. Everything feels amazing to do. Mario runs around so fluidly and has a full arsenal of abilities. It gives you a true feeling of freedom.

Oh, and rolling. ROLLING. Just a fantastic move, and nothing is quite like rolling down a hill and straight into a long jump.

I mean, damn, they nailed this. No question. I liked the last two 3D Marios but 10 minutes of playing around in Odyssey makes 3D World seem archaic.


Oct 25, 2017
What a game this is! So, so great! Probably spent a good 10hrs yesterday completely engulfed in it. Taking my time scouring every nook and cranny, finding clever placed moons along the way. Also, just got back from Target and picked up all 3 wedding Amiibos since they're B2G1! Literally got the last 3 available as far as I seen.


User was permanently banned at own request
Oct 25, 2017
The OP should really edit in a note that, when you spoiler something, you're supposed to include some indication of how far along what you're spoilering is.
"{Spoiler} is the coolest thing ever" and the like doesn't do any good to anyone who hasn't already done every single thing in the game already.


Oct 25, 2017
This is me.

I LOVED swimming in Mario 64.
Mario Odyssey's water levels (to be fair, I've only played the 1st one - but, based on style/mechanics) could have been so amazing...
Why couldn't they just do what they did with Mario 64? :(
In the end, the controls get the job done. I don't think any of the water areas are big enough to justify 64 style controls. What they have here is good once you get used to it.
Oct 26, 2017
This is me.

I LOVED swimming in Mario 64.
Mario Odyssey's water levels (to be fair, I've only played the 1st one - but, based on style/mechanics) could have been so amazing...
Why couldn't they just do what they did with Mario 64? :(

The Odyssey swimming sections basically control like the 2D games, which is probably a much better decision then going for 3D Swimming controls. And they probably did this because you get actual 2D swimming sections as well.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
there's an area called Deepest Underground in the sand level that unlock post-game... how the hell are you supposed to get through it. I feel like there's supposed to be a bullet bill to take, but there's not
Oct 25, 2017
Having so much fun with this game. Nothing beats sitting here on the couch all day playing SMO while football is on the big screen - pure heaven.


Oct 27, 2017
The post game content isn't different from what you're doing in the main game at all - the vast, vast majority of post game content is just going back to the kingdoms you've been to and getting the rest of the moons. Each kingdom gets a few more moons added that are more difficult than what were there originally.

If you have some idea that 'the game only starts at post-game' that's way, way off. Enjoy the ride through the main story - that's what the game is and it doesn't change once you beat it.

If you want to know a bit more... there are
two extra kingdoms after you beat the game, one which is a major, large level like most of the other kingdoms and one which is more of a hub leading to a bunch of tough challenges. But that's about it.
Thanks for the point of view. I won't click on that spoiler tag though, just to be sure I come to it with a clean slate.


Oct 25, 2017
I want DLC for this. Part of me thinks they'd never put DLC into a mainline Mario game but then I remembered that the biggest Zelda release ever got a Season Pass so my fingers are crossed. They wouldn't even need to change the map on the planet they could just have Rosalina come visit and have her space station be the location all the DLC worlds happen from.

Or they could just give each Kingdom a second Land, since it still feels odd to me that they make the distinction of having a sub-location name and not just calling New Donk City either Metro Kingdom or New Donk City. Why both? DLC PLS


Oct 27, 2017
The comparison between moons and korok seeds is really starting to grate on me for some reason haha. On some level it does make sense, the two games came out fairly close together, there are similar numbers of both collectables, and they encourage exploration, true. But moons are everything in Odyssey. They're the reason you explore, platform, and puzzle solve. Korok seeds are an optional little thing that you're just supposed to grab as you go. They're a small part of the open world experience that feeds into the gameplay loop pretty well, but you're not supposed to go for all of em--they even kind of stop paying off after a while. So of course moons are in a different league, they serve two different purposes for the most part.

I agree. If a comparison to BOTW must be made the the shrines are better comparison than the Korok seeds. They could be looked on as the way to open up the tougher areas of the game - the equivalent here being newer more challenging kingdoms. Whilst the shrines don't technically do that, by granting life/stamina they make those areas in BOTW a heck of a lot more accessible to us mortals who die in a matter of minutes due to the far more powerful enemies found in certain regions.

Having never played any of the mainline 3D Mario's (played 3D Land on 3DS which is what led me to pick this up at launch) I've come to Odyssey without the same nostalgia or expectations (or even controller muscle memory) that many will have. After completion, taking in around 300 moons on the way, using exclusively the Pro Controller. Not once did I feel constrained by lack of split controller motion support (tank controls on the bullet bills however). The motion control in the Pro Controller was just fine and I didn't feel I was fighting it. In fact I only found out about throwing upwards by accident after the credits! Secondly, I stopped many times to admire the view and take screenshots and in those moments, and during the action of the game itself, I didn't once think - 'gee I wish this had more anti-aliasing/resolution/higher textures' and nor did it impact my enjoyment of the game. I think as with Zelda, Nintendo have really demonstrated that in the right hands it's how the tools are used rather than always needing a bigger or better tool.

Whether passionate Mario fans will regard it as a classic in time to come remains to be seen. But as someone to which an open-world(ish) platformer is well outside their usual genre comfort zone it's a game I absolutely loved playing.

Tophat Jones

Alt Account
Oct 26, 2017
Oh my god. Credits just rolled. Best game I have ever played. Ending was magical.

A joy to play, hyped about the post game.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Haven't beat the game yet and so I won't read the posts on this thread.

Just wanted to drop by and say that the OST is fucking glorious.


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I've only just cleared the third world (frozen desert thing) so I'm still very early, but do people recommend staying and exploring worlds or just following the story and saving that exploration for the post game?

I've got about 22 moons there and I'm conflicted about how long I should stay in each area


Oct 27, 2017
I only played a little,since when did they get rid of the mushrooms power ups?

The whole point of this game is that all power-ups have been replaced with 'capture' abilities.

That said, there were no super mushrooms in 64 or Sunshine either, and this game follows that same game design paradigm. Sunshine had no powerups, and 64 only had the wing cap, metal cap and invisible cap.

I've only just cleared the third world (frozen desert thing) so I'm still very early, but do people recommend staying and exploring worlds or just following the story and saving that exploration for the post game?

I've got about 22 moons there and I'm conflicted about how long I should stay in each area

I recommend moving on when you want.

I typically beat a kingdom then did a full exploration of all areas of that kingdom and got every obvious moon, but once I did that I moved on. Typically that gave me less than half the moons in a kingdom, but I'm glad I waited for the real search until postgame as otherwise I'd have had to do it all over again.


Oct 27, 2017
I beat the game, that is saw the ending credits, but there is still a lot to do. The ending is way better than I had anticipated for a Mario game. Now I have to find the other 900+ moons.

...now to the spoiler thread.


Oct 27, 2017
San Antonio
The whole point of this game is that all power-ups have been replaced with 'capture' abilities.

That said, there were no super mushrooms in 64 or Sunshine either, and this game follows that same game design paradigm. Sunshine had no powerups, and 64 only had the wing cap, metal cap and invisible cap.

I recommend moving on when you want.

I typically beat a kingdom then did a full exploration of all areas of that kingdom and got every obvious moon, but once I did that I moved on. Typically that gave me less than half the moons in a kingdom, but I'm glad I waited for the real search until postgame as otherwise I'd have had to do it all over again.
Now i know thanks guys for answering my question.


Oct 25, 2017
Just beat the game and I honestly don't know how to feel about it really. Most worlds were fun and I can only remember two that I didn't enjoy, but there's just something that wasn't clicking on all levels for me...like, most of the time I felt like I wasn't playing a platforming game or something? More like a puzzle game with a hat mechanic (that is great, don't get me wrong). I just genuinely can't explain it.

It was really fun and a few moments I was smiling super wide, but on other moments I felt like I was on autopilot or something. I just don't know.

I'd probably give it a 4/5 - cause I did seriously love my time with it.

(maybe I just need to think about it, if anything changes tomorrow I'll post again)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
there's an area called Deepest Underground in the sand level that unlock post-game... how the hell are you supposed to get through it. I feel like there's supposed to be a bullet bill to take, but there's not

You've already been there, when you went through first time. Dropping into the new hole is just where the boss was, which lets you see the ring now. But going any further is like going "back". You can still get there via the original hole you used when you went to fight that boss, if you really want.
Oct 25, 2017
Just beat the game today

the ending sequence is amazing, especially the music. It really had some Halo vibes for me.
Also the Ruined City is my second favorite level (after New Donk City, of course). The dark atmosphere and visuals were really refreshing, also I thought I was playing Dark Souls with Mario as character.


Oct 27, 2017
I played the intro to New Donk and didn't really like it. At all. That one thing you capture and use a lot there is my least favourite thing to control so far. However, after getting past that initial sequence things got really good again. I <3 New Donk City

Rabbit Clock

Oct 25, 2017
I completely forgot that I still have to do this. I looked at the rankings and saw someone with 400+ jumps.
There's someone at the top of the leaderboard with like 11,000.

I am going to do my best to 100% this game, but I've very worried that this, and the RC racing Moon, and possibly the volleyball Moon will forever keep me from attaining it.

I've been practicing the RC car and managed to get my time down to 25.56(!!!!!!) but I feel like you have to have a flawless run to shave off that last second. And the jump rope, I always get tripped up at 60-63 jumps, I don't know if i have to just figure out the timing or there's some other trick but damn.

Anything on a timer always fucks me up

Is there two moons related to the RC car? My lowest time is like 24.44 or something and still only have one moon for it.
Oct 26, 2017
Just beat the game and I honestly don't know how to feel about it really. Most worlds were fun and I can only remember two that I didn't enjoy, but there's just something that wasn't clicking on all levels for me...like, most of the time I felt like I wasn't playing a platforming game or something? More like a puzzle game with a hat mechanic (that is great, don't get me wrong). I just genuinely can't explain it.

This is pretty much exactly what Mario 64 is, which I realized when I replayed that game a couple of years ago. Because the entire style of game was so new back then I never noticed it as much when I played it as a kid.

In comparison Odyssey has way more straight up plattforming sections with all those bonus stages littered across the worlds.


Oct 25, 2017
After beat the Main story, I've cemented my opinion of this game. Overall its my favorite Mario game, which make the fact that it reminds me of Sonic and Banjo funny. The Sonic thing was why I didn't like Galaxy 2, but this one does all of the things I like from Sonic.

Overall the question of which game is GOTY that goes to BOTW to me. This is my favorite Mario game, BOTW was my favorite Zelda game and my favorite Action-Adventure.

Still I hope they continue on the path that there going. I loved the story for the most part. The movement better say as good as it is now. I don't want a Galaxy loss again.