What do you think of IntelliHeath's Halloween avatar?

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  • Creepy! Remove it ASAP!

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  • Don't Care...

    Votes: 228 52.9%

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L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Who is that obscure Nintendo character #115?


A guy with an extremely embarrassing hat.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Even if the leak is fake (which, yeah, I'm pretty sure of at this point) I'm still thinking box theory is bunk. Most insiders seem to be leaning on 2-3 more newcomers. If I were a betting man, I'd say we're getting Ken, Incineroar, Shadow, Sora... and MAYBE Geno, if we're lucky. Or another character that's sort of out-of-left-field and hasn't been teased or hinted at, like Elma or a retro character or whatever.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Not gonna lie, Liam doubting this leak made me believe it further with how contrarian he is. Emily & Serebii are the main insiders I trust with this (No offense to GX, I just only knew of you guys calling-but-keeping-mum on the Mario x Rabbids game).

Which sucks. I like Ken & Incineroar but neither are hype characters to end on. Banjo-Kazooie, Geno, Isaac, & Mach Rider each met that criteria, but I guess we're just ending on an underwhelming note & a DLC tease.

Still weird that Shadow, Chorus Kids, & Skull Kid aren't in, though.
Again, Smash rarely ends on a high note for its reveals. The only time it has was with Bayonetta.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Again, Smash rarely ends on a high note for its reveals. The only time it has was with Bayonetta.

Didn't Smash For have a pretty consistent lead up all the way to the end, though? That'd be different than radio silence for months before ending things with an Echo and a character everyone already knows is in.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
What exactly did Emily say? I haven't seen the source of that yet.

And this was just my impression from reading the last few pages. Stuff like people realizing the Grinch artwork may not have been previously never seen.
There's a quote from earlier today from her Twitter when she said "I'm not buying what the Grinch leak is selling" or something along those lines.


Oct 25, 2017
The biggest barrier to Banjo is that he's owned by a major console competitor. It's one thing for Phill Spencer to say he is ok with Banjo on Twitter. It's another to sit down, write a contract, work out the details on how the character is portrayed, or who gets what money. Cross play is mutually beneficial since it gets people playing on their systems instead of Sony's. But the exact benefits of having Banjo in Smash Bros is not as clear.
I don't think it's a barrier at all. If both companies want to make it happen, then it will happen. That's really all there is to it. Microsoft would, I'm sure, enter into a similar agreement as any of the other third parties. And the reason third parties trust Sakurai in general with their characters is that he has a very high level of respect within the industry, and they trust him to treat their IP right. Which thus far, he always has.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Even if the leak is fake (which, yeah, I'm pretty sure of at this point) I'm still thinking box theory is bunk. Most insiders seem to be leaning on 2-3 more newcomers. If I were a betting man, I'd say we're getting Ken, Incineroar, Shadow, Sora... and MAYBE Geno, if we're lucky. Or another character that's sort of out-of-left-field and hasn't been teased or hinted at, like Elma or a retro character or whatever.
Small thing that might be inconsequential but say Jonneh does have sources he's not comfortable talking about and he had info on Isabelle and maybe the rest of the roster.

They did talk about Box Theory and felt that it wasn't right. So if Jonneh might've had info on the roster and he and GameXplain don't believe Box Theory that could be a ray of hope.


Oct 25, 2017
Man I'd rather have Chrono than Geno, this only happened because we didn't know we could straight up get several 3rd party characters back when we started suggesting Geno


Oct 25, 2017
As much as I'd love for Banjo to be in Smash, his inclusion only really helps a rival company. For people being exposed to Banjo for the first time, they'll ask, "Where can I play his games?" Oh, not on any Nintendo hardware. Banjo's inclusion only really satiates hyper nerds like myself who played the N64 games.

We are talking about the same series that features Cloud, a character who had only ever appeared in minor cameos on Nintendo systems up until the very recent announcement of a FF7 port, right?

Also 4 out of Banjo's 5 games were on Nintendo hardware, it's not like they disappeared just because there are Xbox ports.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean. . .Saying they ended with bayonetta is a preeeeeeeeeeeyyy big stretch.

Probably not a great idea to be comparing a DLC cahracter to base roster. (Base roster didnt end on a super huge inclusion either, but still)


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure what to think really. Back during the ESRB business, I didn't want it to be true since it was fairly disappointing, but in my gut I could tell that it was likely real. Even when the videos came out, I thought that maybe they were Brawl mods. With this Grinch stuff, I want it to be real, and as a result maybe I'm believing in it more, because I'm sort of leaning real. I'm convinced that the actual Grinch images are real, and that as such, in the scenario that this is fake, the person must have used work equipment for his own photoshopped image. Not really sure to make of the impersonation stuff and if that is legit, a lie, or just something that unintentionally popped in there. Given how the bands are encased in plastic, and there are multiple of them, along with everything else though I can't help but feel the more likely explanation is that it's legit. And I guess I weight that more in my mind than my trust of industry insider's trust for their sources.

Even though I'm weighing in my head more to the side that its real, I can see it being fake too. Hopefully we get an update to the banner soon to solidify things. Even just Ken getting added would probably settle things.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm still neutral on the leak rumor. There hasn't been enough evidence to sway me either way. Yes the image looks very convincing and there are a lot of details that most wouldn't put in. But I can still believe that someone would put in that much effort. On the flip side, yes a lot of credible insider have come out against it. But being right in the past doesn't mean you are correct now. Even among those insiders, there doesn't seem to be a consensus as to what the final roster may be. Someone's word isn't proof and none of the insider have shown anything of substance to discredit or support the image. I understand why they can't but for me personally, I need something more substantial.

So I guess I'll have to wait until Nintendo shows something to find out and I think we are all in that same boat.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I mean. . .Saying they ended with bayonetta is a preeeeeeeeeeeyyy big stretch.

Probably not a great idea to be comparing a DLC cahracter to base roster. (Base roster didnt end on a super huge inclusion either, but still)
Still the last time they ended on a character was supposed to be a surprise and a big deal.

Having the game's 10th obligatory Pokémon really doesn't seem like the type of thing they'll end on. Especially not on presentations that seem more geared to fans


Oct 28, 2017
I mean. . .Saying they ended with bayonetta is a preeeeeeeeeeeyyy big stretch.

Probably not a great idea to be comparing a DLC cahracter to base roster. (Base roster didnt end on a super huge inclusion either, but still)
By number who was the last character in the base roster for smash4 ?
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