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Professor Beef

Official ResetEra™ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World





User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
Glad I stopped discussing whether the leak might be true or not, today some really fake Banjo "leak" got out and was shared on Twitter, I explained that this fake could be done by anyone with 2 minutes time through the inspect element function. Basically the first reply was "And who are you?" Like... nevermind, post blew up moments after and got swarmed with people immediatly believing Banjo is in.

Enough internet for me today, I'm not going to let this kind of tensity ruin the awesomeness that will be tomorrow's Direct, with or without highly requested character. 40 minutes of new content, blow me away I'm ready.

I saw that "leak" too, it's hilarious and it wasn't even a good job - rather than write a full sentence for Banjo, they just replaced "Inkling". If that's all it takes then the Grinch Leak guy put way too much effort in.

But yeah tomorrow is gonna be hype regardless of what happens

Carcosan Stag

Oct 25, 2017
Fun little thought experiment: What do you guys think would be cool stage ideas for potential newcomers? I was just thinking what would be appropriate for, say, Geno, however much of a long shot he may be, and the idea of a stage in the clouds with the stars from Mario RPG flying around and stuff would be really cool. Maybe have Smithy and the giant sword plunge into Bowser's castle in the background.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
By the way BGBW all those Idolm@ster videos you've posted in this thread has caused Youtube to start recommending me more of them.

So if I have to see these things appear in my recommended feed, then... well, sharing is caring!

And yet I still have no idea whatsoever how these games play. They do play in some way, right? Is it an idol management sim or something?

I will say, I wouldn't be opposed to Haruka in Smash. I mean there are worse ideas, and an idol based fighting style could be funny.

Kid Heart

Oct 25, 2017
If we assume Smash is used partially as a vehicle to promote obscure franchises, the last rep is a third party no one suspects, and the franchise has to still be going to this day, then there is clearly only one logical choice for the remaining fighter.



The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
People threatening and harassing others over this dumb video game stuff is revolting, but we'd be all better off without insiders leaking stuff honestly.

It's shaping the conversation too much, making devs, such as Sakurai, mad and killing or building hype artificially.

We've been decades without leaks in the industry, it's not like we need them, respect the natural flow of information. Right now every major game has at least two, three insiders leaking stuff, and most are fakers, it's getting ridiculous.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
A lot of the "the insiders were being rude" stuff is nonsense, regardless of which particular person is being accused of it. I didn't see a single insider start out rude. They were accused of being smug and condescending merely for going against the groupthink and saying the leak was fake, and then when they defended thenselves people came down on them for being too mean. It's ridiculous.

100% agree. Its not like the fanbase didnt already have echoes of hostility in regards to discussing why certain characters do or dont deserve to be in the game.

I lurked alot of the threads to see what news may or may not have gone down and while there some folks trying to be level headed even if they had already picked a "side", the amount of people demanding that insiders give all their info or GTFO is ridiculous.

All this is even more ridiculous with the perspective that all the people complaining about insiders knowing stuff were going to get answers in less than a month.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Real or fake, I'm probably never going to hint anything here again, and I'm pretty disappointed in the Smash community at minimum and the gaming community as a whole with the way this went down. I'm probably not going to involve myself in further discussions because of how much this soured me, which is a shame because I used to really enjoy it.

But we'll see how Era looks in 24 hours.
Any way a little late on this but yeah it really sucks how this went down.

I genuinely don't think anyone could've seen this coming the way it did. But I guess this will be a sort of cautionary tale for leaks, rumors, and discussions for some time to come. It's going to change the way leaks, rumors, and speculation will go down and I wouldn't be surprised if more insiders like you follow suit in not discussing the game again.

With that said sorry about the harassment you got and while I haven't gone as far as sending hateful DMs I was one of the people who demanded information even though looking back you had good reason to not do so and I sincerely apologize for that not just to you but to all insiders from actions that people like me have done during that time. If nothing else what happened with Mystic is probably the best reason to why Insiders have to keep quiet even against all odds and what people say. It really is a tough situation to be in and I don't imagine you guys want to leave us in the dark if you can. Either way hopefully eventually you can find yourself comfortable in the community and can come back and discuss Smash with us because this awful situation aside it can still be fun to put our two cents worth on this series.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 22, 2018
Shame to hear that insiders have been subject to harassment.

Something I have been wondering though if an insider feels like answering it, without spoiling the content of course:

Is the nature of your info/sources something that is 100% unfailable or unfakeable OR is there a scenario where there is a slim chance you collectively have all been bamboozled or mislead, intentionally or otherwise, with false information?

Basically, without sharing WHAT you know, are you lucky few 100% in the know about the things you know?


May 10, 2018
MysticDistance tried being transparent as a means to put a salve on the hostility and only made things worse for himself, both from voracious Smash fans being crazy and from the fact that his divulging of information burned bridges and potentially hurt his career. Insiders can only share so much. If they know that the banner is fake, but they can't specifically say why it is without putting someone in harm's way, then they're not going to go into detail on why it's fake or how they know. You can either accept their word for what it is or choose not to believe, but harassing them and moaning about being led by a carrot on a stick is not a healthy way to handle it.

And in any case, the Grinch banner is more of a carrot on a stick than anything. And it lured a lot of people into inevitable disappointment.
The Grinch Banner had a LOT of circumstantial evidence that nobody was able to outright disprove without going the "my source says it's wrong. No, you can't know more" route.

I deleted a post that said this before but here goes...

This whole entire cycle revealed to me just how stupid it is to leak things or hint at things due to inside information AND overly rely upon and care too much about what insiders say. Leakers are not investigative journalists, they're not "reporting" on anything or holding truth to power. They are being told to-be-revealed information with an NDA attached to it that they decide to leak to the public. I don't know what reason there is to do it other than being the person who said it first or being the person who corroborated it. It is NOT an excuse for hostility but what the fuck do you think is going to happen to you either professionally or within the community when a fanbase as eager for information as this one gets the carrot dangled in front of it for however long? They become tired of it. And it ruins actual discussion and speculation. I'm posting videos of the game itself so that people can talk about that part of it; you know, the part we actually KNOW. The rest? I'm obviously fine with speculating (I've done it plenty) but the game is out in a month; whatever happens, happens. We're still doing it now and we're getting a 40-minute info dump in almost 12 hours! Who cares!

So respectfully I hope people stop leaking things. And I hope those clearly worth having things leaked to take a step back and breathe and stop being children. Myself included.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, Incineroar, if it does happen, is just a weak choice overall. He isn't nearly as popular as previous Pokemon additions to the game and doesn't seem like a character type that might add something unique either. Yes, Greninja was chosen before his popularity was known, and his Smash presence might have played into his popularity, but the generation is ending now, so if Sakurai did pick Incineroar it seems like it was a misfire in this case.

It would be easier if you just admits that you don't like the Pokémon rather than trying to find the excuse or evidence to back up your bias.

Deleted member 2793

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Leakers are not investigative journalists, they're not "reporting" on anything or holding truth to power. They are being told to-be-revealed information with an NDA attached to it that they decide to leak to the public. I don't know what reason there is to do it other than being the person who said it first or being the person who corroborated it.
Actually they weren't doing this. They were saying people were falling for a fake image, which is actually a good thing.

If anything, the one at fault is the fake leaker.


Mar 22, 2018
Imran isn't being a dad, he's making the statement that the behavior of the Smash community was some hot garbage.

Gave me flashes of GamerGate tbh.
I have never said a think about him though, and I've been on Team Fake defending the insiders the entire time. I guess it was just the blanket statement that rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not going to say anymore about this because I don't want to get banned, so let's please move along.


Oct 27, 2017
Why would Dante be in this game, it's not exactly a something Nintendo fans would be into is it? Hoping this is fake.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Really hope Mystic pulls through, easily the person who received the most damage out if this fiasco. Wish I wasn't so low on income to donate to the guy.

Direct is tomorrow, cant we just pause a bit from all the insider talk?

Deleted member 2793

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Ah, so you manage your idols and set up shows? Please tell me there are hilarious takes where the idols just absolutely fumble everything, sing off-key, and them tripping over their own feet.
I only watched some videos years ago and played the DS game... so I'm not 100% sure if these examples exactly happen, but the games are pretty goofy and there are funny scenarios yeah. :p


Mar 22, 2018
I do think it's a smart move considering how toxicity the community had become toward to any people with insider information. You and the insiders who have been victims of toxic gaming fanbase have my full condolences for everything happened. It just sucks and I was frustrated with how people treated each other during Grinch War.

I don't want to sound weird but you have been a huge part of smash community with all of us because I specifically remember you from brawl hype era even I didn't get involved with the discussion; and smash 4 hype era as well. But don't be a stranger if you feel like you want to drop by and share your thoughts.

Also I predict that smash ultimate dlc discussion is more likely to be tame comparing to Smash Ultimate base discussion, imo.
I'm confused. I mean isn't leaving the community is he? I thought he was just going to not leak stuff anymore. Why is everyone acting like he's leaving permanently?


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Oh, Wham Bam Rock. Yeah, I guess that was problematic.


I remember wondering back when KSSU released why they changed his design, although the way they teeter back with the Jewel form is...interesting.


Sakurai left hal by then so i dont put that one on him

I assume he was like toriyama and just didn't understand why it was wrong (dragon ball stopped using blackface designs with the unfortunate exception of Mr popo for some reason though he barely shows up)

Deleted member 30935

User requested account closure
Nov 4, 2017
Innocnent Conversation Shift
Assuming the starting roster is just the original eight, who are you going to use first?

My main is Mario, so easy for me.
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