
Oct 29, 2017
He is a lawyer, he is smart, he is a white male, and when he speaks he doesn't really sound like a four year old with a diaper full of kremlin shit, nor run a broad daylight white supremacy agenda so I guess, yeah, he is pretty electable.

X1 Two

Oct 26, 2017
No, what you're saying is factually incorrect. The only possible connection you could make is that he maybe likes the attention.

I don't want him running. But to say he's the liberal Trump is nonsense. Trump is a racist and a sexual predator who doesn't understand how governor or the law works.

So, sure, I guess Avenatti is the liberal version of that if "being completely different in almost every way" fits that description.

That's the most laughable maybe I have ever seen. He only exists for the attention. I heard the Oxford dictionary will even add his name as a synonym for attention whore.


Nov 8, 2017
People saying he's just doing this for selfish reasons, do you think past presidents and politicians were running for office selflessly?


Nov 8, 2017
Seems like a guy that is making loads of money by being the other guy. Trump and him are just two different sides of the same coin. They are both human trash.

Ugh people still both sides-ing as abortion and gay marriage will be struck down in the supreme Court next year and Trump talks about president for life.


Oct 25, 2017
This makes literally zero sense.
He's another insincere used car salesman candidate that has no prior experience in holding office, with a cocky charismatic personality. He isn't an exact opposite of Trump's(I guess that would probably be Musk). But he does fall under the new social media candidate category that we now have post-Trump.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Some people have been waiting for his scum fuck moment, while others constantly whine he's a loud mouth opportunist. I think people like him on the left need to stand out more as the current mouths are either too eager to take the high road or are too professional and follow too much decorum. When you have folks on the right just out and out lying to the public and being as toxic as fuck to egg on the team mentality of politics it's refreshing to have someone out there sticking it back who isn't instantly trashed with half assed memes.

I still wanna know whats on that dvd though.


Oct 25, 2017
Unless the liberal version of Trump is a constant liar, foreign agent or wants to rule for life with broader powers then I'm fine with it. Nothing indicates this guy is any of those things so far.
or we could have higher standards, just saying.

you folks realize if avenatti is elected president he'll have to do more than attack donald trump, who would no longer have any power, right?

but i'm sure the debates would get tremendous ratings, the best.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not so knowledgeable on what Avenatti has done in the past or his beliefs beyond Trump, but when I see people shooting him down on this board, I wonder why they don't provide evidence to back up their comments as to why he's such a terrible human being.

They just say "he's capitalizing on being in the spotlight," and "he just wants attention." But that is partly what politics is; it is people riding a wave into the spotlight to gain public sway.

None of these arguments against him have any weight, in my opinion, unless people start putting evidence to their claims as to why he should be disregarded.

This isn't an endorsement of Avenatti, but I see people doing this, and I just wonder why, when the current political climate of the United States gives way for this type of rise in political figures.

I can see the argument being that he doesn't have knowledge in politics, but his profession and experience would place him as certainly more experienced than Trump in this category.

I suppose we will find out more about him if he is more serious about running, as he starts to give more statements on what he wants to change, and as he engages in debates. He will prove himself worthy or not as time passes. But for now, he's one person willing to stand up to Trump.
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Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
That's the most laughable maybe I have ever seen. He only exists for the attention.

I did not say he wasn't in it for attention. But due to the type of person Trump is, it just doesn't make sense to play the "liberal version" card.

Trump is a racist monster who is throwing babies in camps. Comparing anyone to him as a "liberal version of" just isn't fair.

X1 Two

Oct 26, 2017
I did not say he wasn't in it for attention. But due to the type of person Trump is, it just doesn't make sense to play the "liberal version" card.

Trump is a racist monster who is throwing babies in camps. Comparing anyone to him as a "liberal version of" just isn't fair.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I keep thinking these Superman thread titles are going to be about Bendis' run in the comics. lol

Skinny Pete

Nov 2, 2017
Say what you want about him he has been pretty damn accurate and he is clearly under Dotards skin so for that I commend him and will continue rooting him on.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
'I love this guy and actually think he could be a great liberal politician'
lol ya what could possibly be wrong with a dude who is constantly obsessed with being on tv above all else.

i should be shocked that people here actually think this guy could be a viable candidate for office instead of seeing that he's a phony opportunist piece of shit, but alas

Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
Put it this way. If he's a scumbag it will come out eventually.
At the moment we loose nothing by letting him tear into Trump.
He's smart and rich. So he's already got one up on Trump.

And hey, you never know, he might be genuine.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
I mean, I'm glad the dude's out there digging up shit on Trump, but the adulation he gets seems weird. He's certainly not someone I'd want to elevate to any actual leadership. He's our sort of dirty mercenary, willing to get into shit with Trump, but he's also a wildcard you don't want to bet too hard on. Also the presidential run stuff is just comical. Dude is wildly unqualified. We're not going to undo four years of Trump's damage with anything less than a pro.


Oct 31, 2017
Ottawa, Ontario, CA
I mean, I'm glad the dude's out there digging up shit on Trump, but the adulation he gets seems weird. He's certainly not someone I'd want to elevate to any actual leadership. He's our sort of dirty mercenary, willing to get into shit with Trump, but he's also a wildcard you don't want to bet too hard on. Also the presidential run stuff is just comical. Dude is wildly unqualified. We're not going to undo four years of Trump's damage with anything less than a pro.

Tbh, anyone who opposes most of Trump's policies would make a better president then Trump. That's not saying much though.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
He is a good guy and doing good things, but he should not run for president. Maybe he should run for a state office.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure he loves the attention and will make him money but at the same time, at least he's out there calling bullshit and asking questions on stuff our politicians should be.. and if him being a media whore helps keeps him in the newscycles – then godspeed to him…


Feb 25, 2018
There is no such thing as completely altruistic acts.

Even Mother Theresa wanted to be loved by god and get herself in heaven. A mother's/father's undying love for their child, and resultant actions, are driven by centuries of innate survival instincts of making sure your DNA lives on.

You can break down every action ultimately to some sort of selfish endeavor


It's a negative and simplistic way to look at things. I know parents who adopted a kid and would give their life for him. Not their DNA. There are also people who risk / give their lives to save friends and even strangers. I guess it's because they want to make sure the human DNA lives on? How in hell would you still define this as selfish?

Those generalizations lead nowhere. Next we will have someone explaining how evil acts are just a matter of opinion... Leads nowhere.

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
All of the people in this thread pulling the "he's just as bad" like they did with Hilary deserve a slap to the back of the god damn head. Like, really..?


Oct 27, 2017
I don't particularly stan the guy but are you guys actually serious with the "as bad as Trump" shit? Like holy fuck, is the only reason you hate Trump because of his showmanship?


Oct 25, 2017
If this is where we'e at, cheerleading for nobody attention whoring lawyers, then I'm out in 2020. Not going to participate in this farce.


Oct 25, 2017
All of the people in this thread pulling the "he's just as bad" like they did with Hilary deserve a slap to the back of the god damn head. Like, really..?
I don't know who's saying he's just as bad as Trump. I don't think he's bad as Trump, a racist authoritarian nightmare person. I'm also not itching to vote for a guy who has never held office based off his twitter owns and cable news hits. (This doesn't mean I wouldn't choose him in a heartbeat versus Trump if it came to that, but we have these things called primaries that come first.)
Just don't create another personality cult. We don't need or want those.
too late. post something critical of avenatti and you get folks accusing you of being a trump supporter.

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know who's saying he's just as bad as Trump. I don't think he's bad as Trump, a racist authoritarian nightmare person. I'm also not itching to vote for a guy who has never held office based off his twitter owns and cable news hits. (This doesn't mean I wouldn't choose him in a heartbeat versus Trump if it came to that, but we have these things called primaries that come first.)

too late. post something critical of avenatti and you get folks accusing you of being a trump supporter.
he's a self-serving publicity hound. I don't want to elect a liberal version of Donald Trump.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
He reminds me of Anthony Weiner

Rising "star", extremely brash; which for liberals is hyper refreshing.

(I use the word start extremely loosely)


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I really don't want him to run, especially if he's still going to be in legal action against the president. I'd much rather the guy work on the campaign of whoever the Dems give the nod to, he's a great speaker.


Oct 25, 2017
I really don't want him to run, especially if he's still going to be in legal action against the president. I'd much rather the guy work on the campaign of whoever the Dems give the nod to, he's a great speaker.

Yeah, I think he'd be best working for the Dem campaign, on whoever is running against Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah let's not use our votes to kick a racist asshole out of the White House. That would be silly, right.

If we're going to treat the process like a joke by picking this guy or some other celebrity like the rock or oprah then yeah I'm not getting involved with that. Just because one side lost their minds doesn't mean everyone needs to.


Oct 26, 2017
If we're going to treat the process like a joke by picking this guy or some other celebrity like the rock or oprah then yeah I'm not getting involved with that. Just because one side lost their minds doesn't mean everyone needs to.

It's not that I disagree with you about celebrity candidates making the process and position look like a joke, they do, but at the end of the day, voting Trump out should be your priority if you've been paying any attention to your country's state of affairs for the past 18 months.

"I don't like the other candidate" is not a good enough excuse for not voting against Trump because that's how Trump got elected in the first place. Look at how much damage it's causing.


Oct 25, 2017
For the record, I love this guy and actually think he could be a great liberal politician, but in the reality TV world we now live in he almost seems like a character the producers brought in for season 2.

Ha! I never realized it before but this is surprisingly on point.

I like the dude so far, but I don't know enough about him. Wouldn't be surprised if he had some skeletons in the closet. That said, right now he seems like the perfect person to run against Trump. Not like I think he'd be the best for the job, but he seems like he'd be a good counter pick. It's sad that I even have to think like that.


Oct 27, 2017
For the love of god can we please get someone with political experience back in the White House


Apr 17, 2018
His 15 minutes are almost up and I side-eye anyone who says "he's fucking great!". Like others have pointed out, he's a show pony and it's not a good look. We need serious people to run for office in this environment, not this clown.

The right's hatred for this guy has increased my appreciation of him. I'd be happy to watch him eat your man alive in 2020. No more state sponsored blatant racism after that :(

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
He's Psy Ops.

Part of an elite program developed by the Pentagon and DoD called FOXHOUND.

Deleted member 3534

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm leery to participate in any hero worship in 2018. I like what he's doing but I'm going to stop there just in case it ever comes out that he's a rapist or something.

Deleted member 19003

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I like him, he's charismatic, and comes across as very competent and unrelenting. Dems could use an infusion of some of this in their political offerings. He should run for something. I would only be wary that perhaps he has a few too many skeletons in his closet, hmm. Hopefully not the case. I know he had some legal issues with business bankruptcy and clashes with former business partners.

I really don't want him to run, especially if he's still going to be in legal action against the president. I'd much rather the guy work on the campaign of whoever the Dems give the nod to, he's a great speaker.

This is a good point, he would need to finish his legal obligations before running for anything first.

If this is where we'e at, cheerleading for nobody attention whoring lawyers, then I'm out in 2020. Not going to participate in this farce.

You're ridiculous.